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Stuff the YouTube Community says

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
Haha I like this comment:3


For Sanguinius!
Ah, the Youtube comment section; a strange and terrible place. Where trolls roam and dumb flame wars start. :| With classy comments like this: "Go drown yourself you hipster ****" (Not really) and this "Go kill yourself fuvking faggot!" So, riveting! It makes me roll my eyes SOOO much. *wish there was an eye roll smilly.* I try not to read them to much, I end up feeling like my IQ has drop a few and my soul dies a little.


It's One on One.
"Still a better love story then Twilight"

"What there's no top comment? Now's my chance *inserts random phrase*"


I fought the war but the war won't staaaahhhppp...
Thar be monsters in dem commentz.

"It would've been x times better if they used y"


I fought the war but the war won't staaaahhhppp...
"See the dislike bar? LOL me neither"

Thank you, captain obvious.
"x brought me here"

A normal person would look at me funny if I said this makes me mad, but like it's so friggin annoyin' who the hell cares?

Oh and any comment ending with xD
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