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sanctus help


Well-known Member
well im trying to defeat sanctus in devil mode. been at it a week. i can get him to the point that i can grab him, first time, then forget it. after that i can get him to the point that next time i hit him he will fall but thats when he starts trowing the ground fire at me, i dodge and jump but then by the time he stops he back to being protected by the sphere. i cant get to him fast enough. i know it suppose to be hard but this is really hard, for me next to impossible. ive tried every combo of buttons but only ebd up hitting the sphere once when i do hit it. what am i missing.


Can you clarify if this is the 1st or 2nd time you fight Sanctus - sounds like the first one, but want to make sure.

I am not a pro but that's what I did with the fireballs and fire fountains that come my way - When he's throw fireballs at me, he usually groans before he does that. Take that as a hint and jump in the air. After the 1st fire ball (you should still in air), double jump again (change a bit direction if you can), then free fall to the ground. You should be close enough that you can snatch to him and swing your sword.
With the fire fountains, he usually does than when I have a fair amount of distance from me (I make sure it's that way, but also be certain that it's within your snatch range). When he sends the first one to you, jump forth and snatch the floating orb in front of him. 2 times. Then swing your sword on the shield-less Sanctus.

And when you can buster him, do some sword work at him first - you have enough time for that; then swing him in the air first and grab him in the air with DT - that will deal a bit more damage.

Been using this till DMD mode, so even though I can't beat him in a minute, it's sorta working ;) hope this helps


New Member
Tome is the second fight. The fire on the ground are the energy waves of the Sparda sword, and dodging and jumping is done to evade the massive stingers from the sword.

Evade them, and by the time he's just standing floating on air, he will make the charge to create the shield. Just a few seconds before this, make sure to have the Ex-Gauge at Level 3, jump and do the Roulette with Red Queen.

The shield will break and he'll fall down for some nice Devil Buster...;)


Well-known Member
its the first time in devil mode. i finally did it. i was using the wrong technique to slash at the bubble. finally. well thats 1/2 the fun isnt it, figuring it out. but it nice to hear other opions on ways of accomplishing it.


SSSlayer of demons
In the first fight, when he grts into The Savior, that big statue, he'll be ready to punch. Buster that punch and hr'll fall off. Now you can beat him.

Blue Rose

The Demon Hunter
i had alot of trouble with Sanctus on Devil Hunter mode, but it wa sthe first time playing DMC4 for me. I beat him after an hour of trying (and i knew wat i was doingo_O)
The nI play on Son of Sparda mode, and beat him easy first try. I didnt know wat was up.:D
But I feel your pain with the frustration. Worst boss ever.:dry:
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