Nope. As far as I know the original Sims didn't have a story mode on PC. It's been a very long time since I played that one. Sims 2 never did. They'd have houses where you could play out what was supposed to be a story, but it was still more like free mode. Sims 3 has pretty much been the same way.@EllDawn
There wasn't a story mode in TheSims 2 or Sims on PC ?
Ok i have the Sims 2 game for 360 & It had story mode & free mode which shared the same saves.
ALSO TheSims 2 on console had a full two player mode as well.
A friend could pickup the 2nd controller & control a sim while you played.
And Sims 2 on PSP had 2player too.
See that's what i mean when i say certain things were left out.
TheSims would create sequels but certain features wouldn't make it to the sequels.
PSP Sims 2 would have 2player & story mode but free mode.
Sims 2 on console would have 2player, story mode, free mode but a different storyline.
Sims 3 has no story mode, no 2player mode even online, no Sims 2 man eating plant. etc.
It's TheSims would gain new stuff but remove other stuff.
I remember a Sims game on PS2 having a two player function. A friend of mine and I had a fun time with that.
I can understand why they would take out some things. They can't make all the games exactly the same, or it would get boring. I just wish they'd keep the best and add new things. And the man eating plant (cow plant) is available for download for the PC version. It's something you pay for, which I hate. They also have chicken coops and cow pens for download.