I think God of War had its run with literally all the gods dead (but with a few remaining and they're not even that bad) there is nothing left to do.
.................................weeeellll...they can always continue the series in a new direction following after the fall of the gods and with Athena (I think that is her name) now establishing a new world or help bringing up mankind after the destruction and mankind basically starting over free from the tyrannical rule of the gods but a new threat is brought to light and the game focuses on a new protagonist who is reincarnation of Kratos. A somewhat mild mannered and logical person UNLIKE Kratos and well not a softie but not an over the top angry homicidal maniac like Kratos but due to being Kratos's reincarnation he suffers from schizophrenia and at times exhibit very violent behavioral patterns although he tries to calm himself. He is a calm yet cool guy....like somewhat young...in his early to mid 20s.
I think having a chill and calm character can make him relate-able (Kratos was never relate-able if you can relate to Kratos I recommend seeing a guidance counselor or anger management) but his violent side can be used as a gameplay element o bring back the good old GoW f*cking sh*t up with the POWER OF RAAAAGGGGEEE its so known for and create a strong character arc for our hero as he learns to accept himself and control his anger.
The story isn't about good vs evil or revenge but rather redemption, accepting oneself, and living to fight for the future or focus more on themes found in various Greek and Roman mythologies.
Just my idea.