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Possible DMC5??

DO you think anything of it?

  • Hell yeah! DMC5!!

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Naw, it's fake

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'll wait until I get more info

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Don't care as long as I get something Devil May Cry related.

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
SO I was skimming through Tumblr recently and I came across this;

Devil may cry 5 may not be so far away after all.

We all know that The Wonderful 101 was released on Wii U back in September. What’s next for Hideki Kamiya?

1) I tweeted Kamiya and asked, “Will Devil May Cry 5 be your next project?” He replied, “I’m ready. Ask Capcom.”

2) I then tweeted him, “Hiroyuki Kobayashi should ask you to make Devil May Cry 5.” He then replied, “U ask him.”

3) Finally, I tweeted saying, “Hiroyuki Kobayashi doesn’t use Twitter. I can’t reach him directly. :(” He replied with the following URL, “https://twitter.com/HiroKobaP”


Isn’t it obvious what needs to be done here?

Here’s the Twitter account of Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Producer: DMC1, RE4, DMC4):

All DMC fans need to be throwing endless tweets at Hiroyuki Kobayashi’s Twitter account and ask him to choose Kamiya and Platinum Games to make DMC5. It’s not even spam at this point. If the original creator of the series wants to direct DMC5 then it’s our duty as fans to help him get selected and not Tameem and Ninja Theory.

Honestly, I’d love to see DMC5 using the Deep Down engine. Even if Platinum Games aren’t allowed access to that, I wouldn’t mind seeing DMC5 on PS Vita using the Bayonetta engine.

I’ve done my part. I’ve already sent a few tweets to Kobayashi asking him to choose Kamiya for DMC5. Whether he replies or not is not the issue. The main thing is at least sending the tweets. Please also do the same if you’re a DMC fan. Lastly, and also importantly, spread the word around various video game forums and blogs. The more people that flood Kobayashi’s inbox, the more likely we’ll get a response.

It only takes 1 minute to send this tweet: Hello. Hideki Kamiya wants to make Devil May Cry 5. He said that DMC fans must ask you to give him permission. Please do it. :)
To this link: https://twitter.com/HiroKobaP——————————————-
Devil may cry 5 may finally be brought to fruition. But that all depends on us!

What do you guys think?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
At this point, I really don't care. Whether DmC2 or DMC5 I just want something Devil May Cry related so that fans will stop crying about it, and we can stop with these stupid DmC vs DMC bullshit.

Edit: I don't give a damn about DMC anymore. I have KH3 to look forward to:p


Smile it confuses people
I honestly can't give a flying poop about Devil May Cry at this point. People trolled the hell out of it and if we don't get another one, it's their own fault to blame. And after the disgusting trainwreck fans sent hurling at the creators, I don't think we're entitled to anything.

Still, it does sound like Hideki Kamiya wants to make another Devil May Cry by those tweets. I hope if Capcom do contact him one day, they let him do it. He was the man behind Devil May Cry 1 correct?


Fake Geek Girl.
I couldn't care less about Hideki Kamiya really. I mean hey, I'm glad he created games like Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe but he really should chill out because he can be just a douchebag and more recently just a little b!tch.

To elaborate, he recently expressed interest in developing a new StarFox game but just up and quit because the public was curious about it. Sorry for being interested? Yea. You just sound like a brat and a b!tch. Why do fans basically worship the ground he walks on is beyond me.

I like his work, I don't like him. He wants back on Devil May Cry? I don't care. Fine. At this point, I just don't want one of my favorite franchises to be dead and buried.

I'm already still heartbroken about my MegaMan but that's been healing since I know I'm gonna be getting Mighty No. 9 which I can't wait for.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
At the end of the day, it's not down to Kamiya, It's down to Capcom (what with it being their franchise n' all). Capcom have said they don't have plans for a DMC in the near future (and that's probably regardless of who makes it).

I honestly can't give a flying poop about Devil May Cry at this point. People trolled the hell out of it and if we don't get another one, it's their own fault to blame. And after the disgusting trainwreck fans sent hurling at the creators, I don't think we're entitled to anything.

Still, it does sound like Hideki Kamiya wants to make another Devil May Cry by those tweets. I hope if Capcom do contact him one day, they let him do it. He was the man behind Devil May Cry 1 correct?


Frankly, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this.

I also think that if Kamiya were serious about making a DMC, he would've approached Capcom before now.


SSStylish Swordsman
I just want a DEVIL MAY CRY game that will put the series back in order in terms of plot and story line and end the endless and pointless debating and fighting we already know they have the graphics and gameplay capabilities so all they need to do is put their A-game to work and fix this mess


Well-known Member
I honestly can't give a flying poop about Devil May Cry at this point. People trolled the hell out of it and if we don't get another one, it's their own fault to blame. And after the disgusting trainwreck fans sent hurling at the creators, I don't think we're entitled to anything.

Still, it does sound like Hideki Kamiya wants to make another Devil May Cry by those tweets. I hope if Capcom do contact him one day, they let him do it. He was the man behind Devil May Cry 1 correct?
It's fans fault. How convenient conclusion. Afterall, it was the fans who rejected reboot which you like so much that you expressed negative thoughts if dmc5 happened instead of reboot sequel.
Don't think i am picking on you for what you like, i am calling you out for demonizing fans.

First, it is true that Dante and devil may cry is owned by capcom. But these things are given value by the fans. So without fans support, they would have no to little value.
How do fans add value to dmc and Dante?
  • Buying the game
  • creating fan art and stuff
  • cosplay
  • "Hey dude you should play dmc!"
Fans have helped make devil may cry popular, that is a fact. And when something is popular, it gains attention, and when something gains attention...it's positive for sales of the game.
But then somewhere on this journey of business, the owner decides "Let's ignore fans and make a reboot" based on a statement by a developer who later quit working for them.
Fans didn't ask for the reboot.
If there is anything fans are entitled to more than a dmc5, or a vergil game...or a trish game.
It is respect.
They knew dam well what they was doing. Their thought "Let us reboot devil may cry so we can cater to westerns but at same time have good chance of keeping the fans of original serie".
They even tried to replace Dante with a reboot version,
as a fan of Dante, i find that unforgiveable.

Also if by trainwreck your refering to death threats...one, NT is not creator of devil may cry, and two, these so called death threats were never shared with public.
And if we presume that death threats were sent (real serious ones) then microscopic number of fans sent them, so small that you'd barely notice it among the thousands who did not send death threats.

And yes Kamiya led Team Little Devils and made devil may cry. Bayo 1 had a team named Team Little Angels. So it seems Devil may cry developers (many of them) are with PG.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
That's subjective. Fans obviously do have a part to play in all this hate and a lot of the reason why DMC isn't as successful as Capcom wanted it to be. Is it also Capcom's fault, yeah, but don't play the card that we as a fanbase aren't responsible either.

In my opinion, DMC1 was fine the way it was, it didn't need any lame anime tropes and unnecessary things to make it a great game. All it needed was more emphasis on its gameplay and naturally grow from DMC1. DMC1's formula is not hard to continue from. I mean if I could make a whole fanfiction based on the formula of DMC1, then so can Capcom. But since Capcom don't know anything about story writing I wouldn't count on that ever coming.

But back to my original opinion, the fans are one of the reasons DMC isn't successful and is even the reason for the reboot. DMC is a small popular game series and isn't winning any honors these days. It's just a game series that was there and gathered a cult fanbase and cult fanbases will only go so far. they could be super successful or they could be moderate. DMC is above moderate by a 5% margin. Why? Cause not enough fans have heard of it or actually decided to be a fan of it. Now it could be if more fans played the game, but seeing as other more cooler games are coming out as time went on (KH3, Killer is Dead, Bayonetta 2, MGS 5, etc.) DMC isn't going to be able to catch up if it keeps going on the way it left off from DMC4. It needed something fresh and new keep a float.

Was the reboot the answer? No, it wasn't. Was it still a fun DMC game regardless? yeah it was.

However it didn't reach the peak that DMC4 set. It reached DMC3 pretty much, and surpassed DMC1 and 2, but failed to get to DMC4's level.

Now here's where I do blame Capcom. Capcom should have known better then to think that talking sh*t and being cocky was going to work. They should've instructed Tameen to watch what he says, they should have handled their IP better, and they should have been more specific as to what DmC was in terms of timeline or alternate world, or reboot. What's worse was that they set such a high standard of sales for a game they knew was going to be hated regardless. What they should've done is not say what it would sale and leave that for later.

But anyway, I don't care regardless for a DMC5 anymore. After all the annoying fanboy horseshit I've seen from both sides of the fanbase, ESPECIALLY here on the forums, DMC5 could be DMC2 all over again for all I care.

DMC5 will just be left back in the dark because Capcom doesn't know how to be a good development anymore.

I don't need DMC5, I've got better and cooler games to play;

As for a DmC2...Like I really need to ask?


Smile it confuses people
Pretty much everything you just said. I'm doubting Capcom will touch Devil May Cry with a ten inch pole for the next few years after that poop storm. They're already working on Resident Evil 7 it's been rumored [since last year I think] so I could definitely see them focusing on that series and getting it back in shape, before they attempt anything with Devil May Cry again. But honestly they should just leave the DMC buried for good couple years, like literally six feet under and concentrate on other projects.

And I'm looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3 too!

I could cry tears of joy I'm so excited.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
At the end of the day, if its interesting I'll check it out regardless of DMC5/DmC2.

i agree with Dragonmaster since i felt Capcom is to blame for the franchise's faults with the reboot and in the series in general but whats done is done and we should move on.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Um....okay....as keen as I am for DMC5 to be created, there's no way I'm going to spam some poor guy's twitter. Is it even active? I mean when was the last time he used it? Are you sure it's not an old account that's just gathering dust? Kamiya can be funny in his tweets - how do you know he didn't refer you to a fake/abandoned account just so you'd lay off him? Or maybe he knows Capcom's focus is elsewhere and that they won't be touching the series again for a long time, so he's indirectly trolling them by sending the fanbase on their case?

From what I can tell, PG and CC are somewhat at war (if DMC4/Bayonetta/DmC are anything to go on) Unless there's been a wager made about how well CC can fare in sales for DmC and that if they lost the bet, they would have to contract PG for the next game - I don't foresee PG ever releasing a devil may cry title.
Although, y'know, maybe this 'conflict' between the two companies are just a farce and they are secretly working on DMC5 together...which would be epic....what, I can dream, can't I? :p


Supporter 2014
I just want a great action game that can compete with DMC3.

No, not Bayonetta. I played it and didn't like it. And the second game looks like it's more of the same. I'll play it, but I probably won't like it any better than the first.

Besides, I'd prefer Darksiders III more than anything else. Just... something that isn't made by p* games.

that is a fact.

Stop with the "that is a fact" nonsense. Enough.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think DMC5/DMC2 are both hard to make since the teams that could do either have moved on to Dragon's Dogma or MVC3 and NT to whatever their new game is so.......

I guess DmC2 could be made by another western company under Capcom's employ like Blue Castle Entertainment which became Capcom Vancouver and did Dead Rising 2/3 etc


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Platinum Games...seriously you couldn't ask for a more qualified studio to make dmc5.

At this point, I actually have to agree with that. I don't trust capcom anymore to do anymore DMC games. But that doesn't mean I want Platinum to do one either, however given the situation, it might as well be Platinum as a last resort.

But I seriously don't them to do anything with DmC. Let NT handle DmC.


Well-known Member
If anything Capcom should make DMC5 and not Platinum. Itsuno(director) and Neo_G (the combat designer of DMC3) gave the hack and slash genre new blood with DMC3, so I think they would be capable of getting close to that again. I'd rather have Platinum do their own thing frankly. Plus in a recent article Itsuno showed interest in directing DMC5.
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