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Suicide Squad review


Legendary Devil Hunter
Been a week, so I thought it was time I wrote a Suicide Squad review.
So what did think of the movie? Well, it's not very often I disagree with critics, but yeah, I do.
I'm not saying it's the best comic book movie of all time or anything. But I'm legit shocked that it's the worse reviewed DCEU movie, I actually think it's the best one.
I like Will Smith as Deadshot and Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, I really enjoyed their bantering. (It should be noted though Will Smith's one of my favorite actors, even if a movie's bad, you will never hear me say a bad thing about Will Smith)
Margot Robbie as Harley, she was silly, sexy, and crazy, kinda how I view Harley. Though I do agree with some complaints about her outfit, it does seem like they were focusing a bit too much on her sex appeal.
I like how they didn't try to redeem the villains really.
Deadshot is a father, and wants to do something good to prove to his daughter. But he's still a hitman, who's killed probably hundreds for money. And the other villains, for them, even after they don't have to stick around, stay to finish as more of a "Meh, got nothing better to do"
Overall I just thought it was a fun and entertaining movie.

But things I didn't like, or rather am mixed on. Jared Leto's Joker, I don't think he's really a bad Joker, I do see some potential. But he's got nothing on Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger. I didn't like his laugh, and I didn't like how it felt like they were trying to play him like a modern gangster. I could kinda see it as a modernized version of Jack's Joker, who's more of an eccentric mob boss, then a complete psychopath like Heath's.
I also didn't like how he seemed to actually care about Harley, don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy seeing Harley get beaten or anything. Hell, my favorite Harley moments are the few times she actually says enough is enough, and stands up to him. It's just, the Joker isn't suppose to care about anyone but himself. That's the thing, Harley is devoted to the Joker, but he doesn't give a rat's a$$ if she lives or dies.
That being said, I do think he has potential.
Also, the villains, well the antagonist of the movie, wasn't really that interesting. I don't really know that much about them, and I don't really have any desire to learn more. As opposed to the few times, comic book films introduces a hero or villain I'm not familiar with, if I enjoyed them in the movie, I usually do a little research to better familiarize myself, but I have no desire here.

Overall, not a prefect movie, but an enjoyable movie, I give it a 7/10
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