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Timelines (ORIGINAL!)

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Hey, guys. As most of you know, I'm working on a novel. This is the as-soon-as-I-finished-it version. Meaning I just finished typing it. I only have the prologue finished, but I want to know what you guys think of it! It's boring at first, but this just basically tells of the history behind the story.

And, before I get any ****: Yes, Daryl's gay, and yes, Julie's bi. I tried to make it believable since NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS STRAIGHT, you know. So, if this bothers you in anyway, gtfo of this thread. HOWEVER, it's not like there's gonna be any pr0nz. So if you guys can accept the fact that there's two gay people, then read on. I love con crit and praise! Hell, I'll even accept flames!

This chappie is really short, but as I said, it's just the history of things, so the next one will be longer.


Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Prologue: A History

Fifty years ago, in 2052, there was a war: World War 3. It was the most devastating war the world had ever known. So many innocents were killed, over one third of the population of Earth. Suicide bombers, terrorist attacks . . . Nothing was safe anymore.

America's allies turned against them; in fact, it was an “all for one” type war. Each country stood on its own. Most of them got themselves blown off the map because their army wasn't strong enough, or they hadn't planned well enough for a war this big.

Poland, Canada, Hungary, Greece, and Australia were the first to go. Killing the millions of people that had lived in those countries. A few survivors, who had the abnormal gene to survive a plague like outbreak, went into hiding for fear that they would be killed.

The outbreak virus, named the Black Crows' Disease, was actually what wiped out most of the population over the past fifty years. After the war ended in 2060, one sixth of the population had been killed. Most of their deaths were due to the BCD.

Another major killer during the war was due to things called Malgenes. Genetically engineered animals used for mass destruction during the war. The Malgenes were huge, muscly animals that stood at twenty feet and had a higher intelligence than humans. Slowly, over the next forty years, they built grand civilizations, like the Egypt and Inca societies.

After the war and before the Malgenes had had that amount of intelligence, however, the survivors came out of the hiding they had been in, trying to remake their cites. Every last country had been destroyed, forcing people to create their own “tribes.”

These tribes were very small. Usually made up of five to thirty people. They had been resorted to acting like cave-people. Save for a small percentage that tried building their cities with more than just rocks and sticks and mud. They did, however, create time machines that could travel backward, but not forward.

Many people tried to go back to change the past, but had failed. Soon after, they had given up hope on that idea, and they learned to live with the consequences of the war.

Ten years had passed that the survivors lived like that. But then, the Malgenes had started repopulating. Rapidly. Soon, there were more of the Malgenes than humans. They forced the humans into hiding in pits underground, and that is when they started creating their own advanced societies.

With the BCD and Malgenes, the humans had no hope for anything. They could only walk around out night, and even then, with gas handmade gas-masks.

Nothing seemed to affect the Malgenes. Bullets didn't effect them, no matter what kind of gun you used, nor did the BCD. The only thing that killed them was rockets, which were hard to find and even harder to make. Otherwise, they died naturally.

Luckily, though, there life span was short. Only ten to fifteen years. And they started populating between the ages of eight and twelve. Their pregnancies went fast, though. Only six months, and once they started mating, they didn't stop. So they could have anywhere from four to sixteen children in their lifetime.

The humans had seemed to give up hope. Only coming out at night to get food and go to the bathroom. They only mated during a specific season that varied on each tribe. However, every two in five births were still births or miscarriages to due malnutrition; and every one in five children didn't make it to age thirteen. The time that the humans now started marrying and having children.

One group, however, had a tiny sliver of hope left for their race. That group was only made up of five teenagers, aged fifteen to eighteen. And their only hope was a destroyed time machine.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Incomplete Dani;223514 said:
Hey, guys. As most of you know, I'm working on a novel. This is the as-soon-as-I-finished-it version. Meaning I just finished typing it. I only have the prologue finished, but I want to know what you guys think of it! It's boring at first, but this just basically tells of the history behind the story.

And, before I get any ****: Yes, Daryl's gay, and yes, Julie's bi. I tried to make it believable since NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS STRAIGHT, you know. So, if this bothers you in anyway, gtfo of this thread. HOWEVER, it's not like there's gonna be any pr0nz. So if you guys can accept the fact that there's two gay people, then read on. I love con crit and praise! Hell, I'll even accept flames!

This chappie is really short, but as I said, it's just the history of things, so the next one will be longer.



On a more serious, less troll-tastic note, the prologue is really quite interesting, you've set your way up for some real Fallout stuff here, just with more caveman bashing things with sticks, and time machines...That's awesome, Credo approves!

*Thumbs up*

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Angelo Credo;223524 said:

On a more serious, less troll-tastic note, the prologue is really quite interesting, you've set your way up for some real Fallout stuff here, just with more caveman bashing things with sticks, and time machines...That's awesome, Credo approves!

*Thumbs up*

TEH GAY!!!!!!!!!!!111!sparkledazzle!!!!!!!1edwartcullenz!!!!!!!1 IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: :lol:

Yay, glad you like it! 8D

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Incomplete Dani;223526 said:
TEH GAY!!!!!!!!!!!111!sparkledazzle!!!!!!!1edwartcullenz!!!!!!!1 IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: :lol:

Yay, glad you like it! 8D

Oh god that bit killed me. :lol:

I haven't used this function in quite some time, no seriously, my subscribe button is rusty, moth eaten and covered in dust but I'm going to use it to keep up with this thread damn it!


Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Y-you are!? 8D!

I'll let you know, though, that I'm a ****ing slow as hell writer. And this is gonna be novel length, and I'm not trying to get it published, just seeing if I can finish something. Plus, I made a bet with my mom who could finish their novel first. Hurr hurr.

Anyways, you're ****ing awesome, Credo. <3

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Incomplete Dani;223530 said:
Y-you are!? 8D!

I'll let you know, though, that I'm a ****ing slow as hell writer. And this is gonna be novel length, and I'm not trying to get it published, just seeing if I can finish something. Plus, I made a bet with my mom who could finish their novel first. Hurr hurr.

Anyways, you're ****ing awesome, Credo. <3

Can I use some sort of (NOT KINKY) whip based device to make you write faster?

And yes, I know, you don't need to tell me but god I do love hearing it. :lol:

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
No, no you can't. But I'll try and have it finished in two weeks. Hopefully, if I don't get distracted with school and family and other stuff.

Brunette Keeper [Jess]

The Black Locker
That prologue was pretty damned awesome, Dani. :D The thought that the humans attempted to repair their own cities definitely seems IC for the human race.

My only complaint is the sentence structure; some of the paragraphs had sentences that could be fused with others, but it's definitely pretty hard to notice it.

For example:
These tribes were very small. Usually made up of five to thirty people.

Could be:
These tribes were very small, usually made up of five to thirty people.

Other than that, the detail you spent in the history, from WW3 to BCD, must've been somewhat painstaking, but it definitely seems worth it!

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
It was. e_o That 650 took damn near 10 hours to write. And thanks for the con crit. I'll edit it up when I get a chance.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm just going to give you a tiny taste of what my critz are like, so if you meant you want 'constructive' critz such as "WOW Dani thisisfriggindamnawesome!", then let me know and I'll stay out of the thread.

If my bluntness offends you or you feel under attack because I dissect every single little thing, it's not because I'm being nasty or trying to discourage you. It's all constructive critz, REALLY, but a lot of young writers just aren't thick skinned enough to take it well. And, I've got the 14 years of persistent daily writing experience behind me to back up the fact that I pretty much do know what I'm talking about.


The humans had seemed to give up hope. Only coming out at night to get food and go to the bathroom.

Could be:
The humans had seemed to give up hope, only to come out at night to get food.


Humanity had abandoned hope and reverted to instinctual survival mode, emerging only in the safety veils of night to scrounge the earth for food.


Notice that I've completely left out the 'bathroom' bit. This is because you need to give your reader's intellect a bit more credit. You don't need to put down that the humans went looking for food AND to use the bathroom at night (apart from putting both those visuals in the same sentence drafting up a very unhygienic picture) It's human nature. Obviously, people need to use the can from time to time. You don't need to add that detail, because 1. readers don't want to read about other people relieving themselves, and 2. readers wouldn't wonder where or when the characters need to go. It's an unnecessary detail that can be left out and overlooked easily in face of the bigger picture.

It's like, for example, writing that Bella went over to the stove with a big metal spoon, smelling the pasta her dad had left on it starting to burn, and stirred it to losen the burnt pasta from the bottom of the pot before taking it off the stove, and then painstakingly picking all the burnt little pieces out before dishing up. What's the point? Just write, Bella caught the pungent odour of something burning, rushed over to remove the pot from the stove, and tried to save what she could from the pasta dish.

They only mated during a specific season that varied on each tribe.

I always say that good writers are exceptional liars, because if you're really good, you can make the reader believe that the world you created is real and the characters you created are real. That obviously means you need to have answers to everything. You need to make it plausible.
With that in mind, why do the tribes only 'mate' during specific seaons? Why does it differ from tribe to tribe? Why is the word 'mate' used? Have the humans become animalistic in their behaviour? Also, you need to consider irl, it can take a lot of couples 6 months to a year to conceive, often with medical aids to help them, seeing as natural fertility is being replaced by artificially advanced fertility pills lately, so if people are trying to conceive to keep the human race going in your story, and this after a global war with all those toxins in the air, probably contaminating their water and food supply, it might be more believable if you play that in. Fertility is and would be drastically declining in the circumstances you created, so... I don't know, you could opt to have very very few births actually taking place in the tribes, most of them being unsuccessful as you've stated, why don't you make it be a big and rare accomplishment if they do manage to reproduce? So all the tribes are notified somehow and everyone knows about these little kids. I mean, this is the future of the human race we're talking, right?

All that rambling aside, what is the plot? I know the setting and the circumstances, but what does the story itself revolve around?

It's a good idea you've got, the prologue does need a lot of fine tuning, but seeing as you're not aiming for publishing there's no need for me to really hammer on all the tiny dents to create a smooth piece, y'know? Unless you want that type of critz.

So. >phew<
If you want me to GTFO your thread, I'm sure you'll let me know.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I was going to type out a detailed reply, but I just thought I'd settle for "OMG! CLAIR, I ****ING LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH! <333333" No, really. I LOVE this kind of thing. I live off of con crit for my stories. So, thanks!

The bathroom thing is gonna stay, though, since it kinda of fits with the first paragraph of chapter one.
Daryl slowly and steadily made his way across the deserted the valley; making sure not to make any noise in fear of getting noticed by the Malgenes that stayed out to watch guard at night. All of this caution just to take a ****.

As for the other stuff, when I actually finish the story as a whole (and it's gonna take awhile, since this is going to be novel length), I'll go and fix everything. *nods*

Thanks again, though! ^_^

EDIT: Argh! I forgot to tell you the plot! The first part is just the main characters (Daryl, Victor, Rena, Julie, and Roza) trying to rebuild a broken down time-machine. They fix it, go back in time to try and stop the war before it begins so none of this **** would never have happened. Oh, and in the next chapter, it's going to tell you guys that they're one of the more sophisticated tribes. Like, they can read and write, like some other tribes can't.


Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Incomplete Dani;224137 said:

EDIT: Argh! I forgot to tell you the plot! The first part is just the main characters (Daryl, Victor, Rena, Julie, and Roza) trying to rebuild a broken down time-machine. They fix it, go back in time to try and stop the war before it begins so none of this **** would never have happened. Oh, and in the next chapter, it's going to tell you guys that they're one of the more sophisticated tribes. Like, they can read and write, like some other tribes can't.

Ooooooh, I lyk it! :D

I didn't know anybody could subscribe to a thread! I thought it came with the package of being a mod o_O *subscribed*

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
ARG!!! I read Nic's post like three days ago and only got a subscription update notice TODAY? Talk about deeelaayyyeeedd. Sorry, Off topic (doh)
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