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The Official Dante Thread

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Well-known Member
I've noticed this forum has deviated from being DMC oriented. With drama, talk about the universe and life, drama, talk about other games, and drama :lol: I think its safe to say the people that wanna talk about DMC related things (me) are getting bored. SOOO! I made this thread. This is for all things Dante related. What do you like/not like about him? Is he your favorite? Least favorite? Do you admire his love for pizza? It really doesn't matter what you talk about here so long as its about Dante! :D


The Devil's Advocate
IMO Dante is pretty cool. I don't think he's my favorite but he's alright lol. Now that I think about it the only thing I don't like about him is how damn invincible he is. I mean, it just kinda takes the fun out of the story cause you know that no matter what or who he's fighting he's going to win. I personally like how cocky he is and that he cracks jokes, but to me both of those things are A LOT cooler/funnier when they are coming out of someone's mouth who always gets their ass kicked lol Idk I just wish he was more mortal.


Dante enthusiast!
It would be easier for me to say everything about him is fabulous then list the few things I don't like -

The nipple straps! >_<
Him dancing around and his general attitude in DMC4

......that's all. I love how you feel for him in the first game, how he's a bad ass in the second game, how you cry for him in the 3rd game and you watch him prove he's a million times better than Nero in the 4th game.

I love his laid back attitude in the anime and his love for strawberry Sundays.

In games I usually root for the evil characters cuz there usually more interesting, but Capcom did a good job with Dante - let's hope they don't screw it up!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Well, I'm at a crossroads with him, really. I love him to bits but then I also hate him to no end. His wit is, for the most part, funny because it's so lame, not because it's funny funny wit. He lives to annoy, but then he gets some of his own back with Patty because what's more annoying than an annoying adult acting like a kid? A kid acting like a kid! I love how he doesn't flinch when his arm is being munched down on by this huge ass demon but when Patty attacks him with a mop in the gut, he goes 'ow!' :wub: That's so ridiculously cute!
I like his no-nonsense approach about certain things, like people butting in to his life and him telling them to fudge off. I also like his lack of worry about what others think of him, he really doesn't care and I find that confidence attractive. Then again it's pretty irritating too because some of the time, you know if he would mind what others think of him, he might stop being so mean/childish.
I hate his 'didn't your mother' jokes. Can you get any lamer? The next step up for his humour levels are knock knock jokes, seriously.
I also hate that he wore a shirt in DMC4. Damn you Dante! I also hate the nipple straps. I'd rather have him bare chested thank you :)
I love his playful attitude, especially in DMC3. The 'c'mon puppy, let's go' line still makes me @.@ and it is quite possibly one of his only good lines. I like the depth his character has as well. People might say he's shallow and Gary-stu but I don't see him that way. Considering his past, there's a hurt and angry little kid underneath all those layers of macho annoying childishness. I think he shields himself from being hurt by refraining from forming any solid relations to anyone else, which is why he prefers to be a loner. But then he's also a bit naive for thinking nobody cares about him at all, because Patty cared enough to go back to his office and clean it up for him even after she went to live with her mom again, AND Morrison even said 'take care' when he sent Dante on one of his missions. To which Dante had a snarky reply, but that's Dante for you.
I love his feet on the table kind of thing. It's so bad ass. And kicking down doors when they won't open? I dunno, maybe that's why I found it funny when he tuned that one boss 'didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door?' cos evidently Eva never taught Dante that either. xD How's that for a joke backfiring on him? Lame, again.

Anyway. Enough about his personality, which I'm sure is going to become a lot more complex once we see whatever NT dish up for us. ;) *cough* *shifty eyes* What, I didn't say anything, did I? :p

I love his handsome good looks. I've never really been one for tall guys because I'm petite, and I find myself looking up at my guy at times, who is average height, and going 'damn why are you so tall?' But that aside, the tallness does Dante justice and gives him an imposing image. Well it's better to have a tall lame-funny guy than a short lame-funny guy, right?
And teh blonde hairz :wub: to DIE for! If you're blonde and you live where I live, chances are I have stalked you at some point or another. I'm just very discreet and spontaneous with my stalking. Also, the blue eyes! Need I say more? And the arrogant little smirk? I LOVE the whole package, I really do, and I will admit that I prefer Reuben as Dante over anyone else because he just pulls it off so insanely good.
And I like Dante's stubble in DMC4. I mean *wolf-whistle* When I got over how annoying he is and how meh Nero is, I drooled over that stubble.
And did anyone ever notice his likeness with David Beckham?



God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I hate hate hate hate HATE Dante ever since the second game. That's all I really need to say.


Don't trust people
Storm Silves;292889 said:
I hate hate hate hate HATE Dante ever since the second game. That's all I really need to say.

Your repeated use of the word hate reminds me of Kefka. ^_^

On topic:
I like Dante, in all of the games. His mature manliness in the first, his silent but badass style in the second, his immature cocky style in the third, his playful and chilling style in the fourth.
I guess I'm just easier on personality than most. :\

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Never really liked him since the first game. It's easy to say he was a total ass in 3 and 4 but to be fair he had some good scenes like his final confrontation with Vergil, His initial appearence in DMC4 and the ending where he got all humble (felt a bit of that old warmth inside for him again but then it left as quick as it came :()

I have never liked Dante for his "couldn't give a cr@p" attitude and his super c0ckyness. It was the idea that inside this BA, demon hunting, ass whoopin machine there was something human...something Nero if you will.


Well-known Member
Dante in DMC3 is pure awesome. :wub: I love how he grows and matures in that game.


Master Vergil;292866 said:
And I like Dante's stubble in DMC4. I mean *wolf-whistle* When I got over how annoying he is and how meh Nero is, I drooled over that stubble.

Agreed. I like that look, just as long as they don't make him have a full-on beard in the future.

I'm going to confess that I'm going to be unashamedly shallow and say that I got pulled in for his looks (didn't like the way he looked in DMC, liked the looks in 2 but not the personality, liked personality in 3 and loved the looks and didn't mind his personality in 4) and don't bother much about knowing everything about him. I know the basics and that's enough for me.

And did anyone ever notice his likeness with David Beckham?

I hate you so much right now. :(


Mmm-hmm.....so what were we talking about again?
dmc 1 dante was cool for me

dmc 2 made me totally lost because i did not like his silence or why he was so different from part 1.

dmc 3 dante was the best for me because although he was cheesy...he was entertaining.

dmc 4 dante was well too goofy...and didn't fit. i like him a little bit

and besides nero wasn't needed. dmc 4 story line was kind of screwed up.

DmC dante: what everyone wanted because he's more human, more handsome, and its ninja theory! yay! (but not me)

but yeah whatever

japanese and western game developers are different in their own ways.

what's cool to japanese is considered lame and stupid to westerners.

cheesy japanese dante all the way for me.

Mandy Chan

Dante!! Whoop Whoop!
I just 100% love Dante! I mean I think hes cool, he kicks ass and he can be kinda silly... as we all know from DMC4. To me he beats Nero any day. So yeah as I mentioned a few times he is my fav DMC Character ever! XD
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