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This is why we cannot have nice things...


Well-known Member
I'm leaving the forums to avoid potential spoilers.
As you know, the ending has been unveiled and I'm trying my best to steer clear. Not to mention the fact most of you will receive this game before me and be discussing it.

It's sad, considering I love this community. But, you people had to find the ending, didn't you?
This is why we cannot have nice things...

When I beat the game, then I'll discuss the ending and what I thought.
I just wanted to say that I won't really respond to all of the posts.

So, uh... bye... I'll see you later...
*walks away awkwardly*

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Blame the ending on new members, only recently, the population of the forums shot up because of the release of DmC next week...
But all in all, farewell for now!

*waves goodbye*


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
It is getting difficult avoiding spoilers. And I'll admit, having the ending posted really p***ed me off, but, each to his own and see you when you get back.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Why would anyone want to ruin the ending of something? That is spiteful to every other member in the Community...

Hope you have a nice time away and enjoy DmC and everything :D


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I must be the only gamer in the world who has enough restraint to not look at every spoiler I see. lol

Well, if the temptation is too much for ye, then enjoy your vacay. ^_^


One Hell of a Member
i think im the most oblivious member here...what spoilers? XD anyways...try to ignore the spoilers if u dont wanna kno. It's also a pain in the a** to not look at them o_O. See ya! the forums r always open!
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