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The Fandom Project: So A Dante Walks Into A Bar


Smile it confuses people

Cosplay above by Abessinier

The Fandom Project: So A Dante Walks Into A Bar

DMC Dantes and DmC Dante exist in different universes from each other. The Classic's in a Gothic/Fantasy, and the Reboot a modern setting. In light of the ‘Dante walks into a bar’ and ‘did you laugh’ threads, a thought came to me that made me really ask myself the question I’ve heard asked time and time again:

Would Classic Dante get laughed at when walking into a bar?

So, I want to toss a mission out there into the big internet blue, a mission for any Devil May Cry fan to attempt this theory.

For this theory to work, participants need to have their cosplay be authentic looking as possible; as if Classic Dante were an actual person walking around ordinary people in our world. So:

The Rules

1. You can be any Dante from DMC1 through to DMC4. DmC Dante is excluded as this stunt is to see the way that people would react to one of Dante’s original designs in public outside their usual domain.

2. Your hair must be convincing. A bad wig would be an instant giveaway you are a cosplayer and you need for people to believe you are the real deal. Either dye and style your hair like Dante’s and have a convincingly wig on hand. [e.g: Wig passable, Wig not passable.]

3. Dress to impress, your Dante costume must be the best quality it can be and close to one of the originals as possible.

4. No weapons! Those will give the game right away.

5. Don’t overact [you are dressed as a badass, the temptation will be strong.] Behave no different than you would out of your costume. Although there’s no harm playing into the character a bit when engaging in conversation with others [e.g: saying you have a brother named Vergil] just remember not to go too overboard as you don’t want people questioning your sanity on the talk of demon killing.

6. Race, color, age, sex, height and weight don't matter for this experiment. The things that are important to this is Dante's hair and his clothes [The red coat] as they are the most striking and iconic things about his character and what fansrecongise him for. If you are lucky enough to resemble or look exactly like him in body and facial appearance then it's a plus. I'm not excluding anyone because of their looks if their costume and hair match up.

7. Female Dante cosplayers ARE allowed. Since it's only appearance of clothes and hair being tested to the public, sex shouldn't matter here. Just be sure your cosplay matches the original Dante's and doesn't deviate from their design.

8. If you’re lucky enough to own a microphone, attach it to yourself [concealed away] to record any interactions you may have, though this is optional.



Once you are geared up and are good to go, then comes the next part: record it.

Get some friend/friends with a camera or two on hand [or mobile phones] to record you and the responses of unsuspecting members of the public while you, as Dante, walk into a bar, order a drink and nonchalantly mind your own business. Act like any ordinary customer. If they serve food there; order it. If anybody starts up a conversation, interact with them. Be yourself, but remember, if anybody asks your name, its Dante.:cool:

Also beware cameramen, you must remain obscure. Try to stand some distance away, or sit somewhere in the bar where you won’t draw attention to yourself. Do not enter the bar with Dante. Nobody can catch on that you are acquainted; otherwise the stunt is a failure. Also be sure to keep eye on other customers; anybody that glances Dante’s way, gestures of the head or hands or anything to imply he has gotten their attention.

Attempt this stunt multiple times and in different bars, during hours of the day and night. However the stunt doesn’t have to be limited to just bars. You can walk down a busy street; walk your dog; browse around in stores [ask for assistance]; buy groceries; eat at a fast food restaurant; ask someone for directions; wait at a train station. Be the average Joe in an average world. [NOTE: anime conventions do not count!]


Once you have put together your footage, post it up on youtube titled “So A Dante Walks Into A Bar” with your name or username on the end, and link it back here.

The main objective of this project is to see how members of the public [crucially those not familiar with Devil May Cry] respond to Classic Dante in their environment and how well he can successfully blend in with society. :)

To those who take up the challenge, the best of luck!


...Whoever bothers @_@


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Some one should do this. Since people say classic Dante will do fine in a bar, I'd like to see if that's really true.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
excelent idea try getting in touch with chocolate ghost im pretty sure hes an avid fan of the Dante cosplay. id try myself buuuuuuuuut dante cosplays are expensive :( and im flat ass broke


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
excelent idea try getting in touch with chocolate ghost im pretty sure hes an avid fan of the Dante cosplay. id try myself buuuuuuuuut dante cosplays are expensive :( and im flat ass broke

Well when you're a DMC fan and you're low on cash to get proper Dante cosplay, just cosplay as new Dante. Much cheaper and you don't even have to bathe.:troll:


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
Well when you're a DMC fan and you're low on cash to get proper Dante cosplay, just cosplay as new Dante. Much cheaper and you don't even have to bathe.:troll:

not gonna lie, new Dante is basically me after a night out...not gushing wounds and white hair bad but the resemblance is uncanny :D


I Saw the Devil
This is getting ridiculous. A lot of game characters would get the look walking around looking like they do, Japanese and other wise. You think classic Wolverine is the pinnacle of everyday wear? Or any comic book character for that matter? The point isn't that they could fit in our world but theirs and to go to these extremes to prove that point seems obsessive.


Smile it confuses people
Some one should do this. Since people say classic Dante will do fine in a bar, I'd like to see if that's really true.
I've already had two people reply back on deviantart, who by the sounds of it want to give this theory a try. I'm going to keep sending it to cosplayers in the meanwhile, so hopefully more will want to get involved in the fun :3


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Wow, that's pure genius! And great fun! I have no idea how I could make a credible Dante cosplay, but if ever I do find a way, I will do this for sure! (And hopefully I would not start laughing in, like, three seconds....)
The only good start I have is my red leather trousers and black boots, but I'll see what I can do... The coat will be hard...
Funny thing, the weather is becoming really hot in here... By the time I have the costume ready, I'll be dying for the climate...

Edit: maybe I can go without the coat? Like in this pic?

Chibi Dante

Keepin' it Stylish!
*coughs* Anyone seen my cosplay thread? I'd definitely try this but go there and give me some input if I look authentic or not.


Smile it confuses people
Wow, that's pure genius! And great fun! I have no idea how I could make a credible Dante cosplay, but if ever I did, I will do this for sure! (And hopefully I would not start laughing in, like, three seconds....)
The only good start I have is my red leather trousers and black boots, but I'll see what I can do... The coat will be hard...
Funny thing, the weather is becoming really hot in here... By the time I have the costume ready, I'll be dying for the climate...
I wish I could attempt it, even just a female Dante, but I've never done a day of cosplaying in my life. It's more like dream, and I'd probably be too shy to pull it off. I'd lose my nerve XD

But you should definitely try it :3 doesn't matter if you have to wait for summer to pass or a cold day to do it, there's no time limit on this since it's not a competition nor has an end to it So take your time. :)


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
I wish I could attempt it, even just a female Dante, but I've never done a day of cosplaying in my life. It's more like dream, and I'd probably be too shy to pull it off. I'd lose my nerve XD

But you should definitely try it :3 doesn't matter if you have to wait for summer to pass or a cold day to do it, there's no time limit on this since it's not a competition nor has an end to it So take your time. :)
This would be my first cosplay, lol! I'm oh-so-going to embarass myself... But I'll let you know, as long as I find a decent wig...


Well-known Member
Okay, I was just contacted on DA about this, and it sounds like a fun idea, especially since a bunch of friends were planning on going out to an arcade bar tonight. I've got 2 Dante costumes to pick from:

DIESEL: cosplay dot com/costume/229815/
DMC1: cosplay. dot com/costume/185164/
(sorry, can't post links yet apparently)

I live in North Texas, so very average right-leaning population. Leaning towards Diesel because I wear it often anyways (minus the wig and zebra scarf), but I feel like the spirit of the challenge lies in his iconic redness.


Well-known Member
Cosplayers aren't Dante.
They don't have his natural white hair. Natural hair looks better and JUST SIMPLY NATURAL compared to dyed or wig hair. Hence
They don't necessarily have the same physic as Dante
And in some cases lol they dont have the same gender :D

They don't have the same quality coat as Dante. Dante's coat quality based on pictures seems to cost like over 700 dollars (my price estimation). I am no cloth price expert though so my guess may be very wrong.
But i just know that the quality of his coat looks really good:

Which brings up a question: How Much did ChibiCloud spend on his coat and other cosplayers on theirs?
This coat costs 299
This coat costs 179
This coat costs 149

AFter seeing those prices and coats, i think i'd say Dante's coat costs at least 500 dollars. AT LEAST.

POINT: Most cosplayers would not have the same quality coat to wear to represent Dante.

So you can't use cosplayers walking into a bar as evidence that Dante is laughable. You need Dante for that. Sadly he doesn't exist.

But you could easily conclude probability of it.
You'd need to record and see how many of the people in the bar has a smile or laughs when cosplayer walks into the bar.
And then compare that number with the total of people IN THE BAR.

It would be against validity to count "1 person laughed!" and ignore the 99 other persons who did not laugh.
And conclude "Yes Dante is laughable" :p

But picture this scenario:
A cosplayer walks into a bar with roughly 20 people in it.
3 people laughs (smile or laughter).

That leaves 17 people who did not.

Thats a VERY VERY Good foundation for "Dante being laughable" being false. Because in the scenario it's a cosplayer, not Dante.
And like i pointed out above: Noone can be Dante as good as Dante himself :p


Smile it confuses people
*coughs* Anyone seen my cosplay thread? I'd definitely try this but go there and give me some input if I look authentic or not.
I saw it, looks cool :3 do you have one that isn't in black and white by any chance?

Okay, I was just contacted on DA about this, and it sounds like a fun idea, especially since a bunch of friends were planning on going out to an arcade bar tonight. I've got 2 Dante costumes to pick from:

DIESEL: cosplay dot com/costume/229815/
DMC1: cosplay. dot com/costume/185164/
(sorry, can't post links yet apparently)

I live in North Texas, so very average right-leaning population. Leaning towards Diesel because I wear it often anyways (minus the wig and zebra scarf), but I feel like the spirit of the challenge lies in his iconic redness.
Yay, go for it! =D embrace the iconic redness


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Cosplayers aren't Dante.
They don't have his natural white hair. Natural hair looks better and JUST SIMPLY NATURAL compared to dyed or wig hair. Hence
They don't necessarily have the same physic as Dante
And in some cases lol they dont have the same gender :D

They don't have the same quality coat as Dante. Dante's coat quality based on pictures seems to cost like over 700 dollars (my price estimation). I am no cloth price expert though so my guess may be very wrong.

In fact , in DMC1 novel that clearly says Dante choose to wear red not just for a matter of taste, but that colour tell people to stay away from him.There it says too his coats and boost( probably his pants too) where costumized for him by some people, including a woman called Gladys, but he is always ruining it while fighting.
People always wondering where he spent so much money: according to the book, he spents all his money not only in food and drink, but in his expensive clothes and silver acessories he is so fond of.It goes on saying his hair makes him distintive between his fellows in BoB's Cellar ( his favorite), even when he wasn't wearing red.But in the book never said they laughed at him.
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