Street Fighter X Tekken ~ BD

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Super Penguin Number 2
Feb 4, 2010
Penguin-ville :3

The crowd roared and cheered, looking on as King, the Jaguar masked pro-wrestle, delivered a pile driver to his opponent, a platinum blonde, bulky man known as Master Supreme, whose most notable feature was his bulky jaw. His neck smashed against the mat, and King quickly rolled away from the scene and leaped for his partner's ring corner. Slapping the hand of the hulk, Marduk, to tag him in, both Marduk and King lifted the opposing wrestler over their shoulders and delivered a double body slam to Master Supreme. Barely able to move, Master Supreme crawled forward, attempting to grasp the bottom rope, but proved unsuccessful as King drug him into the center, flipping him over and falling on top of him.

The crowd fell silent, the referee counted, Marduk stood in anticipation, and King let out a monstrous growl as he made the three count. Everyone in the crowd went wild as the ref stood to lift both King and Marduk's arms into the air, "And our winner for tonight's main event, by pinfall, King and Marduk! This breaks the record for longest Tag Team Champions in the federation!"

King jogged to the corner opposite of him, snatching the tag team belts from the turnbuckle and tossing one over to Marduk, and both immediately lifted them high into the air as Master Supreme and his partner slumped away from the ring. Marduk looked over at King as the fans screamed and danced in excitement, "Seems like they're getting easier and easier, eh buddy?"

King growled through his mask in agreement, and the two left the ring, highfiving rabid front seat fans on their way out. Later that night, the two hit the closest nightclub, seating themselves in a booth fitted with an overhead television display and a nice view of the dance floor, so Marduk could easily check out the ladies. The waitress stopped by, swinging to look at them, smiling big while her shiny red hair bounced at the sudden shift, "Anything I can get you two t-...hey! You're the bigshot wrestlers from TV!"

"Yeah, that's us, lady." Marduk smirked a bit, looking at King, who was too busy ogling over some of the women dancing.

"Can I get your autographs?! My boyfriend just LOVES professional wrestling, and he'd explode if he got your autographs!"

"Agh, c'mon...can't we just sit here and relax? We don't even have any drinks y-..."

"OH OH! Tell ya what...give me your autographs, and anything you order is on the house!" She grinned, almost coming nose to nose with Marduk. "Here's a pen and some paper!"

The paper was signed by the two wrestlers so fast that it almost caught fire. "I'll, your most knockout alcoholic beverage!"

King smashed his fist into the table and growled loudly. Marduk chuckled, "Make that two!"

The young girl giggled, "Okiedokie! That'll be two Fancy Flaming Nostril Bursters, coming up!" She skipped away, her white skirt and red hair bouncing with her as she did.

Marduk looked at King, "...the hell is a Fancy Flaming Nostril Burster?"

King shook his head, just as unknowing as Marduk, but was quickly distracted by the news broadcast from the booth's TV. The anchor on the TV was ecstatic, and the video box behind him was showing footage of a meteor falling into the Earth's atmosphere. King had to take a moment to tune all of the outside noise out as the anchor spoke more, "Observers are describing the object spotted bursting from the meteor as a cubical device about two and a half feet long on all sides. Many speculate that it will crash-land somewhere in the Antarctic, close to the South Pole! We'll have more news on this amazing phenomenon coming to you soon! This is your news host, Jackie Sutherland, bringing the most important information to you, live, from New York City, and now to a commercial."

King glanced at Marduk quizzically, who puckered his lips and shrugged again.


"What do you mean, worthless? This is far too unique of an event for the Shadaloo to pass up! Do you take me for a FOOL, Vega?!" Bison grimaced at the Spaniard, who nervously took a step back.

Vega, bumping into a clumsy and tired Balrog, widened his eyes fearfully at Bison, "N-no...I'm just trying to make a point. I mean, what if the just a piece of metal from space?"

"A simple piece of metal wouldn't cause civilian travel to be cut off from an entire continent, you buffoon! Besides, what piece of metal do you know of that powers up when those around it are in conflict? I'll tell you...none! It IS of some worth, and I will be the one to discover its true purpose! We will set off to Antarctica immediately." Bison spun around looking at the gigantic glass display in front of him, watching footage taken of the object during its descent.

Vega frowned behind his smooth mask, "I hate the cold..."

Balrog, groggily nodded, "Yeah, man, me too...dey ain't no good fightin' where it's cold."

"Neither of you have any cause for concern. You think I would bring two dimwits as incapable as YOU with me? No, I have someone much more useful in mind."

"Ugh, you're replacing us!?" Vega fell to his knees, "You need my charisma! My beauty. Don't cast me away! With only the likes of this imbecile at my side, I'll surely become impoverished..." Vega plead.

Balrog, falling asleep while standing, only managed to snore and mumble, "Yeah, man...mah fight moneh..."

"I don't give a damn. You can rot in a pit for all I LEAVE." Bison's final shout pushed Vega back onto his rear. Vega stood up and grabbed Balrog's shoulder, tugging him along as he stomped out of the room.

Bison chuckled, looking into the shadows of the room's corner, "Juri, is my jet prepped?"

A pink flash of light was followed by the footsteps of the Korean femme fatale, who took her place next to Bison, staring at the display as well. "Of course. Guess we should get going then. Time's wasting."

"Yes, let's." Bison's laugh echoed through his facility.​
I'm sorry everyone! I didn't realize I was spamming this thread! I kept getting errors when I tried to post! I sincerely apologize!