I noticed the Aquila and Priscilla part and wondered;Stream was nice, and Gregaman was hilarious. Updated Aquila's article at the DMC Wiki, and noticed during a loading screen that Kablooey can shoot explosive darts that you can detonate whenever you desire.
Well, Aquila and Priscilla were a married couple
It's also possible they got the name from the constellation, and not from the biblical couple.
The 1st wall wasnt destroyed it was just moved back and he said "there might be something around that corner there" then he moves the cam to see the corner then walks away from it to not show anything which is probably either a secret mission or a key.Another clown wall he had to destroy, he wanted to leave the surprise and not spoil everything.
CG no D:I vow not to go to sleep until someone puts this stream on youtube.
Lol Ive been waiting all day to see it so Im not going to bed until I see it!CG no D:
Ok. Now Anglo-Saxons banksters know my phone..... but you, mates, got this:
Still 30 min from 56 min original. Youtube still ****.
Angel weapons still cant rush in SSS, like Demon Weapons can.Tha
Thats indeed some awesome gameplay. The magnet-like attack could really lead to some sick combos.