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The most beautiful thing you've ever experienced

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
It's a toss up for me between
a.) Being shown kindness
b.) My first attempt at sketching a life-like portrait (and nailing it)
c.) Writing.

If you thought I was going to mention giving birth, you've obviously never given birth, or held a fresh newborn.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
It's hard to pick one, so I'll probably pick a couple. ^^

1) The first time I ever really felt like I belonged with a group of people. Not something I still feel (even though I maintain the friendships that created that feeling), but it was the highlight of my early years as an adult. Every now and then, I re-experience it with different people, that sense of kinship; but the first time stands out.

2) Like DS, writing. It causes a lot of conflicting emotions at times, but I'd say finishing the first draft was one of the biggest things I've experienced on an emotional scale in a long time.

Honestly, there's more. I know there is. I just can't seem to pin them all down. ^^;


You will not forget this devil's power!
Being with your significant other and a group of good friends and cold drinks while chilling on the beach as the sun goes down


You will not forget this devil's power!
The moment everyone of different diversities, genders, beliefs, etc.
All come together in such a celebration of happiness that the problems of the world don't exist.

If you're talking about world peace, that hasn't happened yet..and sadly it may never happen

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
About 15 years ago, there was this huge storm system that swept across half of Virginia. I was in my room at my then-apartment when I heard a little bit of rumbling outside, so I went out to the balcony to see what was up, and I saw something to this day I can't explain what it was, and whenever I ask someone who knows weather, they can't explain either.

The clouds were thick and puffy as hell, almost like the sky was blanketed by marshmallows, or cotton. And every second, a couple of these "lighting spots" would light up - almost like a disco dance floor, up above. And that continued for about half an hour. Almost looked like there were a fleet of UFO's in the sky trying to communicate or something.

The next morning, when we watched the news, they say that our entire county was ravaged by extreme hail, wind and lightning - even a few tornadoes were confirmed. Everywhere except our town, with the little lightning spots.

EDIT: Here, to help better illustrate, this is more or less what the clouds looked like:

Now imagine each one of those "puffs" individually lighting up on and off. Pretty much that.

The fact that no one can explain it probably means no one else has ever seen it. Ever. At worst, it's an extraordinarily rare occurrence. And to me, that's pretty special.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
When I saw boobs up close in real life for the first time.....well its not the first time but relatives don't count so for me it was and man I tell ya this chick had some nice knockers.

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For Sanguinius!
Oh and seeing snow for the very first time. I live in Florida so snow was a godsend to me. I got all emotional and everything.
Yeah, living in Florida for a while and miss the snow.... but not the clean up. Lol

The most beautiful thing (s) are: my very first written work I did. My teacher said she loved it.

Next nature. I lived up north in the big city andvwhen I went upsate New York it was just breath taking.

Finally the New York city skyline at night. Just beautiful. <3


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Ah man, toughie. First thing that springs to mind is probably seeing (or hearing) my eldest son confidently read a children's book recently, and being so (deservedly) proud of himself. I worry about his future, but it's times like that that make me realize he's not going to let anything hold him back.


Entertain me.
I went to a new high school for senior year. Valentine's day rolls around and this girl walks up to me. She looks like she so doesn't want to be there. "Take this. My friend wants you to have it."

It's a mix CD in the year 2008. It's been decorated in sharpie with hearts on it. It's in a little jewel case with a custom-printed track list. I didn't have much confidence in high school and never pursued too hard and it just blew me away. She has some balls, man. A few months later she admitted it was hers and asked me to prom. Spoiler alert: we went.
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