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Share your POV on December 2012.


The one true son of Sparda
Except the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world they just ran out of room on their calender.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I agree with you on most points, aside from the part where people think the past is better. I don't think the past is better, humanity has always had its pitfalls, and things were a lot harder back in the day. But people did value life more, hence the Victorian book of the Dead, when photographs were expensive and the only family photos people possessed were of a dead relative with the remaining live children. Things certainly were harder, and life was far more fragile due to disease.

Nowadays the amount of people who die in car accidents far outweigh the amount of people who died in road/carriage accidents back then. People had a definite (if flawed) sense of what is right and what is wrong. Today we're not as ignorant, yet there is no longer any line drawn between right and wrong. So we haven't really changed all that much. Everyone believes that their opinion is right, their way is right, and anyone who opposes them is wrong. Back then people used to hang innocent women who practised homeopathy because they didn't understand and put it down to 'evil' things. Today people are equally keen to see a woman 'brought to justice' through death because she killed her children because they don't understand her illness and put it down to her being 'evil'.

Violence and crime is on the rise, because people don't know what is right and wrong. Not saying that people in the past knew the difference but they at least tried to set the boundaries. Now people have their children swearing and hitting them and showing a total lack of respect to themselves and anyone around them, because modern day parenting methods say you need to keep calm and get down to their level and talk to them. This doesn't always work. I live in a country where giving your child a wack on the behind can have you dragged to court. But what do they think I should do, very calmly say 'oi, please come back here before you run in front of a car!' when my toddler is doing a Road Runner toward a busy street? Come ON. I'd much rather give my kid a smack on the arse and say 'don't you EVER run in the road' and get the message across loud and clear and let it SINK IN, than saying ' listen, sweetheart, you can't run into the road because the car will hit you and you'll get hurt'. My grandma used to talk with her hand, and my mum never ran into the road or drew on the walls or played with the plugs.

My worry is that, if something catastrophic does take place, most people are going to be all for themselves. I had a chat with my best friend about this just the other day when they had a programme about the 2010 tsunami on TV. I asked him what he thinks he would do if he was safe and there were people helplessly being dragged by in the current, would he be a bystander or would he take action? In general people will just stand by and watch in horror, and think 'those poor people!' It's very few people who possess the strength to DO something. Now it's one thing to say 'yeah, I'll help if I can', it's a completely different story to actually practice what you preach. It all comes down to the values and morals you have, and how you look at the world, and how you see LIFE.

Personally, I don't see my life to be worth more than the next Jane Doe's life. My children come first, but if I'm in a situation where I know my kids are safe, I'll do something to help others. And if I'm not in a situation like that, I'd bloody well make a plan to ensure my children's safety so that I CAN take action. The way I see it, that person who is helplessly clinging to a wheel or tree or pole, that could have been my husband, or my best friend, or my mum or my dad, or one of my kids. The reality is that that person IS somebody's husband, or wife, or best friend, or relative, that person's life has VALUE. I would risk my life to save that person, because you do unto others as you want done unto yourself. If that was someone I knew and loved and valued, I'd want SOMEONE to help them if I wasn't there to do so. I believe in compassion, and unconditional love. There is a right and there is a wrong.

Most people today value their own selves more than others. Most people today won't help a total stranger if it meant they were risking their own safety. This is what I mean by the world has fallen into chaos. This is what I mean when I say people don't value life.


Oldschool DMC fan
I agree with you on most points, aside from the part where people think the past is better. I don't think the past is better, humanity has always had its pitfalls, and things were a lot harder back in the day. But people did value life more, hence the Victorian book of the Dead, when photographs were expensive and the only family photos people possessed were of a dead relative with the remaining live children. Things certainly were harder, and life was far more fragile due to disease.

I really don't know if that is true. I mean I don't think we are possessed of the proof to say exactly how or what people valued as we're assuming. I'm not saying people value life more or less now, I am just saying that I don't think people necessarily valued it more back then, when these days we have 'recognized' the value of human right and quality of life and they are written into our laws. For example, the death penalty has only in the last century really been seen as a backwards thing and that progressive nations don't or shouldn't endorse it. Or the idea that slavery is bad. Or that child labour is bad. In the Victorian era, people might have valued life on their own terms, sure, but kids were not given rights or protection like they do now... people were still executed, and slavery wasn't even thought of as unacceptable for people who were of a 'lesser race'. I do think we have come much further in terms of how people think of life and of a person's right to live free and unmolested, than they generally did in the past.

Nowadays the amount of people who die in car accidents far outweigh the amount of people who died in road/carriage accidents back then.
But less people die now of diseases. I'm not sure what you mean with the car accidents? People died in horse accidents more when horses were used more as a means of transport. Or more people died in mines than they do now back when more people mined and less machinery did it. It's not a reflection on the world getting worse...? It's just a reflection of what and how we choose to do things at this moment in time? More people will die if more people use dangerous methods more dangerously. There are a lot more of us on this planet now and most of us are using cars, so... sure, there's more risk. I don't think it means much else, though.

People had a definite (if flawed) sense of what is right and what is wrong. Today we're not as ignorant, yet there is no longer any line drawn between right and wrong.

No longer any line? But everyone is still brought up knowing the line between right and wrong as their parents teach them. I honestly don't know many awful parents or awful children who have no sense of social responsibility at all. I'd still say the vast majority of people know the difference and abide by the laws, or everyone would be committing crime all the time and society'd fall apart. Which definitely isn't so - most people are law-abiding. The few bad ones just make people think everyone's bad and cause laws to be made that restrict everyone else.

So we haven't really changed all that much. Everyone believes that their opinion is right, their way is right, and anyone who opposes them is wrong.

Are you sure? I for one think everyone's opinion is equal, nobody is more right than anybody else, unless we are talking about facts that everyone can see for themselves, like the sky being blue. People have always pushed their own interests through history though. People having opinions is okay as long as they don't cross the line into hate speech or hate crime. The internet let's you see those opinions VERY easily nowadays, and I do get tired myself of seeing people going off on internet tirades about what they think and be blind to the logic being offered them... but I can always switch it off just as easily. If I do right now, there is nobody who is imposing their opinions on me otherwise. It's kind of an illusion we let affect us more than it should. If you switch your internet off, is there anyone that imposes their opinions so much on you that it makes your life difficult? Sometimes we wind ourselves up more than other people do by thinking everyone's like this when they're not.

Back then people used to hang innocent women who practised homeopathy because they didn't understand and put it down to 'evil' things. Today people are equally keen to see a woman 'brought to justice' through death because she killed her children because they don't understand her illness and put it down to her being 'evil'.

There is always a silly mob mentality waiting in the wings of every public outcry, it may just be a human thing, but at least there are laws in place in many countries now that prevent lynch mobs just grabbing and hanging whoever.

Violence and crime is on the rise, because people don't know what is right and wrong.

Just want to mention that there are a lot more people now and as the number of people rises on the planet, so logically will the % of them that are willing to commit crime. I am still not sure that there are 'more criminals' comparatively now than there have ever been. I can't see any evidence for it myself.

Not saying that people in the past knew the difference but they at least tried to set the boundaries. Now people have their children swearing and hitting them and showing a total lack of respect to themselves and anyone around them, because modern day parenting methods say you need to keep calm and get down to their level and talk to them. This doesn't always work. I live in a country where giving your child a wack on the behind can have you dragged to court. But what do they think I should do, very calmly say 'oi, please come back here before you run in front of a car!' when my toddler is doing a Road Runner toward a busy street? Come ON. I'd much rather give my kid a smack on the arse and say 'don't you EVER run in the road' and get the message across loud and clear and let it SINK IN, than saying ' listen, sweetheart, you can't run into the road because the car will hit you and you'll get hurt'. My grandma used to talk with her hand, and my mum never ran into the road or drew on the walls or played with the plugs.

How many people would you say let their kids do this that you personally know of? I just want to ask because I think we do often confuse the reality with a picture of reality we get from the media, from tabloids and from the internet. The tabloids want to scare us and make us think things are always getting worse because it does actually seem to make people buy more papers or watch more shock TV. Personally I know only one family who I would say were so awful they were a social liability, out of probably dozens and dozens. When I say a social liability I really mean it, because all three of the teenage kids of this family are either in prison or on remand, one of them for my uncle's murder in 2007. But other than these, I don't know anyone with such disgusting parenting skills or children. It would be tempting with this experience on my conscience to say it's all getting worse and worse, but it's still just a small few who ruin it for the rest of us. I live in a tourist village so I see a lot of parents and children come and go during the summer on their holidays, and I do kind of watch them sometimes to see how the parents and the children interact... you know, in three years I haven't seen any kids behaving like little thugs or anything. Sure, I see the odd family that look a bit dysfunctional, or the odd parent who seems to treat their child like a fashion accessory and doesn't seem to care about the child who may be trying to talk to them and ask them things and is just being ignored, but most people I see act quite normal with their children and don't let them get away with behaving naughty and disrespectfully in public.

My worry is that, if something catastrophic does take place, most people are going to be all for themselves. I had a chat with my best friend about this just the other day when they had a programme about the 2010 tsunami on TV. I asked him what he thinks he would do if he was safe and there were people helplessly being dragged by in the current, would he be a bystander or would he take action? In general people will just stand by and watch in horror, and think 'those poor people!' It's very few people who possess the strength to DO something. Now it's one thing to say 'yeah, I'll help if I can', it's a completely different story to actually practice what you preach. It all comes down to the values and morals you have, and how you look at the world, and how you see LIFE.

Being selfish is a survival mechanism that works, although working together is also a good survival mechanism that works. As humans we have either option open to us to save ourselves. When I saw the tsunami though, and after I donated to the relief effort I was pleased to see that people do help each other in the aftermath, people are not inhuman. Selfishness tends to take over during panic and uncertainty, it is a pure instinct after all - every man for himself. Once the worst is over you don't see so much of that as a sense of solidarity among the victims, and a sense of sympathy among those who watched from afar. The response to Japan's recent natural disasters worldwide was actually overwhelming. I only heard a few idiots saying "that was for Pearl Harbour"... the vast, vast majority of people I saw donated or expressed sympathy. Not all of us could just go over to japan and help though. Donating to provide water and food and blankets was probably the best thing an outsider could do in that situation. That's not any less helpful than taking a plane over to start hauling debris off the roads. A person can't easily dedicate their whole life to philanthropic causes though, as who is going to look after you while you are doing it, who is going to feed and clothe you? Would you up and go to help others out in other countries when you have a family depending on you? I can't just go to a foreign country right now and start doing something to help people - I have no money to support myself doing it, and the system isn't friendly to people just moving between borders like that. People can help in many ways, it doesn't have to be physical. Although - I will express how I think the armchair activism of Facebook and other social networks is useless beyond encouraging people to think that by spreading word around about things something actually gets done. It doesn't. Someone somewhere has to be doing. But for some of us physically 'doing' out there in the world isn't an option. Doesn't mean we can't help by donating, though.

...If you are interested in my personal opinion on this particular issue, I have always had - ever since I was a teenager - the mentality that one should be the change you want to see in the world. I know that's Ghandi quote or something, but it sums up how I feel and have always felt, which is why I've always given a lot rather than taken a lot in life and never ask much for myself. I remember pretty vividly the day I said to myself "I can't wait for a saint to come, I am going to have to be that saint." Meaning, my life was very difficult and lonely during those childhood years and I realised nobody was going to come and help me get out of it, so I had to be there for myself and help myself through it. The result of that was that when I got a bit older and I saw other people struggling with things I knew exactly how to support them emotionally and help them through it and I always would do that over just leaving them to it because a little help and advice costs nothing. Sometimes I've sacrificed a lot more than that for others, too, but I don't regret any of it. If more people had that mentality, the world would be a better place and people would be better people. I'm not saying that I think I am great or anything, far from it... what I'm saying is that only love and a bit of care can save broken people. *But most people don't even know how to give that care.* I only know because I went through hell to save myself, I suppose. If only more people could see it that way, we'd rather help than just stand and watch someone else suffer.

Personally, I don't see my life to be worth more than the next Jane Doe's life. My children come first, but if I'm in a situation where I know my kids are safe, I'll do something to help others. And if I'm not in a situation like that, I'd bloody well make a plan to ensure my children's safety so that I CAN take action. The way I see it, that person who is helplessly clinging to a wheel or tree or pole, that could have been my husband, or my best friend, or my mum or my dad, or one of my kids. The reality is that that person IS somebody's husband, or wife, or best friend, or relative, that person's life has VALUE. I would risk my life to save that person, because you do unto others as you want done unto yourself. If that was someone I knew and loved and valued, I'd want SOMEONE to help them if I wasn't there to do so. I believe in compassion, and unconditional love. There is a right and there is a wrong.

Most people today value their own selves more than others. Most people today won't help a total stranger if it meant they were risking their own safety. This is what I mean by the world has fallen into chaos. This is what I mean when I say people don't value life.

I'm not sure what you have seen in life to make you think people are so bad they would just walk past someone in the street bleeding to death type-thing... but I know I wouldn't. I helped save a man I didn't know from drowning once, and not for any reason other than I wanted to help him. Not everyone is only self-serving, not by a long shot. I have seen some great compassion in my life. True I have also seen some great evil, too. As in the case of my uncle's completely random and senseless murder by his stepdaughter. But that does not make me give up believing in people. Most people are good rather than bad, most people have a heart, most people *want* to do good rather than bad, even if they don't necessarily act like saints all the time. I believe that. There is always this temptation to label people, to expect more from them as a whole, but when you really look and observe people and get to know more and more of them, you'll see that it's the few who are the rotten ones, it's just that a bad deed seems worth the same or more than several good ones in people's memory, unfortunately.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
i dont understand why do they rebuilt the temple for the sacrifice is it necessary.
No it's not necessary, animal sacrifice is animal cruelty and against the law anyway :/ I know that is the use they had for their temples back in the day with them being Jewish and all, so why else would they be rebuilding it? That was back in 07 or something so the temple has probably been standing for a few years now anyway, unless they're still busy building it.

Also, do we have any French speaking people on the forum?
I just want confirmation that these subtitles are on par with what the guy is saying or not:


Well-known Member
Assuming the subtitles are accurate I have a lot of problems with this video. Give me a second to get it all down in a way that makes sense.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
My point of view on December 21, 2012?

Nothing will happen. I will go outside, find all the people in their little bunkers, and laugh that they believed the Apocalypse (or Ragnarok, or Armageddon, depends on what religion you subscribe to, though I'm atheistic) would happen after staggering amounts of evidence to the contrary. Then I'll go play Kingdom Hearts II like any other day, contemplating the presents I'll soon be getting for Christmas as I play my game and surf the forums simultaneously.


Well-known Member
Ok, here's what I think about this video:

Him talking about the USSR having a nuclear disaster by the end of the decade/ Considering this was years after the bombing of Hiroshima and the Cuban Missle Crisis, saying there will be a nuclear disaster isn't a stretch. The USSR was also a superpower at the time, so if you are going to predict that kind of disaster (at the time) it wouldn't be a stretch to pick a superpower like the USSR.

He says cars that run on oil will be gone by 2005. Wrong. Sure, we have electric cars but most still run on oil. It's also not a stretch to assume that electric cars are the future. And people have been taking about flying cars forever.

Sometime in the decade after 2000 America will be attacked? Osama Bid Laden has been threatening the USA with attacks for years before September 11th. The US also has many enemies another attack is always possible.
Oh, and he says cities like Los Angeles and primarily New York will be bombed.
I'm sorry but when has LA or NYC been bombed? Planes flying into buildings is not the same as the buildings being bombed.

And anyone that new anything about the USSR new it was a train-wreck of a country that was bound to fall eventually. Oh and a war for oil and religion? Religious wars have always happened and when are people not fighting over resources in some way?

2005 is not an election year, so that's a fail. And it was only a matter of time before America had a black president. And while Obama did have people rally behind him like he was a type of savior he didn't beat McCain by that much in the popular vote. And the diehard supporters of any candidate are going to see them as a savior.

The Mayan calendar thing was not unheard of until recently, it just hasn't been blown out of proportion until recently. So the whole "oh I don't see anything after 2012" is just....no.

And I almost burst out laughing at the alien encounter thing. If the stars we see are not there anymore because by the time their light gets here the star has since burned out, then how the hell are aliens supposed to reach us? They would need some form of fuel that can last for millions if not billions of years in order to get to Earth. And that's assuming they can even FIND Earth amongst all the other stuff in the galaxy.

A recurring theme in this video is that he never gives specific dates. Everything is always within the span of many years. Anyone with an understanding of history could of predicted these things. In fact, a lot of people DO predict things that wind up becoming true, but no one cares because they don't pretend to be psychic. They are just smart. This guy just wants attention.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I didn't mention the Mayan calandar because of all the hype and possibly media exaggerated tails tagged onto it. But since the topic was broached earlier, I'll elaborate on it a bit.
I do believe the Mayans were onto something with the date they've set, considering it's the winter? solstice (or in some parts of the world anyway) and with scientists of this era predicting planetary alignment in December. I don't believe that it would be the end of the world. Maybe they could only count to 21? OR, my personal interpretation of it, is that you can't put a number on eternity. Maybe December is the beginning of infinity?

Then there's also the rumours floating about Nibiru or Planet X having entered our Milky Way. Which would explain the change in weather patterns (I mean seriously, it's not just me, daylight savings is only in a week but it started getting darker an hour earlier last night. SERIOUSLY, WTF?) and global warming which, contrary to popular belief that this is the fault of the human race, is simply another effect that Nibiru has on our planet. In 2009 it was reportedly 7. something au away from our sun, yet people at the most southern tips of the world were able to view a red 'star' in the sky.

The problem with Nibiru is that astronomers don't know WHAT it is. There are some who say that it is a comet of sorts, others who say it's a planet with a constellation of its own, either way, scientists can't predict its path. They 'think' it's going to come this way and then go that way within this timelimit and at this distance, but apparently this planet X is moving at the speed of light and its movements are unpredictible.

I'll tell you why I believe that there IS a planet X and that it's not just some ol' rubbish a bored kid made up for amusement. I believe its real and I believe that it is coming our way because THE BIBLE predicts it.

Where it's predicted exactly I'll come post later.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
And this is going to be where I stop reading. Once religion gets brought into something it gets ugly fast. I, for one, would never believe something because a book written an eon ago says so. However, there are those that would, and I don't mind that. I just simply don't subscribe to religion, and I find it hard to believe things are predestined. I create my destiny, I don't do what some higher power tells me to do.

And with that, I'm ducking out. Was fun to read up to this point, but religion is where things get a little... Weird for me.


Well-known Member
Where it's predicted exactly I'll come post later.

Now DS, I think you're awesome. But this needs to be said. Don't believe the Bible word for word. It has been changed and translated and changed and translated again and again. There is truth to the Bible, absolutely, but it taken be taken literally.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
No it's not necessary, animal sacrifice is animal cruelty and against the law anyway :/ I know that is the use they had for their temples back in the day with them being Jewish and all, so why else would they be rebuilding it? That was back in 07 or something so the temple has probably been standing for a few years now anyway, unless they're still busy building it.

Animal Sacrifice is part of Judaism. That's a part of the religion and that's that. So the 3rd Temple is a HUGE deal for Judaism and Christianity. Animal Sacrifice is one of three ways a person can be forgiven of sin by God in Judaism. The other two are: repentance (the most important) and alms giving. So it gets built and done. Not a big deal.
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