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Red Dead Redemption Review (Xbox 360)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Not many of cowboy games caught my interest as much as this game, Red Dead Redemption. When I heard the game was developed by Rockstar, I was pretty skeptical, since I am not really a fan of Rockstar games, except Grand Theft Auto IV. However, this game changed my mind, and it is one of the best made games.



Meet John Marston.​

The story revolves about John Marston, an ex outlaw, who tried to search and kill his former companions in his old gang in exchange of his wife's and son's safety. However, he was shot by Bill Williamson, ex partner of him, and left for dead. As god shine upon him, a woman by the name of Bonnie McFarlane saved his life, and he must find a way to get his former companions with various help from other starngers.

The story is awesome, with no weak spots. An epic story crafted by Rockstar and will leave an impression to many people.



Gunfight is always exciting, like old Western spaghetti movies.

Like other GTA games, you must complete certain missions to proceed and finish the game. You can do any missions in any order, and you may complete them in any time, but some will only available in specific time.

Every objectives are varied in this game. Some you may have to eliminate thugs, some may ask you to catch horses, and etc. The variety of missions in this game are so many, that you will not be bored playing it.


Horse riding is fun, plus when there is a guy lassoed by you on ground.​

You have several modes of transports. Carriage, walking, running, train, and last but not least, horse riding. You can also shoot while riding your horse on in a carriage.

When fighting enemies, you will either use your revolvers, rifles, and etc to fight. When you are in target mode, you can fire at any place as long as you have the target on sight. You can fire the enemy's head, legs, hands, and other body parts. It is best to shoot while you are in cover, to protect yourself, and to stay alive longer. The cover system is well implemented, like Mass Effect 2 and Gears of Wars games cover system. Like any other action games, headshots are the best way to dispatch enemy quickly.


Mexican Standoffs are thrilling, and exciting to engage.​

You also have an ability called Dead Eye. This feature allows anything moving in slow speed, and you can fire at the targets with higher accuracy. This feature is one of the most coolest ability in a game. This ability is present automatically when you are in a Mexican Standoff with an enemy, so make sure you are well practiced in it, as some missions require you to succeed in the standoff to proceed.

Like any other GTA games, you need money to protect yourself. You need money to buy new weapons, ammo, medicines, and etc to overcome challenges ahead. There are few ways to acquire money. Either you rob someone, loot from dead bodies, selling animal's body parts, completing bounties, and etc.


Make a choice: Become an honourable, good-hearted guy, or become a ruthless outlaw.​

This game features an Honor system. Killing an innocent will give you Negative Honor points, while saving someone from thugs will gain you Positive Honor points. Having positive Honor will make other people respect you, with some added bonus, while having negative Honor will make people fear you, and may be wanted by the law with a bounty, with its own added bonus. There is also a Fame system, which will raise every time you finish a mission or a side quest. Having high Fame points will also allow you to have some bonuses, like cheaper weapon's price.

The difficulty is balanced, accessible to every player. Not too hard, and not too easy. However, not having proper equipment or enough ammo may getting yourself easily killed, so be prepared.

This game has an awesome gameplay. Perfect blending of gunfight, horse riding, and etc. I have no complaints with the gameplay, because it is perfectly made.



Without a doubt, this game has spectacular graphics.

This game have awesome graphics. Nearly realistic graphics for every character. John Marston looks exceptionally detailed, with scars, and wrinkles present on his face clearly. Other characters have the same detailed expressions and faces, which shows that the graphics in this game overwhelming, which may rival Metal Gear Solid 4: Gun of the Patriots' graphics.

The environments are exceptionally well done. Brightly made, varied and realistic depiction of old Western era and environments. When you play the game, it is as if you are playing in real world.

However, there are certain minor glitches in the game. Like the train rails disappearing in a cutscene when the train is running, and etc. However, this may happen once, and not subsequently when playing another walkthough or retrying the game.



Perfect voice acting, with excellent soundtrack.​

The voice acting is superbly top notch. Every character are professionally well voiced, with either authentic Mexican, English, and old West accents. Rockstar did it again, hiring professional voice actors, although some or all of them are unknown to many people.

The soundtrack is extremely well made, with old Western music played to perfectness. The background music is relaxing when it is calm, but become action packed when there is action.

Replay Value

The replay value is high, with many side quests and mini games available. There is also multi-player feature where you can enjoy playing in old West with your friends.



When you have the money, and if you are already considered as an adult by law, play this game.​

This game is one of the best made games in history. Superb story, excellent characters, awesome gunplay, top notch voice acting, nice graphics, and awesome soundtrack make this game worthy as one of the best video game in 2010, and in history. Besides the minor glitches, nothing stopping this game from becoming a masterpiece. It is hard to choose whether this game or Assassin's Creed II is the better game, but I chose to ignore it and these two games deserve utmost recognition from every video gamers. Whoever is looking a bloody cowboy game with tons of actions and things to do, this game should be your number one choice, without a doubt.


Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 9/10

Total score: 38/40 or 9.5/10.0.

Pros and Cons


- Superb gameplay, with great blending of gunfight, horse riding, and etc.
- Excellent soundtrack
- Professional voice acting, with authentic accents.
- Mini games and side quests are fun to do.
- Challenging bosses and enemies.
- Exceptionally well designed characters, especially John Marston, and environments.
- Replay value is high.


- Minor glitches, but will not detract you from the great experience when playing it.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Its a masterpiece of gaming brilliance and one of the best games ive played for a long time. I even changed my sig of 5-6 years out of respect for the game. :lol:

Rockstar took a huge risk with the game as its not as accessible as GTA and doesnt appeal to such a range of people (i too was sceptical about the game). I wasnt really interested in the time period and didnt know if Rockstar could grab the atmosphere of those times. However they blew me away with what they achieved and they should be proud of the fantastic title they created.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Dark Drakan;258124 said:
Its a masterpiece of gaming brilliance and one of the best games ive played for a long time. I even changed my sig of 5-6 years out of respect for the game. :lol:

Rockstar took a huge risk with the game as its not as accessible as GTA and doesnt appeal to such a range of people (i too was sceptical about the game). I wasnt really interested in the time period and didnt know if Rockstar could grab the atmosphere of those times. However they blew me away with what they achieved and they should be proud of the fantastic title they created.

I noticed. You even changed your avatar to John Marston's avatar. :lol:

Rockstar has created a masterpiece game, along with Grand Theft Auto IV. Hopefully, the upcoming game by Rockstar called L.A. Noire will be on par with GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption. :D:D:D:D:D

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Chaos Master;258432 said:
I noticed. You even changed your avatar to John Marston's avatar. :lol:

Hes a great character, plus with my beard people told me i had started to look like him. Though not entirely complimentary to be compared to a scar-faced cowboy. :lol:
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