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private RP: the Worst Job.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas scowled, angry that the trio took all the kills. "Hey! You didn't even leave one for me! What happened to being friendly to your partners, Dante?"


Enma Katana no Kami
dante replys " don't blame me it was these two that killed most of them."

selene laughs " you're just slow big brother"

ziz says " so dante are you going to shoot me or not. remember what happend last time you tried that."

dante puts his guns away.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas smiles. "What's this? The mighty Dante backing down from a kid? That's unheard of. You even kicked Nero's ass with no regret afterwards."


Enma Katana no Kami
dante looked confused " how did you find out about that so quickly"

OOC: the opening of this takes place right after dante gets back.

BIC: ziz laughed " if you spent more time around selene you whould understand"

selene said " what is that supposed to mean"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas chuckled. "Word travels quickly. Anyway, Dante, I think you should take a break. I mean, you just came back from a job. Don't you, of all people, deserve a breather?"

Just then, Tyther came running into the group, he stooped down to catch his breath, then looked up at Dante. "Thought you could get rid of me that easily? Not a chance! Not until you tell me how I did on my job application form!"


Enma Katana no Kami
dante replys " job application form.... oh that. ask someone else about that. "

ziz says " dante. it isn't often you get new recruts. tyther should be able to help you at least a little."

dante says " i don't really need help"

selene says " but you're getting it anyway. don't be mean dante."

dante sighs " okay okay " dante looks at tyther " you're in you first job is make everyone else go away so they will stop bugging me"

ziz laughs " dante you know you can't get rid of me that easily. i have way more people working with me and you whould need alot of help just to deal with me "


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther frowned, looking at Ziz with his hands on his hips. "Overconfident as always, I see."

Xevnas did a double-take at Tyther. "You know him?"

Tyther sighed. "All too well..."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz replys " if you know me than you should know that my confedince is exactly what it should be. dante is the one that is overconfedent"

selene says " your dumb sense of humor prevents you from being viewed as cool. try winning a few fights without dumb comments"

dante replys to what ziz said " me overconfedent. did you miss the part where i beat mundus."

ziz replys " with help."

dante replys " thats more than you have done"

ziz laughs " not true. devloping this amazing hairstyle took far more work than someting as minor as defeating mundus"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas and Tyther snickered, and then almost collapsed from laughter. "Defeating Mundus? Minor?" Xevnas said between breaths. "I think not! That's probably Dante's biggest achievement. Now, if only you could get rid of the former king, Argosax, then we'd be set."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz replys " argosax, he hasn't been signifigent for a very long time sparda crushed him with no trouble. even selene whould have no trouble killing him if he came back"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas stopped laughing. "True. Argosax is weakened, but what do weakened demons do? They regenerate, and come back stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if he came back twice as strong as he was before..." He looked at Ziz with a smirk. "And you've got your lore wrong. Mundus took down Argosax, not Sparda."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OOC: Sorry for late reply, i had my head in other RP.

BIC: Moises arrived later that Tyther because he was walking, he could hear all they were talking about."The lizard has the reason, Argosax was defeated by Mundus, not Sparda".

Dragalus went flying to the place when he landed he crushed the ground under him.


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz looks confused " really where did you hear that"

OOC: im pretty sure that sparda sealed argosax. the history of dmc gallery in dmc4 says sparda sealed argosax.


Enma Katana no Kami
OOC: really when dose it say that. i don't remember that.

devil may cry 4 says sparda did it and when two canon things contridict each other the more recent one is right.

whatever the truth is it dosn't really matter this isn't a debate thread. ( i may make one about this subject. but this isn't it) so lets get back to the RP.

BIC: ziz phone rings he answers it " hello... kyrie... i know what happened. things in fortuna will be getting dangerous so you might want to find somewhere safer.... "


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther and Xevnas looked at each other, smiled, and then looked back at Ziz. "Dangerous, eh?" Tyther said, full of enthusiasm. "Then I guess it's time to prove my worth." Xevnas put a hand on Tyther's shoulder. "This kid's got guts! Let him come with. With all of us, we'll kick as many demon's asses as we need to!"


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz puts his hand over the phone " don't eavesdrop on my phonecalls. its rude." ziz uncovers the phone again and continues talking to kyrie " there are some people in fortuna who will do what i ask. i need to talk to nero for a minute.... nero, remember the place i told you about. there are a few others that know about it take kyrie there they will take her somewhere safe... if you don't trust them than come with."

ziz hangs up and calls someone else " ... its ziz. i need you to do something for me. there is someone i need you to escort. remember the songstress for the festival of the blade... i know you don't care about religion but you do care about attractive women so you know who she is... be nice. oh and another of the shadow knights will be with her. he dosn't know he is one of you. just to warn you. he has some intesting powers. his arm is that of a demon.... bring them here quickly"

OOC: is anyone interested in RPing as nero or kyrie. if not i will have to try to RP as both of them along with the other charicters i'm RPing as.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas smirked. "Who cares? Phone calls are meant to be eavesdropped on."

Tyther smiled. "Xevnas has a point. With the volume you have it set to, we can both hear it."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz shrugged. " well you were going to find out the important part anyway so i guess i can let you live"

dante says " nero is going to be here to. whats next is vergil going to come back to life just to annoy me"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas and Tyther both scowled. "What, you think you can take us both at once? Overconfidence leads to defeat, you know."
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