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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I don't know if anyone know about this game, but this game could be the last great game for the PS2, in my opinion.The game is the sequel of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army.:)

Meet Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th.


The story begins by Raidou Kuzunoha, a Devil Summoner returning to the Capital (Japan) to protect the Capital from a new disturbance, as people's luck has become worse or become luckier. A young woman, by the name of Akane Narita went to the Narumi Detective Agency, where Raidou works as detective. She requested Narumi, the owner of the Agency to find a man by the name of Dahn. Raidou must found the connection between Dahn and the new disturbance about luck, and must solve it as soon as possible.


An improved gameplay from the first Raidou Kuzunoha game which gives many Action RPG gamers a satisfying experience.

The game is Action RPG. The gameplay is like Star Ocean: Till The End of Time, except with certain key differences. First of all, you fight alone. Raidou uses a katana, and a revolver. Also, to win battles easily, you need demons to aid you in battle. Unlike in the previous game, you can now summon 2 demons to aid you.

Recruit demons to win battles. Certain dialogues are very funny.

To recruit them, you must negotiate with them. Answer 2 or 3 questions, give them something that they want, and it will be your demon. However, sometimes it will run away, but it will join your party the next time you meet it. Also, your level must be higher or equal to that demon's level. If you have a lot of demons, you can fuse them to become an another stronger demon. Likewise, you need to have sufficient level to fuse them. Also, they may inherit any skills that your previous demons learned.

Exploit enemies' weaknesses to regain MAG, so that you can use more of your skills. Certain bosses doesn't have any weaknesses. The green orbs are MAG that is drained out by hitting your enemies when they are stunned due to hit by their weak point.

Each skill require a certain amount of MAG, Raidou and his demons share the same MAG bar. To regain MAG, explot your enemies weaknesses, and strike them with Raidou's sword slashes to restore your MAG. By doing this, you can use use your skill as many as you want if you strike the enemy's weaknesses. Raidou has a katana, which he can deal normal to heavy damage to his opponents, while he can use his revolver to shoot at his enemies and stun them. With this, you can get close to them and strike their weaknesses. Like a usual revolver, Raidou must reload the bullets so that he can use the revolver again. Don't worry, Raidou reloads really fast. He has a normal slash attack which can be chained to combo, or a strong slash attack which uses MAG. Also now, Raidou could dodge roll to avoid enemy attacks, like rolling to the front, or backflip. Go Raidou!

During the game, you need to have demons to help you in your investigation. You need demons that can read people's mind, to break a boulder, light up a dark place, or etc. Demons are as important during battle and non-battle.During non-battle, you can summon a demon to help you in your investigation, to read people's minds to find out what they are thinking, send them solo to find certain items, and others.

Certain Case Files are required to advance the story.

You can now do optional side quests called Case Files to gain new rewards, or get yourself a new demon. However, certain Case Files are important to advance the story.

The currency in this game is Yen, you need to find a lot of money to buy items, because certain items are really expensive. Also, you can buy more items of the same name unlike the first Raidou game.


Cutscenes are pretty detailed, and the game graphics are awesome. Atlus need to come out more Shin Megami Tensei games like this game.

Graphics are superb, for me. Cell-shaded graphics games are always welcome for me. Although not as superb as any Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid games, this game have their own right to be awesome, as other Shin Megami Tensei games. Shin Megami Tensei games are popular with cell-shaded graphics, like # Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2.


Music is superb like other Shin Megami Tensei games. Battles are predominantly played with electric guitar, which really rocks, and other songs are great too. The songs that I recommend hearing are:

- The boss battle theme (Title: Decisive Battle)

- The battle theme (Title: New Battle)

- A reused boss battle theme from the first Raidou Kuzunoha game. (Title: An Old Foe)

- The theme of Raidou Kuzunoha (Title: Theme of Raidou Kuzunoha 2008)

- Final battle (Title: The Final Battle)

- A funny theme (Title: A Moment's Peace)

- A Case File battle (Title: Naomi Battle)

- Theme of flying in the air via ??? (Title: Theme of Soul Hackers)

Anyone interested of the game's soundtrack, you can contact me in order to get it. Shoji Meguro (Shin Megami Tensei main music composer) is the man!

My own Review

The game has improved since the predecessor game,in many ways. Gameplay, story, music and others. The only complaint I have is that there are NO voice acting in this game, like the previous game, and should have more variety of bosses. But overall, the game is awesome. Anyone who are interested of Action RPG games, you can try out this game. This game is worth the while, a lot.


Well-known Member
This game does look pretty amazing! ^_^

Sadly, games from this series are notorously difficult for me to find in the UK ^^

Although, there is a Devil Summoner Game out soon on the Nintendo DS which I plan on picking up ^_^ Great review Chaos!
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