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The grand judging of all DMC games!

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Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
Okay, this is it, we've received different feedback over all three episodes of DMC, good and bad (OMG DM1RO X SEKOND 1 SUX-R BALO\X!!!), but now it's time for a final discussion. No flaming, proper reviews over each one, and keep them detailed. Oh and don't you DARE give me any biased shi-t for f-uck's sake. You can set it up anyhow you want. It can be a full length proper review, or a pros/cons list. I'm not forcing you into anything for that.
Here we go for me:


The debut to the great series that is DMC. Fantastic at best, and real tough, maybe really original as well. Is DMC1 better or DMC3? Uhh... don't ask. My opinions on the goods and bads are as follows...


-Difficulties are just right. Easy Auto is easy a gateau cake, Normal is moderate, Hard is rather solid, DMD! is f-ucking ridiculous. (But that's not a bad thing)

-Great designs, they give you a really good feeling for each level, and they all go with the game's style.

-So fun and entertaining it will never bore you. (Unless you happen to be a nerd with no idea how to fight a boss and... ah don't ask).

-Graphics were not bad, especially for a game this early. (Well, 2001, yeah)

-Bosses vary in challenge, and they all have something unique about them, and do all different kinds of 1337 stuff.

-Story makes rather good sense.

-Protagonist is one awesome dude! (LOL).

-Special features ROCK!

-Enemies have so much potential as demons.

-The music is GREAT! It's the sort we love and it suits every part it was used. Oldie like chorus music for the story parts and the ancient legend stuff, and heavy rock music and evil frenzy stuff for boss/enemy fights.


-Whilst the graphics are brilliant in some places, they can be a real mess for some parts, like the shape of the hair, and the sword handles... oops.

-Whilst it's good to have a really challenging game... well, maybe some parts of this game are just TOO challenging. We hate way too hard games nearly as much as we do way too easy ones, right?

-Game does unfortunately have its repetitive moments.

-Story is unclear in some parts.

-That Nightmare-Beta gun was a real mess up of not only a gun, but of what exactly IT IS.

OVERALL DMC1 SCORE: 9.1/10 = Brilliant


Okay, whilst I don't consider this game as bad as most DMC fans say it is, it's still a big let down to DMC, and I still agree this is the worst one in the series. I guess Capcom forgot about how they made the first DMC when it came to this, huh? ¦)


-Graphics WERE somewhat improved from the first game, though they could still do with a bit o' work in some places.

-The occasional boss like Bolverk and Trismagia were interesting bosses and a challenge to face.

-Well, they were able to keep SOME of the good music in here. And that's being kind.

-More realistic seeming swords.

-I like how they switched reviving orb types from Yellows to Golds, which have their differences like price, how many you can carry, how accurately they revive you (Golds automatically bring you back on your feet, Yellows just put you back in the previous room you were in, losing all your progress, supposing you were in a boss fight, Golds can be used unlimitedly, Yellows can only be used once per orb).


-Some REALLY bad ideas for enemy types (Reusing bosses, army vehicles with some gooey monster possessing them, evil babies were all some of the stupidest ideas ever, yes EVER)

-This one drops WAY below the quality of the average DMC like game (like GoW), even some other NORMAL demon killing games could possibly be better than this.

-Bosses (and entire game even on DMD) way too easy.

-Bad attacking moves.

-Shi-tty combos.

-Weapons are overpowered.

-Swords are repetitive and not very interesting.

-The whole -Amulet and Heart- crap just ain't my thing.

-Most music sucks. They went from awesome legendary and rock style music to stupid overused techno music. They even reused some themes for different bosses; that's a huge goof to make.

-DT doesn't last long enough, and it's not fair that using guns drains it even more. The super DDT that you get when you have near zero health puts you close to a "You can't die" sequence with all the immense damage you deal and **** ant damage that you take. Sucks how your firearms always change to crappy rapid fireballs too.

-Bosses not very unique. How is it that Noctpteran has NO attacks whatsoever and the only thing it can do is poop out larvae, and even they only have one attack. This boss fight is a stinker.

-Last fights were WAY too easy.

-What the hell is up with that super irritating "kill the 3 really hard to destroy light orbs/pots then grab the Heart and get through the trap door before any of them reappear" puzzle. That was SO aggravating, I'm just so glad you only have to do it on your first play round.

-Lucia had a crappy character to herself, and how is it that she's creating by some thick retard mercenary God wannabe? Arius was a big time sucker.

-I hate how Dante says very little (and so does Lucia) in the game, and he's chosen much more mature, less cocky, showoff attitude. He's so boring without it.

-When you ran out of the Goldies (Gold orbs), you didn't even have to restart the level, you just had to go back to the last checkpoint as if you'd used a YELLOW orb; again, way too easy.

-Really poor voice acting. I agree with the following quote: "Lucia sounded *like something bad, I forgot what the guy said*, and Arius sounded like a castrated pig!"

OVERALL SCORE: 4.8/10 - This is a shameful sequel, you could've done better Capcom... WAY better, and you know it... don't you?

That's all for now, I'll be posting the DMC3 and DMC3:SE reviews later. I've written enough for now and I'm too damn lazy to write any more. :sleep:


Sir Fretalot
dmc1 has excellent gameplay and the best menu screens but you battle each of the bosses over and over again

dmc2 has to be the worst one even though i like nefasturris and argosax the chaos

dmc3 obvious winner- my favourite game. best weapons, tons of combos, brilliant enemy design and storyline. only downfall is all the dodgy bits in the cutscenes, for example when he rides lady's missile after beating cerberus, and some dodgy camera control
Well lets see:
My personal favorite. just a perfect game to me and i love everything about it. great concept and enemy designs. nice layout of the castle and demon world(especially when you enter mundus' room).

well......many people hated this game, but I dont. i actually am very fond of this disappointment lol. i actually think it was a pretty good game but compared to the others it did suck. it lacked the action factor and dante was boring. lucia shouldnt exist. i did like most of the design of the game except a few like the tanks and helicopters. but overall...i thought it was decent, untill i played 3 and 1 again.

DMC 3&se:
well what can i say, they took part one and expanded it. only a few complaints though. most enemies look the same. and there were like 4 really important characters....but hey who cares cause i dont the game is awsome as is.

Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
Hey, hey, who DOESN'T think those tanks and helicopters with gooey infestant monsters stuck to 'em are a totally stupid idea for enemies? They might as well've just put them as tanks/helicopters alone without the monsters for that sake. Especially since the Infestants don't even make the tanks/copters do anything different.


Apprentice of Doom

-great gameplay
-original storyline
-wicked awesome weapons
-vaguely based off of dante aligheri's "The Divine Comedy" (a.k.a. Dante's Inferno)
-good graphics
-cool bosses
-dante's cocky attitude

-could get really blurry in some spots
-first time you play the game you look at your map constantly because you have no idea where the f-uck you're going
-phantom really p-issed me off
-no DT for force edge or sparda (until you got to mundus)


-after beating the game on any difficulty you could go back and play any level you wanted to (level select), unlike DMC where you had to go through the entire game
-dante has his own form of DT now
-some bosses were cool
-slightly better graphics
-new playable character with slightly different storyline

-some enemies were used too much, like the msiras (or whatever they were) and all their other forms, there was like 8 different forms of that thing
-dante didnt have his cocky attitude and was serious and quiet
-lucia disk was basically a waste, levels are basically the exact same thing, except for a select few
-poor choice of weapons (except for rebellion)

-dante had his cocky attitude back
-you get to use rebellion again (although blade is quite thick now)
-combo combo combo combo
-awesome weapons (except for nevan)
-vergil is a bada-ss mother f-ucker

-you fight vergil too many times
-in SE when you do story with vergil you think "f-uckin right! i get to fight dante! but no, its some some stupid prince of darkness. which brings up a point, isnt mundus the prince of darkness?
-enemies all look too similar. sure, one may be white, one may be brown, one may blow up, but they're all reapers. sure, theres a few non-reaper enemies, like enigma and bloodgoyle, but for the most part its all reapers.

one question, why havent any of the enemies from any DMC game ever carried over? sure, have a new enemy list, but keep some of the old ones for f-uck sake, it just makes sence.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Devil May Cry

Summary: Demon emporor trying to open the gate on a remote island. Mysterious woman appears out of the clouds, we meet Dante. He gets his invitation to stop the demon emporor and he accepts...

Electrifying combat

enemies are the most unhinged in the series

Some of the coolest special powers in any DMC up to date

Bosses all require strategy to beat as well as nerves of steel

Good graphics for a 2001 game

Best big boss ever

You want to stab the camera more that occasionally

Some people moan that it's just too hard

No checkpoints (unless you have yellow orbs, which you should)

9.5/10 Awesome!

Devil May Cry 2

Dante is, for some random reason, standing on some sort of massive tower and he jumps down and heads towards the heroine Lucia who takes dante to old Granny Matier, (Lucia's adoptive mother). Matier asks Dante to deal with the new maniac Arius. he flips a coin and goes to defeat evil once agin...

Dante's new sinister attitude makes him all the cooler in this sequel (Fewer silly one liners in this one)
Enhanced graphics.


You still want to kill the camera

Most enemies have no personality

Full lock on makes it a pain-in-the-behind to switch targets instantly.

Lucia's crap (Dull and bad voice acting)

Arius is also crap (hollow black magic and weak gun attacks, the weakest boss in the series, worst maniacal laugh ever)

Other bosses don't even have a story to their appearance.

the whole skeleton enemy thing has stopped being cool years ago

No super Dante (not that you'd need it but it's still fun to play as super Dante, don't you think)

**** easy difficulty.

5.4/10 What the hell happened!?

DMC3: Dante's awakening
Dante is in his shop he picks up the phone and hangs up soon after, he starts eating his pizza when a man comes in with a kind of butler-esque appearance and burns on his face, he appears to have had measles as one eye is blue and the other is a kind of browny red. He says that he knows Dante's brother and flips Dante's desk over, a load of demons come in and it's time to save the world again...

Welcome a huge host of new moves

An innovative style system

Free DMC combat that we know and love from the original

Some decent enemies

Good strong bosses throughout

Return of Super Dante


Worst Dante costume yet

Cocky Dante with bad one liners

Dante is outclassed in nearly every way by Vergil. Fighting style, attitude, costume, the way he talks etc.

Lady, trigger happy Devil hunter who is one of the weaker bosses.

9.6/10 the overall best DMC so far


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Devil May Cry

decent bosses
awesome weapons
decent serect missions
one awesomely bad a$$ chick
some awesome cutscenes
informantive opening

repeative boss fights
nightmare beta (i mean come on what the heck do you use it for? it's worthless.)
underwater missions suck (cause of bad camera control. although that may just be my bad hand eye cordination.)
Can't dt underwater
it is insanely difficult to unlock the other playable characters.

Overall rating- 9.7/10


slightly better graphics
somewhat better camera control
you can play as Trish

Dante doesn't have that cocky fearless attitude from DMC and rarely utters a word.
Rebellion is your only sword besides vendetta which sucks.
DT doesn't last long enough.
the whole dt through the amulet was stupid.
the storyline sucks.
Arius is lame.
Lucia is also lame and playing as her is pointless.
enemies are way too repeative.
lame boss battles.

Overall rating: 4.2/10
Capcom? What the f* happened?

DMC 3 (SE):

Play as Vergil
More background story
some challenging enemies. (Hell Vanguard, those spider thingies) *that's a pro because it keeps you on your toes*
Bad A$$ weaponry
cool fighting style system
awesome unlockables
easy cutscence replay
another bad a$$ chick

Jester boss battle is annoying and pointless.
Beowulf is good weapon but i think it makes both Dante and Vergil look absouletly ridiculous.
Playing as Vergil is as if you are playing as Dante in a blue coat with Vergil's weapons and moves. you don't even fight Dante, it's vergil in a red coat.
Said bad a$$ chick mentioned in the pros is a weak boss, therefore extremely easy to defeat.
serect missions are somewhat annoying.

Overall rating: 9.9/10
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