Style-Synergy: An Alternative to Style-Switching

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Well-known Member
Aug 3, 2019
Arlington, TX
PS4 [DEFAULT] controls (Xbox in parentheses)

The functions that carry over would remain unchanged:

Triangle(Y) = Melee
X(A) = Jump
Hold R1(RB) = Lock-On
L1(LB) = Devil Trigger

The newer functions would be:

Circle(B) = Swordmaster
Square(X) = Royalguard
R2(RT) = Trickster

So, if:
Triangle(Y) = Melee, and
Circle(B) = Swordmaster

Then while holding L2(LT):
Triangle(Y) = Gun, and
Circle(B) = Gunslinger

If it seems complicated, keep in mind that this functions exactly like Nero's Snatch and Wire Snatch; as without the Lock-On modifier, those commands perform Devil Bringer and Devil Breaker respectively.

Ebony & Ivory:

Hold L2(LT) + Triangle(Y) = Ivory Shot
Hold L2(LT) + Circle(B) = Ebony Shot
Hold L2(LT) + Hold Triangle(Y) = Normal Shot Rapid-fire
Hold L2(LT) + Hold Circle(B) = Normal Shot Charge

As some of Dante's tech involves holding the Gun button while continuing to melee, this would be utilized simply by releasing L2(LT) before releasing Triangle(Y) or Circle(B), thus causing his gun to fire/charge in the background until L2(LT) + Triangle(Y) or Circle(B) is pressed again.

If you press L2(LT) while already charging Swords Formation, Round Trips, or Electric Cereberus, those moves will charge in the background until L2(LT) is released and Triangle(Y) or Circle(B) is pressed again.

Swords Formation would lose absolutely no functionality whatsoever; you'd simply no longer have to switch styles to access its different properties. It would default to Royalguard, then simply act accordingly whenever you melee, hold Gunslinger Mode, Air-Hike, Air-Trick, etc.

Sin Devil Trigger would work normally with the following exceptions:

Circle(B) = The Luce
Square(X) = Demolition
R2(RT) = Advent
Hold L2(LT) + Triangle(Y) = The Ombra
Hold L2(LT) + Circle(B) = Judgement

Up = Cycle forward through guns
Down = Cycle backward through guns
Right = Cycle forward through melee weapons
Left = Cycle backward through melee weapons

To be clear, my issue with Style-Switching is not the fact that it's on the D-pad. My issue is that switching styles should not be necessary at all. However, there is absolutely no way around needing to switch weapons, and if the D-pad is going to be used at all, using it for weapon-swapping makes more sense than using it for anything else.

So with Style-Synergy, not a single function from Style-Switching would be lost. As for what's added:

1) No longer have to switch styles to access style moves.

2) No longer have to switch styles to get Swords Formation to do what you want.

3) Can now cycle back AND forth between guns and melee weapons.

4) Can now charge Round Trips and Swordmaster Electric Cereberus while in Gunslinger, while Tricking, and while Royalguarding.

For those of you who've already grown accustomed to Style-Switching, this isn't so much a question as to whether or not Style-Synergy could replace it. The question is whether or not Style-Synergy could serve as a viable alternative for anyone who hasn't gotten used to Style-Switching yet...
I've been thinking about this for a while.
It's a waste for the triggers to simply be used as a "weapon cycle" button.

But then what I have in mind is a little different.
I thought of R1 as the dash button but also as the button for signature attacks.
Ever notice a lot of Dante and even Nero's signature attacks look like they can be dashed into?
Like dash into a Stinger, Jet Stream, Reverb Shock or into a Streak.

So you can tap R1 to dash around but if you press Forward + R1 + Sword, you'd get a Stinger.
So that's one way to "compact" dashing with signature moves, allowing for more buttons.
This is also one way of doing signature moves without locking-on.