The true Dissidia's Sequel!Links inside.

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Either Cid Highwind or Cid Raines.Can't get enough of Yuichi Nakamura's awesome voice acting and orgasmic screams.

Ahem,time for...*drum roll please* MY LIST!That's right!Here we go.

Game - Protagonist - Main character - Anti-Hero/Rival - Villain

FF I - Warrior of Light - Female WoL[Mage class?] - ??? - Garland

FF II - Frionieil - Maria - Leon - Emperor Mateus of Palamecia

FF III - Onion Knight[Luneth?] - Light Warrior[Refia]- Xande - Cloud of Darkness

FF IV - Cecil Harvey - Edge or Rydia - Kain - Golbez

FF V - Butz Klauzer - Faris Scherwiz or Lenna Charlotte Tycoon - Gilgamesh[Don't like him,but he plays a vital role after all] - Exdeath

FF VI - Tina Branford - Setzer Gabbiani or Celes Chere or Lock Cole - ??? - Cefca Palazzo

FF VII - Cloud Strife - Tiffa Lockhart - ???[Vincent???] - Sephiroth

FF VIII - Squall Leonhart - Rinoa Heartilly - Seifer Almassy - Ultimecia

FF IX - Zidane Tribal - Beatrix OR Steiner - Garland or Vivi - Kuja

FF X - Tidus - Yuna/Auron[extremely slim chance] - Jecht - Seimour Guado

FF XI - ??? - Shantotto - ??? - ???

FF XII - Vaan - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca or Penelo - Gabranth - Vayne Carudas Solidor

FF XIII - Lightning - Sazh Katzroy - Cid Raines - Galenth Dysley???

And now for the impossible requests :

FF T - Ramza - Delita

FF VII Crisis Core : Zack Fair - Angeal Hewley

FF IV : The After Years : Ceodore Harvey - Edge/Rydia[their grown up versions are bad@$$es]

FF X - 2 : Yuna[Thus giving us Auron at X]

That's it for me.I also expect revamps and / or updates for already existing characters.

If Zack's in,I hope Cloud gets his Advent Children Complete Moveset!:DAnd I want Squall back to his two handed,heavy wielding gunblade style instead of his Seifer imitation style.Not that it's bad,but it really suits him better.:D
I don't think asking for Zack is an impossible request since he's such a popular character and these games are more fan service than anything else. I wonder if he would have the buster sword or not.
I don't think they'll add that much since it's on the PSP.

But my list (thinking the ones from the first Dissidia remains, I won't mention them):

I. I seriously have no idea. <.<

II. Leon

III. Xande

IV. Zemus (He deserves it! With that epic name and all.)

V. GILGAMESH! (Seriously, this would be fan service for many, including me)

VI. Setzer Gabbiani (This dude got style! Why doesn't so many use him in FFVI?)

VII. Zack Fair and Genesis Rapsodos (Yeah, two. An protagonist and another antagonist to represent VII, it works.)

VIII. L A G U N A L O I R E ! ! ! (He speaks for himself, I think. :P)

IX. Vivi (That blackmage style, someone must have it!)

X. Seymour Guado (I wanted him in the original, but noticed the awesomeness of Jecht afterwards so it didn't matter)

XI. The heck do I know? :P

XII. VAAAAAAAANNNNN RATSBANE! and Dr. Cid. (Yeah, it deserves two.)

XIII. Yaag Rosch/Sazh Katzroy/Galenth Dysley
I think for XIII to have a bad guy it would have to be Rosch or Jihl because I can't imagine Dysley in it. As funny as that would be. :lol:
I remember some dude on gamefaqs who did a complete character of Dysley. Attacks, quotes, everything. Pretty darn good I must say. :D
I wonder why everyone believes that characters will take up that much space...the rehashed cutscenes[looking,scratch it,glaring at Shade Impulse] and the cutscenes for each characters stories were the ones that caught space.I doubt that,SE has the guts to do what they did with the first Dissidia and put 13 stories if not more.One big story for the good guys is enough this time,since we know what must happen.

That being said,I expect proper alternatives and one more music track for each title...and a better final boss theme.Seriously,I can think of so many songs,it's not even funny anymore.Here's hoping they will use either the Black Mages or at least a good Firewind since they are also big in Japan.

Those were also my rants for the first Dissidia[Except for the more playables].

As for Dysley...well...a mix of endgame appearence + magic would work?But,eh,haven't played XIII yet so I assume he works for the villain...
Devil Bane;272117 said:
I wonder why everyone believes that characters will take up that much space...the rehashed cutscenes[looking,scratch it,glaring at Shade Impulse] and the cutscenes for each characters stories were the ones that caught space.I doubt that,SE has the guts to do what they did with the first Dissidia and put 13 stories if not more.One big story for the good guys is enough this time,since we know what must happen.

That being said,I expect proper alternatives and one more music track for each title...and a better final boss theme.Seriously,I can think of so many songs,it's not even funny anymore.Here's hoping they will use either the Black Mages or at least a good Firewind since they are also big in Japan.

Those were also my rants for the first Dissidia[Except for the more playables].

As for Dysley...well...a mix of endgame appearence + magic would work?But,eh,haven't played XIII yet so I assume he works for the villain...

Tracks! I need to add those!

I. Last battle (in all the remakes)

II. Boss Battle A (The epic one) and also the original battle theme, like the PSP version of FFII, it is EPIC.

III. Battle theme

IV. Last battle (don't know it's name)

V. The Fierce Battle (I wanted this one so much in the original)

VI. Battle theme


VIII. Force your way

IX. Hunter's chance (I loved all the rest. It got the best of them all)

X. Challenge, and Decisive Battle

XI. -?-

XII. Yeah... they got the boss theme and that's the one I like the most.

XIII. Fighting Fate, Test of the L'Cie, and Defiers of Fate. (These three... *drools*)
^ For XIII I want Blinded by Light (had to look up the name) and the first one you posted. Fighting Fate.
Devil Bane;272117 said:
That being said,I expect proper alternatives and one more music track for each title...and a better final boss theme.
Actually, I thought Your Favorite Enemies' vocals were fine in the final battle theme. I thought it was weird when I first heard it, but it grew on me. It was something different from usual final boss themes i've heard and I liked it. I'd like to see Birth Of God as one of the battle themes for FFVII and Path Of Repentance should be the map theme for FFX.
Man aka, you took my idea of Zemus being in it! Maybe his EX mode would be Zeromus/Final Zeromus?

Hm... Did anyone mention Vincent yet? His EX mode could be Limit Break where he turns into the Galian Beast. That'd be f*cking sick!
The crazy demon;273121 said:
I want Zeromus from FFXII!!!

He looked cool could..."destroy you" and Vincent too, and and aand......aww can i ask for eveyone?

Hell, why don't we have Absolute Virtue in there too? There's always fun in having an UNBEATABLE boss. XD
Storm Silves;273117 said:
Man aka, you took my idea of Zemus being in it! Maybe his EX mode would be Zeromus/Final Zeromus?

Hm... Did anyone mention Vincent yet? His EX mode could be Limit Break where he turns into the Galian Beast. That'd be f*cking sick!

Zemus looks completely badass, and yes Final Zeromus is an absolutely epic EX mode.

Vincent though... He does not have any major impact in the game and he is kinda... far too serious. I mean, even Auron could have a laugh from time to time, but Vincent. A stone cold friggin' vampire who just does nothing awesome at all.
I'm sure they want living characters, able to fullfill roles of protagonists and antagonists in the game and Vincent got a slim chance to get in.

The crazy demon;273121 said:
I want Zeromus from FFXII!!!

He looked cool could..."destroy you" and Vincent too, and and aand......aww can i ask for eveyone?

It's an esper. Maybe as a summon, they do focus on characters to be characters and summons to be summons. :P

Storm Silves;273123 said:
Hell, why don't we have Absolute Virtue in there too? There's always fun in having an UNBEATABLE boss. XD

As a boss in-game? HELL YES!

As a playable character? Hell no!