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Political Compass



Are you a lefty or a righty? Post your results.

This was mine done a while ago-


Well-known Member
^ You 'like' or you 'lack?' :lol:

Oh! I'm in the middle of the green square. I don't know how accurate it is since some of the stuff I was like :huh:


meg127;278247 said:
^ You 'like' or you 'lack?' :lol:

Oh! I'm in the middle of the green square. I don't know how accurate it is since some of the stuff I was like :huh:

Error noted and corrected >.>
Ugh, darn fuzzy brain...-facedesk-


Entertain me.
yeah, i'm pretty deep in the libertarian end of things, but only halfway leftist in the grand scheme of things. i guess that means i'm a leftist of mostly agreeing philosophy who likes to challenge and argue a lot.



Well-known Member
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
I'll take this test when I get time. I'm excited to see in which of the four corners I'm sitting. :D Or if I'm at all on the map. :p

I now got the status "Crazy!". How fitting I got it in this post. :p


Well-known Member
On the standard left-right scale, how do you distinguish leftists like Stalin and Gandhi? It is not enough to say that Stalin was simply more left than Gandhi. There are fundamental differences between the policies that the old categories on their own can not explain. Similarly, we generally describe social reactionaries as' right wing, but leaves the reactionary left as Robert Mugabe and Pol Pot off the hook.


Oldschool DMC fan
Hmm. I'm loathe to take the test as I'm sure it will generalise what can be quite complex feelings on political matters. =/

I do know, though, that I believe a balance is always best. You can't have too much liberalism as people will take advantage of that or ruin it for others... and too much authoritarianism is basically blind to the human element of being human, and so it always winds up self-defeating.

A friend of mine suggested that in a fully and highly-educated society liberalism would thrive and everyone would respect everyone else. But I know very clever, very educated people that can still be selfish, disrespectful, take advantage, or be lazy and let everyone else do the work while they do nothing... in fact being clever doesn't solve these problems at all. So there still needs to be a balance between everyone not being too free to do whatever they wish (we all know that absolute freedom in society would be impossible, unless that society had only one person in it) in order that some fairness is maintained... while at the same time that society doesn't restrict people too much from being what they are.

I used to be very liberal, but that was mainly because I myself am quite responsible and considerate for others, and I naturally (and foolishly) assumed everyone else would be. We already know now, for example in the UK, what happens when the power of teachers is taken away so that children can't be disciplined. I don't believe in hitting kids, but when you have absolutely no power to make a person respect authority, they soon learn it and they no longer do respect it. Then it becomes almost impossible to make them behave in a respectable way. The same could be said for our prisons system - if it is hardly a punishment (and our prisons are very lax compared to some in the world, and our sentences shorter) then nobody fears being sent there. And many criminals who get out of prison will repeat offences in the UK. Many never even get sent to prison but get a slap on the wrist. So our liberal ways, while on the one hand make for a more pleasant society in some ways, are also neglecting to create a respectful one, and I think it will lead to problems further down the line. That's one example of what I mean about requiring balance...

So I'd like to put myself right in the middle, really - for practical reasons - although on a personal level I am very much an individualist and believe that I should be as free as possible.
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