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The Fandom Project: So A Dante Walks Into A Bar


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
slight problem, if theyre anything like me(which im sure they are) then our cosplayers will be so good looking the barman will insist on ID as there is no way an adult can have skin as smooth as theirs and not be bellow drinking age. and unless their ID has the name Dante on it the game will be up and if they DONT show ID then theyll either be refused service or thrown out completely.


Well-known Member
Cosplayers aren't Dante.

I think your perception of clothing, costumes, materials, pricing, and realism are very flawed. You don't have to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks.

While cosplayers may not be perfect Dante, you seem to be putting him up on some kind of impossible unreachable standard of which to perform this amusing social experiment.


Well-known Member
I think your perception of clothing, costumes, materials, pricing, and realism are very flawed. You don't have to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks.

While cosplayers may not be perfect Dante, you seem to be putting him up on some kind of impossible unreachable standard of which to perform this amusing social experiment.
The question of the experiment is:
Would Classic Dante get laughed at when walking into a bar?

I am saying if you want to do a correct experiment that answers that question you must:
Take into account the cosplayers are just representations of Dante not actually him

or Have a standard for Dante cosplayers:
That is: certain height
certain muscle
certain coat

Otherwise the question should be rephrased to: Would cosplayers of classic Dante get laughed out in a bar?

And i didn't say you had to spend millions to look like a million. I just am saying the Dante cosplay coats doesn't seem to be of near as good quality as Dante's.

I got a question for you: Do you think the quality of the coat Dante is wearing in this pic

is the same quality like these coats?
http://www.cosplayholic.com/cfolder/Cosplayholic/Library/Tree/DMC_3/DMC3_dante_black.jpg (ignore the colour)

I'll tell you what i think:
The coat Dante is wearing, it's quality seems to be 9-10/10

The other coats that are ment to represent the same coat Dante is wearing seems to be between 6-8/10.

Hell i think Chibi's Dante coat is a 8/10 in terms of quality: and he paid 200 dollars!

But my point isn't the coat needs to be pricy. It's that the quality of the coat (how it looks) and the fabric must be good.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Sometimes if you want the best of the best, you have to pay top price to get it, especially if the darn thing has been made to your specifications, I know this personally too


Smile it confuses people
The question of the experiment is:
Would Classic Dante get laughed at when walking into a bar?

I am saying if you want to do a correct experiment that answers that question you must:
Take into account the cosplayers are just representations of Dante not actually him

or Have a standard for Dante cosplayers:
That is: certain height
certain muscle
certain coat
Race, color, age, sex, height and weight don't matter for this experiment. The things that are important to this is Dante's hair and his clothes [The red coat] as they are the most striking and iconic things about his character and what fan recongise him for. If you are lucky enough to resemble or look exactly like him in body and facial appearance then it's a plus. I'm not excluding anyone because of their looks if their costume and hair match up

And yes :) the question is partly of the experiment, but it is not limited to only that playing field of bar, incase participants want to journey out of there and try the experiment elsewhere. Like I state at the end of the thread post:

The main objective of this project is to see how members of the public [crucially those not familiar with Devil May Cry] respond to Classic Dante in their environment and how well he can successfully blend in with society.

You have to remember there are young kids, older people and those out there who don't even know what a cosplay is or have never played a video game before. Not everyone knows who Dante is.


Well-known Member
Race, color, age, sex, height and weight don't matter for this experiment. The things that are important to this is Dante's hair and his clothes [The red coat] as they are the most striking and iconic things about his character and what fan recongise him for. If you are lucky enough to resemble or look exactly like him in body and facial appearance then it's a plus. I'm not excluding anyone because of their looks if their costume and hair match up

And yes :) the question is partly of the experiment, but it is not limited to only that playing field of bar, incase participants want to journey out of there and try the experiment elsewhere. Like I state at the end of the thread post:

The main objective of this project is to see how members of the public [crucially those not familiar with Devil May Cry] respond to Classic Dante in their environment and how well he can successfully blend in with society.

You have to remember there are young kids, older people and those out there who don't even know what a cosplay is or have never played a video game before. Not everyone knows who Dante is.
Like i said you can't say you want to see how people respond to classic Dante and how well he can successfully blend in with society, and then base it on cosplayers who not necessarily have same height, same quality coat, same gender etc

Ï am simply just saying that ok?

But if you want to find out how people react to cosplays of Dante, then this doesn't require the cosplayer to have certain height, gender, coat etc

I mean if you want to see people's reaction to Dante and base it on cosplay without having constraints like gender and height, then i dont get how a cosplay like this would give you answers considering it's a female:

and Dante is a male..


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Like i said you can't say you want to see how people respond to classic Dante and how well he can successfully blend in with society, and then base it on cosplayers who not necessarily have same height, same quality coat, same gender etc

Ï am simply just saying that ok?

But if you want to find out how people react to cosplays of Dante, then this doesn't require the cosplayer to have certain height, gender, coat etc

I mean if you want to see people's reaction to Dante and base it on cosplay without having constraints like gender and height, then i dont get how a cosplay like this would give you answers considering it's a female:

and Dante is a male..
I think that what Alittleacorn is trying to say is that if the clothes (and wig) the cosplayer is wearing are sufficiently "credible", people who don't have the slightest idea that a character such as Dante exists would not think that the cosplayer in question is, indeed, cosplaying. They would simply think he/her is dressed in a very particular way. The point is, the cosplayer must not give away the fact that he/her is cosplaying Dante: in this way, we can at least have an idea of how people would react to a person who LOOKS LIKE Dante (since we don't have an original Dante to go by).


Smile it confuses people
Like i said you can't say you want to see how people respond to classic Dante and how well he can successfully blend in with society, and then base it on cosplayers who not necessarily have same height, same quality coat, same gender etc

Ï am simply just saying that ok?

But if you want to find out how people react to cosplays of Dante, then this doesn't require the cosplayer to have certain height, gender, coat etc

I mean if you want to see people's reaction to Dante and base it on cosplay without having constraints like gender and height, then i dont get how a cosplay like this would give you answers considering it's a female:

and Dante is a male..
I know you're saying that, I understand :3

The fact is Dante isn't real, the closest we can get to bringing him to life is by dressing up as him. So even if they are cosplayers, they are still following his design and we must respect that. That's why it's so important the costumes are the best they can be to make the most accurate test as possible.


Well-known Member
I know you're saying that, I understand :3

The fact is Dante isn't real, the closest we can get to bringing him to life is by dressing up as him. So even if they are cosplayers, they are still following his design and we must respect that. That's why it's so important the costumes are the best they can be to make the most accurate test as possible.
Yes i understand. Just saying that since people cosplaying aren't Dante, it could be a factor influencing people's reactions.

Hence one must be aware of this and analyze data with this in mind.

For example if 60/100 people in a bar laughed at Dante cosplayer you can't with a sufficient level of certainty conclude "It's because they thought classic Dante was laughable".
It could have been because of the factor which i mentioned: that they aren't Dante and not necessarily have the same height, gender, coat or hair as him. Which resulted in a bad cosplay/representation of Dante.

It'll be cool and fun if anyone does this experiment though, independt of how accurate their representation is :D


Smile it confuses people
Yes i understand. Just saying that since people cosplaying aren't Dante, it could be a factor influencing people's reactions.

Hence one must be aware of this and analyze data with this in mind.

For example if 60/100 people in a bar laughed at Dante you can't with a sufficient level of certainty conclude "It's because they thought classic Dante was laughable".
It could have been because of the factor which i mentioned: that they aren't Dante and not necessarily have the same height, gender, coat or hair as him. Which resulted in a bad cosplay/representation of Dante.

It'll be cool and fun if anyone does this experiment though, independt of how accurate their representation is :D

That is possible, it could influence people's reaction. But it is a question, if Dante existed and there was no Devil May Cry in our world, given some of us already know what cosplayers are, might some still mistake him for a cosplayer anyway, while others just see a well dressed man? The same can be said about cosplayers too and depending on how good their cosplay is. Responses will be a mix barrel, some might not even be spared a glance. So it will important to take this all into account :3 and that's also why it's so important participants dressing up as Dante stay by themselves [with the exception of camerafriends nearby] because if they were with a group of other cosplayers, it would be far too obvious.

For example, I remember seeing a woman on her own a few years ago at a boot fair dressed differently from everyone [She had something like a short victorian styled dress and she was holding up one of those victorian umbrellas, also she had this pale make up and these very high teels.] even to this day I still can't figure out if she was the real deal or if she was dressing up. It's possible this is the sort of response some might get, doubt. It will all depend on people's individual views of them and their personal onlook of life and fashion. ^^

And aye :lol: I am excited/nervous how things will go and how many are going to try it out. Even if we get one or two submissions will be fantastic. Plus it'll a fun excuse to dress up as Dante in public, instead of only at an anime convention. :3


Well-known Member
I am pretty sure that 8/10 people realize the person is cosplaying even if the person doesnt know what the term is.

Halloween = cosplay day.

And most parent or kids know what Halloween is.


Keyser Söze
I mean if you want to see people's reaction to Dante and base it on cosplay without having constraints like gender and height, then i dont get how a cosplay like this would give you answers considering it's a female:
Actually to be perfectly honest it really took me 2 minutes to realize that its not a 15 yr old boy XD

Back on topic i don't see why no one is trying out the best Dante's outfit which is just plain non-leather red jacket with red pants


Well-known Member
Back on topic i don't see why no one is trying out the best Dante's outfit which is just plain non-leather red jacket with red pants
I mentioned my DMC1 outfit, if that's what you're talking about. Also, as someone who own multiple red trenchcoats, leather will always get a more "positive" response than non-leather. It just looks better. I used to catch a lot of **** for my clothes before I started wearing leather.


Keyser Söze
I mentioned my DMC1 outfit, if that's what you're talking about. Also, as someone who own multiple red trenchcoats, leather will always get a more "positive" response than non-leather. It just looks better. I used to catch a lot of **** for my clothes before I started wearing leather.
Well Red shiny leather is rather funny if you wear it in public you'll be called as a 70's hipster instead of that if you wear a non-shiny/non-glossy Overcoat you might save yourself from becoming a joke.
Eva wore red:
So perhaps Dante liked the colour red because it reminded him of his mother.
That would be a very logical and deep reason for Dante wearing red.
But seems unlikely as Dante Alighieri wore red as well.
that's STUPID if that was the case vergil should be wearing red because he loves his mommy the most :)


I'm watching this thread, funny things will come out of here haha.

I would even do this just for the LULZ, but i would have to expend a lot of money and i don't think that the hair would become convincing at all. My hair is very dark, most of the wigs i've seen on my life are just horrible and to complete the package my country is a tropical one (would be hard to wear a coat and a wig for much time). But if i manage to get only the coat, for sure i would try this in some nightclub or anything like this.
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