Not another reboot>_< It was bad eough having to watch DmC 2010 trailer and raging over how they ruined Dante. Plus, I couldn't wait 10-15 years... that's maiting too long.
And if NT aren't on board as creative design team for characters, environments and story, then I don't want DmC2 either. It just wouldn't be the same. And it would defeat the point of wanting a Western feel to the game...the whole reason Capcom sent the game to them.
Capcom just need to make up their minds. Either DmC2 made with NT for design and Capcom on combat mechanics, or make DMC5 to give us answers to the plot holes, or just cancel all of it, and never reboot it again. I don't think I could cope getting used to
another take on all of the characters.
As for if they actually made another game. 10-15 years would be too long to get any of the old voice actors in. Voices change over time, so maybe none of them would sound right for their roles anymore, and I'd hate to have a Dante without Langon in classic or Philips in DmC. Same goes for the other characters and their respective actors.
As far as other features go, I'd like: Bloody Palace, costumes, secret missions, ulocked artwork, a cutscene viewer, different styles, loads of weapons, enemy variety, Dante being cheesy
, huge boss battles and a decent story that ties up loose ends.