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Resident Evil Fanfic : Leon's Story


Anti - Little D
Leon's story

Chapter 1 : The Return To Raccoon City

Leon walked back to his car and was thinking about the horror's that he faced only 5 weeks previous . He fought William Burkin who injected himself with the deadly G-virus that transformed him into a mutant tyrant . Leon had just came out the mission de-brief in the town center of Cedar Falls and told that he will have to return to Raccoon City to retrieve a police tape that holds secret information of a CCTV recording of Umbrella doing terrifying experiments on innocent people.

Leon was driving along the highway that connects Cedar Falls and Raccoon City . Leon was halfway through his 4 hour journey towards the City that had given him nightmares and psychological damage . He remembered how Claire helped escape and wondering if they would ever met again . At that moment a strange object hit Leon's Car and caused him to swerve and narrowly avoiding a tree .

He stepped out of his car , and checked it for damage. It was covered in Crimson gore . As he rounded the car he noticed the ravaged remains of once a human body. Leon knew from his police training what to do in this kind of situation so he checked for the cause of death on the morbid corpse . He Noticed that fresh blood was stilling pouring out of the male's neck , chest and legs. What could of done this he thought but Leon cast his mind back 5 weeks ago to the nightmare of Raccoon City and knew he was getting closer to his destination.

Before he returned to Raccoon City Leon wanted to know where the body came form so he walked back to his car and drove back a couple of miles to a small village that he stopped at earlier to get some gas . After meeting the workers at the gas pump for the second time in a matter of hours the villagers started asking questions like " Where you going " and " Why have you come back " . All these questions started to make Leon fell like he was un wanted in the village. So Leon came up with a cover story . Just as Leon had time to think, one of the villagers came up to Leon and talked to him.
" So young lad , what brings you back to rodder ville for the second time in a couple of hours? " asked the villager.
" I was driving along the road a couple of miles west from here and a deer ran out in front of me without warning and i hit it and got its blood all over my car so i decided to come back and see if there was anyone who could fix it " said Leon .
" Deer you say " said the old villager .
" Yeah " said Leon wondering why the old man was being so inquisitive .
" Well you go see Bob over there , you see in the red suit and jeans on "
" Thank you "

Leon walked over the road to see Bob and just like the old man said in a red suit and jeans . " Hi , the man over there told me that you could get the deer blood off my car "
" Yeah , but it will cost ya " said Bob with dollar bills in his mind
" Well how much as i only have $20 on me and i need most of it for where im going "
" It will cost about $60 " said Bob laughing away to himself
" $60 ! " shouted Leon in disgust
" A mans gotta make a living out in the middle of no where " said Bob
" Do you accept credit cards ? " asked Leon.
" Hell yeah " Just as Bob said that the heavens opened , "Come into my office boy so you dont get soaked and we will talk about the payment and see if we can reduce to price as i like you man "

Leon walked into Bobs office to the smell of smoke and saw animal heads pinned to the wall . Bob sat on his chair and offered Leon a smoke .
" No thanks " said Leon
" Ok wait here , i will be about 5 minutes while i get your paperwork and other crap "

Leon took this chance to take a sneak at Bobs draws to find something interesting . He opened the main draw first and found nothing but a old porno mag dating 1984 and had a picture of Mrs America on it . Next he opened the small draws to the side and found a leaflet offering a 2 for 1 stay at mourne view Park , one and a half miles away .
Just before Bob entered the room Leon manged to put everything back that he moved but take the leaflet and decide to ask questions about it .
" I drove past a Mourne view park , do you know anything about it "
" That place was bought by a company called ......... Argh whats the name of that company .... ?" said Bob.
" I cant remember the name ............... Why ?" said Bob
" Hoping to take the wife there one day as it looked nice but never mind " said Leon
" Ok your final bill is $15 ... Thats a saving of half price you know ! " said Bob.
" Thanks Bob , its ****ing it down , do you have a Umbrella ?" asked Leon
"UMBRELLA !!!!" shouted Bob thats the name of the company that bought Mourne View , heres mine
" What ! did u say Umbrella !" questioned Leon
" yeah , why ? " asked Bob
" Never Mind " said Leon " Thanks "

So Leon set off towards Mourne View Park after learning that Umbrella where still around and hoping to find the answer to his question...... Where did that body come from ?


Anti - Little D
Chapter 2 : A Walk In The Park.

After a few minutes drive Leon arrived at Mourn View Park and decided to search the area for any clues in the investigation of the corpse . After finding nothing strange , Leon went inside and rang the bell on the front desk and waited for a couple of minutes.
A women came out of the room behind the desk and welcomed Leon to the park but told him he must leave as its closing time. Leon decided to come back at midnight .

As he broke the chain so he could get in the park , he noticed that a car was still parked and remembered it from the village. Bob came out of the front office looking around and holding what seemed to a file and a 9mm in his right hand .
Leon dashed to a source of cover so Bob wouldn't see him and watched Bob talk to himself .
" You shouldn't of done that ,No bad Bob" said Bob
" Bob shut up ! " came a voice from inside .
" I cant , I just shot that women " said a shaky Bob
" Yeah and so what ! " said the voice " help me with this body "
Bob went inside which gave Leon his chance to look inside the building. He crept over to the building and listened further to the ongoing conversation between Bob and the unidentified person .
" well , well ,well what do we have here " said the voice which Leon identified as Male.
The man walked out of the building and shot 3 bullets into the air and then said " Leon Kennedy , I know that your there " . Leon stood still and listened the the man.
" Leon ! " shouted the man so Leon gave himself up and walked up to the man.

"Ah , there you ! "
" Who are you ? , How do you know my name ? " said Leon
" I'm Jake , and i know that you were in Raccoon City five weeks ago " said Jake


Anti - Little D
" Yeah so what " asked leon with confusion
" The point being , is that i know what you did and what you took and i want it back" said Jake
" I didnt do or take anything "
" Thats what you think , the only thing that was on your mind was escape , i give you that but you took a certain key from the RPD and that key is the only that can stop Umbrella from releasing thier super weapon the T-4523 virus codenamed Predator " explained Jake .
" the what ! " asked Leon
" T - 4523 codenamed Predator , this certain virus can make you faster , stronger , tougher and even more dangerous" said Jake.
" A man called Albert Wesker created the virus based on his DNA and a unknown virus given to him by William Burkin , who you have met , i belive "
" Only to well" says Leon with disgust
" I'm confused ..." said Bob
Jake pulled out his gun and shot Bob 3 times in the chest each shot creating a massive hole in Bob's fat chest .


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
as i said in the other thread this is a brilliant story. Shame about Arwen
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