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The Ascension of Cthulu - A DMC inspired [game] i thought...

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Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*Gate is blocked and a demon appears.*

Sho : [Guess they can wait a bit.]

~Boss : Demon-Speedfish

*After defeating the boss*

Sho : Huh?[The pain's gone?What happened exactly?]

*You gain the DD ability Sonic Run and Sprint Run*

*After returning to the crystal shrine.*

Sho : Good news-
Joanna[different appearance and tone of voice] : YOU'RE LATE MORTAL.
Sho : What the-who died and made you queen,miss "immortal"?
Sousuke : Now,now.Both of you calm down.Love,please forgive him,he is still in training after all.
Sho : ["Love"...ah!!!Then she is-]
EGJoanna : These are just excuses.Just because I'm helping humans,doesn't mean I have to put up with them.I still wonder why someone like you has to put up with them.
Sousuke : Come on.Why "put up with" them?They are like us aft-
Sousuke : Aaahhh...ok love.[-*turns towards Sho*-]So did you find Al?
Sho : I found one of his pages.
Sousuke : That means he's still out there.
Sousuke : And it seems we are lucky.Two more and I'll be able to join the fight!
Sho : Huh?
Sousuke : It's not one his pages,it's one of his blancs.In his blancs,my powers are sealed every time I use extremely strong spells,like the one I used before.Shall we?
Sho : With pleasure.
EGJoanna : I hope you take that girl too.
Sousuke : Don't worry.And thanks for everything.
EGJoanna : [-*Blushes*-]D-d-don't mention it...it was nothing...I'll be going.
Sho : [A tsundere?!?!?!I should have guessed so.]
Sousuke : We are going to the area you found the page.

*Joanna and Sousuke join the party.More tutorials ensue.*

*Gameplay continues.*

*After reaching the first demon area again,some dialogue and a boss fight occurs*

Sho : You never explained to me what I'm fighting.
Sousuke : Nothing much.They are lesser Evil Gods,Outer Gods and Devils.They are like biological weapons to the Evil Gods and the Great Old Ones.
Sho : Still...I've taken the life of many of them.
Sousuke : In that sense,you should feel guilty about all the meat,the vegetables you ate,all the flowers you walked on and many more.These guys aren't even real.
Sho : Sorry...I don't know what I'm saying.
Sousuke : Don't worry.You'll start thinking straight again.It's just from the shock of all that's happened.
Joanna : This place is pretty big.What are we searching for?
Sousuke : Clues.And our first is this page.Since I can't track the mystic readings,we have to do it with the old fashioned way.Can you smell it out?And I mean it literately.
Joanna : I'll try...nothing here.
Sho : What about that?Looks like blood...and from an earthly being.
Sousuke : Survivors?Because I can't think Al bleeds.
Joanna : Why not?
Sousuke : Technically Al is a book.A grimoire.And to top it off,the most powerfull in existence.I don't doubt he can protect himself,yet him bleeding?
Joanna : [What's that sound?]...I believe we have company.
Sho and Sousuke : Huh?
Sousuke : I don't sense any mystic energy nor anything living.Are you-

*Celling explodes and three demons appear*

Sousuke : First time for everything.Joanna get the guy that looks like a humanoid.Sho,take out the other two.
Sho : Wait,I'm inferior to her in terms of power.
Sousuke : Yes.but you can even up with Joanna if you beat them.
Sho : ...Ok.Time to go rough.

Boss : Adamatus and Gunn

*After the fight*

Sho : I'm sooo not doing this again.
Sousuke : You sure?Lie down and try to sleep.
Sho : I don't think we have time for that.
Sousuke : If you can withstand the pain of the merging it's ok.
Sho : What-

*Adamatus' muscles rip themselves of his body and Guun's nervous system starts moving towards Sho.*

Sho : Oh,Sh-

*You gained the DD abilities Demonic God Muscles[DD] and Devilish Nerves[DD]*

Sho : Aaah...!Hey,I don't feel any pain.At all.
Sousuke : From now on it just keeps getting better for you.Consider yourself a lesser Elder God.Or Evil God.Depends on you.
Sho : ...
Joanna : I found something.Come over here.
Sousuke : Another blanc page.One more and I will be able to figt again.Next stop,Kyoto.
Joanna : Why?
Sousuke : An aquantance of mine lives there.
Sho : But how?It will take days-no.Weeks.
Sousuke : Crystal Shrines are the solution.
Sho : ...right.
Joanna : [I hope we don't run into her again.]May I ask who this aquantance of yours is?
Sousuke : Muramasa.His name is Muramasa Kengo(Kengo Muramasa in the west).
Joanna : Um...you know him?
Sho : Kengo Muramasa was a very famous japanese blacksmith during the warring states period and a little bit after that.His most famous swords were said to be cursed and the only way to find that out was to put them in the river along with a leaf and do a test.Should the leaf be sliced and go with the flow,it would be a plain katana(japanese sword).If the leaf should twirl around the blade,no matter what power the river had,the sword was a Muramasa original.Still why go to him?
Sousuke : I have to find my weapons and you have to get yours forged.It will be very difficult to fight enemies in the future with just your bare hands.
Joanna : What about me?
Sousuke : ...I'll think of something.This guy will probably help you too.So then...to Kyoto.

*After reaching the crystal shrine*

Sousuke : This way.

*You pass through a portal*

*After arriving to the crystal shrine of Kyoto*

Sho : The portal-
Sousuke : Don't worry.I will open a new one once I restore my powers.
Sho : ...Ok.Which way now?
Sousuke : It's marked on the map.Let's move.
Joanna : Before that happens,I wish to ask about our enemies.
Sousuke : ?I believe I explained back in the cave.Unless you want something more?
Joanna : I mean,are they going to be the same?
Sousuke : Ohhh.That.Short answer : no.They are going to look like monsters from japanese mythology(bakemono) and deamons from it(oni).They are going to be a little scarier.

*Gameplay continues*

*After arriving at Muramasa's.They enter his bedroom.*

Sousuke : Old man.I'm back.
Joanna : So clean...and tidy.
Sho : For a sick old man he is pretty clean and tidy I guess.
Muramasa : Oooh,wonderfull.I won't be alone in my final hours...[Bishounen images of him start flying around]

*Sousuke starts punching him*

Sousuke : I told you to stop this (censored)x3 you (censored)x6 old (censored)x2 man or else I'll (censored)x4 your (censored)x4 and then stuff it right up your (censored)x2 so that you'll have to (censored) and (censored) from your back.
Muramasa : Ah...I thee.Tho thethe are your friendth.[Translation : Ah...I see.So these are your friends.]
Sho : [Am I really like that when I get angry?]
Joanna : [I guess neither of them are cute...anymore.]

*After this madness is over*

Muramasa : Welcome and pleased to meat you all.I'm Kengo Muramasa.You must have heard from-
Sousuke : It's Sousuke now.
Muramasa : I see.It's cuter that way.Right Sou-chan?
Sho and Sousuke : Who's Sou/Sho -chan,you stupid old man?
Joanna : Excuse them,please.They aren't usually like this.
Muramasa : No,it's ok.Sousuke just doesn't like to be teased.So then(-*looking at Sho*-),you must be Sousuke's human counterpart,right?Do you want me to call you Sou-chan?
Sho : Sho's just fine.[Glare]
Muramasa : Wonderfull.Now...what do you want me for?
Sousuke : For the most part,information and a request.For the least a visit and check upon you old man.And as usual you act like it's your end.
Muramasa : It's not???
Sousuke : How can a god die from some illness?
Sho : Anyway...I'd like to request something mister Muramasa.
Muramasa : Go ahead,my boy.
Sho : Can you make some exclusive weapons for me?
Muramasa : ...[Serious tone,yet sad.]So you'll fight too?
Sho : I have to.
Muramasa : Very well.What weapons?
Sousuke : The same as my weapons.Also I'd like Al's third blanc page and the chest with my weapons.
Muramasa : Ok.Sho-kun,would you kindly come to the smithing room with me please?
Sho : I get the feeling it's gonna hurt.
Muramasa : Not much,if you are asleep.
Sho : ...

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*While Muramasa makes the weapons*

Joanna : They said it was going to hurt...what did they mean?
Sousuke : Worried about him?
Joanna : ...
Sousuke : Don't be.It only hurts a bit.Wanna eat?
Joanna : Thank-what are those?
Sousuke : They are called "ramen".Noodles in soup of some kind...try some.
Joanna : ...[tasty...]Anyway,what did they mean?What are they going to do?
Sousuke : The same thing he did to me : make him exclusive weapons.By that,I mean he is going to take some of his bones and blood and make five different weapons.
Joanna : But,that's-
Sousuke : He is on a different level from humans so he'll be fine.After a day he'll recover completely.
Joanna : Still...
Sousuke : It's a bit harsh,but it's no big deal for guys like us.Don't worry about him.
Joanna : ...

*The next day*

Muramasa : So,how do you feel now?
Sho : You have to ask?
Muramasa : You really are like Sousuke-kun.He said the same thing.
Muramasa : Here you go.These are your weapons.
Sousuke : !They are the same shape as my weapons.
Muramasa : Truly.You are even more alike than you thought you would be.
Sho : I am very gratefull mister Muramasa.
Muramasa : Oh please,stop with the formalities.Call what you like.
Sho : oh...Thanks old man.
Sousuke : Now,it's time for our talk.
Muramasa : That's why I brought these with me.

*Hands over a large chest and a Necronomicon page*

Sousuke : Thanks.I'd like to ask you two things too :
1)Can you tell me the whereabouts of Anemos?
And 2)Do you know of a way to help our young lady?
Muramasa : I'm afraid I don't know about Anemos...but there is a way for the young lady to fight : dragons.
Sousuke : !...That's not going to be easy...right?
Muramasa : Only the first dragon will be a problem.The rest will be easier,since she will posses more power.
Sousuke : Thank you,old man.We are all very grateful.
Muramasa : Don't be.I should thank you for coming over here.
Sousuke : You don't nedd to be so modest.Next time I'll be here,I'll bring "him" with me.I promise.
Muramasa : ...I would be very grateful.
Sousuke : Bye,old man.

*Joanna and Sousuke join the party again,as playable characters.Also Sho and Sousuke have received their weapons*

*You learned Hell's Uprising.Now you are able to learn more skills as you level up,unless they are story related,or have other criteria to meet.*

*Gameplay continues*

*Upon arriving at the old Kyoto temple...what remained of it*

Sho : I always wanted to take a tour to japan,but that's ridiculous.At least stop being crytpic and enlighten us about the person we are searching.
Sousuke : I told you we are searching for Al-
Sho : Stop dodging the freaking question.Why do you do this to yourself?I can understand about our young lady,but me?
Joanna : P...please just calm down.I'm sure he has his own reasons.Yet truth to be told,you are very shaken since we left mister Muramasa's house.
Sho : And is that enough to hide them from himself?
Sousuke : ...I can't-

*A quick flash*

Sho : We got company right?
Sousuke : ...!!!You guys run.

*Flames sprout everywhere*

Sho : What the-
Joanna : Woah.
Sousuke : [It's not him???We are so screwed.What does an Elemental want with us??]Hey!Sorry for butting in,but why do you pursue us?
??? : Huh?I don't pursue anyone.I just want you to accept my youthful FLAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEES!

*More flames erupt*

Sousuke : [This is becoming more dangerous than I thought.The young lady won't hold out.]
Sho : [Joanna is pretty much hurting from the heat,yet I feel nothing...is this what he meant by saying I'm in a different league from humans?]Huh?

*Joanna puts out the flames with a single breath*

Sho : Woah.Huh?

*Flames rise again*

??? : It's pointless.My flames can only be extinguished by stronger flames.
Sho : You know that doesn't make sense.
Sousuke : On the contrary,to him it does...guy's an Elemental.A special kind of Elder God.
??? : I see someone knows about it.True,my name is Drakos.I control fire.
Sho : So if I show you my "flames",you'll stop?
Drakos : [So they are the famous duo...finally.]We'll see.COME AND GET ME!

Boss : Drakos

*After the fight*

Sho : [Did I get him or...]

*flames go out*

Drakos : Very well.No,you two far exceed what I ever expected.
Sousuke : Meaning...!You were testing us?Am I right?
Drakos : Sorry I put you through such danger.I'm sorry,but I wanted to see how you would fare with my own eyes.
Sho : Are you kidding?I didn't win,much less scratch you.
Drakos : Winning isn't everything.You both did great.You both risked your lives for a woman and one of you how futile it was,yet still persisted.As for you my friend,your flame certainly reached mine.And it was a good one.I'm coming with you.
Sousuke : !Thank you very much,uh...sir?
Drakos : Come on.No need for formalities.Those who are righteous need not to feel the way you do my friend.So LET'S GO.LET OUR BLOOD BURN AND PUNISH THOSE WHO DID THIS THIS BEAUTIFULL EARTH.LET OUR FLAMES BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN.
Sho/Sousuke : [So he is just hotblooded and hotheaded...still,not a bad guy at all.]Pleased to meet you to.
Sho : I'm Sho.
Sousuke : I'm Sousuke.
Joanna : I'm Joanna.
Drakos : Nice to meet you,my fair lady.And I heard about you two.Although I remeber your name was S-
Sho/Sousuke : Call me the way I introduced myself.
Drakos : !?Ok,if that's your wish my friends.Despite that,your name was very good.
Sho/Sousuke : ...Thanks.
Drakos : So then,let's go my friends.

*Sho and Sousuke smilling along with him*

Sho/Sousuke : YEAH.
Joanna : [For some reason,I feel left out of this...]

*After arriving at the crystal shrine*

Drakos : Wait.Before heading back,I wish to talk about something with all of you.
Drakos : First I'd like to hear about your plans on finding the other Elementals.
Sousuke : ...Very well.My aim was to find Anemos first and move to Keravnos.Then Gaia and Atalanta would be my best bet before taking you on and Okeanos.
Drakos : I see.Is Anemos an aquantance of yours?
Sousuke : Yes.And "he" as well.
Drakos : I'll help you all the way.I too am aquanted with them.
Sousuke : I appreciate it.
Drakos : Second,I'd like to teach you some things you will find useful.Two of my skills,a spell and a secret.You shouldn't rush with it though.You need the other four to fully understand mine and their secret too.
Sho : Got it.
Drakos : And last of all...young lady,no...Joanna,do you wish to help?
Joanna : Yes.
Drakos : Very well.Tomorrow we are going to the land of the fire dragon.
Sousuke : !?
Drakos : Don't look like that my friend.It will be fine.
Sousuke : But,we can't do this.We are-
Drakos : My friend,you seem to forget one thing : a brave heart can make everything work out.We can do the impossible if we put our mind to it.Look at Sho.He isn't thinking twice about anything.He is already burning with the flame of courage.You should go back to yourself too.
Sousuke : ...Thanks.
Sho : Come on you two.I can't get more fired up.
Drakos : I agree!
Sho : Sousuke,don't be like that man.It's like we are having Gu* from G**G**G** with us,along with many others.As he said,let your fire burn.
Sousuke : YOU'RE RIGHT!

*Drakos joins the party.You learned magic spells Inferno and Drakos.*

Drakos : Let's go.The land of dragons awaits us.

*Gameplay continues*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*After reaching the land of dragons*

Drakos : ...It's nice to meet an old friend isn't it,Anemos?
Sousuke : !Where is he?
Anemos : And I was going to welcome you to the land.How are you doing Drakos?And you too S-
Sousuke : It's Sousuke...for now.
Anemos : !?Very well.How's it going?
Sousuke : We're fine.You probably know about our quest,right?
Anemos : I will gladly help my friends.And I see there are new faces as well.(-*Looking at Joanna*-)Welcome aboard my lady.
Joanna : Ah...thanks...
Drakos : Still weak for beautiful ladies I see.
Anemos : Who isn't,my friend?Ah,and sorry about negleting you my friend.
Sho : No,it's ok.Old friends have to catch up.By the way I'm Sho.Nice to meet you.
Anemos : Very nice meeting you too.I heard from Sousuke about you.
Sho : Aren't you going to test me?
Anemos : I don't think there is any need.But if you'd like,i'll gladly spar.
Sho : I appreciate it.

Boss : Anemos

*After the fight*

Anemos : You are very good.A little-
Sousuke : [This feeling.How?]
Anemos? : Ah...Finally awake.
Sousuke : Anemos?No,Kyo...it's you isn't it?
Drakos and Sho : ?!?
Anemos[Kyo] : Damn,took me a long time,to take over the coward's body.
Sho : A split personality?
Anemos[Kyo] : So the coward was fighting with you?I hope you don't mind defeat kid.

Boss : Anemos[Kyo]

*After the fight*

Anemos[Kyo] : Worthless.Weaker than the dirt in my toenails.
Sho : I wouldn't think so.

*Inferno is triggered on Anemos' hand*

Anemos[Kyo] : !?!
Sho : (Punches Anemos[Kyo])What about now?
Anemos : ...(Laughter)Good,good.I like that kid.How about being my servant?You'll be #1.
Sho : Since when?
Anemos[Kyo] : You're right.The woman here is my #1.You'll be #2.
Joanna : [Blushes abd in an angry tone.]What,I-
Sho : Since when did I become your servant?
Sousuke : Kyo,enough.He is still learning.No need to be mean.
Anemos[Kyo] : Whatever,he is weak.So are you,now.
Sousuke : Even if I am will you help us?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...No_Only the coward,will.If you want an explanation,we will talk,privately at that place.
Sousuke : I was hoping for that.
Anemos[Kyo] : Time to return to my slumber then.

*Anemos changes back to normal.*

Anemos : Ughh...
Joanna : Are you...alright?
Anemos : I'm fine.Thanks for the concern miss Joanna.
Sho : What was that?What happened?
Anemos : Umm...split personality.Even gods aren't perfect.
Sho : ...
Drakos : Welcome to the team,Anemos.
Anemos : It's nice to be with you guys.

*Anemos joins the party.You learned the magic spells Wind Blades and Anemos.*

Anemos : I believe I should tell you this : It's probably better if we just go and train with the teachers first.There is a high possibillity that Keravnos and Gaia will be there too.Maybe Okeanos too[since he stalks his daughters everywhere they go.]
Sousuke : But what about your teacher?
Anemos : True,I need to see him.So we will have to part ways.Drakos,I hope you will have a safe journey with the rest of them.
Drakos : Of course.
Sousuke : Then we shall be on our way.
Sho : Wait.What about me?Won't I have to train under "him" too?
Sousuke : When we finish talking and you find the rest of them along with the teachers,then you can come at that house.I'll open a portal at the nearest crystal shrine.
Sho : Ok.See you then.

*Anemos and Sousuke leave the party.*

*Gameplay Continues.*

*Anemos and Sousuke gameplay part.*

Anemos : To Muramasa's.

*When arriving at Muramasa's*

Sousuke : Old man.I'm back...with a surprise.
Anemos : I'm back teacher.And I'm not the only one.
Muramasa : Oh Sou-kun.And Anemos too...where is the third person?
Anemos : You are looking at him teacher.
Muramasa : !!!!...I see...we'll talk inside.

*Inside Muaramasa's house*

Anemos : I suppose I have to start about how things came to be like that.

You see,lately the wind elders were very troubled because of our abilities,so the king decided to move out.Instead I offered to move out and destroy him.I had to fool everybody and take him to safety.My plan worked but at a price.I had to give up his body and seal him inside me.Worse,the body was sealed by the king himself.And now...

Muramasa : ...Most unfortunate.It won't be easy at all,this retrieval mission.
Anemos[Kyo] : No,old man,it won't be.
Sousuke : Well,that was fast.
Muramasa : So he was telling the truth...
Anemos[Kyo] : No time to look unhappy,old man.We don't have that much time in our hands.It's a good opportunity to teach us three the final secrets.
Muramasa : Very well.The training will start this evening.But keep in mind that Anemos has already completed the training.
Anemos [Kyo] : [That's how he beat me,huh...no other explanation since I'm the strongest.]
Sousuke : Just like old times,eh?All four of us.
Anemos[Kyo] : I still consider him a bastard for what he did.
Sousuke : That doesn't mean he isn't your friend.
Anemos[Kyo] : Perhaps.[Slight smile.]
Sousuke : After that are you ready for some major cutting down?
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm.I don't approve violence.However those who stand in my way are cut down.With style.That's why I'm the best.
Sousuke : I never had any doubts.
Anemos[Kyo] : Be careful not to stand in my way.
Sousuke : Those precious to you aren't in the way right?Same goes for me.
Anemos[Kyo] : Let's go.

*Sho and Joanna Gameplay part*

Sho : So...where to now?
Drakos : The training grounds.I believe we will have access to them if we enter our the nearest crystal shrine.

*As they begin moving.*

Joanna : ...
Sho : Something the matter?
Joanna : I just feel...left out.
Sho : Don't worry.You heard Drakos.Once we find Gaia and that family,girls will probably join in too.It's just a little bit more,OK?

*Sho walks away and Joanna starts walking too.*

Joanna : That's not what I meant...

*Gameplay continues*

*After arriving at the crystal shrine,The Training Grounds are accessible*

*Training Grounds*

Joanna : Woooaaahhh.It's like an endless garden![Sparkling eyes.]
Sho : It sure is spacy enough.So where to now?
Drakos : The grand training hall.It's a long shot,but I hope to find them all there.
Joanna : But this place is sooo nice.Can-
Drakos : Of course this place is nice.The strongest gather here and compete.And there are many I have yet to surpass.WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!I'M GETTING FIRED UUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!

*Flames erupt everywhere*

Joanna : As always,this person is too hot-blooded for his own good.Yet you-

*Missing Silhoutte*

Joanna : ...[looks to her left.]

*A volcano is formed and even more flames erupt.*

Joanna : ...[Better not say anything.]

*Gameplay continues*

*Grand Training Hall*

Drakos : HEY,I'M BACK.
Sho : I don't think they are is anybody there-
????#1 and ????#2 : *Hotblooded screaming*
Drakos : I'm not so easy ANYMOOOOOOOOOOORE!
Teacher[MY] : You really have.
Teacher[TW] : Good to see you haven't forgoten to practise this style.
Sho : Uuuuhhh...hi.
Drakos : Oh allow me to intriduce you.This a dear friend of mine Sho.He is the famous human that currently has occupied every elder gods thoughts.If possible I'd like to tecah him more about hand-to-hand combat.
Teacher[TW] : It will be a pleasure.
Drakos : True,I'm also looking forward to polishing my skills too-
Sho : !
Mentor[ST] : Again...
Mentor[IH] : No choice.Huh.
Mentor[IA] : Oh,stop.
Mentor[TM] : She's right.Why do you have to do these stunts all the time?
Drakos : All of you.SO NICE TO SEE YOU!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Joanna : Is it me or is he truly insanely happy?
Sho : I get that feeling too.
Drakos : Allow me to introduce you.These two couples are my mentors and these two men are my teachers.They are also the Great Teachers of the Carnage Fist School[ShuraKen Ryu].They are all like my family.
Sho : You mean you don't have?
Drakos : No,my parents died at the last war.So they raised me.
Sho : The last war-!Man you are old.
Drakos : I'm not an old man,I'm only 20(millenias).
Sho : Huuhh...In any case,pleased to meet you all.
Teacher[MY] : Likewise.
Teacher[TW] : The pleasure is ours.
Mentor[ST] : Greetings.
Mentor[IH] : Same here.
Mentor[IA] : Please to meet you too.
Mentor[TM] : The pleasure is truly ours.
Teacher[TW] : So then time to start the training.
Joanna : Already????
Teacher[MY] : Of course.We will teach you the ShuraKen Ryu.
Mentor[ST] : I will overlook your Broadsword and twin sword training.
Mentor[IH] : I will overlook your single sword and longsword training.
Mentor[IA] : I believe I can be of some help in the gauntlets training.
Mentor[TM] : I can teach you about the Elder God history.
Sho : That's great.Let's start.

*Gameplay Continues.*

*Now you can start the training.Whenever you feel like it,talk to the people to teach you.*

*You learned an extension of the bare-handed moves.Also you learned : Mars Inferno and Golden Sun skills.You can also customize your Two-handed Sword,Gauntlets,Bare Handed and Sword attacks and find or even gain new attacks now.*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades

Moar updates as usual.I may stop for some time to gather my thoughts.[Currently writting/creating another game.Unlike this one,it's not inspired by DMC.]

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Thank you very much SD :) .I've really put my mind into this,so i guess i had to make it presentable.I really hope a developer accepts that.

The main part,which is the gameplay,is finished.Now all that is left to do is write down the whole script,a summary of the story and the character info.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades

Major Updates this time.More script and finally settled down on the gameplay issues.Also more profiles.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades

Major Updates again.Added more to the gameplay,like clashing,air combos etc.Also updated some character profiles while addind new.

Also I really can't settle this : Should I send this to Platinum,Capcom or Banpresto?My best be for now would be Platinum...I think.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Update...that includes Enemy Behaviour and AI along with the world map and other minor things...man,I'm pooped.
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