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Oh no, not another Nero and Vergil Theory...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
...:rolleyes: Yes, another Nero and Vergil Theory I'm putting out here. Here's one I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned before. If they have, then my apologies. It struck my mind whilst I was watching a Devil May Cry 4 Trailer earlier, and I feel pretty stupid for not thinking on this earlier.

In the Trailer, Nero was reaching out to Kyrie to try and save her. But no matter what, he couldn't get to her. Now it's all very sad, but what resemblances to Vergil's life does that have? Well for one thing, Vergil sought after more power since he couldn't save his mum's life. Vergil is misunderstood by the many, projected as the bad guy. But if you look deep into his story, you can see what really drives him. An urge for more power to gain more control and protect the ones he loves. For instance, he still has love for his brother Dante. He won't let Dante get in the way of him gaining more power, but he doesn't want to kill him. That much is evident. It was Vergil who woke Dante's Devil Trigger in Devil May Cry 3, giving Dante more power. Vergil wasn't trying to cause harm to him, he was trying to protect him. Okay, so protecting loved ones is one similarity that Nero and Vergil share. But hear me out. Nero has Vergil's power inside of him (He is kind of corrupted by him in a sense) He has his blue ghost Devil Trigger, and wields the Yamato. Nero harbours all of these things that relate him to Vergil. Hence why so many believe he is Vergil's son. But evidently that wouldn't be possible. Nero comes across as a confused being who doesn't know how he came to be, or what his real purpose is. His love for Kyrie is mainly what drives him. And Vergil is coming through to him telling him to seek more power, so he can be strong enough to protect his loved ones.

So my theory is that Vergil's spirit is still alive inside of Nero, controlling him in a sense. And maybe Vergil's body and mind is somewhere else entirely. Therefore it isn't completely definite to rule Vergil out as dead. As how can he be dead when so many things about him are evident in Nero himself? Not possible. Furthermore I can back my case up by more similarities.

For example. When Dante enters the scene in Devil May Cry 4, he instantly has a fight with Nero. They continuously fight throughout the game until they team up in the end to defeat the ultimate evil (The Saviour) Now this one is self explanatory. Observe Devil May Cry 3. Dante battles his brother at several points through the game, until they team up in the end and defeat the ultimate evil (Arkham/Jester/Green Blob Sparda Thing) Ridiculously similar plot, don't you think? Devil May Cry 4 is essentially Devil May Cry 3's story, with Dante and Vergil's back story put into a new protagonist and with a new location. There's nothing really original about it, except Nero's introduction and his arm needless to say.

It is clear that Nero harnesses the blood of Sparda, but it could only be through his connection with Vergil. This could make us think that Sanctus and The Order met with Vergil at some stage and they devised something. But how would Vergil of found them? Why would he of sought after them? Lots of unexplained things.

At the end of Devil May Cry 4, Dante tells Nero that the sword was his brother's. And that it should stay in the family. And afterwards he lets Nero keep it. Does Dante know something that he isn't letting on? Does he know that there is a connection between Nero and Vergil? Can he sense it or feel the demonic connection because Vergil has the same blood as him? It makes you wonder how much of a connection Dante has with Vergil. But I think it's a pretty strong one, in the sense that he could even know if Vergil is in danger or some sort. And was it that connection with Vergil that brought him to Fortuna in the first place? I mean look at it this way. He just sort of, turns up. We don't think anyone invited him, he just comes in out of the blue. Maybe his connection with Vergil brought him to Nero, because of Nero's connection with Vergil? And that's why he lets him keep the Yamato, because he knows that Vergil would of wanted it to belong to him (In a way, we see Nero as both Nero and Vergil) May sound odd, but that's how I view it. Maybe they won't ever bring Vergil back, because he isn't truly dead as long as there is Nero.

The only questions that really remain are how did Nero get the arm in the first place? And how and more so why did Vergil 'corrupt' Nero? And what is Vergil planning if he did have anything to do with that?

Please discuss.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Most of this makes some good sense, though you did get some things wrong. What brought him to Fortuna was Lady with a job for him and Trish. Trish didn't wait around for Dante to approve of the endeavors against the order and took the Sparda sword to them. And in the end of the game, Nero is talking to himself saying he now knows why he was born with the arm and it was to kill demons with or something such as that.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Nicodemus Zamoran;298551 said:
Most of this makes some good sense, though you did get some things wrong. What brought him to Fortuna was Lady with a job for him and Trish. Trish didn't wait around for Dante to approve of the endeavors against the order and took the Sparda sword to them. And in the end of the game, Nero is talking to himself saying he now knows why he was born with the arm and it was to kill demons with or something such as that.

Fair point that I may of got the whole Fortuna thing wrong, but how would Lady of set all of that up? Seems odd to me at least. But whether or not that's true, it still doesn't mean there isn't a deep connection between Dante and Vergil.

And he states he knows why 'God' gave him his arm, to defeat demons. That's totally different, and doesn't rule out Vergil. As you'd have to believe in God to believe that's who gave him the arm. And that's not really a good explanation for the arm at all.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
I was just stating how he got the arm. Not the real reason. As for the connection, I don't know if it exists, I just know that the reason Dante even knew about the Order was because Lady paid him to take care of things. His pay was small, though. XD


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Nero doesn't understand why he has the arm in the first place. And in the end he claims he knows why 'God' gave him the arm, it was so he could defeat evil (It was about coming to terms with his abilities, his power and his purpose) It didn't explain how he came to be though.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
I know it doesn't explain any of that. I just know what I was saying. I'm not implying anything, so if it seemed like I was, sorry. I wasn't.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Nicodemus Zamoran;298558 said:
I know it doesn't explain any of that. I just know what I was saying. I'm not implying anything, so if it seemed like I was, sorry. I wasn't.

Don't worry about it ^_^

WingsofaButterfly;298590 said:
Very interesting theory you have there. It makes a HELL of a lot more sense than Nero being Vergil or Dante's son.

Thanks a lot. I thought I would stray away from the cliché path lol

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
LordOfDarkness;298550 said:
Nero has Vergil's power inside of him (He is kind of corrupted by him in a sense)

Nero's predominant colour is purple/deep violet though, which translates more to Sparda's blood being in him than being 'possessed' by Vergil in a sense.

He has his blue ghost Devil Trigger, and wields the Yamato. Nero harbours all of these things that relate him to Vergil. Hence why so many believe he is Vergil's son. But evidently that wouldn't be possible.

But why not?

Nero comes across as a confused being who doesn't know how he came to be, or what his real purpose is.

Because he's an orphan. He doesn't know of any family ties or family legacy which is why he might be slightly confused about what his purpose is in life. That doesn't rule out the possibility that he might be Vergil's son.

His love for Kyrie is mainly what drives him. And Vergil is coming through to him telling him to seek more power, so he can be strong enough to protect his loved ones.

This still doesn't rule out the possibility. Answer me this: if Vergil and Dante share an intensely close connection, why would Vergil appear to a boy he doesn't know from a scratch of hair instead of communicating in such a way with Dante? I know the arm, the sword, yadda yadda is reason why he was able to send messages to Nero, but the question why WOULD he?

So my theory is that Vergil's spirit is still alive inside of Nero, controlling him in a sense. And maybe Vergil's body and mind is somewhere else entirely. Therefore it isn't completely definite to rule Vergil out as dead.

This theory applies to Sparda as well (except that we were told Sparda is dead, or presumed dead). Dante implies that Sparda lives on in both him and Vergil in DMC3, because they are his sons. So this could also apply to Nero if he's Vergil's son, eg. Vergil living on in him.

For example. When Dante enters the scene in Devil May Cry 4, he instantly has a fight with Nero. They continuously fight throughout the game until they team up in the end to defeat the ultimate evil (The Saviour)

Because Nero was under the impression Dante was the bad guy, assassinating Sanctus in front of civilians and all that. Nero didn't dance to a different tune until he realised who the good guy and who the bad guys really were. It wasn't a personal conflict between him and Dante from the get-go, he was just doing his duty and following orders.

Devil May Cry 4 is essentially Devil May Cry 3's story, with Dante and Vergil's back story put into a new protagonist and with a new location.

This is due to flat-minded people who couldn't come up with something more original, though.

It is clear that Nero harnesses the blood of Sparda, but it could only be through his connection with Vergil. This could make us think that Sanctus and The Order met with Vergil at some stage and they devised something.

Devised something like what?

But how would Vergil of found them? Why would he of sought after them? Lots of unexplained things.

Vergil knew a lot about his heritage and was trying to become like Sparda. To do that he would need to know all there is to know about Sparda (hence him looking for the book of legends at start of DMC3). Sparda was a feudal lord in Fortuna City once upon a time, which is how Vergil would have tracked it down and followed in Sparda's 'wake', so to speak.

May sound odd, but that's how I view it. Maybe they won't ever bring Vergil back, because he isn't truly dead as long as there is Nero.

That's all I needed to hear someone say. Now my theory has been confirmed.
Nero. Must. Die.

The only questions that really remain are how did Nero get the arm in the first place?

It says in the DMC4 game guide that he was injured in a demon attack.

And how and more so why did Vergil 'corrupt' Nero? And what is Vergil planning if he did have anything to do with that?

Okay, on a serious front, to consider your theory valid, if Vergil would have corrupted Nero it would have been through Yamato. Nero restoring Yamato might mean that he somehow 'mended' Vergil's soul, since devils become devil arms once defeated (and Dante did defeat Vergil).

This idea alone cannot stand however since Nero heard Vergil's voice after his arm had been injured, which was a wee while before he even knew the Yamato existed. Nero having Sparda's blood isn't good enough reason either, since Dante has the same blood as Vergil did so by all means, Vergil should have been haunting Dante. But he didn't, he was present with Nero in a city Dante had never heard of. So why Nero?

I can't make sense or reason of HOW Vergil would have been able to corrupt Nero, not without pure fan speculation. I mean I could say, well, they were using Vergil's power to power up the angelos. But that makes no difference since at the time of the attack, Nero was still on the Order's side, so it's highly unlikely that an angelo would have struck Nero's arm and so relayed Vergil's essence across to him, especially considering the angelos were kept secret and hidden until the Saviour was up and floating. And since I can't make sense of the hows, I can't even go onto the whys.

BUT, if it were possible that Vergil was able to get into Nero somehow and corrupt him, I'd say he did it to use Nero as a vessel to gain more power until he could finally release himself from Nero and take a solid form in the human world again. I mean Nero's arm kept sucking up power wherever he went automatically, I don't think Nero was purposely trying to absorb things into his arm.

Darkstar Darin

The Badass In Black
that actually makes more sense than bein' Vergil's son, i mean if he were then wouldn't he have some kind of minor transformation instead of a ghost?


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
This was my theory put out there, it's merely my own take and opinion. My theory is more thought provoking than him being his son, that's too cliché. And wouldn't work out time wise, as many people have already stated. And yes, many things could also be resembled to Sparda, but how does that make sense logically? When Vergil is Sparda's son, so you could say that yes.


Nein, not ze puppies!
What if Sanctus was just bluffing to Dante about Nero being part of Sparda's bloodline? Nero could be a powerful demon, and his arm actually could be a permanant part of his DT so to speak. Agnus was artifically creating demons and Yamato would only respond to a powerful demon, hence why it mended and became a part of Nero himself.

What if everything about Nero and Sparda's blood line is completely coicidential?


SSStylish Swordsman
What if Sanctus was just bluffing to Dante about Nero being part of Sparda's bloodline? Nero could be a powerful demon, and his arm actually could be a permanant part of his DT so to speak. Agnus was artifically creating demons and Yamato would only respond to a powerful demon, hence why it mended and became a part of Nero himself.

What if everything about Nero and Sparda's blood line is completely coicidential?

white hair, the attitude, the fighting style, the fact yamato responded to him there are too many coicidence's for it to be just that. he if def of sparda's line but unfortunately they left out a huge backstory on it. thats why ive made a thread about a dmc4 special edition which would cover this back story


Devil hunter in training
Wasn't it already confirmed that Nero was Vergil's child? It was in an artbook that was released in Japan this year.:/

I wish they hadn't taken the easy way out...but they did. I don't even think the ages of Vergil and Nero would match up for Nero to be his son.:blink:

I prefer your theory more. It's interesting, the idea of a bit of Vergil being able to manipulate Nero like that. It would explain him fixing Yamato and the devil trigger that he has...which they then went and said was 'Nero's soul' in that book>_<

I kinda wish they had left it a mystery instead of throwing in the most cliche explaination for Nero's relation to Sparda's bloodline.

I just wish they had made a detailed backstory instead of bieng so vague about Nero's arm chainging after a demon attack...was that in a forest with Kyrie? Well, I guess his power activated out of a need to protect someone he cared about...but still, they could have done so much more to explain Nero than what we got initially, instead of years later saying 'he was Vergil's son- happy now?'. No..no I am not happy with this.:p


SSStylish Swordsman
Wasn't it already confirmed that Nero was Vergil's child? It was in an artbook that was released in Japan this year.:/

I wish they hadn't taken the easy way out...but they did. I don't even think the ages of Vergil and Nero would match up for Nero to be his son.:blink:

I prefer your theory more. It's interesting, the idea of a bit of Vergil being able to manipulate Nero like that. It would explain him fixing Yamato and the devil trigger that he has...which they then went and said was 'Nero's soul' in that book>_<

I kinda wish they had left it a mystery instead of throwing in the most cliche explaination for Nero's relation to Sparda's bloodline.

I just wish they had made a detailed backstory instead of bieng so vague about Nero's arm chainging after a demon attack...was that in a forest with Kyrie? Well, I guess his power activated out of a need to protect someone he cared about...but still, they could have done so much more to explain Nero than what we got initially, instead of years later saying 'he was Vergil's son- happy now?'. No..no I am not happy with this.:p

Biggest problem with devil may cry 4 was the huge nero character plot hole we of the dmc4 fan club are all wishing this to be fixed
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