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Preferred type of combat.

  • Thread starter Sparda hellsing
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Sparda hellsing

I'm kinda curios as to see your preferred type of combat in games. When I say this I mean do you go long range to close range, or are you just up close and personnel with melee, or pick 'em off from a comfortable distance with long (or medium) range, or use traps and such. Or be stealthy. I don't know why I'm curios of this but I am. If there is a thread like this I apologize.

I myself prefer to go up close and devastate enemy's with melee.


Well-known Member
My type of combat is whichever works.:D
Okay, while I can play more or less anything, I mostly prefer when I'm on a distance from the enemy so I can see them better and have more control.
Also, stealth is my No.1 love. There is something so rewarding in trying to come up with a solution on how to use your items and environment to make this the guards last day.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
The beauty about proper stealth is that you can ghost an entire mission without engaging in combat at all. You just pass through the level like a shadow, avoiding sight and detection, and then slinking through the forbidden corridors and locked doors. Oh, Thief.... :happy:

But ef9 is right. Combat is very subjective to the situation...but I can safely say that my least favorite type of combat in any game was that button-mashy tedium that comprised of the Assassin's Creed series swordfighting.


Oldschool DMC fan
Anything that feels satisfying.

Namely, big-ass shotguns, sniper rifles, swords, grenades, etc.

I notice I'm not big on stealth. If there is ever an opportunity to go around and avoid a kill in Skyrim, I invariably opt for mass murder. The last time I played Snake Eater I just chased The End down with the M37. Oh yeah, and I ate his parrot.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Pretty much what ef9 said, yeah; it really boils down to the type of game. I can interchange between long and close-range attacks, but close-range is definitely a lot more fun. Though much like Ieyasu, I also don't do stealth; I abhor it, lol. I like to be...shall we say, "direct" with my enemies? :sneaky:


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Depends on what music I wanna listen to sometimes.

When I wanna listen to something slow and nice, I play AC games and walk around Venice.

When I wanna kill things while listening to hard rap/ rock, I play DmC, Killer is Dead, or Bayonetta.

When I wanna destroy **** to heavy metal, I play Prototype 1 and Prototype 2.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Stealth: zombie/battlefield type games. Less tension when you can kill undetected, less chance of messing up because adrenaline=button mash and inevitable death.

Long-range combat/traps: same as above, only when I'm desperate.

Close combat (my preferred style): zombie/first shooter games when I'm short on game time and/or the kids are freaking out because I'm not taking the bad guys out fast enough. So anything from knifing or beating something with a pipe or chainsaw, whatever works.
Hack'n'slash games, because.
Games like RPG's, Bioshock, StreetFighter, etc.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Swords and other elegant, bladed implements. Greatswords, rapiers, broadswords, longswords, daggers, knives, scythes, katars (sadly underrepresented... Punch blades are awesome). Though I also love hand-to-hand combat.
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