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Share your POV on December 2012.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Yep, you know the whole 'end of the world' fiasco.
Now I would love if, anyone interested in posting in the thread, you could do some research on the topic so that you have something factual/theoretical to bring to the discussion other than 'the world is not going to end, you're all going to look stupid'.

Personally, I believe that there is going to be huge changes this year, both global and universal. The signs are there:
- unpredictible/wacky weather
- rumours of a one world order
- microchips in people
- the Jews rebuilding their temple for animal sacrifice
- Nibiru reportedly in our milky way
- they are running out of cocoa = no chocolate = seriously end of the world people
- earthquakes are getting bigger
- volcanoes are erupting all over the place

I could go on and on, and I probaby will, but I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks something catastrophic will take place this year and why they think so. OR, if you're on the opposing team and you don't think anything exciting is going to happen at all, say why you think so.


Enma Katana no Kami
The compleate lack of evedence that any form of "end of the world " event is going to happen is evedence enough that everything will be basically the same as any other year.


Well-known Member
The Mayan calendar doesn't "end" on 2012. The calendar shows a cycle. So, the world isn't going to end this year, there is just a cycle that will start over. I know the Earth spins on an axis yes? Well over the course of 1,000,000,000 sum years or so the Earth slowly flips to the other side. That's all the Mayan calendar is showing. So, things might be changing, but the Earth is always changing. So I really don't think anything is gonna happen in 2012 that is crazier than what has happened in the past.

- they are running out of cocoa = no chocolate = seriously end of the world people



Enma Katana no Kami
The Mayan calendar doesn't "end" on 2012. The calendar shows a cycle. So, the world isn't going to end this year, there is just a cycle that will start over. I know the Earth spins on an axis yes? Well over the course of 1,000,000,000 sum years or so the Earth slowly flips to the other side. That's all the Mayan calendar is showing. So, things might be changing, but the Earth is always changing. So I really don't think anything is gonna happen in 2012 that is crazier than what has happened in the past.




It's okay I'm sure if we ever come close to running out of chocolate someone will figure out how to clone the cocoa tree. (Science can be useful sometimes) the worst that will happen is the price might go up a bit.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.

http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmundi.htm exit mundi the many ways the world could end you should take a look it ranges from genes to planets to meteors to even terrorists and....and robots:devil:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Nothing catastrophic is going to happen, and I submit this website as part evidence for this.


Seriously, the end of the world has pretty much been predicted to occur every single year and not once has some world ending calamity occurred. 1994? Nothing. Turn of the millennium? Nothing. 6/6/06? Nothing. Predictions in 1997 that caused a mass suicide? Nothing. May 21st 2011? Nothing.

And as that link would suggest, Large Hadron Collider? Nothing.

See where I'm going with this? Every world ending theory has ended up being utterly wrong, when all the evidence suggests that world ending predictions have always been wrong in the past, I'm inclined to believe that world ending prediction will never be right.

Also, what Meg said.
The Mayan calendar doesn't end on 2012, it's just the end of that particular cycle.


Well-known Member
That is the best link ever! :D

I honestly think any smart thinking person knows that the world isn't going to end, but the media is spinning things and pushing the Mayan calendar. Most likely because it gets people to watch their problem. It's all about getting money...

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
my link luckily isn't about the calendar thats just one story it has many others like how people could control each other through the internet if that person has a micro chip in their brain


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Im still not believing in this 21 december 2012= End of the World crap. In truth even in catholic scripts is told that we all not know date and time of end of the world, what only God knows not some crappy Mayans.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
also leading from lorddemolatron there used to be 10 months in a year hence SEPTember and OCTober and NOVember and DECember so even if it did it would probably be many many years in the future as the mayan years are faster because there were only 10 months
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Well-known Member
also leading from lorddemolatron there used to be 10 months in a year hence SEPTember and OCTober and NOVember and DECember so even if it did it would probably be many many years in the future as the mayan years are faster because there were only 10 months
Indeed! I remember hearing on....History Channel(?) that the Mayan's 2012 already happened. Good point!


Oldschool DMC fan
- unpredictible/wacky weather

Well, the weather is always chaotic and unpredictable to an extent, and it is always changing. I do believe there are several levels of 'ordered chaos' in it, aside from any interference humans may cause... from the day-to-day small changes caused by randomness of particles and the laws of physics, to ice ages coming and going, to things like the Milankovitch measurements which show that the earth does not circle the sun in a perfect orbit (far from it) which would be responsible for climate changes, to the ageing of the earth and its geological processes which also massively affect the climate, to the cycles of the sun itself and its sun storms. It's so changeable and changing, and there's so little we can do about it, whatever happens I guess humans will just have to find a way to deal. Life has so far for millions of years.

- rumours of a one world order
If there is one emerging, I bet it won't be political, it'll be corporate. I see a lot of politicians bowing to the pressure of corporations. I'd say they own House already.

- microchips in people
Pacemakers ain't so bad, are they?

- the Jews rebuilding their temple for animal sacrifice
...Hmm? Not heard about that one.

- Nibiru reportedly in our milky way
So far I haven't seen any decent scientific evidence that any such object is anywhere near us...

- they are running out of cocoa = no chocolate = seriously end of the world people
Running out? Don't they farm it? More likely it'll just get more expensive if the supply can't meet the demand. Doubt the human race would let the cocoa plant go extinct. ;P

- earthquakes are getting bigger
We measure them on the Richter Scale which has only been in recorded use for the 30s.Humans have been around for many thousands of years, I'm sure earthquakes won't be the end of us. We rebuild very quickly after them too. In a sense earthquakes are hardly a threat at all, if you are standing in a wide open space it's highly unlikely you will come to any harm at all during one. People die because they don't build buildings to withstand them, or because the wrecked buildings catch fire. Our own constructions are usually what kill us.

- volcanoes are erupting all over the place
They're always erupting though. There are places of continuous volcanic activity... in fact there has to be really, or land would only ever get eroded away and not formed anew.

I could go on and on, and I probaby will, but I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks something catastrophic will take place this year and why they think so. OR, if you're on the opposing team and you don't think anything exciting is going to happen at all, say why you think so.
There are always little local catastophies taking place for people all over, it's a big planet. . . but anything that will actually affect the human race? Hmm. Not for another 30-50 years I say when the population of the Earth grows so much there is a definite strain of resources, especially if climate change does cause crops to fail more often. That will lead to civil unrest and probably wars and revolutions, but it'll be of our own making and short sight, I guess. Humans have the power to deal with that before it hits by controlling their reproduction or by devising new and more efficient ways of farming food. Whether we will or not I don't know. I guess not because as a general rule people don't worry about things until they get bad enough to be noticed.

That's the main threat I'd say to our species. That and disease, which is always a threat, we just don't notice it so much where we have antibiotics and modern medicine, but humans are always in a battle with infections and always will be. An increasing population will make it easier for people to become infected because they'll be in close proximity to people and spread disease better. That said, if some new bird flu or pig flu comes, I doubt it will wipe out everyone. There are billions of us and counting. Someone in there will have a shot at genetic resistance to even the worst imaginable disease, I think.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Judaism 101: Their is No end of the world. The ceasing of sin will come during the Messianic Era and than pretty much folks will live on Earth in total peace. So don't worry folks the Big Blue planet is here to stay! :D

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
There are always little local catastophies taking place for people all over, it's a big planet. . . but anything that will actually affect the human race? Hmm. Not for another 30-50 years I say when the population of the Earth grows so much there is a definite strain of resources, especially if climate change does cause crops to fail more often. That will lead to civil unrest and probably wars and revolutions, but it'll be of our own making and short sight, I guess. Humans have the power to deal with that before it hits by controlling their reproduction or by devising new and more efficient ways of farming food. Whether we will or not I don't know. I guess not because as a general rule people don't worry about things until they get bad enough to be noticed.

That's the main threat I'd say to our species. That and disease, which is always a threat, we just don't notice it so much where we have antibiotics and modern medicine, but humans are always in a battle with infections and always will be. An increasing population will make it easier for people to become infected because they'll be in close proximity to people and spread disease better. That said, if some new bird flu or pig flu comes, I doubt it will wipe out everyone. There are billions of us and counting. Someone in there will have a shot at genetic resistance to even the worst imaginable disease, I think.

We are our greatest enemy, I think. It's true that we don't do anything about anything until it's in our face and we go 'oh shoot, we should probably do something about that now'. It's our abundance of ignorance. Humankind will be its own end.
Going on these stats (some are worldwide, others are in the US):

Babies born worldwide: estimated 490,000 per day (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_babies_are_born_every_day_in_the_world)
Newborns who die within 24 hours: estimated 2 million per year (http://articles.cnn.com/2006-05-08/...-rate-death-rate-world-s-mothers?_s=PM:HEALTH)
Abortions: estimated 115,000 per day (http://abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html)
People murdered: estimated 520,000 per year - stats in 2000 (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080627035441AAqYA1n)
People committing suicide: estimated 1 million per year (http://www.blurtit.com/q536700.html)
185 people died in the Christchurch earthquake, 29 people died in the mine explosion, 20 000 people died in the Japan earthquake and tsunami.
25,000 people die of starvation every day (http://www.poverty.com/)
158,683 people die of lung cancer in 2007 - stats for the US alone (http://lungcancer.about.com/od/whatislungcancer/f/lungcancerdeaths.htm)

And this is excluding how many orphaned children are sent to what they call 'the dying rooms', or how many babies are disposed of without being registered or included in the concensus. Although this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population says that humanity is not going to go extinct, I have my doubts. (http://www.infertilitytips.net/infertility/infertility-statistics-2011-and-2012)
Basically, infertility is rising, which can't be good. Also, the population has grown because of medical progress. Back in the day people used to have 9 or more children because disease often meant that, if the family was lucky, two or three children would survive to become adults.

Now everything is too convenient, too easy to obtain. We have phones that we can use to chat to someone else a world away, that we can take several meaningless photos with. We fall pregnant at inconveniet times and it's easy to fix the problem via abortion. People used to CARE, people used to value LIFE. Nowadays everything is just violence and disrespect and rebellion, the new generation have absolutely no empathy for anyone but themselves. They don't see life as a positive thing, they don't see it holding any value, hence why it is so easy for them to take guns to school or stab innocent people on the road. I mean the world has fallen into chaos. And people are to blame. At this stage I don't think we have the right to call ourselves a civilisation. There's nothing civil about cursing or spitting at people for no reason. There's nothing civil about paying billions of dollars to some new military weapon when that money could have gone to feed a starving nation for the next 5 years. Rather create something that will destroy than help those in need. Rather have war than leave others in peace. And for what?

But back on topic, I think that idea I have to get a house out in the country far away from the city is a pretty good idea. Grow my own stuff, stay away from crazy people, hopefully avoid the common cold. But where can you find fresh air nowadays? I used to fly from Johannesburg to Durban regularly. I always knew I was in Johannesburg by the dirty sky. It was always so clear and beautiful by the coast in Durban. Now the last time I flew from Joburg to Durban, I was actually stunned at how dirty the air was at the coast. It was disgusting.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
even though 2012 death aint comin.......we still all gonna die exit mundi says so........the freakiest one threatens males first then bam all humans gone and another such death is the rise of nemesis but read it yourself


Oldschool DMC fan
Now everything is too convenient, too easy to obtain. We have phones that we can use to chat to someone else a world away, that we can take several meaningless photos with. We fall pregnant at inconveniet times and it's easy to fix the problem via abortion. People used to CARE, people used to value LIFE. Nowadays everything is just violence and disrespect and rebellion, the new generation have absolutely no empathy for anyone but themselves. They don't see life as a positive thing, they don't see it holding any value, hence why it is so easy for them to take guns to school or stab innocent people on the road. I mean the world has fallen into chaos. And people are to blame. At this stage I don't think we have the right to call ourselves a civilisation. There's nothing civil about cursing or spitting at people for no reason. There's nothing civil about paying billions of dollars to some new military weapon when that money could have gone to feed a starving nation for the next 5 years. Rather create something that will destroy than help those in need. Rather have war than leave others in peace. And for what?

I notice a lot of people thinking kind of automatically that things were better in the past. I think it's the way people are because the past is safely certain, the present and the future aren't, so we fear and worry about them. We think things are going to hell on instinct. But I actually think the human race has never had it so good.

Do you know that in Roman times the elders were still fretting about the 'youth of today' being self-absorbed and ignorant? It never changes. And I think people are less ignorant these days on average than in the historical past, given that most people go to school, are taught to read and write, whereas in the past only the nobles and royalty could do that, everyone else was an illiterate peasant destined to spend their lives doing whatever their family had done before, or else being a soldier, perhaps (and if they were a woman, they mightn't have even have been allowed to to have a job, and only had to look forward to being married off and bearing children; certainly you would never be allowed to vote or count yourself on par with a man). Nowadays many of us have choice to live our lives the way we want, have careers the way we want, don't have to do backbreaking work all day just to get enough to eat, have time to make art and write novels in our spare time, we can even have holidays. We are developing a semblance of equality in the world, slowly perhaps but surely; we work towards the idea of nuclear disarmament and control, tolerance of religion (or no religion), multiculturalism, wider communication as a whole and technology that makes lives easier and longer and breakthroughs in medical health. In the past people were persecuted without fair trails widely, wars were dictated by monarchs on a whim (and it couldn't even be questioned or raised as an issue like it can at least be now), women were second class citizens, there was even acceptable slavery! Nowadays slavery is almost universally frowned on, many countries have a decent justice system, human rights, and many have benefits systems and charities so the homeless don't starve or freeze, and the sick get treated. I think we really do appreciate 'life' and its value far more nowadays than in the days when ordinary people went to public executions for the spectacle of it, or when people could be murdered and no investigation was ever made, no health and safety considerations existed for the common man or woman, or when they sent children to work in cotton factories under dangerous machinery, or sent them up chimneys. Life is very comfortable in first world countries, I like it because I can gratefully appreciate it... and how if I had lived significantly further back in the past, I would probably have had little control at all over my life, I might even be dead already from some easily treatable or vaccinatable disease... and I certainly wouldn't be able to sit here and chat with you halfway across the world about it. Life is fantastic for some of us. We really should be grateful for it and for the lives we have, and the progress we have made, rather than berate it. I don't think it's chaos at all... far less chaos than when the world was many feudal factions warring for territory without even needing a reason other than their leaders declaring "I want an empire". What we have now is mostly quite stable and people have the opportunity to find their own reasons for living. What they need, is a little more philosophical guidance, rather than just being told by the media that the raison d'etre is to be a self-centred consumer.

That said, I do think people do need to be responsible with all of this convenience and luxury. I do wish there were more unspoiled places in the world and that we look after all the people who are needy rather than just making more people and not caring about the life that exists. But you can't have everything I suppose. Some people long for a simpler life that is closer to nature. I would like that but it would be a lot of hard work to grow all my own food and be self-sufficient, I'm not sure I could manage it with my health.

But back on topic, I think that idea I have to get a house out in the country far away from the city is a pretty good idea. Grow my own stuff, stay away from crazy people, hopefully avoid the common cold. But where can you find fresh air nowadays? I used to fly from Johannesburg to Durban regularly. I always knew I was in Johannesburg by the dirty sky. It was always so clear and beautiful by the coast in Durban. Now the last time I flew from Joburg to Durban, I was actually stunned at how dirty the air was at the coast. It was disgusting.

Well.... cities only cover 2% of the land on Earth. There's plenty of non urban places I guess, it's just a matter of taking the time and effort to go to it, and I know how hard that is when you have a daily routine. One reason I moved out here to the middle of nowhere and deal with the hardship that brings because I wanted to get away from that urban sprawl.

This side discussion really makes me think about a leaflet I got from the Sightsavers charity the other day. They treat easily-curable diseases with anti-biotics and anti-worm medication so that people in third world countries don't go blind from River Blindness and other diseases. Seeing little kids wiping their eyes over and over from the itching and slowly going blind because of the scarring they do each time they wipe - or the kids they save from the worm that lives in a child's eye and makes them go blind or die... how easily we can stop that now, and the things that used to plague humanity so horribly. I wouldn't want to go back to a time when you'd have to sit there and watch those people or those kids reduced to hopeless human beings in an unforgiving world. Just my opinion of course but no way. No way would it be better to live in a time where we don't have the power and the knowledge to help ourselves like this. And it's easy to always look at the bad in the world and think everyone is selfish and the world is only getting worse. I just don't see it that way. There is bad always, but there's a lot of good as well. People always forget that.


The one true son of Sparda
i think the mayans are right about everything they have seen would happen or whatever and yes i do believe that the world will end at 21/12/2012 it will be the end of the world. what we have to understand is what is meant by "The end of the world" its not likely to be the whole apocalypse type crap i believe that the world as we know it how we live in it what we see and what we do will all end and we will see a new beginning and the old world that we knew with hate,war,destruction ect would be gone and a new world of peace would be born this is just my opinion i hope you guys understand :)


Enma Katana no Kami
i think the mayans are right about everything they have seen would happen or whatever and yes i do believe that the world will end at 21/12/2012 it will be the end of the world. what we have to understand is what is meant by "The end of the world" its not likely to be the whole apocalypse type crap i believe that the world as we know it how we live in it what we see and what we do will all end and we will see a new beginning and the old world that we knew with hate,war,destruction ect would be gone and a new world of peace would be born this is just my opinion i hope you guys understand :)
Except the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world they just ran out of room on their calender.


Well-known Member
I think it all sounds like bull. No religious statement about the future has actually happened, so why would this?
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