"The game is not challenging"? "Broken Weapons"?

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I'd like to see a screen cap of that. I'm fairly low-tier and I still swam in upgrade points around the mid point of the game on Nephilim. The only way I can conceive of you having a deficit would be if you spammed the same combos over and over. Be honest, were you Ophion Juggle Spamming with Rebellion through the whole game DR? You can admit it, this is a place of healing.

Untrue, you pay one white soul per upgrade on every upgrade. If an upgrade has multiple tiers you spend one point per tier. It takes two souls to unlock Demon Dodge I believe, although I could stand corrected.

...you were tapping DT just so as you performed every single punching weapon attack until you found the unique one with the glitch, all within a few days of unlocking those attacks? I'll go so far as to say that's statistically unlikely for most players. What's more, it's still a coding flaw rather than an intentional feature, and an intentional feature which breaks the game is inherently worse game design as well as cheapening to the experience as a whole.

Say you're playing Doom and you find the BFG9000 in the first room with enough ammo to take you through every level. You might say: "Huh, that's really bad game design." Then I chime in and say, "Well, you don't have to use it, do you! Look, it doesn't effect the amount of secrets you find in each level at all! And anyway, you can find a BFG in the secret room in the tenth level! And anyway, if you want one you can just cheat!"

You'd think I was completely missing the point, wouldn't you?

Consider another videogame series: Castlevania. Classic Castlevania is a legacy regarded to have started in 1986 and spans 14 games. They are regarded as cult classics thanks in no small part to their uncompromising difficulty. In '97 Symphony of the Night was released, a game which many old hands claimed was far too easy and failed to deliver an experience on par with it's predecessors because of it. In hindsight SotN is seen as a necessary evolution of the series.

The crucial difference between SotN and DmC is...well, a lot of things actually, but most importantly while SotN presented a far less brutal challenge compared to it's predecessors, it also added a significant amount of content. While the series prior was a simple sidescroller where you fought a straight line into the castle of Dracula, SotN took Metroid's example and opened up the game as a full scale exploration of the fortress. There was exploration to be had on every floor, secrets to be sought, all new abilities to discover for the protagonist and a plethora of items to find and use.

DmC on the other hand dumbs-down to and condescends to player on every conceivable level of it's presentation without offering any new gameplay nuances. The exploration is significantly toned down; while old Devil May Cry often had the player explore a large consistent environment, DmC often locks away areas you have already explored from backtracking, forcing you to replay the entire level just to check on what might have been a tucked away secret. Secret Missions are no longer Secret Missions you activate by interacting with suspicious level design elements; they're signposted and indicated by huge glowing keys and massive doorways you couldn't possibly miss. Hey though, at least we got platforming so easy it plays itself, right?

We have lost so much and gained barely anything.

I dont think the Doom comparison is valid, simply because you dont start with DD or DT, both have to be earned. You also have to earn DT, you aren't given enough "ammo" to go through the entire game, you have to earn it in order to spend it. Now obviously both techniques are available on a second playthrough (you still have to build meter though), but all previous DMCs were made significantly easier by this carry over too. To me, combining DD & DT is similar to say using an untouchable on DMC or DT/Stinger in DMC4. If I was to wander into the DMC section and proclaim nightmare 3 was slash easy on DMD with an untouchable active, people would probably say I was missing the point and I should try it without the item. But why should I, the item was just laying there on my previous playthrough, its part of the game, I have no choice but to use it right? Also, who cares about score/ranking, its winning at all costs that count, who gives a damn about style in a DMC?

Bottom line is, all DMCs have had exploits to make life easier, even on the harder difficulties, but people played them and loved them all the same, because from its very inception, the point of the game wasn't just to win but to win with Style.

As for how the actual game has changed, I dont think there was ever too much exploring to be done really, if DmC has less, its not by much. I would also argue that the secret doors are really just an evolution of what started in DC3, where they first become more visble/easily identified. Having to find the keys adds a bit more exploration and is also a nod to the previous games, where finding a key of some sort was required every other mission (a gameplay idea left over from the originals RE roots). That means the back tracking and tedious fetch and carry mechanic is not only an optional extra but only has to be done once, not every time you play the level. The platforming is now slick and fluid, where as the previous games were rudimentary at best and painful at worst. The living, shifting city idea is an elegant way of signposting and nicely guides you to the next fight.
"Trick"? How is using Kablooey in conjunction with Demon Dodge a "trick"? It's something the design team intentionally designed into the game and didn't balance properly. It's not like Jump-Cancelling in DMC1 where you had to fiddle the animation frames or DRI where you had to master flickering the DT button at just the right moment. Is it a "trick" to throw a Hadoken in Street Fighter 2?

If you make a game with the name Devil May Cry, people are going to compare it to Devil May Cry. How is this beyond the ken of anyone's comprehension?

Okay, now you're just being a know-it-all. I'll say this one last time...we didn't know about that from the start, you're acting like you knew this by the time people had their copies. Sure we didn't know about the Real Impact move in DMC4 too in a few days, but did they make a big deal out of it then? NO! So why are they making a big deal of this too?

Lemme guess "Oh, this game has to improve out of all the DMC mistakes", well lemme tell you this, NO game is perfect, not even the GOTY!
So I'm now stuck in Mission 13. I could imagine how hard it would be in DMD.

I think some fans don't know what they talking about saying "oh, I can get though SoS and DMD in a breeze!"
Do you have any videos of you playing? Maybe someone can help you or something.

Don't have a camera or a capture card (nor do I have the time to get neither of them). Maybe I'll look for a mission guide on youtube either tomorrow or Friday cuz that mission is INESCAPABLE!!
Don't have a camera or a capture card (nor do I have the time to get neither of them). Maybe I'll look for a mission guide on youtube either tomorrow or Friday cuz that mission is INESCAPABLE!!
Well good luck. Maybe with Bloody Palace coming out, you'll be able to get in a ton more practice and can experiment with what works best for you.
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