Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The cons to Dante's life
Hey guys. Dragonmaster here to shed light on a subject; Dante's life.
Now, say we're playing one of those dating sims but for Devil May Cry where you live Dante's life or even be Dante even for a day. Now I know what you're thinking "Be Dante for a day? Hell yeah!"
Well let me tell you; it's not all demon killing and pizza scarfing. It's in fact...hell.
And here's how;
Living arrangements
I'll tell you this; living in a dark office all day isn't as fun as you think it is. For one thing all you can really do there is listen to old music on a jukebox that doesn't work sometimes, try and sleep all day, read some fashion magazine, and eat a pizza. But after that...what next? If no calls opened up all day, then you're just stuck there doing all those things. No game console playing, an old television that probably doesn't work, and that's about it. Sure you can play pool and yeah you could play the drums, but sooner or later you tend to get bored of that. Also, the light in the office might not even be that good since the electric bill isn't paid, and you'll have to stay there all night in the dark. But since it is a secluded building to most, at least you'll have a place to stay...a dusty old place. Yeah, you can play with your weapons...Y''know, if you wanna destroy your office.
Your guest
Having your guest over is a great thing for you since you're constantly alone...if you can get use to how fickle your guest can be. For one thing, you'll spend the entire day dealing with a 12 year old who constantly nags you on how you can't clean up after yourself, your eating pizza all the time is bad for you, trying to put cute things in your dark office, messing with your stuff, beating you at cards, eating your strawberry sundaes, and other annoying things. If you have a younger sibling, then this'll probably be no different. Now in terms of women. All you'll have is two very hot women with you, and you're thinking, "alright, I'm down" (If your a guy) but in actuality, this isn't as good as you think. You'll have to deal with both spending all the money you work so hard to get, and then they leave you the bill to pay for what they bought with money you don't have. Not only that, but one of them you owe debt to and she just takes all the money you got, which means you'll have to start hiding cash in your own office. The other woman is a woman who looks like a younger hotter version of your mom, whom you try to not make an actual pass on, but would like her to still stay since your mother passed away. But she steals your money too and criticizes you on your pizza eating. And don't get me started on a certain fat Italian dude who uses your money for booze and women.
Better get use to pizza everyday, because that's what you're getting. Now at first that sounds awesome, but can you honestly eat pizza EVERYDAY? For breakfast, lunch, and diner? And to top it off a strawberry sundae as well for breakfast and a snack? And beer as well? That's a pretty bad three hit combo of unhealthiness. But hey, what do you care? You're a half breed of demon and human! You don't care about health!
Your job
Now this is where things get good. You finally get a call from someone...only for it to be a wrong number for a few times. But when you finally get the call you need...they don't say the password right, and you have to hang up. Just as you did when you couldn't pick a name for your office. But when a call does come in and they say the right password, it's time to put on your guns and sword and go. Kick the door down if you want to! (But you'll have to pay to get it repaired) Now you get to the place, and have a blast cutting up demons and giving them the business! Wow, just look at you go...however, you'll also have to solve mysteries to mysterious attackings and holding back on that adrenaline in order to be calm and sort things out and waiting as well. Plus you can't have a ball with your other weapons since they'll destroy the monsters way too quickly and all you'll need is the smallest of hits with those other weapons, and your job of having demon cutting fun is over in a flash. Then you'll receive the smallest of pay because while you did get the job done, you also caused property damage as well. Plus the money you owe to the woman guest will leave you penny-less. And the fact that if the people have no money to pay, you'll have to say that you'll forget about it and do a job for free. Sure walking around the city, you'll find a demon or two to cut up, but even so, it will be quick and forgettable after you kill it. But there are those bigger assignments that come around that allow you to travel and see the world and get the job done...but that's about a 6 to 7 year waiting period for anything big to really go down. So for the most part you're in your office, doing pretty much nothing.
Well, there you have it folks.
Dante's life can be cool at times, but in the deeper setting, it's a financial, and physiological nightmare.