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Things That You Think Only You Do


Entertain me.
What are things that you think only you do?

A lot of these sorts of things have been shown to be quite common due to meme comics and the like.
Have you had anything you thought only you did appear in a meme somewhere?

One thing that I feel like only I do is analyze the things I say. Let me elaborate.

If I say something that I think sounds particularly witty or cool, I spend a few seconds thinking about it. Almost like I'm committing the coolness or wittiness of it to memory so that I'll be more likely to say something as good in the future.

Same thing for something I say that's dumb or comes out bad. I'll try to push it out of my head because it feels like it was a mistake to say it. It feels like I'm acknowledging my regret in saying it so that I won't make the same mistake again.

This goes as far as the forum, even. If someone likes one of my posts, I'll go back and reread it for the same reasons. If I say something dumb or bad in a thread I'll go back and think about what went wrong.

Maybe it's helped over the years, maybe it hasn't. In any case, I think it's a quirky little habit and I do have trouble thinking other people do it as often or to the same extent.



Dante enthusiast!
When I get on a bus I imagine that he bus driver wants to kidnap all the people on the bus and he drives off track - takes us to some far away land and the bus number 21 is never seen again...... I then look around the bus for the best person to help me kill the driver and who can drive us back home. It's fun looking around the bus at the miserable passengers and taking them on an adventure.....


Entertain me.
Anyone else sit on the bus as a kid, look out the window, and imagine a little man running on the sidewalk? For me, the intersecting streets were lava and he would jump over them. Quite a set of legs he had.

It's fun looking around the bus at the miserable passengers and taking them on an adventure.....
Totally been there. Usually it's a zombie apocalypse for me, though. Figuring out which person's wits would break and they would go on a killing spree is particularly fun.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Hm, this is gonna sound really weird but... I enjoy the taste of stones or rocks. I even attempt to eat them sometimes, does anybody think I'm just plain stupid? Cause I know its not normal, but I cant help it.


Well-known Member
Am I the only one that managed to forget where her iPod is while I am listening to it?
Or how about stopping mid-song because my guitar went out of tune?
What about eating an entire bag of Cheetos Puffcorn in one sitting?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Anyone else sit on the bus as a kid, look out the window, and imagine a little man running on the sidewalk? For me, the intersecting streets were lava and he would jump over them. Quite a set of legs he had.

Although, mine were usually lions or cheetahs keeping up with me.

Has anyone ever imagined that some catastrophic event occurs at school, say, a giant mutant rampaging bunny or a hostile alien invasion occurs on the football field and everyone is all 'eeeeeeeeeeeeep!' and YOU end up saving the day? I had lots of daydreams like that.
Maths was boring.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
It's fun looking around the bus at the miserable passengers and taking them on an adventure.....

Funny you'd say that, since when I went on a field trip with a friend, we basically discussed this aloud, using the other students as subjects. It got ridiculous pretty damn fast.


Amazing Horse
Almost every Socially Awkward Penguin and Foul Bachelorette Frog meme applies to me. In fact the internet has done nothing but convince me how normal I actually am.

Even some of the Foul Bachelor Frog memes apply to m--




Parasite Kitty
Probably get lost in my own hometown twice or thrice. And then walk to a destination when missing the chance to get off the bus due to having been asleep. :| I swear that was one hell of an experience...walking out in the middle of nowhere, cars passing by like a Bawse, people in the cars staring at you while they passed as if they haven't seen a lost creature before. The smell of dewy grass while walking for an hour within the morning mist (Dead bugs on the road)...thinking that something will pop out and perform one heck of a massacre while hearing the school's anthem play...and all this happening while in school uniform. I'm never doing that again for the sake of wanting to preserve money to buy something. x_x


Parasite Kitty
I wonder...am I the only one who laughs for no reason and wants straight jackets? Seem so fun~ wanna get out of one~


Space Detective
I can speak in Dragontongue, so it's not just you, at least in the "speaking a fictional language" department.

BTW, that pose for the gif is badass.

Lol, thanks, it does fit the post.... :D
And YES! finally someone who I can relate to!

(just to try something new...)


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
Am I the only one who looks for her eyeliner for twenty minutes then realizes that it was sitting directly in front of her the whole time ._. I felt like the biggest ditz in the world when that happened >.>


Parasite Kitty
I'm a girl, I don't know how to apply make up. :|
And I know how that feels Ultima...only it didn't happen with the eye liner. It happened with the lip gloss.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
has a massive obsession with jango really wants to be him and would by a jango costume at first chance
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