I hope so, those marionette-like demons show some promising results...I hope they don't get lazy on designs though. I really wanna fight something that takes a bit and looks scary too. Not like those silly scarecrows in DMC 4. 

Serpant;278860 said:Hello to every one on the thread , I have been reading your thoughts on the teaser and what to expect and I have some assumptions on the meter , so here goes.
I think that NT is a good choice for Capcom if they decided to go and make a game with some western fill to it.
NT have unique ability to make every game fill differently by the great architecture and atmosphere , just look at HS and Enslaved .
NT is the only company that choose to take the post apocalyptic world and made it beautiful instead of plain and dark .
The UT3 engine is a great choice as well just look at GOW2 or Arkham Asylum , they are a few of the best graphics the current console gen can present.
Now lets attend to DmC , Dante is an Iconic character for Capcom for me he's on the same level as Ryu or Mega man , but lately I have the filling that they made him too strong and he's just unbeatable , to sympathies with a character you need to know that he's vulnerable IMO . take superman for instant he's the strongest man alive and still crumbles before a piece of rock .
About hes visual appearance , yes it's not the Dante we all got use to see every damn installment there was , but by looking at the world and vibe of the game he suits it perfectly.
IMO every time his getting some of the demonic power hes hair turn whiter ,and the smoking is there because they wanted to show us the development of the character from point A (his mother dieing and his brother leaving and him getting deprecate and rebellious) to point B (when Dante realizing his strength and becoming a demon hunter).
That's what I think , sorry for the long post I just had to take it off my chest.
Serpant;278860 said:Hello to every one on the thread , I have been reading your thoughts on the teaser and what to expect and I have some assumptions on the meter , so here goes.
I think that NT is a good choice for Capcom if they decided to go and make a game with some western fill to it.
NT have unique ability to make every game fill differently by the great architecture and atmosphere , just look at HS and Enslaved .
NT is the only company that choose to take the post apocalyptic world and made it beautiful instead of plain and dark .
The UT3 engine is a great choice as well just look at GOW2 or Arkham Asylum , they are a few of the best graphics the current console gen can present.
Now lets attend to DmC , Dante is an Iconic character for Capcom for me he's on the same level as Ryu or Mega man , but lately I have the filling that they made him too strong and he's just unbeatable , to sympathies with a character you need to know that he's vulnerable IMO . take superman for instant he's the strongest man alive and still crumbles before a piece of rock .
About hes visual appearance , yes it's not the Dante we all got use to see every damn installment there was , but by looking at the world and vibe of the game he suits it perfectly.
IMO every time his getting some of the demonic power hes hair turn whiter ,and the smoking is there because they wanted to show us the development of the character from point A (his mother dieing and his brother leaving and him getting deprecate and rebellious) to point B (when Dante realizing his strength and becoming a demon hunter).
That's what I think , sorry for the long post I just had to take it off my chest.
Asmodaius;278872 said:Hey and welcome to the forums, Serpant. ^^
First of all... I am still chuckling at the "Superman crumbles before a rock", because it is just so true! Dante has no weaknesses from what we know, he is unbeatable, invincible and perhaps even immortal. In every game (excluding DMC2) Dante is penetrated through the chest with his own sword, and he just pulls it out and keeps on going.
To some that might be awesome, but to me, it gets boring. And that is one of the reasons why the new Dante appeals to me. He seems vulnerable, he can be hurt, and he might even have some mental issues. It makes him as a character alot more interesting and it gives him some more depth.
I still think Superman is one of the most boring superheroes of all times... but then again, I am a Marvel fan, not DCU. ;P
Dominus;279005 said:Action games aren't about vulnerability, they are about kicking ass. And it was kind of evident that Dante wasn't easily killable to show his badassnessss, like IN DMC3 the first scene where he gets stabbed by all those scythes. He does show some vulnerability emotion wise in DMC1 and DMC3, but honestly who wants that to be his main character projection in DmC. I'd prefer my kickass Dante. Just look at this game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC2MvIC4j6E . No emotionally/physically vulnerable guy, just kickin ass and taking names...
Asmodaius;279092 said:Honestly... I do.
As entertaining as that might be, I get easily bored of such games. I had God Hand a month and then I traded it for a better game, because it was the same over and over all the way through the game, and the characters had no interesting personalities what so ever - in -my- opinion.
Devil May Cry has a more interesting storyline and interesting theme... however, after having seen the same Dante doing the same thing through four games, it starts to get dull. He has close to no character evolvement throughout the storyline and his personality stays more or less the same. He has no real issues, and those few issues he has he doesn't care to do anything about, because he just wants to "kick some ass". Granted, in DMC2 he was somewhat more silent and in DMC3 he was this sugar-hyped kid, but there is nothing groundbreaking happening to his character.
I like for my characters to show some progress as I play them through a storyline, something Ninja Theory is good at putting in their games. To have Dante start out as this fragile boy with alot of issues who becomes this invulnerable demon hunter is a nice concept which I think DmC is going to evolve around, seeing as this is a retelling of his origin and from what we see in the trailer.
God of War is another example of great character development, where Kratos starts out as this broken man who wants to make amends of his sins and then ends up replacing Ares in Olympus. He goes from being a redeemer to an avenger to a savior. In between we learn about his past, how he became this broken warrior and how he overcomes these trials which seem impossible, but Kratos is just so determined that he goes through with it. Even at the very end of the first game, he still hasn't obtained what it is he wants and thus attempts suicide, because he sees that as the only outcome.
Such things are what catches my interest in a game, and that's why this new Dante seems so interesting to me, because already in the trailer we see Dante in a situation we'd never imagine him being in - chained and weak in an interrogation room. That he smokes doesn't make him cool, it shows that he has weaknesses, an addiction. And I like that.
All this is of course a personal opinion. As mentioned before, I am no fan of Superman or characters alike, because they are simply just boring. Every game about Superman and every movie made about him is about exactly the same - a villain or a threat appears and then Superman saves the day.
BOOOOORIIIIIING! We learn that a chunk of rock hurled at him will turn him vulnerable, but that's about it.
Dante was becoming something alike so in my opinion, he needed a rehash. A full reboot with a totally new look... maybe not necessary, no, but that's what Capcom went with. And thus I am waiting expectantly on what they'll come up with.
Asmodaius;279092 said:Honestly... I do.
As entertaining as that might be, I get easily bored of such games. I had God Hand a month and then I traded it for a better game, because it was the same over and over all the way through the game, and the characters had no interesting personalities what so ever - in -my- opinion.
Dominus;279154 said:Honestly God Hand has an immensely deeper fighting engine than anything DMC every threw out, so I don't know how you got bored of it (unless you sucked at it). And the game was more about gameplay and a crazy style than anything. If you want to play a game for story development GO PLAY HEAVENLY SWORD or God of WAr, DMC has never been about a deep story. I loved GOd of War (2 and 3) but with an immensely deep LINEAR story, once you beat the game it really has no replay value. I can't count the number of times I played Devil May Cry and God Hand compared to God of War.
I personally don't want to see the trend most action games are taking (besides bayonetta), where they are dumping the hardcore game elements for more of a story and for plenty of stylish QTEs, but its hard to fight the tide.