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So the PS4 has made its debut today in NA.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
3. He has a following, i don't know why but he has a following.
The only videos i see are once in a blue moon he's clam then on the other days he's angry, ranting, & smashing.

4. I wonder if Google will corner the worldwide web then sell it's shares to each region's governments.

But yea i found Google u.k. by accident because some reason i couldn't access the Google.com
I wonder what other regions they cover.

5. Yes but they cater to the money now.
People say it was always a business, & yes it was always a business but there was a difference between a business for making money & a business for making games for gamers.
And i don't know when you're making systems with the idea of reducing conveniences even for a small market, well that seems like business for making money.

6. I thought so to.
I thought games would look like CG dolls with detailed interior & exterior environments running 60fps with no loadings.
Gaming is focused on the network crutch.
>Haha makes sense. People love watching other people lose their marbles which is probably why I tune into Angry Joe once every couple of months or so. It's a sick pleasure that I should be ashamed of :frown:

4>Well they already own large social gimmicks like Youtube and Twitter. It's only a matter of time before Al Qaeda and CUBA are at its disposal. I can see Google Mars happening sometime in 2200. Lol, But in all seriousness I hear that Google oporates in maybe 100 different countries is blocked in about 20 of them. some regimes, specifically the ones used to controlling public opinion and media, probably don't take too kindly to this type of disruption so as a result censor it.

5> A tragic reality I must say :( Yes it always was in an attempt to make money but not money alone. They had a passion of gaming and wanted to continue doing what they love. Money just guaranteed that live comfortable enough to continue doing so. Now it's all about re-releasing the same game with a different title over and over, hoping people will buy it (which is a smart business move) but hurts your creative image in the process and runs off the people who built their companies from the ground up. It is probably why so many Indie games have become so highly praised as of late. They aren't stripped of creative control and know what their fans want. Of course the chance of them making a AAA title are slim unfortunately.

6>Yep that sounds about right. Gone are the days of Bloody Roar 2 and Ape Escape :'(


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
1. lol Yup.
But that's also why i never really try winning a free console in contests either. If i can't get a store warranty then screw em.
2. It's an old device, microsoft made their own version of it awhile after.
It was said the cooling fan caused system failures. Kinda strange because the 360 was capable of causing system failures all on it's own.
3. Some things GameStop does is shady but i don't really agree with those thinking they should get half of what GameStop sells your used games for.
4. Yea store policies do change & sometimes annoying to.
5. lol Yea Angry Joe is okay but i never take any of his reviews seriously because he's too much a fanboy of some of what he reviews.
It's all his opinion & not objective.
1>Those use to annoy the living crap out of me. I'd be on RuneScape playing with a couple of friends after school then I go to check the mail and when I came back, boom! Four pop-ups all saying, "Congratulations. You won!" I didn't know much about virus protection back then so my computer was bugged as hell and the text were passed around like hotcakes. All in all, I always thought they were phony anyhow.
2>lol no kidding. Really you have nothing to lose. Fan it, play it and eventually replace it anyway.
3> Yeah, people need to realize that they'll go out of business if they don't raise the sakes when limited resources are in exchange here.
4>Indeed. No shirts, no shoes and starting Friday no hair, no service. lol
5>Yes I agree. I was outragged at his review of Bayonetta for example. At the end of the day, he's just another guy with an opinion like the rest of us.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
5. lol No joking i see it to, they've already got Google earth.
Google has become a bigger name drop then facebook.

I can understand wanting to censor or restrict Google access, Google is reaching everywhere. I didn't notice at first but Google knows where people live.
If do a job search without inputting your location, the results will show listings in your area, city, state.
6. Indie developers hasn't been striped yet.
If they sign with whomever, then their titles become property of the company. Although i think the developer has a better chance of keeping it.

7. But anyway YEA gaming has become the cold waiting room of a clinic filled with the legal paperwork of a law firm.
Gamers buy digital content but they only own as long as the network allows or is running.

No playing with friends unless you've joined a network.

Lets pay $60 for a game where half the content is removed & sold as DLC.
.....Yup great times
5> Yep. In fact I wouldn't be surprise if Google tried buying facebook from the guy who made it.

Jeez, that's just creepy. Privacy is a thing in the past I see. People called me crazy for saying we're under 24/7 surveillance. The fact is, if America ever wanted to suppress its people, Google would likely be their scapegoat if anything. Nothing is safe once its been uploaded online and things like transactions, agreements, and practices go right into the eyes of the government.

6>Yep. Same thing kind of happen to Megaman. As for as Inafune knows, it was all a dream. He doesn't own it anymore and probably wont ever get it back, unless Capcom suddenly turned into Mr. Rogers.

7>Great comparison lol. I just don't know what to say about how ridiculous it is the withold people freedom to play, share and trade games like that. I mean once you've bought it, it shouldn't feel like it's only being lent to you for a extended amount of time and restriction.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
1. Well yea those phoney online you've won spam ads i never trust either.
But no i mean the for real 100% contests like the tacobell PS4 thing. I mean cool you win a PS4 but if it breaks then what ?
Do i get a 2yr warranty saying i can go to tacobell & get a replacement PS4, or am i stuck going through Sony online services trying to setup a warranty for the system i won through the tacobell promotion.

Pffffft No thanks, i'd rather buy a PS4 & buy a 2yr store warranty.

2. Yea the 360s needed an extra cooling system & the fan helped.
3. lol
Well GameStop's SOME of GameStop's employees abused the trade-In system by stealing from GameStop & then trading in games for half (When it was half) trade-In value.
Also people would rent games for a few dollars then trade-In to GameStop.
So that's why trade-In value has dropped.

4. Yea AngryJoe is funny to watch but he's nothing serious.
1>Oh wow I had completely forgotten about the whole tacobell thing. I always feel like the odds are against me during those kinds of contest holdings. I don't eat enough fast food as whole, to win against the wrecking ball that is my neighbor lol. All that aside, I agree. People probably don't look at it as a double edge when it really is. Lets assume it comes in a package deal and you went out of town. Taco bell sure as hell aren't going to cover you if something happens to it and FedEx probably aren't too lenient on their employees as long as they get the job done.

Also don't you have to buy a controller separately? I think I did for my PS3... then again I never won it during a contest.

2>Do you foresee the Xbone having the same issue's in a couple months time? I know people will bombarded the internet if the red ring makes a crafty return on the next gen.
3> Ah that actually makes sense. I feel bad about all those online sells I did with my games now >_< Even if I did make about 5 extra dollars:angel:. Though this really doesn't surprise me. Employees happen to pull this kind of crap in all kinds of places.
4>Indeed. His GTAV review left me in stitches. And don't even get me started on the bias :poop: that is IGN. Seriously their minds are wherever the money's at. Not every often do I visit their pages anymore. Oddly enough, I never did look into Adam Sessler much. I think the only thing I've seen from him was his take on the Xbox and his apparent attack on Sony via Twitter (or so I've heard).
5>I would think so. Google would wet themselves to get some of that independent money from Zuckerberg. And wow I actually didn't know Yahoo did that. I do have a Yahoo account but I lost the password years ago so it just sits there. Luckily I used an alias, however I don't remember if they asked anything personal and whether or not I agreed to it or not.
6>Yeah that's another example though, I honestly don't think, outside of SSB, we'll see Megaman ever again and the latter (DOA) doesn't seem to be as polarized as the ever declining (not as a game just as a fanbase) Devil May Cry.
7>Online I can understand but isn't the Xbone trying to make it impossible for business like Gamestop to stay afloat when we can't sell and trade games at will?


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
1. Yea that's why i'd rather buy from somewhere i can get coverage on things i wanna keep for awhile.
A second controller yea, 1 controller is inside the box.
2. Yea i've read a few X1s has gotten the orange screen of doom or whatever.
But system errors i don't count now at launch because all launch systems have technical difficulties so i don't really count any issues like that now.
I wanna see how both systems run in the next few yrs. If the launch issues they have now will remain an issue in 2014 & 2015.
3. Yea some items can be used without logging in & so-on but digital content is still subject to change or adjustments by the network.
I never really feel like i truly own digital content as a network is free to do whatever whenever.
1>Ah so it did come with a controller. Hehe, must have slipped my mind. I will say despite having issues with my PS3 over the year, not once as my controller had problems or need replacing. I give them kudos for that.
2>The Orangey screen of doom? :laugh: That would make history lol. But yeah I guess we should wait about a year before calling them out because these things do happen quite often.
3>True. I'm glad we don't live in a time where all games are digital. I remember trying to save up for Mass Effect 2 back in 2010 (I think) and I had broken my toe so I had looked into PSN for reassurance. It was there that day, but by the end of the week, after I had gotten my paycheck, PSN went down for some reason. I was peeved for like a week in a half.
4> Wait was he on X-play? I'm getting a blast from the past for some reason...
5>They probably don't. The thing is I can't imagine anything else when I think about it. It's been like 3 years. No amount of hints can jog my stupid memory for some reason >_<
6>Yep I'm really looking forward to Mighty No. 9 The blue blasters legacy will live on! Hah, that is true. They seemed more lively and cute. Now they don't have much emotion to them really. Of course many of us are there for the eye candy and gameplay, but these things don't go unnoticed. Shame about the hole lawsuit thing.
7> That really sucks!


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
1. The only things i didn't like about the DualShock3 is the 4 direction D-Pad & you can't replace the battery.
2. Yea is always rough, it's how they handle the long haul that matters.
3. Yea i'm glad games aren't all digital only too, i don't like digital only.
And wow that sucks, did you get MassEffect2 ?
4. Yea he was only X-Play
5. If it's the password lost then I forgot my password option helps, but if it's forgotten the account name then it's lost lol.
6. The mighty 9 might be bigger then Megaman.
7. Yea that's part of why i lost interest in Microsoft, the other reason is i just got tired of them.
1> Yeah that gets quite annoying.
2>Not to be a jerk, but I'm hoping for some controversy.
3>Yeah I did manage to buy it a week or so later, at a Target, once I got used to the walking boot.
4>Wow, I think he had hair back then.
5>It's the account name >_< That suckers going nowhere.
6>It could with the right amount of fan support. I know I'm to be looking into The Evil Within everyday of week until it comes out.
7>Yeah I'm more of the latter. I prefer the OG Xbox more than anything else.
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