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So, World of Warcraft... is it worth going back to?


Well-known Member
I've played TERA... I've played Guild Wars 2... I've played Rift... I've played Aion... I've played Warhammer Online... I think I have tried every Free-to-Play MMO out there. Those in the fantasy genre, at least, since that is what my main interest in MMO's is. But I haven't found an MMO that sucked me in like World of Warcraft did, and so I kinda miss playing WoW. I haven't played it for almost two years now. I am a roleplayer and the RP in WoW was slowly vanishing back then which was one of the main reasons I stopped playing. It just got boring.

That means I haven't played Mist of Pandaria. That means I haven't tried the Monk class or the new gameplay system they implemented. I haven't tried the Pokemo-... I mean, the Pet Battles. So yeah, there's a lot of new content I haven't tried out. The thing is, I gave away my account when I stopped playing, so if I was to return to WoW, I would have to create a new account and buy the game and all the expansions over again which would be costly, though I believe I've heard something about the vanilla game and all expansions up to Cataclysm can be bought with a hefty discount. Not sure about that though.

However... Is it worth it? Is it worth the money to go back to play WoW? Is it worth the content? And the most important question, to me at least... Is there still even RP on WoW? Since I don't have much contact with my old RP buddies from when I played WoW, I have no idea if they still play or have moved on. Maybe I am just being nostalgic, remembering the fun days (and nights) of RP, helping eachother to level up and get the gear we wanted, all that stuff which I don't really have with the communities of the newer MMO's. It's not that the other games aren't good though. I still play TERA and GW2 from time to time, but as said, I haven't really gotten into the RP communities of those games and I don't feel the same connection to those games as I did with WoW...

So yeah, feel free to comment and help me put some perspective on these thoughts of mine, if you wish. I haven't decided on anything at all, other than should I ever return to WoW, I would definately make a Blood Elf Monk. ^^


Well-known Member
in my opinion? no

in the community's opinion? yes

see the problem?

people i actually know and myself think it's boring and you grind monsters till you'r teeth fall out. the internet's "kind, caring, understanding community who is ALWAYS happy to help" has declared war on me multiple times for saying i find it boring im sick of people trying to make me have the same opinion as them and keep flinging BS at me

back on topic it really depends on you i hate it because you waste time clicking your little action bar at the bottom of the screen for hundreds of hours if you want anything major to get done

others love it because of the teamwork and apparent strategy involved (which is non-existent on my computer instead it's just a bunch of idiots arguing over **** like i want the tier 10 ring no i do no me i did all the work blah blah blah)

really it seems it would be enjoyable if you could find the right people to play with and you are able to take long gaming sessions very often

and what you said before i don't think the community has kept it's maturity from the time i played the demo (unless constantly being killed whenever i get gear considered half decent)

final statement if you like MMO's you might like what the game destiny promises it will be.


Oldschool DMC fan
I still feel like I'd go back to WoW, I always wanted to try Horde, but last time I did I ended up paying the fee and forgetting to play. It's only worth it I guess if you're going to spend time with it.


Well-known Member
If you're expecting any sort of variety or something new in terms of mechanics? no.

if you're expecting a bunch of rehashed content, yes.
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