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The mechanics of DMC4.


Well-known Member
This will be very similar to my old thread on the mechanics of DmC.
I will be listing all the mechanics(as far as I know) of DMC4 and the ones it has completely unique to it's self.

Jump, glide, and gun canceling.
Directional input attacks.
Gun Canceling.

Pause combos
Dynamic Parrying(Although it is not very practical in combat)

Charge Attacks
Infinite combos(5:52)(0:13)
Gun charge attacks
D.T. Explosion
(Any Nero combo)


Things I cannot provide video evidence of(or can't be bothered to because I'm lazy).

  1. Enemies and Bosses get different attacks as you increase difficulty levels.
  2. Enemies have immunity to certain attacks.
  3. Enemies can Devil Trigger.
  4. Secret missions.
  5. Ability to grapple to enemies
  6. Weapon Canceling.

Things DMC4 has that the previous entries and DmC don't have(as far as I know).
  1. D.T. Distortion
  2. Nero's Rev mechanic
  3. Guard flying
  4. Nero's Buster
  5. Lucifer Ecstasy Delay/Glitch
  6. Exceed Canceling
(Please inform me if I have missed any.)
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Well-known Member
Good work with this thread, however there were quite a few things that you missed about DMC4's mechanics. And with some of the mechanics you listed, you forgot to include them in the section where previous entries and DmC didn't have.

- Lucifer Pin Placement: Being able to place pins in midair without having them attach to the enemy. As far as I'm concerned, DmC didn't have this (it has summoned swords and kablooey, but you can't place suspended pins in midair, as well as having timed detonation)

- Inertia: What you considered as "Gliding", when there's much more to it.

Generally speaking, Inertia is when you gain momentum from a inertia generating move (moves like Calibur, Split, Draw, Sky Star, Full House, Helmbreaker, and etc.) and cancel the move to a different move, keeping the momentum that you gained from the previous move. It is arguable that Flying Guard is a stem of Inertia, seeing how guarding has this weird property that not only keeps your momentum, but multiplies it based on the move that is used and the amount of momentum generated. However it is also arguable that Sky Running, (using air hike and immediately cancelling it with a guard which enables you to shift your momentum into a different direction instantly) is also another mechanic, seeing how Dante gains a lot of aerial mobility from this.

Also, you can store your inertia while even on the ground too. You don't need to be in the air.

- Reversed Attacks: Reversing Locked On attacks in a different direction.

- Guarding: A simple mechanic that puts Dante in a defensive position, allowing him to block any attack, if timed perfectly. However he gains "meter" from this and it makes his Royal Release stronger depending on how much damage he absorbs. It's the same concept as Royal Guarding in DMC3, however it also includes Dreadnaught, which makes him immune to damage based on his meter. You can also abuse the invulnerability frames that you get from jumping and get easy Royal Guards on single hits. (DmC has Parrying, but functions a lot differently than the Royal Guard system)

- Cancels: Essentially Speaking, this is just a broad term for the amount of cancels that DMC4 has to offer. Here's a list of them (This doesn't include the obvious Jump Cancelling.)

- Exceed Cancelling: Using the Exceed Revving for Red Queen, Exceed Cancelling enables Nero to cancel the ending lag of certain attacks. Not only this, but it cancels his momentum in midair (completely stops his momentum from jumps when he jump cancels)

- Guard Cancelling: Dante can block after certain moves in order to cancel the endlag from certain attacks (similar to Nero's Revving cancel)

- D.T. Cancel: This is the most unique form of cancelling mechanics that Nero has to offer. Using his Devil Trigger, he is able to cancel any form of Melee and Gun based attacks that he uses the moment he uses D.T. Meaning that you can cancel any move at any given time with his D.T. The only moves that he cannot D.T. cancel are his D.T.'d Special moves, Buster, and Snatch. As well as this, D.T. can be used to relaunch enemies in midair, in which he can cancel the start up animation by either JCing it or using Air Hike.

- Gun Cancelling: Using E&I to cancel different moves. Similar to Guard Cancelling. Twosome time can be used to cancel sorta like guard cancelling as well.

- Lucifer Ecstasy Delay/Glitch: A mechanic for Dante that allows him to cancel the hitbox of Lucifer's ecstasy attack, generating a hitbox on Dante's head. This hitbox becomes active when Dante lands 16 hits, or more, on any enemy. The hitbox will launch the enemy, even while in midair. Doing this can result some quite complicated setups that require extremely good positioning. If you switch out of Lucifer, the hitbox disappears.

I think these are all of the things that you missed. Kinda tired right now so I probably left out some stuff.
And if you really want me to, I can provide video proof of all the stuff I listed whenever I get some free time.


Well-known Member
Good work with this thread, however there were quite a few things that you missed about DMC4's mechanics. And with some of the mechanics you listed, you forgot to include them in the section where previous entries and DmC didn't have.

- Lucifer Pin Placement: Being able to place pins in midair without having them attach to the enemy. As far as I'm concerned, DmC didn't have this (it has summoned swords and kablooey, but you can't place suspended pins in midair, as well as having timed detonation)

- Inertia: What you considered as "Gliding", when there's much more to it.

Generally speaking, Inertia is when you gain momentum from a inertia generating move (moves like Calibur, Split, Draw, Sky Star, Full House, Helmbreaker, and etc.) and cancel the move to a different move, keeping the momentum that you gained from the previous move. It is arguable that Flying Guard is a stem of Inertia, seeing how guarding has this weird property that not only keeps your momentum, but multiplies it based on the move that is used and the amount of momentum generated. However it is also arguable that Sky Running, (using air hike and immediately cancelling it with a guard which enables you to shift your momentum into a different direction instantly) is also another mechanic, seeing how Dante gains a lot of aerial mobility from this.

Also, you can store your inertia while even on the ground too. You don't need to be in the air.

- Reversed Attacks: Reversing Locked On attacks in a different direction.

- Guarding: A simple mechanic that puts Dante in a defensive position, allowing him to block any attack, if timed perfectly. However he gains "meter" from this and it makes his Royal Release stronger depending on how much damage he absorbs. It's the same concept as Royal Guarding in DMC3, however it also includes Dreadnaught, which makes him immune to damage based on his meter. You can also abuse the invulnerability frames that you get from jumping and get easy Royal Guards on single hits. (DmC has Parrying, but functions a lot differently than the Royal Guard system)

- Cancels: Essentially Speaking, this is just a broad term for the amount of cancels that DMC4 has to offer. Here's a list of them (This doesn't include the obvious Jump Cancelling.)

- Exceed Cancelling: Using the Exceed Revving for Red Queen, Exceed Cancelling enables Nero to cancel the ending lag of certain attacks. Not only this, but it cancels his momentum in midair (completely stops his momentum from jumps when he jump cancels)

- Guard Cancelling: Dante can block after certain moves in order to cancel the endlag from certain attacks (similar to Nero's Revving cancel)

- D.T. Cancel: This is the most unique form of cancelling mechanics that Nero has to offer. Using his Devil Trigger, he is able to cancel any form of Melee and Gun based attacks that he uses the moment he uses D.T. Meaning that you can cancel any move at any given time with his D.T. The only moves that he cannot D.T. cancel are his D.T.'d Special moves, Buster, and Snatch. As well as this, D.T. can be used to relaunch enemies in midair, in which he can cancel the start up animation by either JCing it or using Air Hike.

- Gun Cancelling: Using E&I to cancel different moves. Similar to Guard Cancelling. Twosome time can be used to cancel sorta like guard cancelling as well.

- Lucifer Ecstasy Delay/Glitch: A mechanic for Dante that allows him to cancel the hitbox of Lucifer's ecstasy attack, generating a hitbox on Dante's head. This hitbox becomes active when Dante lands 16 hits, or more, on any enemy. The hitbox will launch the enemy, even while in midair. Doing this can result some quite complicated setups that require extremely good positioning. If you switch out of Lucifer, the hitbox disappears.

I think these are all of the things that you missed. Kinda tired right now so I probably left out some stuff.
And if you really want me to, I can provide video proof of all the stuff I listed whenever I get some free time.
Appreciate the feed back.
I will give you a proper response tomorrow and adjust my list accordingly.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
DMC4 also has

Side rave and reverse rave somethin DmC cannot recreate properly it can mimic star rave just about and the trickster teleport with sky star double air dash covers massive ground unlike angel dash and demon dodge in DmC

i haven't seen people doing a stinger followed by a reverse shotgun blast or any reverse attack yet in DmC
but i am open to correction on that

i will make a prooer list with videos when i get a chance


Well-known Member
Good work with this thread, however there were quite a few things that you missed about DMC4's mechanics. And with some of the mechanics you listed, you forgot to include them in the section where previous entries and DmC didn't have.

- Lucifer Pin Placement: Being able to place pins in midair without having them attach to the enemy. As far as I'm concerned, DmC didn't have this (it has summoned swords and kablooey, but you can't place suspended pins in midair, as well as having timed detonation)

- Inertia: What you considered as "Gliding", when there's much more to it.

Generally speaking, Inertia is when you gain momentum from a inertia generating move (moves like Calibur, Split, Draw, Sky Star, Full House, Helmbreaker, and etc.) and cancel the move to a different move, keeping the momentum that you gained from the previous move. It is arguable that Flying Guard is a stem of Inertia, seeing how guarding has this weird property that not only keeps your momentum, but multiplies it based on the move that is used and the amount of momentum generated. However it is also arguable that Sky Running, (using air hike and immediately cancelling it with a guard which enables you to shift your momentum into a different direction instantly) is also another mechanic, seeing how Dante gains a lot of aerial mobility from this.

Also, you can store your inertia while even on the ground too. You don't need to be in the air.

- Reversed Attacks: Reversing Locked On attacks in a different direction.

- Guarding: A simple mechanic that puts Dante in a defensive position, allowing him to block any attack, if timed perfectly. However he gains "meter" from this and it makes his Royal Release stronger depending on how much damage he absorbs. It's the same concept as Royal Guarding in DMC3, however it also includes Dreadnaught, which makes him immune to damage based on his meter. You can also abuse the invulnerability frames that you get from jumping and get easy Royal Guards on single hits. (DmC has Parrying, but functions a lot differently than the Royal Guard system)

- Cancels: Essentially Speaking, this is just a broad term for the amount of cancels that DMC4 has to offer. Here's a list of them (This doesn't include the obvious Jump Cancelling.)

- Exceed Cancelling: Using the Exceed Revving for Red Queen, Exceed Cancelling enables Nero to cancel the ending lag of certain attacks. Not only this, but it cancels his momentum in midair (completely stops his momentum from jumps when he jump cancels)

- Guard Cancelling: Dante can block after certain moves in order to cancel the endlag from certain attacks (similar to Nero's Revving cancel)

- D.T. Cancel: This is the most unique form of cancelling mechanics that Nero has to offer. Using his Devil Trigger, he is able to cancel any form of Melee and Gun based attacks that he uses the moment he uses D.T. Meaning that you can cancel any move at any given time with his D.T. The only moves that he cannot D.T. cancel are his D.T.'d Special moves, Buster, and Snatch. As well as this, D.T. can be used to relaunch enemies in midair, in which he can cancel the start up animation by either JCing it or using Air Hike.

- Gun Cancelling: Using E&I to cancel different moves. Similar to Guard Cancelling. Twosome time can be used to cancel sorta like guard cancelling as well.

- Lucifer Ecstasy Delay/Glitch: A mechanic for Dante that allows him to cancel the hitbox of Lucifer's ecstasy attack, generating a hitbox on Dante's head. This hitbox becomes active when Dante lands 16 hits, or more, on any enemy. The hitbox will launch the enemy, even while in midair. Doing this can result some quite complicated setups that require extremely good positioning. If you switch out of Lucifer, the hitbox disappears.

I think these are all of the things that you missed. Kinda tired right now so I probably left out some stuff.
And if you really want me to, I can provide video proof of all the stuff I listed whenever I get some free time.

First things first:
I already knew inertia and gun canceling were in DMC4, I just forgot to put them on the list.

Also, I was wary of putting, "Lucifer Pin Placement", as a mechanic because it seemed more like just a move and not a mechanic.

Everything else you brought up is valid though, now just need to find video evidence of it actually existing.

So at most I missed 6 mechanics.


Well-known Member
Good work guys, nice thread! Can't wait to read and watch more the further it goes along (despite how old the game is). :thumbsup:


Well-known Member
D.T. Distortion:

Gaurd Flying:

Lucifer Ecstasy Delay/Glitch

Exceed Canceling:

Sorry for the late update :p
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