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So, to Capcom reboot is this?

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I never claimed i know for a fact, i'm just assuming based on habits & possibility.

Yea i think Itsuno left room for a sequel.....DevilMayCry5, but wasn't it Capcom's idea for the reboot & not his?
Capcom pretty much owns DevilMayCry right, so if Capcom decides to reboot something then they're going to reboot something regardless if whomever is done or not.

The same can be said for your side, Unless if you work for Capcom and were part of the board meetings or have proof of them saying from minute one of it's concept, the DevilMayCry reboot is an alternate universe.
Then you can't be certain.

And besides wouldn't all the gaming press say from day1 whether it was an alternate universe if Capcom made it clear that it was.

It was either Keiji or Eshiro's idea for a reboot. The main reason why they chose a reboot at the moment was because everybody else was too busy to make a DMC5 since Itsuno was working on Dragon's Dogma and the rest of the team were either making RE6 or working on other projects.

So even if they didn't do the reboot they would've had to waited til....well around sometime now to start working on a reboot.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Either way it doesn't matter, the results were clear.
Regardless of anyone claiming it started as an alternate universe it was posted as a reboot & taken to be a reboot with Capcom using alternate universe to salvage what fans of the DevilMayCry name they had left.

Really do you have a clear document or article in which someone from Capcom or NT called this a reboot?

I'll believe if you got one.

Regardless of whether that was their original intentions things turned out the way they turned out knowing their original intentions won't change anything.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Devil May Cry Dev Defends Reboot: DMC

The decision as to whether DMC needed a reboot or not: it's irrelevant what my opinion is because that decision was Capcom's. They felt it needed something, which is why they not only decided to take a bold step and reinvent it, but to give it to a non-Japanese dev.

Capcom wants fans opinions on the new DMC Reboot

They wanted a reinvention - a reinterpretation - and that's what we went ahead and did.

They didn't say Capcom wanted a reboot but a different reinterpretation:tongue:

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
The story, the characters, their origins, their history. It's a reboot.
It's known as a reboot, it's googled as a reboot, there's articles listing it as a reboot.
Capcom can stand on their heads & say it begin as an alternate universe all they want, it will still taken as a reboot by gamers & gaming news journalists with Capcom saying alternate universe as an at salvaging fans, sales.
Even gamers on both sides called it a reboot: DevilMayCry needed a reboot blah blah blah.

Well nobody asked for a reboot blah blah blah.

Think what you want Stylish, it's dubbed as a reboot.

Isn't that what everyone but Capcom thinks as well also. I mean shouldn't the people who made the thing be the one who determines what is it and not everyone else who isn't don't.

Its titled as a reboot because its easier to label as such and since everyone but Capcom/NT were calling it a reboot the internet recognized it as what general masses referred to it as rather than what one company said it was like 5 times.

It's only dubbed a reboot by the people who didn't make it, who weren't involved in the development, nor work for CAPCOM or NT......but mostly CAPCOM.

As for the story, characters, their origins, and their history....all those traits can be brought up to be aspects of an "alternate universe". I mean the Battle Network series reuses all the same characters (with many new ones) and story elements in the Classic but alters their origins and history like DmC but you don't see me or others calling that a MegaMan reboot. Its what Capcom says it is an alternate universe or set in an alternate timeline to the Classic-Legends and is a RPG spin-off.

Plus even if it was meant to be a reboot the fact that Capcom ultimately made it an alternate universe or re-imagining rather than use reboot won't that mean everyone else is wrong. Regardless of originally being a reboot they instead ultimately chose it to be an alternate universe/re-imagining in the end making all claims of it being a reboot as of now all false....or at the least mostly false.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Accept it or not it's a reboot, alternate universe is a respectful or wuss way of rebooting something without screwing with the original, a safety net.
If it becomes popular & liked more then it completely replaces the original.
If not then no harm no foul, it was only an alternate universe to do as they wanted to with.

That does sound true but I doubt even if the reboot was successful or not is the last we'll see of the original series considering the whole purpose was to extend longevity or do what all those MegaMan series did make the series last longer to milk it for longer for Capcom knows that at some point DMC can't go on forever and it will get stale eventually (maybe not the gameplay but the story and characters will eventually get tiring) but they don't want to put an end to the Devil May Cry series anytime soon since it still makes them money. If not DmC and we got DMC5 we would've gotten reboot, alternate universe, or spin-off sooner or later and I doubt this will be the last we see off DmC since its basically a safety net or back-up plan when they really can't milk the main timeline anymore. They'll probably try something like DmC again whether its a reboot, spin-off series, alternate timeline, or a sequel series (like MegaMan X....MegaMan Zero....MegaMan ZX....AND MegaMan Legends) or a prequel series...Sparda gets his own adventures/series.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Yea i doubt it to cause it was unfinished & It has a feel that there's more much more.
And I can see a spin-off of (original)Dante's father & one of his brother.

I can see a sequel series that focuses on Dantes Nero's children and a next generation of descendants down the Sparda bloodline take place in a world were hunting demons is operated and funded by various world governments and focuses on how mankind has become technologically advanced and well experienced and established enough to fight demons without Dante's help and building academies and institutions for demon hunting and it could be a cross of Monster Hunter, MegaMan X, and Devil May Cry.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Don't they have a DevilMayCry story in book & anime form that's further or goes over more than the games ?
Why not bring that series to life as console titles.

Hmmm...not so sure about them going further and goes over more than the games but most of them won't translate well into a game since....

1. the DMC3 manga, Dante didn't have a Devil Trigger yet and the story wasn't cinematic or epic enough like the games to become a game.

2. the DMC4 novel is just DMC4 with deleted scenes from the original script so either a re-release a DMC4 Director's Cut edition or no.

3. the anime as a video game.....yeah no. The only thing relevant from that is how Abigail was a demon lord who came after Mundus and Argosax but was sealed by humans.

4. the rest could work

The most they could do is reuse elements from those novel/anime.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
There could be enough material to pull together something, but they already have enough for 3more DevilMayCry titles for the original as is.



All prequels to the first DevilMayCry.

DevilMayCry shouldn't run dry when they have these characters they could create full games just from their background story.

Vergil and Sparda sure......but Trish.......her backstory is super simple and fully explained in DMC1. The most they can do is a sequel with her and Dante....and maybe Lady.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Yea i know but they could flesh it out alot more.
Lady could have a prequel.
If GodOfWar can get prequels out of nowhere the the original DevilMayCry could have prequels from now till 2016.

Really how so?

I mean Lady sure but Trish seem to have came into existence like minutes before DMC1 started and the only thing she ever did or was known to was go to Dante's place and through a bike at him there is nothing to make a sequel or expand about with Trish's backstory.

GodofWar has a more diverse lore than DMC and well...........I guess it has a lot of source material to work with plus all the GodofWar sequels still revolved around Kratos......then again I do see more prequel with DMC due to Sparda and Vergil.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
On the topic of prequels so yeah no more prequels well at least not with Trish and Lady....or well anybody not Sparda and Vergil. My thing is prequels are for old or dead characters or characters with a lot of mystery.

If anything there is more that can be done with Lady's character now than pre-DMC3 for with a Lady prequel will just be her coping with er mother's death and coming to the resolution of killing her father and how she becomes a well experienced devil hunter over the year prior to DMC3 but thing is the whole daddy thing was dealt with so it'll just be wasting time especially for Lady and really won't move her character anymore further than what DMC3 did. The best course of action for Lady is a sequel or interquel that reuses the elements from the never released/finished DMC3 manga Code 3 that was about Lady and explains Lady's past more detailed like how DMC1 was able to explain Dante's backstory and as for how it would work the sequel could revolve around the demon who was responsible for corrupting Arkham and this demon could the main antagonist and could revolve Lady getting her final retribution but for her father instead of her mother and doing so will be able to allow her to rest and retire knowing she avenged her family (her whole purpose of being a devil hunter) and leave the rest of the demon slaying to Dante and Trish.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
There could be a story of her creation & how she was trained to be cruel & uncaring before she was sent to Dante.
Trish could've the latest number in a series of failures by Mundus.

Lady could have a story before DevilMayCry of how she came to know Dante.
And her own game leading into DevilMayCry4 or wherever.

There's a game for Trish where she's part of the Holy Knights as Gloria.
There's a game for Lucia from DevilMayCry2

I mean there's potential games for characters besides Dante himself that can be woven into the original DevilMayCry series.

DevilMayCry needs to go to SCE Santa Monica Studio because they'd create a number of titles from these characters.
Capcom is spinning their wheels running out of ideas when there's a wealth of possibilities.

Not so sure about these cause well some just sounds like trying to squeeze as much small pieces of plot to form a game.

I mean Lady already came to know and become very close to Dante in DMC3.

Trish went to Order as a spy and that didn't last long.

What about Lucia?

I'm not so sure of SCE Santa Monica since every God of War game still revolved around Kratos or was about Kratos even if they explored many elements and story points not touched upon in the main entries.

Wouldn't Capcom be a better example considering the RE franchise has tons of spin offs and games focusing a plethora of different characters and different perspectives. Barry got his own game, random Umbrella agents got their own game, Sherry was playable in RE6, their was a game that told the events of RE1-3 from Wesker's perspective. I mean for Christ sake there was a RE game were you play as civilians.

Plus its also a matter of what the fans want most or what is more necessary. Unless if Capcom decides to formulate a secondary team (or outsource the game) so that way development of lesser titles compared to the main entries that matter more won't get hindered or stalled I don't see them pushing out so many spin off titles because the main titles with Dante/Nero do take higher precedence because what matters most to DMC was the gameplay and each DMC game tried to evolve the gameplay and create new and better methods of play. Not saying nothing amazing can't be done with Trish and Lady for gameplay but fans just love Dante's gameplay so much and Nero's gameplay still is very incomplete and feels like a beta for something that could be amazing in a DMC5. Trish, Lady, and co are nice but those type of games aren't the games that the fans and the media are waiting for. People want the next DMC3 not a spin-off title that fans will forget about when a DMC5...or DMC6 comes out. Any extra story detail, especially the small ones, can easily be covered or elaborated upon in a book, anime, or comic/manga or mention as part of the main story.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I'm just saying there's possibilities to build more.

Yeah I see your point. They could introduce a random character and make a game about them...whose stopping Capcom from introducing even more characters considering each DMC game introduced at least 1 new character that became a franchise staple or stuck around.
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