Please tell me there are Sims 3 players here.

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There wasn't a story mode in TheSims 2 or Sims on PC ?
Ok i have the Sims 2 game for 360 & It had story mode & free mode which shared the same saves.
ALSO TheSims 2 on console had a full two player mode as well.
A friend could pickup the 2nd controller & control a sim while you played.

And Sims 2 on PSP had 2player too.

See that's what i mean when i say certain things were left out.
TheSims would create sequels but certain features wouldn't make it to the sequels.
PSP Sims 2 would have 2player & story mode but free mode.
Sims 2 on console would have 2player, story mode, free mode but a different storyline.
Sims 3 has no story mode, no 2player mode even online, no Sims 2 man eating plant. etc.

It's TheSims would gain new stuff but remove other stuff.
Nope. As far as I know the original Sims didn't have a story mode on PC. It's been a very long time since I played that one. Sims 2 never did. They'd have houses where you could play out what was supposed to be a story, but it was still more like free mode. Sims 3 has pretty much been the same way.

I remember a Sims game on PS2 having a two player function. A friend of mine and I had a fun time with that.

I can understand why they would take out some things. They can't make all the games exactly the same, or it would get boring. I just wish they'd keep the best and add new things. And the man eating plant (cow plant) is available for download for the PC version. It's something you pay for, which I hate. They also have chicken coops and cow pens for download.
1. Really.
I thought story mode would be on PC.

2. I tried two player mode a few times but mostly stuck to solo.

3. I don't know, the things taken out could've been added compared to the new things included.
Like two player mode replaced for some ridiculous trade feature instead.
It's makes no sense other then taking advantage of the gamers.
I guess they thought it wasn't needed since PC had all the downloads. Or they figured that writing out a paragraph to give you the idea of a story was good enough.

I mostly played solo, too. That was just something my friend and I did a few times.

That's something a lot of companies seem to like to do. Who knows? Maybe they'll bring it back for the next game.
1. I guess, it still could've been added.

2. Yea Sims multiplayer is okay but would be better if it was open world.

3. Maybe, i'm wondering what'll be removed lol.
Yeah, it could have. They don't seem to care, though.

That would be nice. I remember the one I played was just for in the house. Multi-player with Sims 3 would be great.

lol. They'll remove how easy it is to modify a sim. It'll go back to sliders for console. I don't know, and don't really think I want to know. I'm sure plenty of people will be angry.
1. I think it's money they care about.
Cut out the little things then charge for them later.

2. Maybe TheSims4 will include multiplayer.
Now it would be ridiculous it not having it if they could add two player in TheSims2

3. Yea most likely.
That's how most large businesses are. They get so much money that it's pretty much all they care about.

Maybe. Or they'll have an online mode for playing the game with friends online. As if having an online sims game isn't enough.
1. Yea pretty much, that's why i don't like downloadable content. It's too easy for developers to abuse, same as online connections.

2. Imagine a TheSims MMO.
I don't usually download any of it unless it's something that really interests me.

That would pretty much be a nightmare. They'd charge for pretty much everything, most likely.
I only do for SaintsRow:The3rd or SaintsRow:The4th.
Downloadable content has gotten ridiculous in price for BS items & it's not really worthwhile buying most of it.

2. I can see a Sims Free2Play coming lol.
I can also see that having tons of micro-transactions. Oh, Sims, why are you so funny. And damn you, PC, why are you so crappy...
I only do for SaintsRow:The3rd or SaintsRow:The4th.
Downloadable content has gotten ridiculous in price for BS items & it's not really worthwhile buying most of it.

2. I can see a Sims Free2Play coming lol.
I've only gotten DLC for Lords of Shadow and DmC. They really didn't cost that much, in my opinion. But then I don't look at much DLC.

lol. Plus extra content you have to pay for while the free stuff is the lowest quality possible. They do that anyway with their PC games and downloads.
Any downloadable content over $7.00 is too much.

Yea that's everywhere.
On PShome they'd give free shirts & they look like something virtual hobos won't wear.
That depends on the person and how much they like the DLC.

lol. I never saw that. Then again I don't pay much attention to things like that, anyway.
1. Oh i know, i never said it's the standards for everyone.

2. Yea it happens everywhere, PSHome is another place it does.
The great stuff on PSHome is costly while the free stuff
They should have something decent for free. It could encourage people to buy something even better. They could make them a prize or something. Not that they'd actually do it.
Yes they should but the figure if the free stuff is actually good then nobody will want to buy anything when they can just wait for free stuff.

However the problem is they don't understand or realise that giving out worthless free stuff doesn't exactly inspire many of those that aren't so open to spend money to run into those virtual shops & buy like crazy.

Me personally i have the idea that if the free stuff is crap, then there's no desire to checkout what there is to buy.
That's pretty much my thinking on it. The free items are a representation of how good the items for sale will be. If the free stuff looks like crap, the expectations for anything that needs to be paid for isn't likely to be that high. Make them something people will actually want and they'll look into what else is available. It's also best if they don't have too many good items for free. Then they won't be that likely to get any money.
Yea that & they're hording all the good stuff milk with high price.
Here's some PShome examples of overpriced items.

You get the garage free, they charged PShome users for the mansion 1st floor, then for the mansion 2nd floor, then for the mansion infinite pool.
PShome mansion:The pricing structure would be $14.99 for the first piece, $9.99 for the second piece, and $4.99 each for the remaining two pieces.

And believe it or not tons of PShome users buy this stuff.
The mansion isn't the only thing on PShome priced at $15.00.

I keep bringing up PShome cause it's kinda like TheSims.
And if PShome can milk users for cash just imagine how EA would be with an MMO TheSims online lol.
They look nice, but I'm not sure I'd say they're really even worth it. I've seen fan-made sims stuff that looked better than that. And the ones that charged for their best content asked for less than the 4.99.

I guess I should be thankful that EA hasn't done that yet. They have the online sims game, which is more like the usual facebook games. But I think they actually have lower prices. Then again I haven't really looked. I played a little of it and got sick of it.
1. Yea alot of on PShome looks great but $34.00 plus for houses that aren't interactive, that's too much.
At least with TheSims items have more purpose then just looking good.

2. Really.
Well i'm amazed they haven't tried a MMO of TheSims on consoles yet, but with PS4 & X1 i just have a funny feeling they will.
The fact that they aren't interactive really makes it even more of a waste. If all it's going to be is in-game decoration, what's the point in paying so much for it?

They might. If it means getting more money, they'll probably try it. If it's not that successful, they'll most likely give it up.
lol Pretty much just to have it.
You would not believe how much money PSN users spend on PSHome.
My friend she spent over $900 on PSHome.
PSN users has spent more in a few yrs, PSHome people spend money like crazy.

2. I don't know, EA is on the 4th Sims title so who knows.
If they're going to buy something just to have it, they really must have the money to waste. Either that or they don't know how to save money in the first place.

I'm sure they'll have something. Maybe for Sims 4, since people are so willing to throw their money at them, they'll charge more for downloads.
I think it's both.
Alot of it's those type of gamers who buy dlc like it's nothing.
$20.00 dlc on top of $20.00 dlc like it's nothing.
And most times those are the gamers that's getting money from their parents.
It's the o'well it's not my money attitude from them that gets me.

My friend, she's so spoiled it's ridiculous at times.
She told me she only keep games that looks good.
& She dressed her PShome avatar like she was part of a fashion show.
She spent over $900 on her account & was going to sell her account because of some stupid PShome drama.

2. OMG I hope not, don't give EA ideas like that lol.
I was always spoiled too, but I at least learned not to go spending money on everything I wanted. There should be a program for kids to teach them how to save their money. And parents should learn to say no.

I hope she doesn't ruin her games with the thought that she'll be able to replace them later. And that is ridiculous, selling your account because of some stupid drama. People are disturbing these days.

lol. I bet they've thought about it all ready. The only downside for them would be the PC users getting more unofficial content because of it being cheaper, if not free.
Yea i agree.
A limit on how much they get a month would help show kids how to spend a little more wisely.

When i said she keeps games that looks good i mean she only buys games with really great graphics.
So if a game doesn't have great graphics she returns it.
She's also the type that doesn't respond to PMs unless it has her name on it.
You send it to her but she won't read it unless she sees her name on it.

2. Well i don't know about PC being a down side.
Remember they can always sell expansions. nightlife, supernatural, etc.
Or they'd just complain more. That's where sending them into the mountains is a good idea.

She's really missing out on some good games that way. I'm guessing she's the same about people.

The whole thing about her not responding to a PM unless it has her name on it is pretty stupid. Is she that self absorbed?

Yeah, they could. So far it doesn't sound like they want to do much for console sims games. I know they've done PS3 DLC, there's some for Dragon Age. They were actually pretty nice with that for the special edition. You got the game itself and all the DLC.
1. lol I think limiting their allowance works especially if the parents stick to it.

2. Yea she is.
I just thinks she's to spoiled.

3. Yes she is.
She's cute at times but spoiled & self centered too.

4. I think they assume TheSims is limited on consoles & PC Sims is easier to milk.
And the chances of parents sticking to it is slim to none. lol. It's so much easier to say yes to a whining child.

Very much so. It's going to make things pretty difficult for her in the future. Not everyone is going to put up with that. I have a niece that's spoiled and thinks she's being cute in how she acts. It's going to backfire on her too when she gets older.

That's pretty sad, in my opinion. I hope she learns differently sometime soon.

Most likely. Though now consoles are becoming more like PCs as far as capability, so they could start milking them even more too.
1. Depends on the parents.

2. She's in her early 20s

3. She will when she has bills to pay.

4. Yea i think that too.
TheSims4 i'm liking & whenever i get a PS4 that'll be a game i get.
True. Like parents who are lazy about parenting.

Does she even have anything she intends to do with her life? Or is she just going to depend on her parents' money and not do anything in return?

Or when she goes to a school and meets people that don't tolerate anything like that.

I like a lot of what Sims 4 has, but I think I'll wait to get it. Probably until the price goes down. I'll most likely do the same about the PS4. I wouldn't want to get any of the earlier machines anyway.
1. Yea there's too many ridiculous parents ruining the name of good parents.

2. I have no idea, it's just the self centered attitude i don't like.

3. lol Psssh I think she'd find people like her & merge with the click.

4. Yea i understand that.
The PS4 i'm not getting right now because i still have too many PS3 games i want & i'm still playing.

TheSims4 i'd get but i won't buy dlc.
My sisters tend to be self centered and I have a very hard time being around them. I can understand not liking that about her.

lol. Most likely, but there's always the teachers/professors that wouldn't care if she has money.

I have some PS3 games I need to play. The Dragon Age games. I originally got the first one because it looked fun and my favorite VA was in it. Lords of Shadow took my attention from it to the point that I haven't played it at all since the first time.

That's understandable. I'm just waiting to find out that fans have figured out a way to make DLC for themselves and put it up.
Yea i just don't like the entire it's about me attitude.

2. True, can't always buy your way out of things.

3. lol I still have TheSims3 i wanna do stuff with.

4. lol.
I'm waiting for certain features i liked on the PS3 to get added.
I completely understand.

There are some Sims 3 EPs I'd like to get.

lol. Like what?
1. It's not just TheSims3, it's SaintsRow:The4th, DarkSouls2, & other PS3 games i wanna play too.

2. Well like the option to play MP3s & CDs
The option to add & customize personal themes, to store & download photos, music, movies.
To backup the system to an external HDD.

And other stuff.
Good luck in getting all of them.

They might do that with future systems, but I don't really see it happening that soon.