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Soooo Another Weird Yet Valid Thought-NERO-OP?????


SSStylish Swordsman
Sooooo i just remembered something that really ****ed me off about DMC4 nero fought all those demons and WON! and then the frackin cowards ran away so nero only got a "partial" power which is bull right????? i mean think about had they stuck around for the fight (and he even tried to pull that achidna thing backin to fight) he would have gilgamesh, lucifer(frackin berial beat it out of there) and pandora's pox(not sure why he didnt get something more from the frog considering that one he did kill) and then you play through as dante and its like look what i got lol it actually made me mad i mean dante can keep lucifer but i wouldve loved gilgamesh on nero hands up if you agree that if they bring nero back*fingers crossed* they give him so other devil arms i mean cmon he did the work be fair to the kid atleast he's already got a world of haters lol


I Saw the Devil
According to the novel those DA's were Dante's. Trish took them along with Sparda to 'buy' her way into the Order. Nero didn't take them because, and this is the part I'm guessing at, they are powering the gates and Nero had no intention to destroy the gates to begin with, or disturbed them, and removing the battery would qualify as disturbing. Kill or not Nero wouldn't have gotten the DA's after the fight. That's just my thought on the matter.


SSStylish Swordsman
According to the novel those DA's were Dante's. Trish took them along with Sparda to 'buy' her way into the Order. Nero didn't take them because, and this is the part I'm guessing at, they are powering the gates and Nero had no intention to destroy the gates to begin with, or disturbed them, and removing the battery would qualify as disturbing. Kill or not Nero wouldn't have gotten the DA's after the fight. That's just my thought on the matter.

still though you get the DA's from killing the demons had they not run nero would have gotten them and i think that would have been awsome and then you could have given dante a different route back to fortuna and new demon bosses


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
But Nero did get things from those fights...glowy items...that make...his arm...bigger I guess. yeah, not much of a prize though until he really needs it at the end to end Sanctus the statue.


if they bring nero back*fingers crossed* they give him so other devil arms i mean cmon he did the work be fair to the kid atleast he's already got a world of haters lol

He need some sort of Beowulf\gilgamesh but without gaunlets. And some Hworang-like moves from Tekken.


SSStylish Swordsman
see and he wouldve gotten the actual devil arms not just one of the effects of each had he had the chance to kill them and they didnt turn tail and run


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
My thought is he honestly doesn't need them or wouldn't even have interest in them. Nero's form of fighting seems like he's more of a brawler and an adapter. He takes control of the situation and overpowers his enemies. He probably gets more of a thrill doing what Dante does but with whatever little he's working with. This is why I was so impressed with the kid.

Quantity and Quality I guess.


Devil hunter in training
According to the novel those DA's were Dante's. Trish took them along with Sparda to 'buy' her way into the Order. Nero didn't take them because, and this is the part I'm guessing at, they are powering the gates and Nero had no intention to destroy the gates to begin with, or disturbed them, and removing the battery would qualify as disturbing. Kill or not Nero wouldn't have gotten the DA's after the fight. That's just my thought on the matter.
Also, if those are Dante's Devil arms...in DMC3 he had to defeat demons to aquire them, demons like Cerberus and Agni/Rudra who were impressed by Dante's ability...so wouldn't that mean that even if Nero wanted the devil arms, they would not respond to him because they have already been beaten and sworn themselves to Dante:/


I Saw the Devil
That's the idea. However I take issue with that approach, to claim that the only way to get a DA is to kill and demon and that it will mutate into weapon isn't entirely accurate, it's not the only way to create one. DMC1 had you collect these weapons from the stage and those weapons don't have anything that implicate that sort of origin.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
That's the idea. However I take issue with that approach, to claim that the only way to get a DA is to kill and demon and that it will mutate into weapon isn't the only way to get one. DMC1 had you collect these weapons from the stage and those weapons don't have anything that implicate that sort of origin.

Not only that, but I remember in DMC3, the demon itself had to acknowledge the person (Dante) that defeated them and surrender their soul to the user, thus being a Devil Arm. This wasn't the case for Vergil however as he just killed Beowolf and took his soul by force.


I Saw the Devil
In the novel it claims that acknowledgement isn't the only criteria. The concept behind that is, and I quote:

1) Like Cerberus (and others) in DMC3, they lost a battle and acknowledged the winner’s strength hence offering their own powers in the form of a devil arm. 2) A demon may not acknowledge its defeat but if deep down inside it understood that it couldn’t defeat its opponent, it will unwillingly turn into a devil arm. Lucifer is said to be the latter.
See what I did there?

Anyway, this seemed rather sloppy and dumb but that is the way it goes. In actuallity it works well in terms of video games but as an actual story is silly and shouldn't go with it in the long term. Next game they should figure a different method of getting Devil Arms.


Well-known Member
i dont think
Do the same rules apply in DmC though I wonder?
i dont think devil arms ARE in DmC. dantes weapons all seem to run off rebbelion in a poorly explained manner and vergil never got any weapons other then yamato it's probably in DmC that weapons are just weapon and dont follow special rules and rebbelion is enchanted somehow.

nero porbably did not get devil arms because they are being used to power the hellgate, which he never bothered to shut down he only fought the demons that come out of it.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yeah you get a few Devil Arms in DmC but I doubt the same rules apply.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
That's the idea. However I take issue with that approach, to claim that the only way to get a DA is to kill and demon and that it will mutate into weapon isn't entirely accurate, it's not the only way to create one. DMC1 had you collect these weapons from the stage and those weapons don't have anything that implicate that sort of origin.

Actually the backstory of the 2 Devil Arms in DMC1 (Ifrit and Alastor) hints to them originally being demons but are now weapons and even when Dante got the 2 weapons he didn't just pick them up quite easily when he picked it up or try to pick them up they came to life and tried to kill him (Alastor impaled him and Ifrit tried to rip him apart) and Dante had to overcome these weapons to actual start using them.

So one (Capcom) can easily alter these Devil Arms in DMC1 to fit into the same context as DMC3 and DMC4 such as by stating the DA in DMC1 were once demons (cause it said they were or at least gave them titles such as Alastor the Thunder Devil and Ifrit the Fire Devil to refer to them as more than just random demonic weapons but living demonic weapons) who were turned into DA but by someone else or some other unknown reason and the reason why they tried to kill Dante when he received them was because he wasn't their master (or they have no master) and this adds fuel to that one theory if someone else tries to use a DA that Dante obtained from a Devil it might reject them and try to kill them.

Plus DMC1 hints to these weapons once formerly being demons and being alive but adds zero details on how that is and why are these weapons alive or how demons can become weapons.

Also the DMC3 manga, does mentions the power in a demon comes from their name and Sparda is able to strip a demon o their name/power so that could hint to how the Devil Arm's work since the Devil Arm still retains the demon's name.

Then there is the question of the Sparda Trinity (Sparda/Force Edge, Yamato, and Rebellion). I can understand Sparda since Sparda just harnessed all of his own power in the form of a Devil Arm or Sparda's power came from his Devil Arm...never mind I don't know how the Sword of Sparda work and then there is Yamato and Rebellion. The games never explained how Sparda got Yamato and Rebellion or how they were made. I'm not sure about Yamato but I guess Devil Arms can be artificially made in Rebellion's case or something.

I guess the Sparda Trinity works differently from the other Devil Arms.
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