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Reasons why nero didn't work out

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
The advent of Devil may cry 4 lead to the introduction of Nero who was, for the first time in Devil May Cry history, the main character of the game instead of Dante. The fandom has been mixed over him ever since.
The main reasons why i think he hasn't worked with the fan community was because of the time in which his game came out and the way he was handled.
The time in which his game came out was a problem because it was too close to Devil may cry 3 which featured a young Dante and his origin story which was quite popular with fans. That made Nero a unneeded character as the better idea was to set more games within the ten year gap between DMC3 and DMC1 with young Dante rather than skip ahead twenty years and do a rehash of DMC3.
Nero's connection to Dante was only vaguely hinted at which was seen as lazy as well as the mentor-student relationship between the two were non-existant. A better idea was for Dante to learn of Nero's existence many years before the events of the game and for him to become Nero's teacher in a attempt to be there for him in ways that he was'nt there for his brother or there father wasnt there for them.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The reason why some say Nero's character didn't work out, was because people often fear change. I am somewhat one of those people, hence why I despised him when he arrived. Now I admire his character, and enjoy playing as him. To me that shows at first there was nothing wrong with him, my mind was just not accepting or appreciating a new main protagonist. I thought it would push Dante aside, but that much isn't so. Or else wouldn't it be Nero being 're-imagined' in DmC? Yet it is not.

I think that when it comes down to whether Nero did or didn't work out, I feel it's a matter of opinion. Same with those who don't even like Vergil. To them the character doesn't work well within the story, and therefore they don't like him. But who is to say if something did or didn't work out? The Company itself? No. People's opinions? No. The majority? No. It's all about personal opinion to the individual. Therefore nothing ever does work or doesn't work, it just comes down to how you think or feel.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Capcom kinda just pulled this new character 'out of their arse' (so-to-speak) with no explaination of where he came from, what relation he is to sparda and who he really is (ie, if there is more to him.) And they left it to a 'writer' to give a half assed explaination which no one really knows is or isn't canon to the series.
Plus, i'm not sure the soppy back story helped alot either.
(I'm sorry if that didn't make sense)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I don't understand the concept of Nero not 'working out'.
I think he worked well in DMC4. There's nothing about him that didn't work. As a new character in his own right it worked. As a character with his own personal goals and views, it worked. I doubt a character similar to Dante's sarcasm or Vergil's aloofness would have worked in that setting, so I think Nero worked out pretty darn well.

What wouldn't work out is if Nero became the main protagonist for the rest of the DMC series. But that's a debate for a different discussion.


Well-known Member
I thought Nero worked well. IN DMC4 as a playable character he worked out better than Dante in my opinion who's learning curve borderlines crazy. I spent around 200 hours in this game and I sucks with Dante comparing to Nero. Where with Nero I can do DMD missions without taking any damage with Dante I get my ass handed to me. Maybe I need a different gamepad but I find default setup with style switching on XBOX360 pad is uncomfortable. I change into a style I did not intend frequently.

On the other hand Dante as a story character especially with his reach background based on previous games was cool as is, but I just could not get into DMC series prior to 4. They were way too hard from get go for my liking. Heck I didnt even get into 4 until I decided to do achievements on 360 once I've played it enough to no longer be lost in the level geometry it became fun. I still don't understand why they couldn't incorporate some sort of compass/tip giving mechanism in regards to where I needed to go next in each mission.
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