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Something Dismal... My friend needs help!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I don't know how to say this... He told me never to tell anyone, but I have to tell someone.

One of my friends has recently been falling into a dark spiral of depression. However, the reason why is quite bizarre. He's seemed to have made up this figure named Shane. She tortures him, day and night, to the point where he's starting to self-mutilate. Shane is supposedly a Shade, which is a VERY high-level human spirit, and she's from the Aztec period. He's consistently making the comment that he "doesn't want to hurt people, and Shane wants him to".

What do I do? I can't do anything. If I tell the school officials, he'll flip and probably end up hurting me, but at the same time, I can't abandon him either. What do I do...?

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I'd say either call a priest to see if it is demonic spirit torturing him, or take him to a doctor and have him get a therapist.


Well-known Member
Uh, hate to break it to you, but that sounds like schizophrenia. I'd tell someone.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
But that's the problem! I can't tell anyone, or he's threatened to kill me... I don't know what to do! I'm stuck!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've figured it out. I'm going to write a letter to the school officials, but keep it confidential. I'll make sure he doesn't know it was me.


New Member
DreadnoughtDT;208447 said:
I've figured it out. I'm going to write a letter to the school officials, but keep it confidential. I'll make sure he doesn't know it was me.

Just type It on a computer and print It. Handwriting will eventually get at you.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I still say call a priest, but I'm one of those people who believes in spirits and demonic possession and what not, but your idea sounds better and it won't make you look crazy.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wow. That's weird. Like, weird in the sense that they've got something similar happening to a dude on Home&Away atm - I think it's his way of coping with the trauma from being beaten up by a bunch of kids. AGH! Sorry, I digress from the topic.

Have you talked to him about it, DT? I mean, is he religious or anything? Is everything okay at home? Do you know why he's depressed? Maybe if you get down to the roots of his depression, you can find a way to help him out. And just so you know, he's not depressed because of this Shane. He created this figure, right, which is pretty much screwing with his head and making him want to do really stupid and insane things that is destructive to himself and everyone around him? This thing stems from his depression. If he's religious at all, you might want to speak to him about mentioning it to his pastor (although, I'm quite biased about that since you actually can't trust people like that with everything anymore). If he's not, try to get him to speak to his parents about it. If he doesn't want to tell anyone else about this, then just make sure you're there for him when he needs you, and keep reiterating to him that he has to stop hurting himself and pull himself together (not exactly in those words, that's a bit harsh).

But yeah. Just be there for him as much as you can. I mean, really, keep a really close watch on him, and let him know that you're there for him. I mean, first cutting himself? Next step up is going to be murder/suicide. I know this. I have a 'Shade' as you refer to it, too. I call him Michellis. I pretty much went through the exact same stage as your friend is with depression and cutting myself, etc etc. Then I started having really disturbing visions of killing my kid, and killing myself, to the extremes that it scared me so much I didn't trust myself alone with my daughter. And it wasn't ME thinking these things but rather like these thoughts were being put in my head. It's hard to explain it. I was so terrified and confused and unhappy at one stage that I couldn't tell the difference between reality and my emotional distress, so much so that I started seeing things. Anyway, that's my sad little story, but I can relate to your friend. Just keep a really close eye on him and talk to him about why he's doing these things, why this Shane is telling him to do these things, and so on. If he starts cutting his wrists (you'll be able to tell because he'll either hide it under long sleeved shirts or wear bangles or something to cover it up), you need to take him by the arm, drag him to a trustworthy adult who is competent with dealing with troubled teenagers, and lay it all out on the table, and thank God that you caught him before he actually does commit suicide.

@meg: it's not schizophrenia.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Clair is right you should keep a real close eye for your friend and if you are going to write a letter follow what Sparda sayed because you only want to help him,but you dont want to him to be mad at you because he founded that it was you.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I still say try talking to him about getting help first, DT. If you're really the only person he's told, he's going to know it was you if the ppl at school approach him about this, whether you sent them an anonymous letter or not. You could lie to your friend and tell him it wasn't you, but then what kind of friend would that make you? I say, be up front, be genuine, be honest, and be vigilent in your approach to this.


Enma Katana no Kami
in a situation like this do whatever you feel is right. professional help is probably needed. ( actually it was probably needed a long time ago but it's not to late.)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Alright... By the way, it's a far less painful but also far more disturbing type of self mutilation. He takes a pen, sticks it into his abdomen and pushes while twisting it. It doesn't leave cuts, but it leaves nasty bruises.

I've told him that Shane can't hurt him inside his own mind. It's his mind, his world, and he should rule supreme there. I told him that if this Shane would contest his throne, he could just boot her out. It's not like she's real or anything.

This is extremely frightening and I fear for his and my own safety. If he starts wearing long sleeve shirts, I'll know somethings up, because he hates them. He always rolls his sleeves up.

Thanks for the help guys. Now I know what to do. Just in case, I might have to bring some holy water tomorrow. Wish me luck.


New Member
As I mentioned above, in that age, he needs his parents more than ever, especially in such a condition like self-mutilation.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I don't think his parents can help him... He's so far into this that I don't think anything can pull him out... He actually thinks Shane is real.

But I'll try. I have to be upfront about this. I have to be brave, even if it means my own body harm or even death. If I don't post again...
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