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*Rolls Eyes* [Marvel + AoT]

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Supporter 2014
**Commence squealing and/or ejection of bodily fluids.**


You done? Good.

They should've just done what I did. Write an entirely new story with giants, swords, and grappling hooks.

... Then again, my "super-original" story includes "everything" (that interests me) so, I won't judge.

... Go Marvel? :cautious:


Now, for the inevitable Phase 5 movie or whatever --

Captain America: The Civil Winter Titan War Soldier

Avengers 7: We Have Run Out of Ideas

Marvel vs. DC vs. Teen Titans vs. Titans vs. Predator: Seriously, Stop Buying Our Crap Already :bored:


I Saw the Devil
You know, I've seen my fair share of Manga with comic this or that. A Stan Lee written manga, a Batman manga, a Wolverine manga, manga artists comic book art. It's all hit and misses but this... it's weird do to the source materials and I don't think I'm interested. I don't like AoT that much to begin with and I don't like modern superhero comics that much anymore.



That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud

You can have a Marvel cross-over with ANY manga/anime universe, and they pick Attack on Titan? Not Evangelion, or Akira, or Ghost in the Shell....no, Attack on Titan.

Yeah. Ok.

Just crossover Spawn with Sailor Moon or Judge Dredd with Haruhi Suzumiya while you're at it.


Fake Geek Girl.

You can have a Marvel cross-over with ANY manga/anime universe, and they pick Attack on Titan? Not Evangelion, or Akira, or Ghost in the Shell....no, Attack on Titan.

Yeah. Ok.

Just crossover Spawn with Sailor Moon or Judge Dredd with Haruhi Suzumiya while you're at it.
Dude, are you saying you wouldn't read the sh!t out of Spawn X Sailor Moon?


Supporter 2014
This is such a cynical maneuver by Marvel. They're just doing this to cash in on a big name. It's an obvious marketing ploy to get us to like them more.

It's one thing to use the "Strings on Me" song in the A: AoU trailer, but this?

Look, this is just the beginning folks. Soon Marvel is going to go and crossover with whatever hot property that will happen to make them the most money at the time.

I mourn for the people who will end up supporting this because... it's basically "The End" of all creativity, here.

Instead of coming up with a new story that has clever characters and is unbound by the restrictions of its various "inspirations" that created it, we just have crossovers that take two big name franchises and put them together just for the sake of it -- and also because they know that it will sell.


AoT is a very mature story; the content itself will be tamed down, and thus have its quality diluted as a result.

The same goes for the Marvel universe, only in reverse: the marvel universe is... mostly kid-friendly (yes, I know there's tons of mature content, but remember folks, I very much doubt that they're not going to market this stuff to the younger audience in general).

It's like what Yahtzee said about the Prince of Persia 2008 trailer:

"All the kids are into anime these days, so let's jump around the ceiling and dress up like twats."


It reeks of corporate manipulation. Like I've said (many times) before on this very thread, if they had done their own story that was inspired by AoT, they wouldn't have to worry about being censorship or being "too mature for their intended audience."

Because then, they could just set their own limitations within the context of their own story.


And therein lies the rub: if they had done this (their own original IP) in the first place, people would've just accused them of "copying" AoT.

So, seeing as how Marvel had probably already seen this scenario coming, they said, "screw it, we'll just crossover everything," instead of making something that could've been potentially memorable.


Whatever. I'm not even that big of an Attack on Titan fan -- I should be grateful that they did a crossover with this instead of some other series that actually does mean something to me.

Shadow of the Colossus, for instance.

If Marvel ever even gets close to getting their grubby hands on that particular franchise, I would've already hunted down those responsible and put them in various Saw traps and watch gleefully as their panic ends up being the cause of their own (well-deserved) demise.


This whole thing is pointless. I'm sure Spider-Man or Deadpool or whoever will fight the Titans and save the day or whatever, thus changing the entire tone of the story from "desolate and bleak" to "just believe in yourself."

Yes, I'm sure it'll have clever writing and a well-structured plot... but sometimes, the tone itself is what makes or breaks a story.


Or, maybe they'll find a good balance between tone and not being too mature, all while still being able to portray the rampant violence that this series is known for.

... And maybe I'll be a millionaire before the years out (or hey, even before I die). That would be nice, wouldn't it???



I mean sure, they could just take the easy way out and plaster all this on a Punisher comic or something, but then it wouldn't marketed towards their intended (younger) audience, now would it? And the Punisher (or Deadpool, for that matter) isn't exactly known for being subtle, so there's that whole "tone" thing that the writers would have to worry about, wouldn't there?

Witty writing and a well-paced and directed story does not equal being on the same level quality-wise as your predecessors. Without the right tone... you're done. :/


Welp, all I can do now is pretend that this was all just a horrible nightmare, and that this isn't a harbinger of even worse marketing gimmicks yet to come.

It's all just a prank. Yeah, that's all it is. I'm going to wake up to the sounds of being Rick Roll'd and just have a good laugh about all this, knowing that Marvel isn't going to consume everything in its path and the quality of my favorite stories will remain unsullied.


Please God, don't let this happen to Persona 4 I'M BEGGING YOU.

If they combine Tomorrowland with Phantasy Star, then I swear I will boycott Disney/Marvel from here on out.

What's next? Crossing over Fifty Shades of Grey with Frozen?

Welp, I'm done here. Goodbye Disney.

I know that this is a joke trailer, but I wouldn't put it past these guys to pull something like this.



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Fake Geek Girl.
The f#ck are you talking about?

Why would Marvel be desperate? They are pretty much the biggest thing out there and they will continue to own the cinema and your money especially looking at their phase 3 line up.

This is all just for fun and the creator of Attack on Titan is all for it because it was :tongue: his idea lol.

People from all over the world appreciate both styles of comics and this is just one fun What If for fans. Why do you think that Marvel isn't popular in Japan? There is no competition or anything. Geez.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
I didn't know which YES to vote for...so...yeah.

Anyways! Awesome awesome idea! Spiderman vs a Titan!? Are you flipping serious!? I know he can KO a Dinosaur, but a Titan!? I dunno, Spiderman isn't incredible Hulk strong. So I'm down for that.


Marvel Vs Capcom 1, 2, 3.
X Men vs Street Fighter

It's not like Marvel hasn't done these things before.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
this is gonna sound weird...but accept my weirdness

i wanna see deadpool challenge annie in titan form to a twerking battle...while his hydra mole licks the brock lesnar titan's face. that could be a serious finishing move "twerking saliva of death"
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