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The Ascension of Cthulu [A DMC inspired game] - Gameplay part

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Game Project

The Ascension of Cthulu

Platform : PSP
Genre : Extreme Combat[Stylish Action]/Action Role Playing Game/Visual Novel

Extra Features : Media Install [250Mb,500Mb,700Mb]
Custom Music Folder enabled(100 different files)
Extra save file for In-Game Wallpapers and GC Pictures[Can be saved on the PSP's Images file.]

Game play :

Being an Extreme Combat[Stylish Action] game,the game focuses on the playable character using stylish moves and skills to defeat his powerful opponents and enemies.As an Action Role Playing Game the character's presented with levels and stats that affect his battle prowess along with his weapons.The story is told by voice-text bubbles and artwork of the characters and sometimes with CG pictures like in Visual Novels.Sho and Sousuke have an arsenal of weapons, styles of wielding them and executing various moves with them.The player is presented with the choice of creating his own fighting style by putting moves to the button inputs at the combo menu.The game is fully 3D and features many places for exploration and a plethora of moves and storytelling.The game also features the ability to save everywhere,except when battling a boss character.The controls of this game can be changed,but the default set is :

Controls List :

D-Pad : moves character/highlights menu choices
Analog Nub : moves character/highlights menu choices
X button : Jump Button/Cancel options at the menu screens
Circle button : Dodge Button/Confirms options at the menu screens/Action Trigger[Speak,open doors etc.]
Square button : Attack Button/shows information at the menu screens
Triangle button : Skills button/save shortcut at the menu screens,but not speech
R button : Readies stances[Keep holding for effect,when in stance the camera is fixed on the player's line of view.]/switch targets[only when in stance.]
L button : Guard[Keep holding to hold guard,also centers camera behind the player.]
Start : Pauses the game and brings up menu screens.
Select : Brings up the map screen with the current objective along with the choice of changing characters,skills and weapons[a la Ninja Gaiden II].

* Except for the start and select button,all the buttons are used for reaction commands.

Combination Buttons/Advanced Controls :

L + D-Pad/Analog Nub : Evasive Maneuvre
L + X/Circle/Square/Triangle Button : Shortcut commands
R + L[At the same time] : Transformation/Trance/God Change etc
R button twice quickly : Lock-on target[you enter stance but the camera behaves differently]
Square + Circle[After certain conditions] : Extreme Style Attack

- Movement : The basic movement of the characters is simply running,however when they keep running for 30 seconds,continuously they enter "sprint mode",where they run faster.Useful for world traveling.At some point of the game the main character[Sho] and others will receive an upgrade where they can run at ground-breaking speeds,effectively traveling along the world map in minutes instead of hours running,or having to use other means of transport.It can be used by double pressing the D-Pad/Analog Nub in the direction the player wants.When Anemos and Keravnos are sonic running,they emit a wind barrier and a lightning trail respectively.

- Jump : The basic jump for all characters is just a high jump,however if a character jumps when in sprint mode they'll jump further but at the cost of overall height.During the super sonic speed mode,if the player jumps,the resulting jump will be enough to cross more distance than the sprint jump and higher than the normal jump.

- Dodge : Dodging is simply a standing dodge[a sidestep for example,not exaggerated stunts],but if a direction is given the resulting dodge will change[example : forward + dodge = forward dive,back + dodge = back flip].You can dodge when running and also when attacking to avoid staggers and damage.It can be used as a cancel for more combos.But after a successful dodge[pretty difficult]everything will slow down by 90% while the camera will turn around showing the player angles and places to escape.Sometimes during this sequence a button may be required to be pressed to escape or to dodge in a unique matter[example : you successfully dodge a projectile and enter dodge sequence.The attack button pops up and demands that you continue mashing it to some extend to reflect the projectiles].The standing dodge has a long cooldown and it better be used wisely because the player can get into big trouble.The running dodge doesn't have that problem,but slows the movement[running] for a second[basically,it's the running dodge's cooldown].

- Attack : Attacks are basically combo strings[s-string]that the player can do with different button inputs.Different weapons result in different attacks,but all weapons have the same button inputs for combos.The player is not limited to one kind of combo though.While there are some standard combos,the player can change them,not the button sequence but the animation and attacks with some restrictions.A player cannot use the same move twice in a row,however the same move pattern[pattern is two different attack moves in a row] can used more than once in a combo.Also the player cannot use different weapon attacks in the same combo unless he gets the "freestyle combo scroll" equipment.While players can do running attacks with all kinds of weapons they cannot always do sprint attacks with all the weapons.Only some of them have it.Sometimes at the end of the combo a reaction sequence is possible.Also when the opponent is low on health,at the end of a combo a "finisher reaction" sequence will start.The difference between this and a normal reaction sequence is that it's used mainly for aesthetics and style and even extra bonuses[see more below] if it succeeds,while a normal reaction sequence is for additional damage at the end of a combo.The combo inputs are these :

Shorthands : Square = S,Pause = _,Towards the enemy = ^,Away from the enemy = v,Repeated use of attacks = CRAZY S

3)S,S,S,^S,_,^S,S [Has to be unlocked,level 2]
4)S,vS,_,vS,S,^S,CRAZY S [Has to be unlocked,level 2]
5)S,_,^S,S,S,vS,_,CRAZY S [Has to be unlocked,level 3]
6)S,^S,S,^S,_,^S,CRAZY S [Has to be unlocked,level 3]
7)S,vS,S,^S,S,S [Has to be unlocked,level 4]
8)S,S,S,S,CRAZY S,CRAZY S [Has to be unlocked,level 4]
9)* While running * S,S[If the player keeps attacking it will link to one of the above combos,EX : running S,S --> Combo 1 immediately](Pre-set)
10)* While on air,after you jump * S,S,S,S,S,S(Pre-set)
SP)* While sonic sprinting * S(Pre-set)
SP2)* Combo Canceling to aerial combos also exists but they are preset moves and must be unlocked by a certain ability.These combos are :

*After you send the opponent away and press X to follow him*
S,S,vS,S,^S,CRAZY S(Pre-set)

* All combos can be interrupted by a skill command,even at the end of the combo.Also some skills have an extension with their respective weapon if at the correct time the player does CRAZY S.The elementals can chain their special attacks ith their combos.The preset ones cannot be changed.

Each weapon[and the bare handed] has a total of 20 customisable moves,that 4 of them apply only to CRAZY S while the rest apply to the normal S-String[S,^S,vS].Some weapons copy movesets since there is not much difference between them,still they count as different due to the difference in elements and some stats[such as speed and power] along with difference in form and reach.The mains are able to use all of the moves.Some can be used only by specific characters.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Atalanta]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Atalanta]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon,Ares]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Two-Handed Sword
Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Drakos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Drakos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon,Ares]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Keravnos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Keravnos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon,Ares]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Anemos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Anemos]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon,Ares]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Gaia,Ares]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Gaia]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

True form : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S(Since it's five different weapons, it has a total of 100 moves)[Usable by the Okeanos's family respective weapons and Ares[Spears]]

Spears :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Tonfas :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Naginata :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

San-tetsu-kon :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Nunchackus :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Light and Dark : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Cthulu/Leon]

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by all](Joanna has 20 more)(The mains,Ares,Drakos,Anemos[Both] and Cthulu/Leon also have 20 more moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S,after a certain secret event.)

Normal :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

Extra[Shura Ken Ryu] :

Crazy 1)
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)

* Reactions : Reactions are only accessible at the end of some combos[later,the moves will list if they're able to connect to a reaction if they're at the end of a combo].Reactions,can be leveled up too for damage increase and rise of critical chances.Apart from the ones only accessible in Shinka,there are eight different reactions total,4 normal and 4 finisher.Finisher reactions are enabled only when an enemy has one life bar remaining or/and less,or even if he's dead at the end of a reaction,a finisher reaction is enabled.If a player can execute it correctly,he will receive more experience than normal in everything,along higher chances of unlocking more/better moves for a weapon[random](Once the player has everything,this stops).The normal reaction commands require the player to press the button that is displayed in real-time during the sequence.In Finisher and Shinka/Apotheosized reactions,time freezes and the player is presented with 10 buttons[always random] he must press before the gauge below the buttons depletes itself.

Normal :

Normal 1 : Throw an uppercut at blinding speed and follow the enemy in the air,only to smack them to the ground again.

Normal 2 : By executing fast melee attacks that seem like a horizontal cartwheel motion,do moderate damage.

Normal 3 : Do an axe kick and then do a high axe kick to deal damage to the opponent.

Normal 4 : By using your ultimate weapon,do a powerful slash.[Varies depending on the user.](Unusable by Joanna.)

Finisher :

Finisher 1 : Throw a powerful straight punch at the enemy at blinding speed and before he can go away,unleash your power wave to blast him to oblivion.

Finisher 2 : Summon an ethereal katana and an ethereal sword to unleash a Dimension Cross Slasher Attack.[Unusable by Joanna.]

Finisher 3 : Using all of your strength,run your fists through the enemy.

Finisher 4 : Unleash your energy in a massive blast of energy that will send the enemy away from the Earth,blasting him to his doom.[Unusable by Joanna.]

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Apotheosized Mode/Shinka Reactions[Only usable by the mains,Ares and Cthulu/Leon.] :

Apotheosized Million Strike Nightmare[Reaction Part]
After the opponent flinches,you throw him far away.Once you catch up with him,you stomp him on the ground,to land,and crack the earth.Then,after multiplying yourself until there's four of you,you slowly start the combo that ends with a blurry of strikes[mostly punches] and at 995 you punch the enemy to the air and as he is about to land,all four of you hit him in four different directions.Then as if time has stopped,the clones return to the original body,and you deliver a flashy punch that sends the opponent flying with such force,he destroys the mountains on his way.When there are no more mountains,the sun is seen and japanese letters appear telling the name of the attack,while time stays still.Then the player does a pose and a huge explosion coming from the sun,engulfs everything in a white light.

Hadou : Suzaku Hyaku Retsu Shen[Reaction Part]
After your opponent flinches,you create flaming spears out of your hands and start stabbing the enemy ruthlessly.The final strike is a cross-slash that burns the opponent,causing him to explode.After the last slash the player is far away from the enemy with his back facing him.As he rises the enemy in midair start exploding.

After your opponents flinch,you fly and start gathering energy.By crossing your arms you gather divine energy that appears as four orbs.Once you have gathered enough,you unleash it and the energy creates a hole in the sky.From the hole a huge energy wave falls on the enemies and in the center of all this you see a small universe created,only to explode and deal enormous extra damage to your opponents.

Shura : Souryu Kougeki Reppa
After your enemy flinches,you start gathering your strength which results in a slight bulk-up.Then you start hitting your opponent with punches that crack the earth and kicks that split the sky in two.After some fierce hits,you smash the enemy and throw several punches until you lift him from the ground.Then,you give him an uppercut that sends him flying.To finish him up,you follow him,covered with energy and run him through,while the camera zooms out to reveal a trail of energy that resembles a huge dragon swallowing the sun.The screen freezes and japanese letters tell the name of the attack.Time then resumes,the dragon is gathered in the enemy and as a result,a huge explosion ensues.

Ultra Void Cross-Cannon
After your opponents flinch,you fly and start gathering energy.Then you gather the energy in your hands and form a ball.You drop the ball and as it hits the Earth,a massive explosion occurs that gradually gets bigger,big enough to swallow everything in the universe...

Great Astral Blade
After the enemies flinch,you create a magnificent sword out of thin air and charge at your enemies with insane speed.After cutting them up a few times you unleash a massive slash wave that lifts them in the air,only to be slashed more by you.Time stops and the screen zooms out to show that the pattern you sliced your enemies was an Elder Sign.After "opening" the Pentagram with your sword,it becomes a flamming bird that engulfs you.You then charge at your enemies,that fell in one spot,and ram at them.A large ball of black energy,with magic spells written starts to disort space around the area when suddenly you break out of the sphere,causing it to explode and kill your enemies.

Saikyo-To : ZangetsuKen : Karyuuzan Renbu
After the opponent flinches,time stops and you draw an ethereal sword from the void.Then while chanting the name of the move,the frame freezes ocassionally to reveal japanese letters that say the name of the move.When the opponent is slashed,the last part of the move is yelled with the leters appearing in the same manner as above.The opponent explodes and the screen goes white,while you return to the battlefield.

Super Darkness Destruction Cannon[Chou Yamisouha]
After you execute the combo,you lift all the opponents in front of you on the air and start charging your power.When the enemies reach a certain height,time freezes and you do a pose with your fist clenched.Then by doing a punching motion you unleash the attack that blasts the enemies away,totally destroying them.

~SP : The reactions that concern one enemy,refer to the enemy you successfully hit with the last part of the skill.~

- Melee Clashing and Clashing Strenghts : Often players will find themselves clashing opponents for supremacy and the chance to unleash a full blown combo without distractions.When a player clashes with an opponent the clash will end only when one of the two finishes the combo they started when clashing first or someone of the two stops attacking /and switches to Guard.The clash can also end by outer means like someone interupting one of the two or even both attackers while clashing to stop it.Skills are unclashable and instantly break the opponents out of clashing or prevent them from attacking.However there also exist Clashing Classes.These give the edge on clashing due to the attribute of the weapons used.An exapmle would be this : Say that your player wields a sword and the opponent is bare handed.The player automatically wins the clashing and moves in for the kill while the opponent suffers from the backlash.This is the exact diagram,moving from the weaker[top] to the strongest[bottom].However some weapons are equal in power :

Bare Hands
Nails,Claws etc[only the opponents posses those]
Stone Skin etc[only the opponents posses those]
Pole-Staff[The weapons from the family count in this category except for the spears.]
Two-handed Sword
Axe[only the opponents posses those]
Full Body Set[Some Gauntlets transformations]
Big Sword[Some Sword transformations]
O-katana[Some Katana transformations]
Spear[Some Pole-Staff transformations]
Two-handed Huge Sword[Some Two-handed Sword transformations]
Scythe[Some Pole-Staff transformations]
Huge Axe[only the opponents posses those]
O-tachi[Tachi transformations]
Dual Wielding[Depends on the weapons the character is dual wieilding]

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
- Skills : Skills are offensive,defensive and supporting moves that the player can access during gameplay and can help him.Depending on the skill different effects,moves and weapons will be used.All skills have levels with Level 10 being the MAX/Master Level of the skill.As a skill levels up some things like attack power,execution time etc. change as well as the animation.Sometimes the change is not evident,but at the final level the change is noticable.Skills level up either by usage or enemies killed.Later the player can use Demon/God blood to level the skills faster.There is also a special skill class called Apotheosized/Shinka which is available only when the player transforms in that state.Skills can also do critical hits that do double damage when they land.Sho,Sousuke,Ares,Cthulu and Leon are able to use all of them,however,most characters are able to use some of the skills too.

Skill List :

Offensive :

Hell's Uprising[Atalanta and Drakos too.]
An single but powerfull upward slash with the sword.
Weapon Used : Sword,Two Handed sword
Button can be pressed up to three times for more slashes.
Button can held to charge the attack.
Upon leveling up the power,execution time and reach of the attack will rise while the charge time will lessen.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Dance of the Birds,Roar of the Bear[Drakos and Gaia too]
A very quick and percise combo that mixes graceful attacks that slash the enemy with a flurry of destructive punches.
Weapons Used : Bare Handed.
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Nature' Wrath*[Only by the mains]
A powerful beam of energy from the tip of his sword using the power of nature and it's elements.[Instant cast]
Weapons used : Sword,Katana,Tachi,Two-handed Sword
Button can be held to power up the skill,for more power and beam duration.
Upon leveling up the charge time will lessen while the power,length and width of the attack rise.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Weapon's Mastery[Only the mains can use all the weapon variations.]
A fierce streak of attacks utilising all your weapons.[Instant cast]
Weapons Used : Sword,Two-handed Sword,Katana,Tachi,Pole-Staff,Gauntlets[Depends on what form it has.]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise.At the final level it's possible to use the true elemental form of the weapons for more power.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Endless Dream[Anemos and Anemos[Kyo] but only during the transformation]
A lightning swift Iai slash with both hands forming a +[cross] slash.
Weapons Used : Tachi and Katana
Button can be held for more power.
By pressing the button multiple times will cause the player to sheathe the swords.While this happens the enemy is staggered and is slashed multiple times by after-slashes.The player receives double damage when executing this move.
Upon leveling up the move will be instant,the charge time will lessen while the number of hits,attack power,reach,speed and amount of damage the player will take increase.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Flawless Expertise[The Elementals use only their own weapon.]
Unleash the true power of your weapon in a massive,unblockable,lightning fast combo.
Weapons used : Sword/Two-handed Sword/Katana/Tachi/Pole-Staff/Gauntlets[Depends on what is equipped and what form it has.]
Button can be held for various charge levels.[Only the colour and damage differ.]
Upon leveling up the skill will unlock all four charge levels,lessen the charge time,make the first level be cast instantly and makes the player invisible during the cinematic.
You must have a weapon equipped to use this skill.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.
SP : To use the Pole-Staff[True form] successfully,you must use different button combinations :
To use the double spears the you must press the Triangle Button.To use the tonfas you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and up on the D-Pad.To use the bladed nunchucks you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and down on the D-Pad.To use the pole-staff with naginata blades you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and right on the D-Pad.To use the naginata san-tetsu-kon you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and left on the D-Pad.

* Elemental [Each elemental teaches a special skill to the heroes.Not all skills are usable by all elementals,only their respective.]*

Mars Inferno[Drakos can also use it]
Using the power of fire itself,unleash a series of slashes that not only slice enemies but make them burn to crisp from their insides.
Weapons : Two-handed Sword[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with after burn effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Golden Sun[Drakos can also use it]
Using the Sun's power,your flames become the hottest in existence and burn with a golden/white shine.Using them,execute fiery slashes that scorch your enemies.
Using the power of fire itself,unleash a series of slashes that not only slice enemies but make them burn to crisp from their insides.
Weapons : Two-handed Sword[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with after burn effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Wind of the Gods Killer Sword - Secret Technique : Phoenix/Dragon/Tiger/Turtle[Anemos and Anemos[Kyo] can also use it]
Using the Wind of the Gods Killer Sword school's secret technique,you unleash one the four ancient beast of the mythology to destroy your enemies : The flame of the Phoenix,The claws of the Tiger,the rage of the Dragon and the hard-hitting shell of the Turtle.
Weapons : Tachi[True form]
To unleash the Phoenix you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and down on the D-Pad.To unleash the Tiger you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and left on the D-Pad.To unleash the Dragon you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and right on the D-Pad.To unleash the Turtle you must press at the same time the Triangle Button and up on the D-Pad.At maximu level it is possible to simply press the Triangle Button to unleash all four beasts at the same time.
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with after slasher effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Lightning Dancer Thunder Swordsman : Dragon Smash[Keravnos can also use it]
Using the most powerful move of the Lightning Dancer Thunder Swordsman school,you defeat your enemies.
Weapons : Katana[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with after slasher effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Lightning Dancer Thunder Swordsman Secret Technique : Nine-Branching Thunderstrike[Keravnos can also use it]
After finding what you lack,make the decision and use the most powerful secret of the Lightning Dancer Thunder Swordsman school to defeat your opponents.
Weapons : Katana[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with after slasher effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Aquatic Feelings[Each member of the Okeanos family can use their corresponding part of the combo,with far more damage to compensate for the lack of hits]
By using everything you learned from the masters of water,attack your enemies with a massive combo.
Weapons : Pole-Staff[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with the multiple hitting effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Earth Smasher[Gaia can also use it]
Using all your power,smash the earth itself to defeat your enemies.
Weapons : Gauntlets[True form]
Button can be held for various charge levels.[Only the colour and damage differ.]
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach[range from 1-10 meter radius] of the skill rise along with the multiple hitting effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Steel of the Heroes[Atalanta can also use it]
Using the power of steel,punish the unjust.
Weapons : Sword[True form]
Button can be pressed multiple times to execute the full combo.
Upon leveling up the power,speed and reach of the skill rise along with the multiple hitting effect's power and time.
This skill gains experience based on the number of enemies you successfully hit with.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Defensive :

Barrier Blast
An aura explosion dealing minimum damage to enemies,mainly used to scatter them across the field.
Button must be held to fully charge this move.
Upon leveling up,the area of effect becomes wider and charge time lessens.
You can attack while charging this skill.
This skill gains experience based on the number of it's uses.

Supporting :

Bestiality[Only Sho is able to use it.]
By giving in to the bestial instincts,the player enters a berserk rage.
Weapons used : Sword/Two-handed Sword/Katana/Tachi/Pole-Staff/Gauntlets/Bare-handed[Depends on what is equipped]
When in Bestiality mode the player's Attack[ATK] and Agility[AGI] raise while his Defence[DEF] falls.The player cannot guard or perform a dodge manoeuvre while in berserk mode.Upon receiving damage,the player goes normal.
Upon leveling up,the player's Attack[ATK] and Agility[AGI] rise by 100% while Defence[DEF] decreases by 200%.Also upon maximum level the player can cancel the transformation any time and as well,immediately enter the trance.Also four hits are required to revert back.
The moveset for this skill cannot be changed and only combos 1 and 8 are usable.
This skill gains experience based on the time you spend in trance[by seconds].

Demon Within/God Charge
Channel your energy to restore your transformation gauge.
The button must be pressed to recharge.
Upon leveling up the restoration fastens.At maximum level you are able to move and attack with combo 1 when recharging.
This skill gains experience based on the time you spend using it[by seconds].

Apotheosized/Shinka :

Apotheosized Million Strike Nightmare
Do a series of strikes that links to this dreadful technique.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Hadou : Suzaku Hyaku Retsu Shen
By summoning the flames of hell,you do a series of well executed martial-arts moves.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Excalibur Dis-Cutter --> Nova
By summoning the Excalibur,you do a series of slashes.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Omega Inferno --> Shura : Souryu Kougeki Reppa
Unleash your fury upon the enemy.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Gravity Power --> Ultra Void Cross-Cannon
By using the laws of the universe,you will defeat your enemy.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Over Kaiser Typhoon --> Great Astral Blade
Unleash a barrage of attacks that will surely annihilate everything.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Thunder Knuckle --> Saikyo-To : ZangetsuKen : Karyuuzan Renbu
Using both close and long range attacks,destroy your enemy.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

Apocalypse Mega-Buster --> Super Darkness Destruction Cannon[Chou Yamisouha]
Playtime's Over.Time to get serious.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the technique,the reaction starts.

~Joanna is the only exception to this list as she has her own skills.~

- Shortcut Commands[Magic Commands] : They are the magic commands.There are many different magic commands and all of them require some of the player's magic energy.Unlike skills,magic commands don't have levels.

Magic Commands List :

A spell that restores all health.
Requires 100% of the magic bar.[For full health.The percentage left will heal an equal percentage of life points.]

Inferno Purge
An intense fire spell.The enemy is burnt to crisp.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Thunder Clash
A spell that allows you to channel the might of lightning and thunder.The enemy is burnt to crisp by the lightning.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Wind Blades
A spell that allows you to use wind blades to slice your enemies.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Earthly Prison
A spell that allows you to use Mother Earth's power to defeat your enemies.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Ocean's Relentlesness
A spell that allows you to use the mighty Ocean to drown your enemies.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Metallic Fury
A spell that allows you to use metallic minerals to destroy your enemies.
Can target an enemy or a whole group.
Requires 40% of the magic bar.

Okeanos Family
A spell that allows the player to summon the Elementals Okeanos and his family to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

A spell that allows the player to summon the Elemental Drakos to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

A spell that allows the player to summon the Elemental Keravnos to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

A spell that allows the player to summon the Elemental Anemos to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

A spell that allows the player to summon the Elemental Gaia to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

A spell that allows the player to summon the Elemental Atalanta to aid you.
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Requires 20% of the magic bar.

Chronos Stop
A spell that allows the player to stop time completely for 1 minute.
Requires 100% of the magic bar.
SP : Only Sho,Sousuke,Ares and Cthulu,Leon can use it.

~Joanna is the only exception in this list,since she doesn't use magic.

- Transformation : The player unleashes his true power either by revealing his true form or by borrowing power to transform.This functions as an upgrade of sorts since all stats[except for Transformation[TFN],Health Points[HP] and Magic Points[MP]],they regenerate health and the player avatar changes slightly or entirely.Here are the transformations :

Only the main character and Joanna have it.It simply works as a power-up with no apparent visual difference.A slight raise in stats.

Dragon Trance
Joanna can use this after she aquires all of the dragons essences and a certain,story-driven event regarding her powers.She gets six pairs of wings to grow from her back,each representing an elemental dragon along with a pair of horns like the ones the Dragon Queen has and she can absorb all elemental magic attacks.[Physical damage still appliees.]She gets a moderate raise in stats and her dragon skills are replaced by an amalgam of the dragon skills that allows her to attack with all six elements at once.

God mode
The Elder God and Cthulu are able to change to their true forms,which is basically some light glowing from them and the eyes going golden.In Cthulu's case the aura is crimson-black and a pair of metalic wings sprout from his armour around his waist and his iris dissapers from his eyes and his sclera becomes blood red making it appear his eyes are simply red.Leon gains a golden aura.A massive power-up that raises each stat by 50%.

Devil Within/Evil God Form
The main character gets this in a latter point of the story and acts the same way as God Mode yet it's closer to Cthulu in appearance,with pale skin,more tribal markings,cat eyes that glow with an eerie golden glow,a black sclera,four demonic wings,claws and fangs.Yet the biggest change is that all his weapons change at their Dark and Light forms and the moveset is locked to those weapons only.

Hero form
After taming and purifying the devils inside him,the hero uses their power to enshroud himself in a holy-knight like armour that lets out a warm light.It reflects his kindness and willpower.The weapons are like in his Devil Within form though.He only gets this form if the player goes the "Good Route".

Legendary Sinner mode
Only Ares has this mode.It's like trance in appearance,yet his stats are multiplied by four,his health regeneration is instant and he is invincible to everything.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Elemental True Form
All the Elementals have it.Like Hero form they wear armour-like clothes,their hair and eyes change colour to match that of their element and their aura glows at their respective colour and shows bits of their element flying in the aura.Stats augmentation is the same as Hero mode.Also the Elementals wield their respective weapons with the element embed in it.

Apotheosised Mode/Shinka
This ability also gives the main characters,Ares and Cthulu new transformed states,new skills all with reactions,new weapon moves and all stats skyrocket up to 200.The new transformations are flight enabled and you can never suffer a game over in Story mode/Chapter Challenge mode[You lose 100 awesome points though every time you "game over" though].Downsides : you cannot do special attacks,your magic is sealed[apart from the elemental summoning,but done in a different way] and when used in other modes health regeneration is absent and when you lose it counts[the other modes : Vs mode and Boss Rush mode].The Apotheosized Mode/Shinka transformation is different on each player.For the main characters,the eye colour changes to a deep red while the hair gets a white/red colour and spikes up while at the same time going back and grows to some extend and their muscles become more pumped.For Ares it's nearly the same except that his hair grow more spiky and up,his eyes turn golden while his hair turns white/blue and he has an electrifying/windy aura and his muscle bulks a little more than the other two.Cthulu gets golden sclera and fiery red iris that has flames moving and the wheel of fate turning in the fire.His hair grows very much while waving all the time like white flames while tribal markings cover most of his body,his teeth become sharper,his ears slightly pointed,nails sharper and slightly longer and he has four sets of wings : dragon,angel,demonic and metallic/cyborg like sets of wings.He wears something that resembles an armour.Leon just has different colours.

- Abilities : They are abilities that the player earns when reaching a certain level,defeats a boss,mastering other abilities or even getting a weapon.These abilities are used by inserting them in the Ability Tablet.The tablet by the endgame can hold up to eight abilities at a time.The abilities can be leveled when the player defeats an enemy and earns an amount of Master Points.The abilities must be equipped at the tablet to receive the points.These abilities are Action,Supporting and Weapon.

Abilities List :

Action :

High Jump
Base : Press X to do a high jump.
Master Points : 100
Master : Height increased dramatically.Almost four times from the original.
Slots : 1

Combo Up
Base : Time between combos is slightly shorter.
Master Points : 400
Master : Time is much shorter,enough so that the player doesn't stagger between them.
Slots : 2[Base]/1[Master]

Super Jump
Base : Height increased dramatically.Almost four times from the original high jump.Press X.
Master Points : 1000
Master : Height increased dramatically.Eight times from the original.You can also double jump with the second jump being equal in height with a normal jump.
Slots : 4/2

Sprint Up
Base : The player is able to enter sprint mode in 10 seconds instead of 30.
Master Points : 100
Master : The player is able to enter sprint mode in 4 seconds instead of 30.
Slots : 2/1

Speed Run Up
Base : The sonic run's speed is increased slightly.
Master Points : 100
Master : The sonic run's speed is increased very much.
Slots : 2/1

Dodging Abilities
Base : The invincibility frames during dodges increase,slightly along with the recovery time.
Master Points : 1000
Master : The player can execute more dodging moves when in stance like side jumps,back-flips and dodge rolls.They can repeat these dodges as many times they want.Also they can attack after these dodges.
Slots : 4/1

Insane Reflexes
Base : The player can execute more dodging moves when in stance like side jumps,back-flips and dodge rolls.They can repeat these dodges as many times they want.Also they can attack after these dodges.
Master Points : 1000
Master : The player can execute more "dodging" moves.These include speedster[a super fast dash],air speedster,wall running,wall walking,wall jumping.They can repeat speedster/air speedster only two times.Also they can attack after speedster/air speedster.
Slots : 4/2

Aerial Combo Specials
Base : -
Master Points : 1000
Master : The player unlocks new aerial combos.If the player has a move that sends away[even upwards] at any part of the combo,provided that if put at the end of a combo string it doesn't trigger a reaction,the player can press the X button to jump after him and do any of the four aerial combos he wants.[See SP2.]
Slots : 4/2

Supporting :

Stats Up
Base : +20 to all stats
Master Points : 1000
Master : +80 to all stats
Slots : 4/2

God Walking Among Us
Base : The player does not waste the Transformation gauge to remain in the transformed state he has.Regeneration is not enabled.
Master Points : 1000
Master : The player does not waste the Transformation gauge to remain in the transformed state he has.Regeneration is fastened and the player boast more attack and speed while.
Slots : 8/4
SP : Can only be put with the Action abilities on the Tablet.No weapon abilities are compatible with it.Aquired when the player finishes All the Endings[no matter what difficulty],leveled up all weapons and starts a new game + with the Apocalypse difficulty setting and has 100% of the weapon moves,mastered all the abilities[up until this],unlocked all the level 1 and 2 armours and reached level 100 at least once.Once Mastered it can be used everywhere.

Weapon :

Weapon Abilities
Base : The weapon attacks of the weapon hit enemies twice instead of once.
Master Points : 100
Master : -
Slots : 8

Elemental Abilities
Base : The Elemental attacks of the weapon hit enemies twice instead of once.
Master Points : 100
Master : -
Slots : 8

Sharpened Claws
Base : When executing an attack with a bladed weapon a single claw mark appears and deals extra physical damage.
Master Points : 1000
Master : When executing an attack with a bladed weapon four claw marks appear and deal extra physical damage.
Slots : 4

Split Breaker
Base : When executing an attack with a blunt weapon a single star mark appears and deals extra physical damage.
Master Points : 1000
Master : When executing an attack with a blunt weapon four star marks appear and deal extra physical damage.
Slots : 4

Special :

Apotheosized Mode/Shinka[as in God Change]
Base : The player does not waste the Transformation gauge to remain in the transformed state he has.
Master Points : 1000000
Master : The player gains this SP.[Read below]
Slots : 8/0[Two new slates will open for this ability Tablet,just for this.You can toggle it on/off.]
SP : After mastering God Walking Among Us,this special skill will appear under a new tablet called Special.This skill will open two new slates at the Tablet,just for this.You can toggle it on/off.This ability also gives the main characters,Ares and Cthulu new transformed states,new skills all with reactions,new weapon moves and all stats skyrocket up to 200.The new transformations are flight enabled and you can never suffer a game over in Story mode/Chapter Challenge mode[You lose 100 awesome points though every time you "game over" though].Downsides : your magic is sealed[apart from the elemental summoning,but done in a different way] and when used in other modes health regeneration is absent and when you lose it counts[the other modes : Vs mode and Boss Rush mode].

- Stance and Targeting : By holding the R button,the player enters Stance,where he readies a stance and the screen follows him from the back while going cinematic.Should the player press the R button twice in a quick succession near an enemy,he locks on the nearest enemy and readies his stance.By pressing the R Button when multiple enemies exist on the field,you change the enemy you locked on.Also if you want to stop being in lock with your enemy simply hold the R button for 4 seconds.While in stance the player moves slightly slower but executes combos faster,more precisely and towards the direction of his enemy.During stance[not lock on] the player can execute the following moves :

Stance additional controls :

R[hold] + Directional Buttons/Analog Nub Left/Right + X Button : [Side]Evasive action

R[hold] + Directional Buttons/Analog Nub Up/Down + X Button : Evasive action

R[hold] + Directional Buttons/Analog Nub + Circle Button : Quick dash

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
~SP : These actions are not to be confused with the Insane Reflexes and Dodging Abilities that are marked on the Circle button.

Stances :

Sho : Sho just stands tall,with his weapons on his back,ready to attack.

Sousuke : Same as Sho.

Ares : He has his weapons flying behind him and stands tall,slightly sideways,with his legs slightly open and his arms away from his body and his fists,clenched with their back facing his side.

Joanna : She simply stands in a familiar superhero pose.

Cthulu : Cthulu crouches a bit,faces a bit sideways and poises his hands in front of him,the right one further than the left.

Leon : Leon simply stands with his hands in midair,parallel to his shoulders with open fists and a smile.

Drakos : Drakos puts his left fist in front of his face and has his sword touching the ground.

Keravnos : Enters a stance used in Iai-do/Battojutsu.

Anemos : Anemos faces slightly sideways,crouching holding his sword tightly with his right hand while his left hand is barely touching the side of the handle.

Anemos[Kyo] : Anemos[Kyo] stands tall with his sword placed on his shoulders.

Gaia : Enters a basic boxing stance.

Atalanta : Atalanta enters a swordsman stance.

Okeanos : Okeanos puts his spears on the ground,forming an x,with one foot on the x and taking a stance of a pirate as if he looks at something.

Thetis : Thetis starts dancing around.

Styx : Styx starts turning her nunchucks around while hoping here and there on the spot.

Afroditi : Afroditi takes a boxing stance and turns the tonfas on her hands.

Kasumi : Kasumi takes a stance that staff users take,with one hand in front of her,one leg on the air and the staff behind her back.

- Guard : By pressing and holding the L button the player guards himself.When guarding either no or little damage is inflicted,depending on the situation.You cannot move when guarding,except by doing evasive manouvres.During lock-on however the player can move.

- Extreme Style Attack : There is a bar,directly down the health bar.It's the Extreme bar.When filled the player must press the Square Button and the Circle Button at the same time to excecute the attack.Each player has a different kind of attack.The bar fills by hitting enenmies.It also cannot be upgraded.Every enemy hit is 1 point.Every enemy death is 10 points.The bar is filled at 1000 points.It acts like the Basara/Musou attack.

The main characters : They have the same kind of attack,with slight differences.

Sho : He starts by executing a super fast brawling attack,while moving and starts equipping all the weapons at both hands,finishing his attack by changing in his Apotheosized Form and when his weapons change,he unleashes a powerful slash that damages everyone in a 10 meter radius in all directions around him.

Sousuke : The same as Sho,just that he slashes the enemies in the air in a 10 meter radius around him and blasts them using an energy blast.

Ares : He just freezes time and gathers all enemies in the air and in front of him,while changing in his Apotheosized Form.Then he brings out all his weapons[not just the six he uses but about a thousnd total] and enhances them with both Rising Dragon and Nova spells.Then the weapons rain on the enemies,dealing damage.

Cthulu/Leon : He starts punching and slashing away,building up energy.When he has built all the energy,he transforms in his Apotheosized Form and unleashes a technique called "Atlantis Drive Sur Al".During the execution of the technique he splits in two,with his Apotheosized form standing transparent behind him.When he hits with the attack,the two "merge" and they back away as the technique creates a huge tornado that becomes perfect sphere and then dissapears in the void,erasing all the enemies without fail.[Leon does the same thing,except that he yells "Hyperboreia Infinity Impact"].

Joanna : Everything seemingly freezes in time,while in reality the player's moving at such speeds that everything seems to have stopped moving.While this power-up lasts,you also do double damage.

Okeanos : He starts by creating a pirate sword and a pirate pistol from water[the sword held with his right,the pistol with his left hand]and starts attacking the enemies around him for a while,while walking.He then creates an anchor and ties up all the enemies in a 10 meter radius around him rendering them immobile.Finally he creates a cannon from water and blasts the enemies.The whole time he yells pirate phrases.

Thetis : She uses all her nereid powers and summons a massive wave of water that falls in the heads of every enemy in the screen.The damage is moderate.However if there is only one enemy the damage is very much.

Styx : She basically mimics her father but,she isn't as powerful as him so she doubles the attacks.

Afroditi : She closes her eyes and everything freezes in time.Then the scenery changes in a theatrical stage and she just starts dancing gracefully,with many close-up shots of her.When she finishes the scenery changes back to the original and every enemy in a 10 meter radius around her is damaged severely.

Kasumi : She starts by doing combos with her weapon and at the same time gathering all the enemies in one spot.When she finishes gathering every enemy from a 10 meter radius around her,she exhales a large amount of mist on them.Then she creates several ninja tools like kunais,shurikens etc from water and throws them at blinding speeds at the enemies.She then does a cute pose and says : "Kaboom".The bombs strapped on the weapons she threw,explode at once.

Drakos : He starts performing martial arts moves of a certain style[ShuraKen],ending the combo with a rising punch that is followed by a fiery slash that slashes everything in a 10 meter radius around him.

Keravnos : He executes a very stylish,yet deadly performance of his sword skills at the enemies.When the performance ends,he starts moving at lightning speed,transforming his sword in a huge broadsword,with lightning as the blade,swiping all the enemies in his path,finishing it by jumping above the clouds,revealing the broadsword's true form,and slashing the enemies below him while yelling "chesto".After that he does a pose with a setting sun background and sakura leaves flying.

Anemos/Anemos[Kyo] : Depending on which one you control,you summon the other Anemos and start attacking the enemies around you.Then after some attacks,both unleash their ultimate attack at the same time damaging everything in a 10 meter radius around the players : Koryu;by unleashing all the beasts at once and by summoning the fifth beast,the divine dragon Koryu in a golden light.

Gaia : She punches the ground and detaches the place she punched along with everyone on it[it's in a 10 meter radius] and sends it to the sky.When the enemies fall into the pit that used to have ground,she spits mud and the enemies start to melt,while the place is restored to it's former state and better.

Atalanta : She summons a great number of holy swords around her and forms wings from them.Then the swords swarm through the enemies while she walks.All this in a 10 meter radius around her.

SP : All the Elementals at the start of the attack transform in their true form and revert to normal when they finish.If they already are,then they don't revert back after the combo is finished.

~ SP : Flight : Some players have access to the flight power.Flight can be activated by pressing the L and X Button while on air.They can move very fast with the directional buttons,move up by holding the L Button and pressing up on the D-Pad/Analog Nub,move down by by holding the L Button and pressing down on the D-Pad/Analog Nub and they can land by pressing and holding the L button and pressing the X Button.While not overly useful,it's a great travel power and it can often save underleveled players from dangerous enemies and crossing mountains and oceans.

Player affecting features : Armour,Elementals and Weapons all being accessible at the start menu,the player can change them any time he desires and change his appearance,moveset and sometimes abilities.Also the player can view his stats at that menu.[While the stats are slightly fixed 95% is random.Ex : the main characters have little defence and are good attackers.Even at maximum level their attack will be bigger than their defence stat.If the difference is major or minimal is totally random.]

- Armour : Armours are like accessories in RPGs in this game.Except that each hero has a maximum of 3 armours[2 is the standard number of armours] and they act also as slight costume changes.Sometimes it's very noticeable,others not.Each character has his/her own,unique armours.

1rst Armour : Combo time is allotted very slightly.
*2nd Armour : Stats + 20,Combo time is slightly allotted.
** 3rd Armour : Stats + 200,Absorption of all elements,Combo time is allotted,immune to staggering,able to connect combos without any interval,can do as many air/speedsters as the player wants.

*The second armour for the mains,Ares,Cthulu/Leon and the Elementals is a bit different :

2nd Armour : Stats + 40,Absorption of a corresponding element[applies elementals,and the mains{depending the weapon}],Combo time is allotted,enshrouds player in a thick enough armour with a mecha hero feeling[complete costume change,different for each player].

**The 3rd Armour is only accessible to the mains,Ares and Cthulu and is unlocked the same way as the Apotheosized Mode/Shinka.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
- Weapons : Weapons in this game instead of giving the player more attack power or speed or altering his stats whatsoever,serve only as model-changers.The weapons[including your own bare fists] can be upgraded in a rather strange way.The more you use the selected weapon it gains experience[the opponent must be hit by it,but if one attack hits multiple enemies it counts as many attacks as the hit enemies are] or by fusing them with devil's blood[a item that is "dropped by enemies"].The more blood a devil/evil God spills on your weapon or the more you stain it,it gets experience points to level up.After some time,the player gets a blood collector where he can store the blood and upgrade any weapon he likes despite not using it.All weapons have four levels.Upon leveling up the player gets some moves and unlocks more button combinations for the selected weapon.Upon reaching the fourth level,the player will enable the weapon[except for the bare fists] to undergo a "Light and Darkness" transformation,where the weapon changes it's appearance and moves.All weapons[exception fists] can merge with an Elemental to undergo a transformation and reveal their true form.However all kinds of combinations are available but they are not always as good as the original ones.They are all equally fun though.Those weapons have the same movesets as other weapons,but with different elements attatched to them along with different forms.When the weapons undergo a transformation,they have certain extras for the player,such as stats up along with elemental affinities and more.The Elemental transformations give a +40 to Attack[ATK] and Agility[AGI],a +20 to Defence[DEF] and Dexterity[DEX] along with an Elemental affinity corresponding to the Elemental and the ability to hit two times : with the normal,physical attack and the elemental attack that deals the second hit[although it counts as one].The Light and Darkness transformation gives a +40 to all stats, even if the stats are already maxed out,making it the most powerful weapon transformation but at the cost of the special ability and the elemental affinity.All weapons have their story in the weapons menu.

Sword : A standard one handed sword.One of the fastest weapons in the game it's a good start for beginers.It's corresponding Elemental is Atalanta the Steel/Metal Elemental,transforming your sword in a longer and more refined sword.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is a pair of two swords,one for the Light element and one for the Darkness element.The light sword looks like a golden and shiny sword with a holy prayer on the blade while the dark blade is a jet black slightly curved twin bladed sword with a skull hilt and tribal scripting on the blade.

Two-handed Sword : A normal two handed sword like a claymore.While not as fast as the sword,it has more range and more power put in it's combos in comparison.Also a good start for beginers.It's corresponding Elemental is Drakos the Fire ELemental,transforming the sword in a huge massive twin bladed sword,that "looks more like a huge iron obelisk if anything".It's blade is crimson red and the hilt has a flame design.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is again a pair of swords but they are twin swords.Each of the sword has one side[a bladed side not a blunt one] of the blade with the Light element and another side of the blade with the Dark element.The swords have a hilt that reflects the colours of dawn.

Katana : Your standard japanese sword.A more acurate description would be a ninja sword.It's the fastest weapon the game has and has the trickiest combos.It's corresponding Elemental is Keravnos the Lightning Elemental,transforming the Katana in a samurai sword with a strange hilt and a tsuba with the design of a thunderbolt and the blade made from lightning itself for insanely fast attacks.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is a pair of strange ninja swords in one seath that exhibit both elements on their blades and their tsuba(s) shines depending on the element you use to attack.

Tachi : A huge katana,almost as huge as the Two-Handed Sword it has one of the weirdest uses.While it's primary use is that of slashing it's often incorporated in Iaido techniques.It's corresponding Elemental is Anemos the Wind Elemental,transforming the Tachi in two O-Tachi[a bigger Tachi]that have seemingly transparent sheaths,has wind swirling around it,a demonic tsuba with the symbol of the Wind-Demon ninja clan[Fuuma clan] and an extremely sharp blade that can cut through anything in the world.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is a pair of Tachi's that can connect in one sword with the tips of their hilts or by combining them vertically to create a single hollow sword.The swords are constantly trading elements except when combined,where they exhibit both elements.

Pole-Staff : A long wooden stick with a metallic core.Basically a metal pole with a cover from wood.It's corresponding Elemental is the Okeanos Family the Water Elementals,transforming the Pole-Staff in five different weapons,depending how the Staff is used.These weapons are tonfas,the standard pole-staff but with naginata blades on each end,twin spears,bladed nunchucks and a three sectioned staff[san-tesu-con] with the naginata and spear blades.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is a pair of scythes that can be combined in various ways.One of the scythes holds the light element and looks like a shiny,steel feather with a holy cross while the other scythe has eyes,rotten flesh near the eyes and a raven-black blade.

Gauntlets : A pair of gauntlets that are used for strong fist attacks.It's corresponding Elemental is Gaia the Earth Elemental,transforming the Gauntlets in a pair of iron fists[with scales of some kind] and shin-guards that have enough power to crack the Earth itself.The "Light and Darkness" transformation is a pair of gauntlets and shin-guards that exhibit the Light elemental while having retractable nails and slasher claws that exhibit the Darkness element.

Bare-handed : A faster and more precise style than the gauntlets.Since it's not a weapon it doesn't have any Transformations.

SP : Weapon Forms :

Sword + Atalanta = Kaladbolg[True Form] (True Form Moveset) Big Sword
Sword + Drakos = Ragnarok (True Form Moveset) Big Sword
Sword + Keravnos = Claiomh Solais (True Form Moveset) Big Sword
Sword + Anemos = Hrunting (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + Sword
Sword + Okeanos Family = Leviathan's Fang (Base Moveset) Sword
Sword + Gaia = Milican Sword (True Form Moveset) Sword

~Two-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Drakos = Laevatain[True Form] (True Form Moveset) Two-handed Huge Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Keravnos = Balmung (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + Two-handed Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Anemos = Ascalon (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + Two-handed Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Okeanos Family = Durandal (True Form Moveset) Two-handed Huge Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Gaia = Beowulf's Claymore (True Form Moveset) Two-handed Huge Sword
Two-Handed Sword + Atalanta = Excalibur (Base Moveset) Two-handed Sword

Katana + Keravnos = ZanBaTou[True Form] (True Form Moveset) O-katana
Katana + Drakos = Ashura (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-katana
Katana + Anemos = Kyoshiro[written as "evil" "four" "wolf"] (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-katana
Katana + Okeanos Family = Kotetsu (True Form Moveset) Katana
Katana + Gaia = Kusanagi no Tsurugi (Base Moveset) Katana
Katana + Atalanta = Kikuijimonji (True Form Moveset) Katana

Tachi + Anemos = Ten no Garou(or Tenrou for short)[True Form] (True Form Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-tachi
Tachi + Drakos = Suzaku's Wings (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-tachi
Tachi + Keravnos = Seiryu's Claws (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-tachi
Tachi + Okeanos Family = Genbu's Shell (Base Moveset) Tachi
Tachi + Gaia = Kirin's Tail (Base Moveset) Tachi
Tachi + Atalanta = Byako's Fangs (True Form Moveset) Dual Wielding + O-tachi

Pole-Staff + Okeanos Family = Gae Bolg and Gae Dearg[True Form] (True Form Movesets) Dual Wielding + Spear
Pole-Staff + Drakos = Mystletain (True Form Moveset,spears) Dual Wielding + Spear
Pole-Staff + Keravnos = Gae Buidhe (True Form Moveset,naginata) Pole-Staff
Pole-Staff + Anemos = Little Wings (True Form Moveset,tonfas) Dual Wielding + Pole-Staff
Pole-Staff + Gaia = Black Rose (Light and Darkness Moveset) Dual Wielding + Scythe
Pole-Staff + Atalanta = Triton's Trident (True Form Moveset,naginata) Pole-Staff

Gauntlets + Gaia = Fragarach [True Form] (True Form Moveset) Full Body Set
Gauntlets + Drakos = Shooting Star (Base Moveset) Gauntlets
Gauntlets + Keravnos = Lightning Ride (Base Moveset) Gauntlets
Gauntlets + Anemos = Pegasus Talons (Light and Darkness Moveset) Full Body Set
Gauntlets + Okeanos Family = Blutgang (True Form Moveset) Gauntlets
Gauntlets + Atalanta = Cestus (True Form Moveset) Gauntlets

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
- Stats : Like in all RPG games,stats affect the player.The natural minimum is 0,while the natural maximum is 100.The same applies for levels.However stats can go beyond their limit with the help of accessories,weapons,armours and even abilities or skills.The maximum for that is 400 and the minimum 0.

Attack[ATK] : It affects all the physical attacks and skills.
Defence[DEF] : It affects the resistance to attacks.
Dexterity[DEX] : It affects the player's dodging skills and slightly raises the chances for a critical attack.Also affects reactions.
Agility[AGI] : It affects the player's attacking speed and slightly his movement speed.
Transformation[TFN] : It affects the time the player spends in his transformed state and recovers transformation points.
Magic[MAG] : It affects everything magical the player does,offensively and defensively.It adds on top of Attack[ATK] and Defence[DEF].

Stats that aren't affected by levels[That means no numbers either.] :

Health Bar[HB] : The Health Bar is always standard unless you upgrade your health bar with the completion of side-quests.[Each bar has it's own colour.The final Colour is gold.]When in a remote area,the Health bar recovers immediately up until a point after an enemy encounter.If the player is in a fault zone or "safe place" his health recovers completely.It at the upper left side of the screen along with the other bars.
Magic Bar[MB] : The Magic Bar is always standard.Every time the Magic Bar is depleted it recover slowly.The magic bar can be upgraded from side quests to fill up faster.
Mystic Nail[MN] : The Mystic Nail is always standard unless you upgrade it with the completion of side-quests.[Maximum is four sub-bars that form a finger nail.]It fills up every time you hit an enemy or an enemy hits you.The more you upgrade it,the longer you can stay transformed and it also fills up faster.It's on the left side of the Health and Magic Bars.
Extreme Nail[EN] : The Extreme Nail is always standard unless you upgrade it with the completion of side-quests.[Maximum is four sub-bars that form a finger nail.]It fills up every time you hit an enemy or an enemy hits you.The more you upgrade it,the longer you can stay transformed and it also fills up faster.It's on the right side of the Health and Magic Bars.

- Devilish Dominance[DD]/Necronomicon Spell Pages Release[NSPR]

The mains have the ability to power up and gain new abilities and most of them are also common in all players and,apart from the mains,they aren't even mentioned,since they are available from the start.You gain those power ups by defeating devil bosses and extra devil bosses for Sho while you have to find and collect missing pages from the Necronomicon.You can view them at the "Power Ups" menu during the start/pause menu.This menu includes the description of these power ups and after a certain point of the game,how to unlock them.[EX : "Find the devil that can't be seen by an untrained eye","Obtain the 8th page of Necronomicon.It was last spotted in a place where darkness is eternal,the home of the unseen demon" meaning they are in the same place,yet have different locations in the same area.]They are listed in the order they are obtained.These abilities are :

Sprint run[DD][NSPR]
You can run faster after you keep running for 10 seconds straight.

Sonic Run[DD]*
By double pressing the directional button,you are able to access supersonic speeds,but for the cost of body damage and blurry vision and images during your movements[Negated by Demonic God Muscles and Devilish Nerves].

Demonic God Muscles[DD]
By gaining the body type far more powerful than that of a human's,you are no longer hurt that easily and can perform as good as the Gods.

Devilish Nerves[DD]
By obtaining the nervous system of beings far superior than the humans and fusing it with your own,you can make out shapes that move in high speed or when you move at high speeds.

God's Training[NSPR]
Regain your former powers and glory as an Elder God.[It's a compilation of Devilish Nerves and Demonic God Muscles.]

Teleportation Arts[DD][NSPR]
During any time[except for bosses] you are able to teleport to a safe area/Crystal Shrine location to rest.

Elemental Arts[DD][NSPR]-
Able to access your weapons true form and fight with them.

Light and Darkness[DD][NSPR]--
By defeating the one who mastered both of these principals,one is able to access more forms for his weapons.

Wind's Blessings[NSPR]*
You can now move as fast as the wind[Sonic Run].

Lightning Speed[DD][NSPR]*
By pressing the guard button when the enemy is attacking,you move so fast that you leave an afterimage behind you,while being behind the enemy's back.

Absolute Control[DD][NSPR]**
By dodging once successfully,you can avoid every and all kinds of attacks without worries.

Absolute Counter[DD][NSPR]**
By dodging once successfully,you can counter one incoming melee attack and deal damage to the enemy.

Body and Soul[DD][NSPR]
The experience the player gains is shared by all other players.

-Differs with characters.Not usable by Ares.
--Only usable by the mains and Cthulu/Leon.
*Only usable by the mains,Ares,Keravnos,Anemos/Anemos[Kyo] and Cthulu/Leon.
**Only usable if you beat a certain secret boss[For those without a Story Mode,beat the same boss at Chapter Challenge Mode.]

PS : (Joanna is the only exception for this list,since she uses different power ups.)

Extra Bonuses : Double Experience Points,Double Prizes[as in twice the amount of normal prizes],Rare prizes appearence rate up[like moves,demon blood and materials]

~Playable Character Statistics and Information :

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 2/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 6/10-->10/10[All routes,except twisted]
Magic[MAG] : 2/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 180 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 2/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 4/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 180 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 10/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 10/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 198 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 10/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 1/10
Magic[MAG] : -/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 175 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 8/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 182 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 8/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 182 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 7/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 8/10
Agility[AGI] : 8/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 1/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 195 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 2/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 2/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 180 cm

Attack[ATK] : 8/10
Defence[DEF] : 4/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 4/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 170 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 2/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 2/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 178 cm

Attack[ATK] : 8/10
Defence[DEF] : 9/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 6/10
Agility[AGI] : 5/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 6/10
Dexterity : Left-Handed
Height : 165 cm

Attack[ATK] : 8/10
Defence[DEF] : 8/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 6/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 8/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 179 cm

Attack[ATK] : 4/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 8/10
Agility[AGI] : 8/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 10/10
Dexterity : Left-Handed
Height : 168 cm

Attack[ATK] : 8/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 8/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 4/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 178 cm

Attack[ATK] : 6/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 8/10
Transformation[TFN] : 10/10
Magic[MAG] : 10/10
Dexterity : Ambidexterous
Height : 178 cm

Attack[ATK] : 10/10
Defence[DEF] : 6/10
Dexterity[DEX] : 10/10
Agility[AGI] : 10/10
Transformation[TFN] : 8/10
Magic[MAG] : 10/10
Dexterity : Right-Handed
Height : 170 cm


ALL STARS[MALE](All the males except for Cthulu and Leon) : "Frontlines" by Pillar

ALL STARS[FEMALE](All the females except for Nya/Nayrlathotep) : "Fight or Flight" by Kobayashi Yuu

ALL STARS : "Don't Look Back Again" by WAG

Okeanos,Styx and Sho : "He is a pirate" from Pirates of the Carribean

Okeanos and Thetis : "Shinkon Gattai Goddanar[Animetal Cover]" from Decade of Bravehearts[Goddanar]

Okeanos family : "Shippu!Iron Leaguer[Animetal Cover]" from Decade of Bravehearts[Iron Leaguer]

Anemos Tag Force : "The Biggest Fight" by Hironobu Kageyama

Elemantals force : "Go Go Power Rangers" by Ron Wasserman[The Mighty RAW]

Cthulu and Nya/Nayrlathotep : "Magic Touch" by Aerosmith

Hot Blooded Heroes Team[The mains,Drakos,Cthulu and Styx] : "Kung Fu Master" by Amola Kaloyband

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Special Characters Section :

These characters have their own,unique set of skills and moves,yet some may have just some of the same moves as the mains.Others can also teach the main a skill that he can use only with the corresponding elemental weapon.

Joanna :

Attacks :

Base : 40 moves,8 exclusive to CRAZY S

Skills : ~Joanna doesn't have skill levels and just offensive skills~

Power Strike
An extremely strong straight punch that scatters enemies.
Button must be held to fully charge this move.
You can attack while charging this skill.

Mighty Blow
By slamming the earth with one's power,you heavily damage enemies and scatter them.
Button must be held to fully charge this move.
You can attack while charging this skill.

Extreme Typhoon
Upon exhaling air with tremendous force,you send the enemies flying.
Button can be held for various charge levels.
Button must be held to fully charge this move.
You can attack while charging this skill.

Fire Dragon
Unleash the dragon's might through a series of attacks,finishing it with the dragon's breath.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the combo,your attacks gain the fire element for 30 seconds.

Frost Dragon
Unleash the dragon's might through a series of attacks,finishing it with the dragon's breath.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the combo,your attacks gain the water element for 30 seconds.

Iron Dragon
Unleash the dragon's might through a series of attacks,finishing it with the dragon's breath.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the combo,your attacks gain the iron element for 30 seconds.

Earth Dragon
Unleash the dragon's might through a series of attacks,finishing it with the dragon's breath.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.
Upon finishing the combo,your attacks gain the earth element for 30 seconds.

Dragon Counter
Absorb any elemental magic attacks the enemy throws and throw them back.
Button must be held for the first part.
The button must be pressed to execute full combo.

Dragon Powers :

Joanna has a different set of power ups.While some of the basic Devilish Dominance[DD]/Necronomicon Spell Pages Release[NSPR] and renamed "super-powers"[the sonic run but faster,the sprint run,the God's Training,and the dodge counter's] and flight[by pressing the jump button twice],she uses the magic of dragons to fight the devils and gods of this game.

Fire Dragon's Essence
You gain the Fire Dragon's powers and resistance to the fire element.

Frost Dragon's Essence
You gain the Frost Dragon's powers and resistance to the water element.

Iron Dragon's Essence
You gain the Iron Dragon's powers and resistance to the iron element.

Earth Dragon's Essence
You gain the Earth Dragon's powers and resistance to the earth element.

Dragon Queen's Essence
You gain the Dragon Queen's powers and resistance to all elements.

* The Elementals just have one or more attack skills the mains don't,usually.If not they are not mentioned in this section as they are similar.*

*The Elementals also have special attacks for better chaining during their attacks.They are listed here.The buttons must be pressed at the same time.*

Drakos :

Earth Shaker(Square+X) : Crowd clearing hit.Drakos spins the sword to gain momentum and crushes the earth with it.

Machine-gun Fists(Square+Triangle) : Rapid punches ending with a knock-away hit.

Fire Impalement(Triangle+X) : Drakos does a small jump and thrusts his sword to the ground.Can be a crowd clearer if no enemy is hit or a single,powerfull move,should the player impal an enemy with it.

Gut punch(Square after dodging[standing]) : Simply a left gut punch.One of the weakest counters.

Keravnos :

SoRyuZan(Square+X) : A katana uppercut.

RaiRyuKen(Square+Triangle) : Keravnos dashes forward while striking many times in a flash.

ChoRyuZan(Triangle+X) : If done on the ground,Keravnos will do a small jump before striking down, and this move can also be done from the air.

Tatsumaki(Square after dodging[standing]) : A crowd clearing counter.Keravnos does a spin with his sword.

Okeanos :

YARHARHAR(Square+X) : A mighty punch that sends the enemy flying.

GAHAHAHA(Square+Triangle) : A very rapid attack that shows ones expertise with spears.

MUHAHAHAHA(Triangle+X) : A crowd clearing attack that involves the use of water summoning.

AHAHAHA(Square after dodging[standing]) : A mighty kick to the butt.

Anemos/Anemos[Kyo] :

The Wings of the Phoenix(Square+X) : A swooping,crowd clearing attack attack that deals big damage to the enemy that is excactly in front of the player.

The Rage of the Dragon(Square+Triangle) : A multitude of hits with a slide dash after each hit.

The Claws of the Tigger(Triangle+X) : A very powerful attack that consists of two phases : the power up phase,where the player simply powers up and the hit phase where the player executes a very powerfull slash[that appears as a clawed slash,4 slashes] dealing massive damage to the enemy.It is interupted very easily though.Against humanoids it acts differently though : the player stuns an enemy that is in his field of view and draws him towards him.He then delivers an unblockable and undodgeable slash that deals damage[It is half the damage of the original move].Both attacks have the same animations.

The Shell of the Turtle(Square after dodging[standing]) : If the counter is successfull the enemy is stopped from attacking and is teleported away,a few metres ahead of the player and is slashed mercilessly by an invisible blade.The player simply appears to be standing the whole time.

Demon God Change
Realease your inner power and become the demon god to defeat your enemies.
The player's Attack[ATK] and Agility[AGI] rise by 100%,but at the cost of guarding skills.The player can cancel the transformation any time and as well by hitting the Triangle Button again,to unleash a wide attack that staggers his opponents.When the time is up the player returns to normal again.

Atalanta :

Honour(Square+X) : A very precise slash that is unblockable and unavoidable.

Valour(Square+Triangle) : A series of attacks that stun the enemy after the first hit connects.

Courage(Triangle+X) : Atalanta thrusts her sword in the ground creating a shockwave for crowd control.This attack can be done from the air too.

Wisdom(Square after dodging[standing]) : A crowd clearing counter.Simply a full spin.

Gaia :

Vine(Square+X) : Vines sprout from the ground in front of Gaia and trap the enemy[If there is one in front of her].

One-two,one hundred(Square+Triangle) : A simple one-two punch that if it connects it deals a hundred strikes to the enemy.The total damage is very big.

Mud trap(Triangle+X) : The ground in front of her becomes mud and if the enemy is caught in the mud she kicks him in the face.[Only works on humanoids.For non humanoid enemies it is simply a stun move.]

The beauty of the Earth(Square after dodging[standing]) : After dodging,she simply backs of and unleashes a poisonous mist from the pollen of several flowers in the form of kiss blowing motion.The enemy is damaged as lon as the player holds the Square button to continue the attack.It can last for 40 seconds maximum.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Afroditi :

RouGaGeKi(Square+X) : By spinning the tonfas around and generating enough force,you unleash a wave of slashes as crowd clearing attack.

SuiRyuReppa(Square+Triangle) : A fast,relentless attack done in a punching motion.

ShiRyuSouGeKi(Triangle+X) : A twirling attack that resembles dancing moves.Done by using the pointy tips of the tonfas and spinning around.

Shichou : ShishiReppa(Square after dodging[standing]) : With a dancing motion you avoid the enemy and hurt him at the same time.

Styx :

Power Drive(Square+X) : Hot-Blooded power rushes through you,setting the nunchucks on fire as you deal a very damaging uppercut.

Rapid Succession(Square+Triangle) : Grab technique.If successful,you grab the enemy and start hitting him rapidly with nunchuck attacks and techniques.Requires button mashing.

Cannon Ball(Triangle+X) : Grab technique.If successful,you grab the enemy and start hitting him until you reach a cannon.From there mash the button that is shown to built power for the cannon.Then you fire the cannon with the enemy in it.

The plunck(Square after dodging[standing]) : After dodging,Styx takes out the plunck and deals a crowd clearing attack with heavy damage that deals her wide open if the enemy doesn't stagger.

Thetis :

Ethereal Dancer(Square+X) : Using the cloth that hangs from her shoulders she delivers fast,deadly attacks with the cloth.

Hand Slap(Square+Triangle) : A crowd clearing hit.She does a hand slapping motion and a hand made out of water mimicks this motion.

I'M ONLY 17(Triangle+X) : A crowd clearing hit.Thetis stomps the ground while saying that and the enemies stagger,stun and are thrown away.Little damage.

Sublime chocking(Square after dodging[standing]) : Thetis goes behind the one that attacked her and useing the cloth she chokes him.Mash the Square button to end it with a neck breaking move.

Kasumi :

Ninpo : Suicho Zankai Zan(Square+X) : A crowd clearing attack.She spins her san-tetsu-kon very rapidly while doing a forward motion.

Ninpo : Tora no Kiba(Square+Triangle) : She takes her san-tetsu-kon and makes it into several weapons,striking insanely fast the enemy while doing a slide dash.

Ninpo : Karyu no ibuki(Triangle+X) : An attack with wide range and great reach.Can also be performed from the air.Kasumi takes a lit match and puts it in her mouth.She then breathes fre in a wide arc.

Ninpo : Bunshin BakuHatsu(Square after dodging[standing]) : She is stabbed by the enemy and does a huge explosion.After the explosion animation she comes out of a small pond.

Mist Technique
Upon releasing thick mist from her mouth,she is able to attack in stealth while the mist also damages enemies over time.
Button must be held to fully charge this move.
You can attack while charging this skill.
Depending on the charge level,the skill animation will either be "smooth" or "aggressive".

Story :

Storytelling : The story is told in the style of a novel,primarily from the view of the main characters,letting the gamer know only what they know.The story is told by voice-text bubbles and artwork of the characters and sometimes with CG pictures like in Visual Novels.Depending on the actions of the player,the story can unfold as a tale of Justice(Justice Route) and ideals or as a dark twisted(Twisted Route) tale.Both have "Good" and "Sad" endings.Finally two other routes will be unlocked if all are finished : The Final Chaos Route and the True Final Route.These two only have one ending.Each ending has it's own CG set.

Visuals,Graphics,Character Models and Backgrounds : The visuals are like the graphics of Ys7 the lowest,while if possible the highest render of the visuals would be like the graphics of Final Fantasy : Dissidia or/and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.The story will only have two ending movies,in anime form.Most of the story telling will be told through CGs[like Visual Novels] and game-rendered short movies.The world map is just barren wastelands,yet there exists Tartarus,Elder god domain,crystal shrine(s) and the Garden of Outer Gods/Great Elder Ones.The overall style has an approach towards that of anime,manga and Visual Novels[Ex : Fate series,Demonbane series,Ys series...]than that of a more realistic art seen in other games[Ex : Ninja Gaiden,Darksiders...].

Camera Function : The best camera system that would fit in this game would be like Zelda : Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask,the warriors series or even Ys 7's camera system.

Soundtarck,Music,Voices : The game will feature a wide selection of genres in music,ranging from opera to power/speed metal,even folk songs and generally songs from both the west and the east.Also the characters will be voiced.

Game Modes

Story Mode : Play the game and unfold the story of our heroes.
Chapter Challenge Mode : Play the story mode,without having to bother about the story.Try to get as many bonuses as you can.Also a new ally is present.
Versus Mode : Challenge the computer or your friends in a one on one match.You can even challenge bosses[controlled only by the COM] on duels.Custom rules are present.All duels in versus have infinite time.
Boss Rush Mode : Fight all the bosses of the game in a row,in an arena.Can you stand up to the challenge?

Difficulty levels : ,Easy(or automatic,has maximum skill levels from the start),Normal,Hard,Apocalypse[Super Hard](The levels affect only the enemy AIs.)


Start up menu :

-Press Start
-> New Game
Load Data
Instal Media [250Mb,500Mb,700Mb]

Main Menu :

Story Mode
Chapter Challenge
Boss Rush
Sound and Picture Gallery[Must be unlocked]

Story Mody Menu/Chapter Challenge Menu :

Chapter Select
Difficulty Select
Load last savepoint

Vs Menu :

Fighter/s Selection
Custom Rules

Boss Rush Menu :

Select Fighter

Options Menu :

Background Music Volume toggle from 1 to 10
SFX Volume toggle from 1 to 10
Character Voices Volume toggle from 1 to 10
Controls Configuration[Standard/Custom]
Custom Music Folder -> Select a Song
Playlist Mode[from the song you chose until the
last one.]

Sound and Picture Gallery[Unlocked by finishing the game once]
Select Music[Must be heard during story to be unlocked]
Select Voice track[Must be heard during story to be unlocked]
Select GC Picture[Must be aquired/seen during story to be unlocked]

In Game Pause Menu :

Shortcut Commands
Devilish Dominance[DD]/Necronomicon Spell Pages Release[NSPR]
Save Game
Load Game

Enviroment/In-Game World

The In-Game World is mostly wastelands and deserts with dark clouds that constantly discharge.Some ruins can be found here and there at the world map.Generaly the world map would [preferably be] the whole Earth...yet it's not like the scenery would change much.There places around the earth that are called "safe areas".These areas are usually inside a ruined building or a cave or a place where a boss battle took place.Also "crystal shrines" exist.These places are like the saverooms of other games,yet here they exist as a replenishment station,a "safe area" and teleportation rooms,teleporting to any other crystal shrine,wether it's on Earth or at the realm of the Elder Gods or even at the Garden of Azatoth.

Enemy Behaviour and AI

The enemy beheviour depends on the type of enemy the player is facing but all have some things in common like : enemies have their own s-strings,the enemies can clash with you and while enemies don't have skills[only bosses] they can evade your skills and guard against your attacks.While all enemies are extremely tough,the more powerful the enemies you meet the more difficult it will be to defeat them,in some cases the swarm of the most powerful enemies in the game can be considered as a proper boss battle.The more powerful the enemies you meet,they will boast more power,speed,life and defence than their inferiors along with better AI.Some enemies can appear alone sometimes,but it is random.Enemies pop out during your venture in the world map without warnings,but there are some areas where you will definetely find enemies[these are enemy grounds and are standard enemy locations],the pop-out rate is usually random.One can venture in the map for a whole day and not one enemy may bother him or the complete opposite.Also to escape from the enemy one must flee far away from the spot the enemy appeared.[Approximately a thousand metres radius away from that area to have the enemy/enemies give up on you and retreat.]All in all,the general idea of the game's enemies and their AI,is to push the player to their limits,always keep him on the edge,never leave him time to think unless he escapes a deadlock and guards[which won't be that often] and have him do that in a minimum of 50 enemies on-screen[a normal swarm of enemies].

PS : All this in Normal Mode.

Extras : New Game + and Data Transfer

The player can start a new game by overwriting his old save file at the story mode after he finishes the game with an ending.Any ending.Everything is transfered over,even levels.Also if the player wishes to start a new game to obtain the last two skills but doesn't want to level them up in that difficulty,he can do so in chapter challenge and then save the gave.That way the data will be saved in the "main memory" save data and it will be transfered in all the "story data" save files.This way players that are on easier difficulties can obtain the skill too.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Now for some expiremental moves.[Not finished,due to the difficulty of turning a picture into words...]

Base : 20 moves,4 exclusive to CRAZY S[Usable by Atalanta]

1)A vertical slash.The player leans a bit to perform it,putting his right foot forward without moving from his spot.
2)A horizontal slash.The player leans a bit to perform it,putting his left foot forward without moving from his spot.
3)A diagonal slash,from right to left and from up,down.The player leans a bit to perform it,slightly turning his body.
4)A spining slash.The player moves forward on foot while doing a spining motion[from right to left] and slashing.
5)The player puts his right foot forward and he will do a thrust with both hands at the center in front of him.The player moves a bit after this.[Left foot comes forward.]
6)A thrust.The player leans,putting his left foot in front and uses his left hand to make a thrust.After the move he resets back to his position.
7)An vertical overhead sweep.While executing the player moves forward a bit,leaning while doing it.
8)A diagonal spining slash.It's like 3),but the player spins and moves forward by a foot.
9)A double strike.The player hits the enemy with the enemy with a slash using his right hand only.After that he immidiately grabs the sword with both hands and moves in,doing a digonal,upward from the left to the right slash.
10)The player does a double horizontal strike.He first sweeps to the left and then hops doing a right sweep with moving.
Crazy 1)The player does a continuous spinning move ending with all the force gathered at the tip of the sword,unleashing it the moment the sword hits the ground after the final strike.
Crazy 2)
Crazy 3)
Crazy 4)
Top Bottom