Egoraptor;36479 said:
I don't know if ILoveVergil can recover from this one folks, but you never know, he could have a trump card up his sleeve!
I am a girl
Egoraptor;36475 said:
Ohhh burn! Are you gunna take that, ILoveVergil?
If you are trying to make me lose my temper by using sarcasm,sorry,you won't succeed.
BigDaddy;36478 said:
My dearest IloveVergil,
If you would kindly point out any post where I insulted any member of this forum, I will gladly apologize. I don't believe in ad-hominem attacks on people and such attacks both here and in Egoraptor's comments section upon him are what drew me to this thread.
Let's see... You called Egoraptor a "mindless fart" in post 5. LeatherJoy said he sounded like a "total moron" in post 9. In post 11, Anit4e said "he needs to go to a hospital." Post 16 finds Sparada1127 referring to Egoraptor as "an ***hol." Nelo Assholo elevated him to the level of "tasteless pricks" and opined that the only thing for Egoraptor to do now was "cut his wrists... with a spoon..." That really was a funny line.
Sparada1127 calls him "an asshole" in post 33. Pinky thinks he's "pathetic" in post 37.
But nowhere in my posts do I see anything that I would consider an insult towards anyone on this forum. I don't and won't do ad-hominem attacks or character assassination on anyone.
BigDaddy;36478 said:
Pinky750 said "well if he was just pointing out absurdities why didn't he say that instead of all that rubbish?"
Because then he couldn't have drawn you into his storyline and made you so angry. But you didn't figure out he was putting you on. If you had, you would have found it to be a decent piece of humor. That either says his article was too believable or you're not quite sophisticated enough to figure out what he was doing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that the article was too believable.
When you're telling a joke, you don't start off with a disclaimer and tell the punch line before you tell the rest of the joke. You tell the joke and people laugh (or not) and then someone explains it to the people who didn't get it. Hint... It's satire!
And pointless? By whose decree? Yours? You said in Post 10 that you didn't find it funny. Does that suddenly make it pointless? I find South Park pointless, but it's been on Comedy Central for nearly a decade, and it's funny as hell! So what if it is pointless? If you read the comments to his review, you'll find that even though you found it pointless and not funny, there are others who don't share your opinion. There are even quite a few people who contributed to this thread who thought it was funny. Guess what! They got it!
It IS pointless to describe Devil may cry game by the way he did it.If he wanted to make jokes he could have done it casually,but he points out every single detail of the game and explains them in a grotesque and illogical way...hell, he twists every single thing in the game in order to make it look bad. Don't tell me he was joking ,cause he definitely was not.And the language he uses?
"You better be glad I'm typing this because it's taking every ounce of my strength not to bust a load of **** all over the place. " What the hell? He points out all those stupid logic of his without knowing anything about the game and I can prove it.Here....
"Dante is a totally unrealistic character and isn't cool at all because of it."
It's a goddamn fantasy game,dammit.NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC HERE!!!
"Not even a "what the hell?" or anything that any realistic character or true person would say in this situation. Instead he has to keep his cool 100%, making it an overload of "cool" which makes it genuinely uncool, because of how lame it is."
If anyone plays the game,they should know that Dante is a demon hunter and demons and weird people appearing out of nowhere isn't anything new for him.
"Though when they arrive in mid-day, they are not fatigued at all."
They are both demons with inhuman strength,sp they do not feel tired.
"Oh yeah, like in his profession he encounters these things every day."
He does encounter these things every day,you moron.
"Now, that the skank finally gets what's coming to her, Dante cries over her "death." But he's such a badass, nothing phases him! I guess skanks he's only seen for upwards of 10 minutes dying in front of him are much more traumatizing than giant flies dropping flesh eating maggots on you, poltergeists with oversized hedge clippers, raptor-men, giant electricity sparrows, and meeting the lord of the underworld."
If he had done any research on the plot and story of devil may cry he would not have said that.Dante's mother was murdered in front him when he was a child. Reliving the worst memory of one's life(in this case,Dante's mother's death) can be pretty depressing for anyone.Trish might not BE his mother but she does look like her so it triggered the horrible memories of Dante's past. crying in such a situation is not lame,foolish or anti-badass,it's just human.The lines were a bit cheesy,maybe,but there was no reason to keep bad mouthing for so long without thinking anything.
So next time you decide to publish your mindless crap,do it after some research.
"Now see I'd have no problem with Dante just being a loser. There are plenty of video game characters out there... like maybe around 5 who are more loserish than Dante. But the thing that tickles me pink is that people seem to think Dante is a "badass." Now see this misconception also wouldn't bother me either if it didn't interrupt the regular cycle of my digestion one day. I was flipping through some ****ty Playstation magazine that sucks and is generally crap because it sucks and it sucks, and I noticed they had a poll on the "top 5 Playstation badasses!" instantly I thought "Solid Snake. No contest." I mean, a guy who hits on his operator, is totally humble about his skills, and yet goes around taking out gene therapy enhanced soldiers, battling tanks and body builders weilding experimental anti-tank guns, and just genuinely kicking the **** out of anything that moves has got to be under the "badass" persuasion, right?
Well, you're wrong, according to this magazine (that sucks, if you haven't gotten that yet).
Yes, Sold Snake was a mere and insulting 2nd Place, beaten only by the old grey haired one liner cocky stupid loser bull**** stereotypical assgrabbing... guy. Dante."
So the true reason for his "crusade" against Dante is just to prove what a badass "Solid snake" is,huh?Well he could have just said that and we would agree saying "Hell yeah!Solid snake rocks!" But taking up weapons against as you guys put it,"a fictional video game character" to prove that he's worse than yet another "fictional video game character" is just POINTLESS.