Right. So it's mentioned twice by Nico. Near the start and at the end. I had to give this one some thought and I only have the answer because I played 4. If you haven't played DMC4 you most likely will not get the answer.
With that said if you want to play the game first and figure it out yourself then now's your chance.
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Ok then. So first Nico says "Research". Then I noticed Nico's skin colour. In order to get research you have to do homework.
With that said if you want to play the game first and figure it out yourself then now's your chance.
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Ok then. So first Nico says "Research". Then I noticed Nico's skin colour. In order to get research you have to do homework.
Now who do we know that likes to do research in 4? Agnus! It makes sense thinking about it. We haven't seen Nico before yet we do now. I guess Dante picked her up after 4s events somehow.