Primal 2: The Well Of The Nexus

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Oct 16, 2007
Red Grave City
And as it were, she was hurled through time and space, tossed around in the cosmic atmosphere. The sky reforming back to its normal colour from a twisted dark red tainted upon it from the dark forces of chaos. She was leaving that World. That strange, mind altering World that she had just grown to love. Now it was time to go back home. What was her real home before that fateful night that changed her life forever.

Everything was slowing down and coming to a halt. Her head was spinning with the rest of her body. Yet she felt so oddly grounded. And suddenly without any warning she jolted up from her hospital bed, awake, if you could call it that.

The first concern that rose to mind was towards her boyfriend, Lewis. In the other World, in Oblivion, she had just killed him after he stole Chronos' heart from her possession. As she sat up, she was greeted by two doctors that looked greatly surprised.

"She's awake. Hi Jen. How are we feeling? You've been in a coma for the last 3 months now." the doctor closest to her bedside informed her.

Of course at first she was amazed, "3 months? Wow, I was in there with Scree longer than I thought" she blurted out without thinking. Not yet use to the fact that she was back in Mortalis now.

The doctors gave a brief few seconds to look confused but then dismissed the comment. Assuming it was some random babble from Jen having not been properly conscious for so long.

"My boyfriend, Lewis. He's here too right?" Jen asked, not wanting to hold back any longer.

"Lewis. He's still here, yes. He hasn't yet woken up, unfortunately".

"Right okay. But he's not dead?" she bluntly enquired.

"No, he's not. He hasn't woken up yet. But if you want to go and see him when you are ready then just call for us and we'll take you to him" the doctor confirmed before leaving the room.

Now she knew Lewis wasn't dead. What had really happened to him back in Oblivion? Jen was beyond puzzled.

Though getting out of bed wasn't so easy. Her body felt very weak. She had undergone lots of physical changes to her body whilst in Oblivion. They all had felt very demanding changes. And even though she had returned her spirit back to her former unconcious mortal body. It still felt like she was void of any energy. After pushing the button to call for a doctor did she get to her feet, slowly.

Now she was stood up. Making use of her human self for the first time in three months. It seemed so unbelievable. The journey that she had been on had been so life changing. She couldn't help think it had all been a crazy dream though.

Perhaps considering that Lewis was not dead, it had all been just that. A really vivid dream. Not so farfetched she thought to herself. She had just been in a coma for quite some time. It was possible it may of been an incredible lucid dream experience. How could anybody tell?

It all became clear to Jen when she entered the room where Lewis, her boyfriend, was lying. He was not dead, he was very much alive still, but still heavily in a coma.

She went to his side and lay there against him, starting to cry. "Oh Lewis. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry for everything. Lewis, my baby. If only you were here with me now" she sobbed.

Unbeknownst to her that whilst Jennifer remained within Mortalis, he himself did not. At least not his physical form. Lewis was traveling within the Well of the Nexus. His spiritual being entering a place that nobody in existence truly knew about. Nobody had ever ventured here.

Lewis opened his eyes and focused on his surroundings. "I can't believe what I'm seeing. I can't believe I am alive" he said to himself, for he was the only one there so it appeared.

Yet something was there also. It was watching him from a distance, slowly creeping its way towards him with such an evil determination until eventually he was knocked to his knees from behind by a strange uncontrollable force. And through this shock and confusion that had just been evoked, the true face of all things dark and evil emerged.

"Hello, Lewis. It seems we breathe again" Abaddon began to inflict his demonic presence to Lewis.

"Abaddon?! What do you want from me? What is it you are after? You have had my mind, had my body. Both at your command before. Why are you tormenting me like this? Can you not let me be free?" Lewis begged, mercifully.

"No I'm afraid that I cannot. You see, Lewis. You are my only true reliable resource. Yes, Belahzur gets the job done. But when it all comes down to it, you're my perfect little pawn. And you will obey me. Do we have this clear?" Abaddon justified in such a manner that it was impossible for him to refuse.

"Yes, I understand" Lewis answered, regretfully.

"Very good. Now, follow me. We have some work to do".
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Lewis had no means to disobey Abaddon. This entity was after all the true meaning of chaos. He didn't have the strength to reject his requirements.

"Where are we going, exactly?"...

Abaddon's red see through face turned to address Lewis. "We're going back to where it all started" he said, looking upwards.

Lewis' attention was distracted by a harsh growl in the nearby distance. An incredibly large, hideous beast was laying on the ground. Abaddon watched as Lewis slowly approached this creature.

Then there he was, stood above where the demon was laying. "Belahzur".
I loved Primal! The game could have been a little more polished I think as it had a very unfinished feel to it, like the Dev Team wanted to do more but ran out of time before they could.

I'm interested to see where you go with this
Lewis stared down at the terrifying abomination that was Belahzur, the strongest of all demons at Abaddon's command, and gave him a slight kick with his foot. "Is he...dead?", Lewis wondered, as Belahzur let out no response.

Abaddon floated dominantly above the large demon's body, and began to lift him from the ground with his own sheer power. Belahzur, unconscious but now upright, was controlled by Abaddon's power.

"He is in no condition to return to Oblivion. I'm afraid I will have to send Belahzur away, and back to a place where he will recover from his wounds", Abaddon made clear to Lewis.

"There's one more thing, since you've been lucky enough to come back to us, Lewis. I need your full commitment to the forces of Chaos, and I sense there is too much good inside of you. A good I could only hope to rid you of, my dear child"..."Come to me".

Abaddon pulled Lewis towards him. He was helpless, unable to resist the overwhelming power of evil as it consumed him once more. He was now under Abaddon's control, and corrupted just as before.
Lewis's eyes sparkled a violent red, and demonic horns erupted from the top of his head as he was consumed by the darkness, awakening his demonic side.

Abaddon let out a smug smile of satisfaction. "Good.", he said, then the two rose from the ground and began to float upwards.


Jen, still sitting by Lewis's side, was suddenly distracted when she heard what sounded like something ceramic breaking outside. She peered over at the window for a few seconds then dismissed the sound altogether, continuing to sit by her boyfriend's side as if she'd heard nothing at all.

After some minutes had passed there was a tapping sound on the window outside. This time it was obvious that something was up. "Who's...who's there? I'm kind of busy with my own problems right now, so if this is some kind of window to window salesman, I'm not interested." she joked, which she had a habit of doing.

" that you?...Jen? It's me, Scree, open the window for me would you?".

"Scree?" she said, pausing. "ROCKY!" she yelped out.

"Yes yes, Jen. Please just open the window, there isn't much time."

She opened up the window so that the little stone gargoyle could climb in. "Not much time? Why do I get the feeling that's a bad thing, and you're not here to throw me a 'welcome back to reality' party?" she continued to joke around.

"Please Jen, you must listen to me, and listen carefully. I've returned to you from the Nexus. Oblivion is once again in dier need of your...I mean, our help, and we must hurry back before things get any worse." Scree explained.
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Jen stood there, completely perplexed. She took a step back before raising her arms up and folded them, giving Scree a scornful look. Scree noticed Jen's grief to his last statement and began to stutter, involuntarily. " you see, Jen...hmm".

"I don't know if you realise, Stony. But I just happened to get back from that demon-run hellhole and I was hoping to get on with my own life. Now you're telling me to go back and save the day all over again? You're out of your god-damn mind!" Jen lividly complained.

Scree daren't utter another word, he just hanged his head down, looking towards the floor.

Jen sat back down. She was having trouble taking all of this in.
It seemed like forever had passed by before either of them spoke a word, let alone glanced at one another.

Scree was still staring at the ground. At this point he was certain that he could tell you how many small cracks there were on it. Then, after a while, Jen reluctantly stood up.

" do you want me to do to?" she said, rather exhaustedly. She had only just come out of her coma, and wasn't in a perfect condition by far. A fighter by nature, she never let anything get the better of her. But Oblivion the first time round had been a tough, emotional, energy draining journey that she still hadn't had time to fully recover from.

Scree's acute awareness of these things urged him to offer her more time to rest. He knew that time wasn't on their side. However, he also knew that going out to battle with a worn-out warrior wasn't the greatest approach either.
“Rocky…” Jen started before Scree glared at her…”I mean, um, Scree. Don’t you think if we’re going to save the world, again, that we should get a move on instead of just waiting around here in this damn hospital room?”.

“Yes you’re right, Jen. I’m just not sure exactly how your body let alone your mind will be able to”….he was cut off by a noise from outside of the room, it was somebody approaching the door. The handle started to twist and in came one of the nurses to check up on Jen.

Scree, who had concealed himself behind the window curtain, could only stand there and listen in on the conversation.

“Hi Jen, you seem to have perked up quite a bit. How are you feeling within yourself? If everything goes fine and you’re feeling okay we might be able to send you home by tomorrow morning”.

Jen was about to muster a reply when she felt a burning sensation run through her tattoo on her back to which she yelped out in pain. “Arghh the ****…” it was only a rather brief burning throb but it felt like the scorches of the fires of Hell itself had ran through her.

The nurse asked if everything was okay rather worriedly and after much convincing that things were fine and she should be okay they left the room to which Scree came back out from behind the curtain.

“Scree. My tattoo. Something strange happened. It felt like it was burning me”.

Scree, who didn’t seem confused by this at all, took a few steps towards Jen before running his stony fingers across her back where the tattoo was.

“Yes, Jen. As Arella’s true champion you should be able to change form now even here in the human realm” he explained.
“Here? I can…change form…here?” Jen answered to which Scree nodded ‘Yes’.

“Your powers extend far from even the reaches of Oblivion. Here in Mortalis and even further beyond that, Jennifer Tate” he explained to her.

An almost sudden mistiness had seemed to creep into the room, itself enveloped in the form of a wisp. When Scree saw this he kneeled down before it “Jen. Please. Kneel” he insisted.

A peaceful, smooth, calming tone began to speak “No no, Scree, my loyal friend, it is quite alright” Arella said.

Jen did prop herself off from the bed and proceed to kneel before Arella despite what she’d said. “M’lady, what can I do for you?” Jen enquired.

“Jen, you should wait…” Scree began, before Arella placed her hand out in front of Scree’s mouth to silence him. He had merely been attempting to inform Jen of the appropriate ways to address Queen Arella but was cut off by her before he could do so.

Arella’s misty form lingered over towards Jen. She stopped right by her side, looking curiously across her body and towards her tattoo - to which she gently touched for a few seconds before lifting her finger away.

“You truly are magnificent” she said, in admiration.

Jen couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at this before answering back “Yes I am quite the catch”. Scree rolled his eyes, but Arella seemed almost amused herself.

And taking ahold of both of Jens hands, as Jen stared into Arella’s mystical eyes, she told her something that would only be the first insight as to how much responsibility she truly held.

“Jennifer Tate. You will save us all”.

And before Jen could even think of anything to say she was gone, dissipated, like she was never there at all. And it began to sink into her head that this wasn’t something to joke about anymore. This was serious.
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Just now commenting here even if im busy with my own xover fanfic story i recently write to leave some of post. Liking the story really :)

Oh thank you kindly much appreciated. I will update whenever I get a burst of inspiration (as such is the case with most of my writing). Keep up the good work with your own story also.