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The Arcade Room


For Sanguinius!

Hello and welcome to the Arcade Room where I talk, ramble and rant about various video game related topics. Such as old/new games, the gaming community and the controversial topics that come with it. So, good times all around. Hopefully I can did up some good stuff for you lovelies to bring to you. And not just copy past things from Reddit or Kotaku.

Hopefully next update will have something nice and tasty for all of you to snake on, but until then: stay golden.
~ Sol


For Sanguinius!


Hello and welcome to the Arcade Room! And today will be talking about hype and the new Star Wars Battlefront game. And you may be wondering “But, Sol? What are trying to get at?” Well, my dear imaginary read, I'm glad you asked! What I'm trying to get at is the new trailer was put out not to long a go to generate “hype” for the new game to get a bunch of per-orders....but unfortunately most if not all who saw the trailer now fall into two groups. Those who will per-order the game without a second thought and those who are cynical about the whole thing and will just scream that none of this will be in the actual game. And sadly I would not be surprised of the later was right.

All to often video game companies have used trailers to generate hype for their games, but sadly most if not all tend to fail to actually live up to the hype and fall hard. I must admit I have fallen to this tactic quite a few time. And sadly I can not seem to get to excited for new trailers without out a bitter taste in my mouth. Once upon a time video game companies would put out trailers to advertise their games: either of one or multiple consoles. Showing off the capability of said consoles and giving you a good reason to buy this game or the game and the consoles it is on. But, now a days it's like playing Russian roulette trying to figure what game is worth buying , what's worth a rental or just not even bothering with it all together.

Such a shame because some of these trailers are just amazing. Could pass of for a good if not great movie...if Hollywood decided to make a good video game movie and not some half-arsed attempt to cash in..... Yeah, both seem to be lacking in making quality products now a days. A least with movies you don't have to deal with per-orders or DLC. Yet.

And now we have triple A games with per-order bonus content and DLC with the rest of the game instead of more content to compliment it. And that is what Star Wars Battlefront is.: Per-order “bonus” content with the rest of the game coped up and put into DLC....That most likely be on the disk on day 1. AND this is not exclusive to EA either. Most big name video game companies are doing this and if you point out how wrong it is; don't be surprised to be called “entitled” whiny kid. Yeah, just because we're not wanting to sip from the Kool aid and pay $60 plus dollars on a half-arsed glorified demo does not mean we're entitled.

No, just consumers who want the most out of their buck. Is that really so much to asked for? It seems that way with all this bad business practices and greedy publishers that think name alone will get them by. No, a good game will....unfortunately as long as they continue to rely on pretty trailers, those who fall from them will keep them afloat. And the cycle with continue.

So, what do you think? Are video game companies dropping the ball or has my bitterness given this trailer a bad score before it even had a chance to win me over?

Till next time, stay golden! ~Sol
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For Sanguinius!
Hello and welcome to the Arcade Room! And today will be talking about Silent Hill! So for those of us who don't know what Silent Hill is or what is even about I'm going to tell what Silent Hill is, my lovelies!

Silent Hill is a survival horror that was first released on January 31, 1999 for the Play Station. It then went on to produce several squeals and a few bad movies and comics, but we're not going to talk about that, m'kay? Today I'm going to talk about Silent Hill! The game I have yet to finish---oddly I've manage to complete Silent Hill 2 and 3...huh. Anyway I digress! Let's talk about SH?

Silent Hill was not just a survival horror game, but also psychological horror. Where you don't just fight grotesque and horrifying monsters, but your fears and past sins....well except for Harry Mason He's probably one of the few protagonist that was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Unlike Jaaaaaames Sunderland, the idiot, who will put his and into hole and jump down seemingly bottomless pits. But, will get to him next time, but for now it's Harry, Harry Mason's time!

And playing as Harry Mason you had to figure out how to get out of Silent Hill all the while trying to find his daughter Cheryl and not get killed by a demon god who was summoned by the crazy cult of the town....who is also running a drug ring! See that has so many layers of awesome and can't see how the movies manage to screw up so badly?!

The besides having a good strong and likeable main protagonist and supporting characters where great.

Cybil Bennett the cop who helps Harry try to find his daughter.

Dr. Michael Kaufmann the a-hole doctor who part of the Order and Dahlia's helper and commits Alessa to the Alchemilla Hospital and forces Lisa Garland, whom he is in a relationship and bribes with drugs, to keep Alessa living.

Lisa Garland is a young nurse working at Alchemilla Hospital. Poor girl forced to watch Alessa suffer and become an addicted. At lest at the end of the game she gets her justice.

Alessa Gillespie the evil leader of the cult and mother to Alessa. Let's just say she is a mega B**** and beyond crazy. She burns her own daughter alive and then post her on life support to be the mother of her demon god. Yeah, she won't be getting any mother of the year awards any time soon.

And with that the story. Like I said it's about a father trying to look for his missing daughter all the while trying to stop an evil cult for killing him and summoning their evil demon god. A few jump scares but all atmosphere. It's a great game if you want some good old ps one action and love some psychological horror with you survival.

Sorry for such a short post. Like I said I have not beaten the game, however the next one I have and is one of my favorites.

Till next time, stay golden ~ Sol


For Sanguinius!
Hello and welcome to the Arcade Room! And today I'm continuing this Silent Hill edition of Arcade Room with with Silent Hill 2! A game that is near and dear to my survival horror loving heart!

The squeal to Silent Hill; Silent Hill 2 follows a different protagonist: Jaaaaaames Sunderland and a whole new cast of characters! And this time no crazy cult to fight just the sleepy unnatural town of Silent Hill and your own personal hell. So, let's jump in shall we?

Let's start of about talking about the characters of the game. Like the Silent Hill SH2 also has a small cast and all sever a purpose. From James to Jame's not dead wife Maria, all who enter Silent Hill seem to have a dark tale and quite possibly crazy.

James Sunderland: A mild-mannered clerk with a dark side who came to Silent Hill looking for his dead wife who sent him a letter telling him to go to their “special place”. Also he has an affinity for doing the most dumbest things. Like sticking his hands into dirty toilets and asking if an armed man crazy. Also he killed is wife....yeah.

Mary: James dead wife. Who fell ill to an unspecified incurable, terminal disease and was bedridden in a hospital. Because of this she her physical and mental health be bang to deteriorate and put a strain on their relationship. She was then killed by James.

Maria: The look-a-like of Jame's dead wife. The opposite of Mary. Maria is is a more sexier, who tends to flirt with him form time to time. If she is not having weird mood swings she tend to be helpful by providing clues and unlocking doors. Also she is a boss in the game or something.

Angela Orosco: The girl with extremely low self-esteem and doesn't feel she is deserves any pity or basic human respect. Angela was born into a poor family. Because of her rough, broken, abusive and unfortunate traumatic childhood, Angela was convinced that she would never be truly happy, being forced to grow up too fast. Also like the rest of the group, Angela tends to have a bit of a moody side....Oh and she is wanted for murdering her abusive father and brother....

Eddie Dombrowski: Eddie a part time gas station worker who is a bit on the over-weight side and was bullied and verbally abused all his life, including high school. Lets just say he is not a very happy camper nor is he all together up there. Just like the rest his reasoning for coming here is not to stay at Silent Hill's hotel resort.

Laura: The rude batty kid you encounter throughout the game and the innocent human character in the town who does not hold any darkness in her hear heart. Proving that the town only mess with people who are guilty of some sort of sin. Well, except of Harry Mason, who just took the child from an evil cult who was being turned into the mother of their evil demon goat god...thing...

And that is the whole crew of Silent Hill 2! Now let's get on to the plot: The story of Jaaaaaames Sunderland and his misadventures in Silent Hill!

The plot centers around Jaaaaaames and his search for his dead wife. Any sane person would have not even bothered visiting Silent Hill nor would have kept the letter! Most would have just tossed it out and kept going. But, nooo! Not James Sunderland here. He had to get to the bottom of this right away. So, he jumped into his carand went to SILENT HIIIILLLL(!) where sh*t got real. Oh does it get real, real crazy! And once in town everything in it tries to kill him and the once who aren’t are trying to sex him up.... yup. As Yahtzee so nicely puts it.But dose he wise up and do the smart thing? Nope! Sometime I do admire James for his cougar and sheer denomination. However, the level of stupid he can emit just makes me think he is just plain suicidal and with nothing better to do. But I do love the big ol duffus and this game.

Should you play it? If you can get it for the pc or find an original copy and a PS 2 then sure! Just don't bother with the HD collection. It's just a mess and a wast of time. Next time kiddies we get to talk about Silent Hill 3 and the continuation of Silent Hill one's story!

So, until then stay golden! Sol~
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