Resident Evil 5 Accused Of Racism

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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2007
Staffordshire England
Yet another crazy claim aimed at video games yet again by some African womans blog Black looks i dont know if shes aware that all previous Resident Evil games had people killing white zombies and also they arent people who are supposed to be zombies they ARE zombies... this claim is just crazy and also as its an 18 rated game how would it appeal to children to hate. She says

The new Resident Evil video game depicts a white man in what appears to be Africa killing Black people. The Black people are supposed to be zombies and the white man's job is to destroy them and save humanity. This is problematic on so many levels, including the depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young... fearing, hating, and destroying Black people.

Read Whole Article Here:

Resident Evil 5 accused of racism -
Mercy. What they say is that if Chris was black too, they wouldn't have a problem?
Anyway, this is ridiculous to say at least.
As you said previous RE had only white "zombies/monsters" so I really don't understand how their claim works. Either they think that Capcom has problems and will pay them or they have mental problems.
Anyway as funny as it sounds I really hope this ends soon.
It's nothing ya'll should worry youselves with. Even if the creators meant no harm, no matter what it is whether it be a game, movie, or book, someone will ALWAYS be offended by SOMETHING. It never fails, I bet you could look up anything and there will always be some kind of complaint about something being offensive.

I wouldn't worry too much. Many of people hate video games enough as it is, trying to ban them for violence blah blah blah. But the ban is never gonna happen becuse the violent games are the most popular. (Grand Theft Auto) Too many people buy them.

So it appears that it just so happens that Chris is in Africa. Thats all it is. I know someone that is African American and she is not offended at all.
Vergilissexy;47090 said:
It's nothing ya'll should worry youselves with. Even if the creators meant no harm, no matter what it is whether it be a game, movie, or book, someone will ALWAYS be offended by SOMETHING. It never fails, I bet you could look up anything and there will always be some kind of complaint about something being offensive.

Lol although off topic I could not think of anything other rather than Spider-man's life after reading this.

Anyway I do not think that the game will face any further problem. They probably picked it because Resident Evil is a popular game so if that threat was to succeed they would get some easy money out of it.
If I made a game which was indeed racist - even on purpose - no one would care until it became popular enough to have more than one or two titles.
I dont think any action will be taken towards the game and no money or anything will change hands. Its just the words of one grossly mislead woman and her crazy claims when she hasnt researched her argument.
I'm not really worried about anything I'm just thinking how ignorant these people are to think stupid things like this because, well, c'mon do you really think the producers were trying to make the game racist? No I don't think so but apparently these people are. The game hasn't even been released yet and with little information provided about the game, yet they just pick it because it has a white man in Africa killing black people. That's the absurd part I'm talking about. Point made I'm done.:wacko:
$JP;47128 said:
I'm not really worried about anything I'm just thinking how ignorant these people are to think stupid things like this because, well, c'mon do you really think the producers were trying to make the game racist? No I don't think so but apparently these people are. The game hasn't even been released yet and with little information provided about the game, yet they just pick it because it has a white man in Africa killing black people. That's the absurd part I'm talking about. Point made I'm done.:wacko:

Yeah they jumped to conclusions based on one trailer and dont really have a foot to stand on :lol:
How stupid though. At first when I saw the trailer I didn't think of any racism, I just thought of what Resident Evil usually brings to the board, good gameplay and a good story. But now morons like this start making ignorant comments, as she herself has never played Resident Evil, saying it's targeted towards children, trying to get them to hate black people while their young (brainwashing). First of all, the game isn't even targeted towards children, it's targeted towards a mature audience so if the parent, oh say, let their 10 year old play the game then that just means their bad parents. Second, do you really think a bunch of japanese game producers are trying to get young white kids, or white people in general to hate blacks? You have got to be kidding me! Third, if that lady played any of the other games, she would know that all the other games include white, caucasian zombies, yet I don't think it would've made a difference if she played the games anyway, she probably still would've thought "Oh a white guy in Africa killing black villagers, that's racist on soo many levels!" Do you really think it's Chris's intentions to kill the villagers just because their black. NO! It's because their freakin' zombies that's why! Lastly, has RE ever targeted racism until now. NO! This just shows you how one change can make a huge problem. God, my heads spinning now!:wacko:
Resi 5 being racist! This is stupid, if the character was a black man killing white people, the africans won't be complaining :mad:
I know a few games had to be changed due to people calling them racist. I wouldn't have called them racist as there just games and shouldn't be taken like it's what the creators think of there culture. I mean you don't here the Russians complaining and there usualy the bad guys in most games.