The Writing (and Artistic) Ranting Thread

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I've been tinkering here and there with my series-now-turned-solo-novel but I haven't really touched it since a new plot idea won't let me get on with the old one. It's so hard to write a story that's been done so many times over and make it original. The whole fantasy-crossover-real world story has been done from Harry Potter to Space Jam to that other movie where the Disney princess falls down a hole and ends up in modern day New York City.
I've thrown elements of Steampunk/alien tech (aka magic) into it, but that's small scale superficial additions. There's nothing that sets it apart from every other king and queen, castle, dragon, fairy stories.
Then I thought, what would the GoT writer do?
OR, what wouldn't he do?
I've been tinkering here and there with my series-now-turned-solo-novel but I haven't really touched it since a new plot idea won't let me get on with the old one. It's so hard to write a story that's been done so many times over and make it original. The whole fantasy-crossover-real world story has been done from Harry Potter to Space Jam to that other movie where the Disney princess falls down a hole and ends up in modern day New York City.
I've thrown elements of Steampunk/alien tech (aka magic) into it, but that's small scale superficial additions. There's nothing that sets it apart from every other king and queen, castle, dragon, fairy stories.
Then I thought, what would the GoT writer do?
OR, what wouldn't he do?
Ella enchanted is the movie your thinking of.

I think you could have the fantasy kingdom set up on an uninhabited island and deal with them integrating in the modern day?
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Currently frustrated with myself regarding a recent review of WoN. Though I know I utilize more than just the Greek, Roman and Egyptian pantheons on the High Council, readers of the first book don't know that, because either in my attempt to avoid character bloat or whatever, I never mentioned those of Celtic, Japanese, Norse, or Hindu descent. And, y'know, I can't very well say anything to the reviewer about that, because it would be bad form. :facepalm:

Oh, well. Just brush it off. It's not like I'm pulling a stunt like certain popular authors who make **** up after the fact in an attempt to people-please. Anyone who's read the sequels in any of their various stages of existence will know that, and that will have to be enough.

I'm equally as annoyed that I'm even thinking about this. **** anxiety.
I decided I'm better off writing fantasy than sci-fi. I always did enjoy history much more than physics or math, even if my memory is a garbage can.

So yeah, just like in anything else, writing is not just what you enjoy doing, but also what aligns with your interests and abilities. If you manage to have those line up...
I just heard that one of the world's most famous fantasy novels has the same idea as my current project. I haven't even read it, it's on my to-read -list, but I've NEVER heard about this. A guy in our writing club just mentioned it.

Excuse me while I delete my about 600 sheets (in total) of hard work, including two versions of the story, maps, character sheets, history, notes about government, beliefs, religion etc...
I just heard that one of the world's most famous fantasy novels has the same idea as my current project. I haven't even read it, it's on my to-read -list, but I've NEVER heard about this. A guy in our writing club just mentioned it.

Excuse me while I delete my about 600 sheets (in total) of hard work, including two versions of the story, maps, character sheets, history, notes about government, beliefs, religion etc...

Everything's been done before, but no one's done it the way you can. There's no reason not to write something just cuz someone else had the same idea as you and got to it first. Your stories aren't going to be the same. How many love stories follow the plot of "Char A and Char B meet, they fall in love, something pulls them apart, and they get together at the end"? But you don't see people not reading those stories just cuz they have similar ideas. The idea isn't important to the readers, the journey is. And you offer a unique point of view that's different than this other series because you aren't the same writer as the other author. You've had different experiences and enjoy different things; your story can't possibly be the same as this other story when you are not the same writer for both series. What's important is that you make it your own and that you tell the story you want to tell and that you're proud of what you've written. Keep working at it, your story's going to be fantastic.

Writing rant:
I feel this weird pressure to conform lately. Like if I don't write what everyone else is, then I'll be yelled at or the only people that will say anything about it is people that hate the story. I want to write strange, completely off-the-wall things the way I used to, but I'm starting to feel this odd, stifling expectation for everything to fit a specific formulae and I just...don't operate that way. I can't write inside of a box. I hate being limited to only canon compliant AUs and more of the same. f***ing. three. fic types. (Like...literally: the same three types of fic is all you ever see for this ship: well-written angst, poorly written "fluff" (which is actually just low-stakes angst cuz apparently we're incapable of writing fluff in this fandom), and completely OOC non-con that does it's best to completely vilify someone in the series. I guess we could say four types if we count the fics that are tagged with the ship and have nothing to do with the ship except a super vague blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference.) I just...want to write something fun and senseless, but I feel like no one wants that and it's killing my creativity. T-T
@therogis Everything Shadow said; I know that feeling too well. It still creeps up now and then, but don't let it stand in the way of doing what you love.

@Shadow You do you, Rae. For every critic, you'll also have some die-hard fans in your corner who love what you do. You know I'll be there, and if anyone gives you ****, I have no scruples about shutting them down. You don't have to fit their narrow little mold. The writers that expect you to either lack the courage to do the things they really want to do themselves, will wind up being those authors that chase trends, or some mix of the two. Your light is brighter than that, and you sure as hell shouldn't have to dim it just because it's shining in their eyes. Let them put on some sunglasses or something; your creativity isn't something to be leashed, and that's something I'm glad for. <3
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@Shadow @Rebel Dynasty

Thank you, both of you. I was ranting about this in a Finnish writer's facebook group too, and got a lot of encouraging comments. I guess I'm just gonna keep on going, and when the time is right I'm gonna read that other novel. I bet it's not that much similar.

As to you, @Shadow: I'm not entirely sure if I understood what you said (as you probably know, English isn't my native language), but I'll tell you this anyway. Like Rebel Dynasty said, you do you. A friend of mine in our writing club is really sick of those writing guidelines such as "do this and do that so your reader will love it", and he often says that "screw the readers, if they don't like my text, they won't read it. Simple as that. I'm not here to please anyone". I admire his attitude, and I believe it's one of the reasons why his writing kicks ass! :wink:
Just believe in yourself, it's going to be fine. If everyone just followed every known guideline and did everything like they were supposed to do, how would anyone ever come up with anything great and new?
Think I need a few days (or so) to re-evaluate the direction this story is going in, because I just know there's another continuity error in there somewhere. :cautious: Also the eye-strain is real.

+I wonder if he's going to get in touch with me over whatever edits are needed soon? There's not a chance they found nothing to tweak before this thing goes to print (assuming it happens in July, as planned. Gods I am so nervous and excited all at once!)

++No, other projects, I cannot work on you right now. Please stop taunting me with promises of ground-breaking redrafts. I can't right now. Not with summer approaching. :'(

Also, this emotional rollercoaster (crippling self-doubt, motivation, anxiety, feel good, etc.) is getting out of hand. Please, can we be straight-up happy for once? I'm begging.
Rebel, let me know when you get the book, it should be turning up any day now. I hope it's of some use to you as a writer.
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"Your tags on a fic that hasn't updated in 3 years lied to me because the thing you specified started in chapter two, which hasn't been written or posted yet, didn't happen!" Hey, anon, f*** off and reread the tags. Please. Because if you read them well enough to see that event is planned, then you read the part about "once you get past the first chapter". Don't be all uwu sad, pouty face just because you didn't want to read the tags properly. That doesn't work on me and doesn't put words in the document. We'll get there. But I have no motivation for that fic right now and you're not making it better.

+ Why does NaNo enjoy tormenting me?
The week off from writing/editing's been nice--but it's time to get back into it. Which means going through my beta feedback and organizing it by scene/chapter today so that I'll be prepared to tackle things head-on tomorrow. Might as well do it regarding all the beta feedback, even if FotS is my first priority.
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Our writing club is waiting for new texts, my beta-reader keeps asking me about my current nearly-finished WIP (my personal deadline for this one was Aug 10th...), and it seems I can't write at all. Nothing feels right, nothing feels good enough.

Even writing this post is a struggle. I simply can't write.
This story is gonna f***ing kill me, I swear. It was supposed to be a one shot, and it's taken me 7 months to write 3k and I don't have a single fully-completed scene. It's exhausting and I'm so--uuuuuuurg. It'd be so good if it was done; I know it. But it just won't. let me. finish it. And I don't know if I can handle much more of this; it's really not great for my mental health. I'm just so tired and I hate my writing and f*** all of this.
I'm not sure when the last time was that I sat down to write and actually wrote something decent. I haven't been in a good space for so flippin long and I've gone days where I'd sit in front of the computer for hours and nothing will make it from my head to the keys.
Does that make sense?
Yesterday I had an idea. I googled some locations, saved some links. I built a playlist of over 60 songs to act as a guide. And it was like... has anybody played the game MAW? Where you feed the Maw all those little fuzz balls? Well, my idea is a Maw, and it keeps feeding on itself and growing bigger and bigger. By this morning I had a movie in my head (no I didn't sleep much last night, thanks brain). So I sat down and wrote down on sticky notes, ideas, characters, environment, jobs, subplots, backgrounds, and scene after scene. To the extent that I was writing different points on different sticky notes all at once. Like I mean full out, I could barely keep up with my head.

It's a bit worrisome. I thought I should say something. So here's me, saying something. I'm going to do an Elsa and let it go now.