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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
(This thread has probably been done before... but i have a short memory)

Hey, seeing that it's a little quiet, i was wondering what phobias everyone had.

Your's truely has: Spiders, Chickens, Bridges, tunnels, viaducts, tall buildings, heights and Vomiting.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I have a frog phobia. Maybe that's why I like Nero - a boy squeamish toward a toad? My hero! :wub:
Seriously though, I dunno why I'm so afraid of frogs. I used to love playing with tadpoles when I was a kid...oh wait, now I remember. It's because the buggers suddenly come out of nowhere at night like a swarm, and my dad stepped on one in the dark. Its guts went bleah right out its behind, and I think I heard it, and ever since I've been petrified to step on one. I mean their gross enough as it is.

Not to mention that they somehow managed to get into our old house. I was lying on the floor on my side one night watching TV with my family, and felt an itch on my back. I reached behind me to scratch it, and gave this huge ass frog a good rub or two with my fingers before I bolted up screaming like death was coming for me. I wish I could remember the looks on everyone's faces, because my explosion was so sudden and so LOUD, and I think I practically jumped across the room. I think I gave everyone a pretty big scare. But geeze, I was lightheaded because I was so petrified, and I didn't calm down until my dad removed the thing from our house. And ever since I slept with a towel underneath my door to keep the little things from coming into my room.

I also had a face off with a bull frog one night. I was alone at home because my MIL and her boyfriend were off visiting family, and my BF at the time was overseas. My friend dropped me off at 9pm and as I walked up to the front gate, I heard this sssshhhhlp, sssshhhhlp, sssshhhlp sound (and I swear that is exactly the sound it made when it moved). I was O_O WTF is that? I remember being wary and quiet and trying to be quick because it was dark, I was alone, and I was scared of getting mugged by ******* - well it's South Africa, you're not safe until your behind the safety of the bars you've built around your house. And then the sensor light turned on and there was this HUGE FROG jumping toward me. Not even jumping. It was dragging itself. RIGHT TOWARD ME. I wanted to scream for my friend to come back and save me, I was sooooooo scared. So I managed to get into the house and lock all the doors and gates before this thing could get me, and I secured the place with, yep, towels under the doors. And I had my trusted broom with me just incase that thing managed to somehow get into the house.

I also nearly killed my BF when we were going up the stairs to his house one night and I spotted a frog on the same step I was on and jumped into my BF's arms with a shriek without warning. He thought it was funny. Until he realised he had to carry me up and down the stairs at night ever since.

Froggy phobia, it'd figure I'd be afraid of something that can't actually hurt me. Now if it had been a phobia of snakes or spiders, yeah, but frogs? Ugh. WHY?

Oh, and this was the bull frog trying to assault me that night:

I think it was only slightly smaller than that one, because it was HUGE.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
HOLY S**t!
That scared the cr@p outta me, i can see why you don't like them...
I really wasn't expecting to see a pic.


Well-known Member
Waves. ._.

Ocean waves a freaking TERRIFYING!!!!! I remember when I was little I got knocked over by a big one and it carried me over to this rope I got stuck in. I managed to escape, but for a moment I really thought that was it.

Elevators. ._.

Being trapped in general scares me, but ELEVATORS!!! They. Are. EVIL!!!!


Entertain me.
fear of swimming with fish. generally translates to being extremely uncomfortable swimming in lakes and other natural bodies of water. waves are fine, but going neck deep in the ocean is a terrifying thought.

before you say it, i know. it's an extremely common one. that's all i got though :lol:


Oldschool DMC fan
Flying, falling, and the idea of all my teeth falling out (suffer those nightmares a lot of people have about their teeth just falling out all at once)

Otherwise I have a dislike of swimming on the surface of a deep ocean, but I don't think that's an irrational fear. Drowning and sharks are pretty real. As is falling when your aeroplane stops working >_>


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
^i get dreams like that... i think those ones are really scary. I might have one tonight

Oh yeah, i forgot, claustrophobia.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Flying insects, wasps in particular.
If there is ever a wasp or even a fly in a room I am either not in that room or sheepishly trying to kill it with something.
Big black house spiders with big bodies also really give me the creeps. But I have a hidden respect for spiders and rarely kill them as they are the arch enemy of the former.


Forever For Dante
I have only one phobia and this is to get old...
I can't imagine myself as an old woman with white hair and fake teeth. Whenever i think that everyone has to get old one day it makes want to cry so this is why I made up my mind to die young...like during my early fifties. Its sad but true!!


Oldschool DMC fan
I forgot fire. Not the fire itself, I like small fires, but full-on house fires or bushfires can get lost.


This partys getting crazy
anything that fly's birds, bats, even things like butterfly's! they make me over-react so much its quite funny, my mates do love winding me up about it....oh those guys :lol: *grabs shotgun*


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I have Mottephobia, the fear of moths >_<

Also don't like swimming. I hate the water in most senses, except for maintaining good hygiene of course.


Oldschool DMC fan
Oh, and anything small and wriggly that will suck my blood or try to eat my flesh. If it does, I will kill it on sight.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I don't like swimming either. When i was back in junior school the teacher threatened to hold my head under the water because she thought it would make me more confident. I haven't stepped into a swimming pool since.
Better add fire and electricity to that too


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Horror films. I can play horror games just fine, but films... No, never.

Heights and falling. These are my two biggest ones.

Oblivion. The thought of being just GONE after death terrifies me.


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
Spiders- Big one for me, I can't sleep in the same room with a spider

Anything that flies- Wasps and flies. I've always been scared of wasps, and flies make me paranoid that it's a wasp :lol:

Heights- this only applies to climbing for me, I can ride elevators, handle planes and everything. But climbing, I just don't feel safe.

The sea- I don't have a fear on water really, but i'm not a great swimmer. So i'd be terrified in the sea, plus the thought of being lost at sea scares me; not knowing where you are and if you will make it bad to land. And I hate the thought of drowning also.

Horror films/games- this mostly only applies to ghosts, after watching a horror film or playing a horror game i'm always paranoid and constantly look behind me.- Not really a phobia though.

Wild Animals- They're terrifying, you don't know what their thinking; and the fact they grew up in the wild must mean that they can become hostile very quickly. I also hate farm animals, I was at a petting zoo and stayed behind the gate.

Yeah, i've got a lot :p


Dante enthusiast!
Eyeballs! I have a weird phobia of eyes! I hate touching anywhere near my eye. I refuse to wear eye make up and refuse to have eye drops ever. I feel sick at the thought of it. I think this all came about when I saw The artist Dali cut open a cows eye in a very early 20th century film. I've never been the same since. There's this Simpsons episode where Homers eye goes crusty and I want to puke at the thought and that's just a cartoon! :lol:


Nein, not ze puppies!
Spiders and heights.

Spiders because when I was younger I ran into a sack of babies and my mom freaked out, ever since that incident, I hate spiders. I'm not really sure what it is about heights, I think it's just the thought of the landing if I were to fall. Oh yeah, if I am in an enclosed space with a spider, I get claustraphobic...only if spiders are present. :lol:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
EB: I remember that episode, i was completely grossed out by that.

Oh one really wierd one is feet.
I don't know what it is about them... but... blegh
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