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Should ESRB ratings be updated?


Well-known Member
I has a thought! :O

Considering the fact that many kids younger than the age of 17 are playing 17+ games and not being completely corrupted by them should the ESRB update its rating system? As of now it looks like this

C (toddlers)
E (5-9ish)
T (13+)
M (17+)
AO (18+)

There is a pretty big four year gap between T and M rated games. Do you think gamers at around the age of 15-16 old enough to play those games, or should it stay as it? I started playing M-rated games at 15. My first one was Devil May Cry actually. <3! And no, I'm not forever corrupted and messed up in the head because of it. By that age i was well aware it was just a game.

So basically, is the average 15-16 year-old mature enough to play an M-rated game? What about 14-year-olds? Should the ratings change? if so, to what?

Discuss! :D


Oldschool DMC fan
(I heard my sister was letting her 3 year old son play and watch CoD. I don't even know what to think about that...)
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Humanoid Typhoon
I think it should stand the way it is. The parents are the ones that should ultimately choose which game a kid should have especially if they are under age. The new bloodrayne game has a crap load of gore, but its cartoon violence and so it was given a "T" rating. Devil May Cry is always "M" rated and its has hardly any gore or disturbing images. So i think it all comes down the the house hold. The ratings just make it easier for the parents to see what they're child is going to be playing


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've played T and M games since I was quite young (I got DMC1 when I was 8, I think). But I do think that gamer teens who are below the M rating yet know it's just a game should be able to purchase M rated games.


It basically boils down to common sense and parental discretion. You don't think Johnny should be playing a game that involves shooting puppies? Don't buy it, don't let him buy it. Of course, Johnny could probably play it over at a friend's house but that is beside the point. The ratings are really here to say, "Hey, uhm, you sure you want your kid playing this? It has (x), (y), and (z)." Not every M rated game will scar you for life, as Meg and others have pointed out, but it's still completely worth it to give the rating box a once over before chunking it in the basket.

As to the second part of your question, I really don't think you can generalize maturity, especially when it comes to the teenagers. When I was 14 I was much more mature than my 20-30 year old siblings. It all depends on the kid, and if the parent thinks they are capable of playing the game, then by all means let them. ^_^


Follow me to Apex
well i was playing tomb raider when i was 4
and im 13 now i play DMC ect but im not scarred forever because of DMC im scarred because of it taking me 5 moths to beat DMD it made me think shadows were in my hallway
*rocking back and forth* biscuits and tap water biscuits and tap water biscuits and tap water


Humanoid Typhoon
well i was playing tomb raider when i was 4
and im 13 now i play DMC ect but im not scarred forever because of DMC im scarred because of it taking me 5 moths to beat DMD it made me think shadows were in my hallway
*rocking back and forth* biscuits and tap water biscuits and tap water biscuits and tap water
i think your post should be rated "T" for terrifying:confused:


Is not rat, is hamster
It should stay as it is - media ratings are lax enough already without the gaming industry following suit. I'm a parent, if you can call it that, and I'm with the others in this thread who say it's up to parents to use common sense and discretion. Ratings are there to serve as a guideline and if you're not a total moron then you'll be able to judge a game's suitability for your child accordingly by using a mix of ratings and taking the time to look into the game properly.

My daughter is 10 but has been playing video games since she was about 3 and she plays M rated games from time to time on two conditions: 1, I've played it first so I actually know what's in it as opposed to reading shocked reviews from parents who think Bambi ought to be X-rated and 2, she only ever plays video games when there is a responsible adult to supervise her. It works for us as a system but it won't be for everyone - however, parents need to take more responsibility when it comes to gaming. Too many lack the realisation that a lot of games now are way beyond Solitaire and Pac Man, and these parents also are too willing to believe their lying little toerag of a child when he/she says "it's ok for me to play xyz".

Hell, I know of 7 year olds happily playing Condemned with their parents oblivious to what it involves.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Its always that thing of 'gaming is for children', when we know it isn't.

Okay, so i was playing grand theft auto at 14/15... but i found it hilarous. Killing computer sprites? nothing to it. plus GTA was overrated as an 18 when it was re-released on the GBA as a 15+

I find a 10-minus year olds playing 18 rated games disturbing.
I was looking around a few game shops in the city of cornwall and over heard a conversation between a dad and his two 6/8 year old sons. He wanted to know what game they wanted... they said Rango.. but he bought them an 18 rated game... I could've smacked him around the head, and yelled 'are you serious?' but i would've been arrested.

we have two types of ratings in the UK. There is PEGI and BBFC.
The BBFC also do the classifications on films. (U, PG, 12, 15, 18)
PEGI (3,7,12, 16, 18.) which seems to be like ESRB, but without the letters. (As i recall dmc3 was a 16+. Yet Bayonettawas a 15 under the BBFC and an 18+ with PEGI)

I suppose ESRB could do
C (toddlers)
E (5-9ish)
T (13+)
M (16+)
AO (18+)
(and stuff like GTA SAN ANDREAS 20+ ;) )


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
I think kids these days don't get Affected by violence anymore , my cousin is 12 and he is playing mortal kombat since he was 9 years old , and yea he was enjoying fatalities.
ESRB should rate the games that contain sexual themes [+17] , and the games that don't contain sexual themes and they are only contain blood and gore [T].


Is not rat, is hamster
As more and more is permitted for minors to see, there is every chance the ratings for games will drop standards too and allow all kinds of crap to be included in something a seven year old can legally buy. Take TV (in the UK at any rate) for example - when I was a kid, which wasn't all that long ago, it was not allowed to show sexual themes, nudity, use profanity (even "mild" swearing was included in this), certain acts of violence or innuendo before 9pm because that was considered the watershed and that kids would and should be in bed by then. You've only got to flick on the telly now and see that almost anything goes by about 6.30pm including sex, violence, swearing and a distinct lack of morality. But these days, pretty much anything goes in the name of entertainment...I'm just surprised video games have hung onto the ratings they have for so long without some degenerate saying "hang on a minute, why not let 3 year olds play Gears of War? You can turn off the blood and profanity anyway so what's the problem?"


Well-known Member
As more and more is permitted for minors to see, there is every chance the ratings for games will drop standards too and allow all kinds of crap to be included in something a seven year old can legally buy. Take TV (in the UK at any rate) for example - when I was a kid, which wasn't all that long ago, it was not allowed to show sexual themes, nudity, use profanity (even "mild" swearing was included in this), certain acts of violence or innuendo before 9pm because that was considered the watershed and that kids would and should be in bed by then. You've only got to flick on the telly now and see that almost anything goes by about 6.30pm including sex, violence, swearing and a distinct lack of morality. But these days, pretty much anything goes in the name of entertainment...I'm just surprised video games have hung onto the ratings they have for so long without some degenerate saying "hang on a minute, why not let 3 year olds play Gears of War? You can turn off the blood and profanity anyway so what's the problem?"
Here here!

Actually, I think all games should have parental settings on them. So parents can change the settings to block blood, sex/nudity scenes, and swearing. Imagine how mad the kid would get. Heehee


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Actually, I think all games should have parental settings on them. So parents can change the settings to block blood, sex/nudity scenes, and swearing. Imagine how mad the kid would get. Heehee

The last time i looked at my 360 i notice there were parental controls on the settings.
But, If parents don't know about them, then kids will be able to play T+

I think parents whos young kids game need educating about this stuff.


Don't trust people
Blarg. People being negatively affected by videogames is nonsense unless they are shrewd in the head in the first place.

However the ratings do gives parents advice, at least superficial advice. So they can be sure if they must check it out first or not before allowing their kids to play it. Some don't want their kids to play -w/e- for -w/e- reason and it's there to help them.

I've played, watched, and endured videogames since my very little years. Although I actually got into gaming as I am now pretty late (13-14 years old lawl) I still had my fair share of lots of games before. Seeing you chainsawing a demon or brutalising people with fatalities didn't **** up my mind. Why? Because I knew what was real and false. -.-

Side note: We got PEGI here. It's a little clearer with it's ratings instead of rating with letters. It actually simply spits it right out "+3" or "+12", "+15" or "+18" or whatever more there are. Not just that, it also shows what other kinds of content is in there with it's awesome icons. They show violence with a fist with some smashing effects, sexual-related content with the two gender icons together and fear with a spider since many has fear of spider or w/e the reason is. There are for others such a foul language, drugs and stuff like that too. But I think you should guess the icons of them. o.o


Is not rat, is hamster
Blarg. People being negatively affected by videogames is nonsense unless they are shrewd in the head in the first place.
I don't wholly agree with that - you can see something and it can have a profound effect on you for a long time, whether you are screwed up in the head or not. I don't consider myself to be mentally messed up as a person but I have seen things depicted in certain games (and in films too) that have affected me negatively. It hasn't made me want to go out and drown kittens for fun or set fire to toddlers in a playground or whatever kids are into these days, but to say that it had no effect on me whatsoever would be a lie.


Don't trust people
I don't wholly agree with that - you can see something and it can have a profound effect on you for a long time, whether you are screwed up in the head or not. I don't consider myself to be mentally messed up as a person but I have seen things depicted in certain games (and in films too) that have affected me negatively. It hasn't made me want to go out and drown kittens for fun or set fire to toddlers in a playground or whatever kids are into these days, but to say that it had no effect on me whatsoever would be a lie.

Alright, alright. I think too highly of mankind then. <.<


Well-known Member
I don't wholly agree with that - you can see something and it can have a profound effect on you for a long time, whether you are screwed up in the head or not. I don't consider myself to be mentally messed up as a person but I have seen things depicted in certain games (and in films too) that have affected me negatively. It hasn't made me want to go out and drown kittens for fun or set fire to toddlers in a playground or whatever kids are into these days, but to say that it had no effect on me whatsoever would be a lie.
Agreed! Some of the stuff I see in games is freaky. ._. Like some of the brutal melee attacks in Killzone 3. Icky! It made me so uncomfortable.

Ember To Inferno

Eternal Rest
I don't wholly agree with that - you can see something and it can have a profound effect on you for a long time, whether you are screwed up in the head or not. I don't consider myself to be mentally messed up as a person but I have seen things depicted in certain games (and in films too) that have affected me negatively. It hasn't made me want to go out and drown kittens for fun or set fire to toddlers in a playground or whatever kids are into these days, but to say that it had no effect on me whatsoever would be a lie.
I'm going along with this to be honest. Personal experiences even more so, however TV/Movies can do it too.

Personally, I believe minors are more susceptible to violence within video games than adults, and that's why the ESRB/PEGI should keep or alter similarly their current guidelines and hope that parents are responsible enough to know what their kid is buying. When a minor sees something in a game, something leaning towards a violent nature in general, they can potentially become acclimatized towards it than necessarily know it's wrong. Rather or not they wish to bring about what they see into reality is a different story.

I personally followed those guidelines a lot as a kid/teenager. Feeling that at my younger age I was not mature enough to be playing such games. I had not touched a single Grand Theft Auto game until last year. However I've always been one to follow rules, something my parents grounded into me.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Here here!

Actually, I think all games should have parental settings on them. So parents can change the settings to block blood, sex/nudity scenes, and swearing. Imagine how mad the kid would get. Heehee

My mom would always turn the blood off when I played Mortal Kombat Trilogy as a kid.

I would always go back into the options and turn it back on. XD
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