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The warm fuzzies thread


Well-known Member
Since we're all so nice and wonderful and get along so cheerfully i thought why not make a thread where all you do is be nice and wonderful and get along cheerfully! :lol: This is just a member appreciation thread. :$Sooooo appreciate away! Hugs and cookies are recommended. :lol:

Let's see! Steve, Dark Draken, Angelo Credo, and Keaton are all cool guys. :cool: I also applaud Blue Devil for his love of cake;). Bullet_Witch for her speedy sig making abilities. DT and The crazy demon for all their ideas and contributions. And of course Osaka, Ebony,CloudStryker, clairavance, Nic, VB and SpardaTM. Whew. Lots of names. and there's more to! But enough about me, how about you guys?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Well, you of course, for being so awesome.

SpardaTM: He made Sparda's Blood. The coolest DMC5 ever not made. Yet. ;)

TCD: For always being there.

Tonks: For being so cool. :cool:

BlueDevil: Always ready to contribute. :cool:

Credo: For just being a nice friend. :)

Clair: Always the awesome writer and friend. Hope she gets back soon.

VB: Funny and lovely to talk to.

DarkSlayer13: For being just that freaking awesome, and listening to my ideas.

Devil Bane: For all his hot-bloodedness and blank-outs. ^_^

Nicodemus Zamoran: Great RPer, and a greater friend.

If I missed you and you don't feel appreciated, feel free to talk to me. I'll squeeze you in.


Super Penguin Number 2
Thanks to

DreadnoughtDT: You are pretty much another brother to me x]

Tonks: You are one of my best friends, and I'm glad you listen to me, even when I annoy you.

Angelo Credo: Thanks for being like the coolest freakin' mod I've ever met XD.

Clair: You were one of the first friends I made on this site, and you are a very nice person.

VB: You, just like Clair, are one of the first friends I managed to make on this site, and yet again, just like Clair, you a very nice to me.

Karen_Azalea: You are one of the nicest people I know xD, so of course you get appreciation!

Dark Knight: Despite our rocky beginning, you've turned out to be a good friend to me. Glad to know you.

Meg127: Thanks for being cool enough to enjoy talking about cake with me XD! Also, thanks for starting up this thread. It makes me feel good to appreciate others (and read some of the stuff about me xD)

Incomplete_Dani: Thanks a bunch for helping me destroy that Troll, even though we got scolded. You are a very nice friend to me as well :]

And that about sums it up for now. -hugs and cookies for everybody!-

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Blue Devil: For being amazingly awesome with me during the time of Dykes.

DT: For being, well, awesome 'n' stuff.

Credo: For being better than the ****ty staff over at TS and not banning my IP for no ****ing reason. -.-

Clair & VB: You guys were my first friends on here, and are super awesome and dazzling. <3

Madge: Just because she deserves it. <3

That's it. No, wait...I'm forgetting someone...

Of course! I'm forgetting Jess! Jess: Because she's put up with me for almost a year. She's dealt with my annoying infatuation with her, and I love her for it. <3 Tru e-wuv forevar.


Ooooh, is it my turn? Let's see here...
Nicodemus Zamoran: An awesome RPer and so very helpful
DreadnoughtDT: You're always around when I need a good chat; I'm never in a bad mood after a talk with you
BlueDevil: My best friend, closer than a brother
Karen_Azalea: You really are a nice person!
Clair: My beta--your input has helped with my writing so much
VB: Very funny and friendly ^_^
Mr. Credo: One of the most awesomest mods I know! I've even forgiven you for breaking my stick :p
Incomplete Dani: The destroying of that troll was epic.
TCD: Another great RPer and friend

And I'll stop for now. -big hugs to all-

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Credo-Awesome mod, great person
BlueDevil-…So far, a great person, although I do not know much about him…I need to interact with him more
Cv-Great person
CloudSrtyker-Awesome conversationalist. :D
Dante_13-Although arrogant, a cool guy
Darkslayer13-Cool guy
Devil of War-Cool guy, smart and imaginative
DreadnoughtDT-awesome friend, awesome RPer, and well, just an awesome guy period. :D
Guchi-crazy and cool
Dani-crazy, funneh, and all around a good person. Stay cool.
MasterOfEvil-dude, cool.:D
ResaMoon-Kind, imaginative, and an awesome writer
Shonan-a good person, and a great friend
TCD-AWESOME!! Stay cool. :D
Tonks-great listener and cool person. Don’t you ever change. If you do, I will be forced to do something. I don’t know what, though
VB-Cool. :cool:
And for all those whose names were not mentioned, you are also awesome, but I will have to get to know you better. :p


♫ That's how we party! ♫
MasterOfEvil: My best friend. And a very cool guy.
dante_13: Awesome to talk to. Another cool guy.
Soul Steeler: In my opinion, gives good advice. And very awesome to talk to.
Dark_Victory: A good friend, intellegent, and cool.
Another*Dead*Angel: Another best friend. Awesome sense of humor. And cool to talk to.
TheExecutioner: Hmm, what don't I like about him :lol: He's awesome, cool, carin', and etc. ;)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
ooh, fuzzies:D
I must admit i did blush a little.
Umm, when my brain kicks in, i'll make a list too.

Noble Aeonwar Ladonne

the hellish lord
Devil of War-Cool, good friend
DreadnoughtDT-smart, ood friend
nicodemusZamoran- smart, cool, great RPer bleed
ResaMoon-Kind, and a good writer
Shonan-a cool person
TCD-great person, Stay cool bleed.
Tonks-a cool person.
VB-best friend ever, great listener
and anyone else i missed, you know i fu#k wit chu bleed dont trip.:) ;)


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
-Of course SpardaTM. No need for me to explain :lol: ;)

-LoD I miss him :(, and if it weren't for his kickass threads, I wouldn't of known him.

-Chaos Master (aka Crimson Chaos) Definally someone worth mentioning. If it weren't for him, along with a few others, back when my Fergus died, I would still be a mess.

All my friends on this site from back of the days, I miss ya all :lol: Good memories. And of course all my new friends, here's to ya as well *holds up glass*


Dante enthusiast!
I don't like threads like this.

I have my list of people in my head (If I had to do it.) who I would've included in mine don't include me in theres, so I think blah! Threads like this create more enemies than warm fuzzies! Maybe I'm just too emotional at the minute.

*looks shifty and disappears!*


Well-known Member
Ebony;230337 said:
I don't like threads like this.

I have my list of people in my head (If I had to do it.) who I would've included in mine don't include me in theres, so I think blah! Threads like this create more enemies than warm fuzzies! Maybe I'm just too emotional at the minute.

*looks shifty and disappears!*

:( Hey hey hey! No negativity here, only warm fuzzies and hugs and cookies. And if it helps, I included you on my list of cool people. *hugs*

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Tramendiam: My firts friend on this place, i miss you Tre :(

SpardaTM: You created the best DMC5.

DT: For always helping me you ROCK!!!!! :)

meg127: We havent talked so much, but you are very nice.

Nico Zamo: great guy, still i liked your ava, that tried to give us something ;)

Tonks: Havent talked so much with you, but you are very nice

VB: You are one of the firts persons i know here.

ResaMoon: Funny and nice.

Angelo Credo: The best mod in the world.

Ebony: I think i talked with you before, dont feel bad, i am your friend also, i follow your lurking, look at my sig :lol:
And for those that i didnt mention i love all you guys :)


Dante enthusiast!
Thanks Meg ^_^

and thanks Crazy Demon! It's not that I feel bad, I just think these threads are a bad idea. :)

Nevermind *runs away*


Super Penguin Number 2
I appreciate you too Eb ^.^ You were also one of my first friends, and you gave me positive comments on my fan fic, so thank you xD.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?

In the name of the Emperor, these fuzzies will indeed be warm, they will be purged.


You're all varying degrees of awesome, I can't single out any of you considering you all make up what this forum is about. :D


Dante enthusiast!
Angelo Credo;230376 said:
You're all varying degrees of awesome, I can't single out any of you considering you all make up what this forum is about. :D


Thanks and sorry! I totally didn't say that to get attention (I like to hide) - I'm a pretty forgetable person. I'm quiet and don't like to argue (like I said before I make enemies too easy!) anyway sorry again, I just think I would never post a list at the risk of people taking offence, and I thought it was important to bring that up. So sorry everyone else carry on, I'll stop ranting now...

*steps aside*
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